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the light coastal forces of the Royal Navy but constantly in action in many parts of the world attacking the enemy's naval units and shipping mine laying minesweeping the sporting convoys and carrying out air sea rescue work this film tells the story of one section of light coastal forces operating in a small but important part of our vast war front [Music] you've done all your torpedoes partings and the rest of your stuff is complete so you'll be ready to sail to tiller of a day or two that suits me fine sir anyhow you're a damn good cop his steering so out has been most consistent well I'm pretty well satisfied with the home cruiser that gunner - terrific yes I know but you must remember you're an MTV drop Peter is your main weapon not the gun I quite realize that sir well anyway there one or two things I want to talk to you about say take a pill form average your fellow Canadians who pass through here at set a very high Tim and I've no doubt whatever that you will maintain it you've been in action before but some of your crew have not it's up to you hard to see that they keep right down their tunes the whole time and this means that long after you've left here you've got to go on training and clean so that whenever you come up with the enemy you will be able to give him he'll well I think we'll be ready for them sir [Music] maybe China Iowa slime tea for decolletage ruffle sleeves regular little assault craft dingy hmm used to be my jump dress designer best designer you know bearish models straight from Manchester and all that you mean it yes straight up don't if we get Georgia to the mid or the Pacific the main now you're talking one night we taught me to the tanker shot up an escort and depth charge to need both you should have seen that evoke got in our wake and up chihwan - oh ha just a minute I believe you're all feeling orders and stuff oh that's grand sir when do I leave oh that I can't tell you you'll get all that in your orders well anyway I'll see you before you go fans [Music] [Music] blimey look at her straight from school [Music] yes MTV when I want burgers awesome thank you where are we birthing huh number three sir here you can get torpedoes over there the duty officer I'll fix it for you by the way what sort of it cool if you got not bad at all a couple haven't seen any action yet I think they'll be alright well they shouldn't have long to wait [Music] [Applause] if you don't watch his boost pressors here being the rebel proper about you're gonna tell in the Senate it's our show hey Johnny hello make sure that topo stuff gonna be down cold out there tonight okay [Music] why the blazes is my sweater I'll put it down this morning have you looked in your locker yeah if I'm not looking you're one of people stuff along you can drop right let's try look in your bunk come on right shake it up we don't want to be late enough first off I can't go out like this give them a hand to find that Jersey Greg what see you won't nurse me let's forget to take the message I wish I got a pair of needles that knit one if I got time don't know where neither shaving kit what do you think this days cotton wool Thanks great go on lads get a move on come on break it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] coffee cup of kaiser st tender sugar possessions are somewhere to go yes sir yeah it's quite a long way let's lock up top what's a grand mansion anybody cold well hey after that cooker hope you explain where that over Oh God mine sir funny living mine they look like beer barrels me rich blood make a note of our position in market dear bear duck a drink yes two barrels we might pick him up in the morning [Music] rich blood how much further number one another half-hour would be three miles off the hook right [Music] coming over [Music] Lord you made a knife too long I say did God what a trip well it's teaching me all right better than the working up to it I wonder where all Jerry got to last night you can't expect to sync up this ship every time you go out but don't worry we meet up with them soon enough at least we got those a couple of beauties aren't they wonder what's in them don't water your tour that our beer um I'd even be hearing you'll never know the ruddy customs to get him Oh plot down [Music] what's that one for uh this is Fred Anka got it last night what only one what you mean only one that's all Jerry sent out nowadays well he won't leave the next one to us okay [Music] [Music] about you come on thank you don't forget Tuesday evening ah that's better darling hitting that you know late you have not even I got money myself thanks very much bye I think I'll stick to Craig you've got some sort of any [Music] what we see [Music] I don't read the war I love the whole Organa go [Music] free weights that nothing we've been over there never will absorb its which many Adam so that's their everything somehow have something jury for months I think it's a waste of good engines oh well at luck next time jail curio [Music] you buy the whole and what we see in an MPB is nothing but si si si I agree great got a date with Gwen I'll be down later I'll be right along boy look you go out we come back we go to games we come back week after week another single action that's not what I doing that for yeah be sure to join the air force have a drink with me you let me crying to to Browns badgering [Applause] but he did help going on here give you free Jesse still be gone with a blonde hi something special I hope Marjorie [Music] [Applause] [Music] please all crew to return to their base immediately now don't forget it's a big tanker and was proceeding about two miles off the Dutch coast docks from the nine knots and the escort as far as we know there's two flat ships for taller and for e boats any more questions have you any ideas about the disposition of the exporter well not much but there may be more than one ship in the tail escort which you'll have to be careful about I carry on piers just finish that well there's one more thing after the action try and make Y position if you can't return independently any good nice data or does all care right this looks like the best target to head for several weeks that make the best of it like good knocking awake down so hard remember as we arranged your last 39 the you'd be at a let's go that'll be your job don't waste Broadus for me okay [Music] everything already right up [Music] and the gunboats Lynette and Aragon [Music] that's all moving officer right now - level [Music] [Music] how far we from the convoy is five miles we're waiting here for half an hour miss whiskey anything beforehand what's up Swain always stop in here for a while you alright yes I'm fine and don't go to sleep there's something cooking tonight the gunboats seem to running something yes they seem to be having quite a party [Music] okay Big Mama Rosa that's the tail escort all right make an enemy report jump to the ready NABARD wheel Gregory workout an enemy report I'll give you the position in a minute ready sir boom chief Boresha both tubes to the ready sir yes the PEC troller I wonder if they can oh no we're down now the wheel Hey come on standby [Music] last and set fire week [Music] give me a course to meet the gunboats you should see them fairly soon british WT get this out right away trawler some I am proceeding to rendezvous and proceeding to Ronnie GU hai I set two boats rate for five sir [Music] but the gunboats at the port bow sir standby to rise to the challenge [Music] there's only two gunboats what about happen to the third keeping a lousy lookout [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Pinkpop engine [Laughter] [Music] who's that dough cutter slang got it in the lake and a bird out everything all right Gregory all right get this out right away one can you'll think as the person telling for our position course and speed George jumps up train about Hanban I can't do it I'm fine for depth charge today [Music] I think it got him Sir or wheel first me mr. help blasted Tara chooses now the smokes finished but speedy of figuring on 20 knots bit of an optimist maybe [Music] [Music] [Music] any news from them yet no nothing should have here something by now I'm getting a bit anxious I think I'll stay around [Music] rich WT WT braids ending years of the gunboats no sir nothing yet there they are quite a stir that sounds like them yeah you're right he bet on the stubborn courtesan there's only one open fire there the gunboat [Music] [Music] Gregor's finish Zachary Walzer spin Hitler keep a lookout first actually yes wound in the chest he'll be okay well it's one of us may sir hey Johnny [Music] give me well rounded shoulders whoa everybody gotcha yes he has but he'll be all right [Music] all right below all right all right down here turn leaver so how about some tea what's it here come the gunboat sir [Music] are you alright this board is full g7 here go ahead what's the cars for home no 75 with [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 116,977
Rating: 4.8141336 out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K, Motor Torpedo Boat, MTB, Royal Navy, patrol craft in WWII, PT Boat
Id: lzJDVhuMaI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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