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[Music] there's a place where families can play together couples can discover romance and you can escape the everyday where memories are created and dreams are realized that place is the jersey cave at the Cape May County Park and Zoo a wild time awaits you as you explore nearly 80 acres of exhibits with almost 200 different species of animals you're sure to see something new everywhere you go experience the beauty and serenity of nature in a protected environment when you visit the Cape May bird observatory which is just steps away from the Cape May lighthouse take a walk to the top and you'll be treated to some of the most breathtaking sights you'll ever see while in Cape May taken all of its Victorian charm do a little shopping have a delicious meal tour the historic homes or stay in a bed-and-breakfast for a night or your whole visit the Lehman's Run Gardens is one of the capes hidden jewels with thousands of varieties of flowers you'll want to discover it for yourself if you're looking for a quiet romantic even breathtaking moment take in a sunset or two the inspiring beauty is an escape from the everyday the Jersey Cape extends from Ocean City to the southernmost tip of Cape May and in between our nine resort communities with over thirty miles of white sandy beaches some with a boardwalk and rides and others that are secluded and off the beaten path so you can enjoy any type of beach experience you'd like if you're enteric citement many of the resort communities are home to amusement parks that feature attractions from tame to wild you can enjoy a classic seaside amusement park with your family and if you like to shop throughout the Cape there is quite an eclectic mix of merchants from boutiques to national chains making the area a shopper's paradise with all there is to do you've got to eat and there are countless options for food and fun all along the Cape indulge your senses in a variety of four-star restaurants or stroll along the area's boardwalks enjoying famous fun foods like Pizza popcorn ice cream and so much more the Jersey Cape you can play here [Music] [Music] [Music] basic training is an emotional rollercoaster don't come here thinking it's summer camp because it's not I think boot camp as far as physical stress or mental stress is definitely a combination to do both moms come here ready to respect authority those of you that cannot get it together will not graduate with x-ray what's wrong who hurt your feelings it's a lot harder when they get here than they think constant causing constant correction and discipline that's my job everyone's making mistakes everyone's getting yelled at you're not doing supposed to do do gonna pay forward I'm in survival I have no choice it was a little hard at first I just can't wait for either the next meal or just like go to bed what did I just get myself into [Music] the transition from a civilian to a military lifestyle is amazing as soon as we got to Cape May everyone was kind of like oh crap oh crap this is really happening the next thing we know we're pulling in US Coast Guard training center Katmai all of us could see those company commanders everybody just got dead silent all are joking stop there's fake ejector brother but all right before the company commanders hopped on the bus I think my entire body was beating with my heart why am I here what am I doing this one you're not United States Coast Guard chaser Cape May New Jersey from this point on the first thing IML for me sir man the last thing on your mouth will return man I broke free tell us sir they come on the bus and they tell you you have ten seconds to get off the bus and you've just wasted five of them go go go go go go go go go yeah let's go get the and you can't get out there fast enough and young stranger here and you can't do nothing said look forward is something you only experience if you him to militate do the right oh this is funny to you in today this is funny huh what generally happens is recruits come here they're motivated and they come off the bus and getting screamed at I think you know right right there it takes them down a couple notches I don't think they realize are they're coming into a you know armed service branch of the military [Music] couldn't even tell you what a quarter of the guys look like before they had their haircuts now they all look alike and I'm still not paying attention to them I think it's definitely an advantage having short hair the only downfall is a little bit of hat head but at this point you don't even really care what you look like just lyrically they're not kidding when they say long days starting at 5:45 in the morning to 9:30 at night is not that easy when you're continuously doing something the first time we got woken up with fire fire fire it's kind of a shock to the system honest and early morning use bullhorn alarm kind of rallies you because you be in a deep sleep because you'd be so tired from the previous day you are passed out because you you're tired you're exhausted you don't have a second to think you get out of your rack you put on your go fasters and you book it out the door the people that are sinking don't care if you just were sleeping for four hours or you only got two hour sleep all they care about is you get out there and timely matter they volunteered to come here and they need to take pride in what they're doing you have to be on top of your game at all times getting my uniform that's when I really started to feel good about what I was doing I felt like I was really part of the Coast Guard when I put on my uniform I just kind of stood in front of the mirror in Canada you know checked it out and was really excited about putting it on I'm gonna come should be showing like this sir if you understand that sir yes sir edge of the blouse goes down then you have the edge of the belt which is right there which is off it goes down take pride in your uniform and don't be afraid to shine your Boone Duggars don't be afraid to press your uniform I mean what's the worst thing somebody's gonna say to you hope you have a clean pressed uniform you know like how do you how do you make fun of somebody that has a clean press uniform something just like marching around ten feet tall and bulletproof that means March with pride be tall be proud always pick your heads up no matter no matter how low you are always pick your heads up and move on never quit I don't want him to ever quit recruits come here thinking that we planned for them to have a good day and then have a bad day but we all we don't plan any of it at all it's really it's usually just a vicious cycle filled up they should be able to look at you identify who you are in st. name and give the proper greeting so we see excuse me now Samaritan has submission has half what when you don't pay attention you get the incentive training going which is actually benefiting you for physical fitness but it also gives you incentive to do the right things mates I scratch my face mate and that's what we do it's a position of attention right we scratch our faces right good push-up position takes they do get it for disciplinary reasons but I say them the main thing of incentive training is getting them ready for their physical fitness test if you've done something wrong you forget something or you know you don't address someone correctly you're gonna be on the floor doing push ups and sit ups and squats people swatting bugs away from their face it's a big no-no flutter kicks flutter kicks are the worst because you have to use your abs you have to keep your head up you have to keep your feet six sensors off the ground that's by far the worst my legs hurt from the flutter kicks I don't know if my body can really handle this thank everybody in the company and the whole body sort about now is there a way out of here get in shape you're coming to the Coast Guard you're coming into the military you're coming to boot camp for crying out loud let's go the first I'm going to the galley everyone was getting screamed at very self wall out back there I want to hear at going which I'm William Howe your training center when you're throwing your silverware company commanders set up at the front of the line at the side of the line at the back of the line just waiting to fix mistakes that people are making yeah and what so these are people everywhere big being rush to eat was rough [Music] he's actually not that bad uh the food here is actually really good eggs those aren't the best well I didn't really like the eggs got an order of eggs the other day and the top side was completely cooked but the underside was kind of wet and kind of pretty like some of them make it seem like we're just you know killing them like they're dying on the inside they have to learn to work through a little bit of pain if you're had on a sour case on a 25-foot boat what is there to seats in a 25-footer and there's a boarding team usually four to six so you got to stand there upwards of four or five hours maybe you know so you got to learn to work through a little bit of pain the person sitting next to you doesn't want to hear you crying complained because their goats the same thing week Tamara fuy honestly for us constantly getting yelled at and moving quicker and quicker they want you to shut up move as quickly as you can and do exactly what they say the physical part of boot camp picking up is becoming more and more challenging bikes swimming running weights [Music] the training here is a little bit different for one I'm used to I'm more geared towards strength and this is more geared towards endurance we had been getting this big huge one and carry on this road it was sandy and we walked down for maybe two hours this rope above our head we had to run a mile like almost immediately after we ever woke up this swim assessment is basically just jump off this plank swim 100 meters tread water for five minutes one of the things that we have to pass is swim tests which are dating past I've made it halfway and I and I got fatigued but they did get you a class every day to help you working your techniques so you can you know pass the test every time you may sit back in the water you're doing what you have to take your time and you know really do the technique they touching because that's going to help you the most someone's life on the line and you got to be ready the moment's notice you have no time to waste can't take you know twenty minutes trying to lace up your boots let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go blue blue blue blue blue blue hurry up oh yeah if you're just have no sense of urgency or have no instant obedience hey we got to go you know there's somebody out there dying and you're just taking your sweet time speed is a huge thing here you've joined a life-saving service every second counts look it's not me anymore it's a team and if you don't have a team and you have nothing we're company so we're team so if one of us mess up all of us mess up so yeah we all had each other a lot should be hook at each other up it's all about teamwork and the more you work together the better of me making recs it's really a two-man job because you want me to be perfect a certain way you have to make the right sup so in order to get it done fast and do everything else you need to do in the morning it has to be a two-man job as the week has progressed we realized that we really do need to work as a team help others out to get along big gaggle of lost souls a few weeks ago is now coming together as this well-oiled machine and this team [Music] be ready to absorb a lot of information it's like putting a fire hose on a recruits mouth and opening the valve that's how much information we put into them from 5:30 in the morning he sit in classes starting at zero 700 they don't get out of classes sometimes until twenty hundred at night it's a long process and a lot of classes forth of the Coast Guard understand schools are pretty short they're only about an hour hour and a half two hours long but it is a lot of information you're looking them in the eye give the public good day you're gonna carry out a business we learned saluting singing is for officers and how to salute officers how to salute our colors what I call it college or steroids actually cuz they teach you a class and I want you to obtain the information on a student I didn't realize how much studying I was gonna have to do here I thought it was all gonna be physical training right 15 degrees rudder hi I turn it to a Pitchess ready baguettes grave I tell me what SCBA stands for what is it Duncan breathe there you go self-contained breathing apparatus for my needle you don't understand an ascetic side of a field that's kind of an example to Oregon if you fall asleep in class you're pretty much screwed if you start to feel tired you're not going to get in trouble for going and standing in the back if you're standing up you're not going to fall asleep one of the most frustrating things about being a company commanders the when the recruit cannot get it together here somebody picked up pick it up let them know X ray here your graduation day your new a headdress I got that back another weekend dragon reversion is a disciplinary action in which the crew they'll get set back an additional week two or even three weeks in training this past week I did get reverted it's usually when recruit has self discipline problem motivational problem their integrity problem I try to save myself by lying to my lead company commander which was the biggest mistake of my life the number one thing I see people get reverted for it is lying no place because our boys honor integrity prevailed on integrity belt huh yeah somebody's kid they're off it is just nine weeks for me it's high eight waited six nine weeks you learn from your mistakes you move on that's all about teamwork is all about helping each other and doing it together as a team and I think that is slowly but surely happening everybody's just starting to get it finally we're all starting to get in sync I by starting quit bouncing side to roll from here toe I pay off show others always says [Music] Oh [Music] the confidence course looks terrifying I was just worried I wasn't gonna make it through this is intimidating at first I'm sure guy and I was I saw was a high wall but that was really fun climbing that rope and ringing that bell and just knowing that he made it through it I think helped a lot of people out last week we went to Gulf Paul we walked into a classroom and it turned out that classroom was a weapon simulator smooth steady triggers with every single destroyed night in every single time the way it works is they have one Gunner's Mate assigned to every two shooters so you do have into feedback from both the simulator and the Gunner's Mate working with you [Music] they're very helpful making you the best marksman you can be [Music] firefighting was fun got all suited up put on everything that a firefighter would put on and just you know did the whole drill as though there was a fire it's kind of cool because you know I gave you an idea of what people you know what firefighters go through on a daily basis we had our midterm exam we had our physical fitness test okay I was a little challenging because it was at 1:30 in the afternoon it was hot and the Sun was beating down on us well that heat can just zap the energy right out of you breathe past it actually passed it for the male soon [Music] it's a wild ride as this you know highs where you're on top of the world and then it has your lows really like you feel like you're no better than the dirt outside it's very up and down up and down up and down you know you first get here and it it's crazy you're like why did I do this why am I here and then it's like that for a little while and a couple weeks into it you know things start gelling you're working better and you know CCS start giving you compliments telling you all you're doing goodness you're doing good and that and I think some people get a little too big for their britches and kind of slack off a little bit and then you know CeCe's really quick to tell you when you're making mistakes the most rewarding moment for me and being a company commander is when you see the recruit actually taking pride and gaining that confidence that you're instilling in them going from a civilian not knowing why they're here to when they receive their colors they're crying they're proud of themselves and they're ready to get out there in the fleet boot camp has been a pretty positive experience for me I don't think I'd want to repeat it but I I wouldn't take it back just to come with complete strangers and come together for a common goal you know we didn't know know each other from Adam but we all wanted to achieve the same thing they've gone through the ups and the downs the hard times and the harder times and you know they're almost there now and I think they're proud of themselves for that never right to be like everybody says the days might go by slow but the week's go by fast and it seems like just yesterday we were stepping off that bus and didn't know what was going on almost 90 percent of them have transitioned from that hey I'm just here to make a buck you know and have a job and you know get the education benefits - they actually have some pride and you can tell and the transitions been it's been awesome it's been a long eight weeks and it's finally come full circle here a nice kind of party machine cognition a school Yorktown Virginia [Music] I'll definitely teach you to grow up really fast you definitely grew up on eight weeks how do you survive Luke 1 you don't talk in formation make sure you know your required knowledge being spans you possibly can be that one's father mesquita is any time during the account pay attention do what they do verbatim do exactly what you're told keep your eyes on the boat make sure you're in shape seriously just work out before you come here three minutes early that's how you survive week one you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is lieutenant commander Matthews and I'll be your master of ceremonies for today's recruit graduation training center Cape May was originally named Coast Guard receiving Center Cape May when it opened on May 31st 1948 in 1982 training center Cape May became the services only recruit training center nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and Cape May Harbor training center Cape May once belonged to the US Marines and the US Navy it was an instrumental training area for troops during World War one in World War two in the late 1960s three 500-person recruit barracks were constructed and named after Coast Guard hero signalmen first class Douglas Munro the Coast Guard's only Medal of Honor recipient captain Joshua James of the u.s. life-saving service one of the most celebrated lifesavers in the world and Captain Michael Healy of the US Revenue Cutter service a legend along Alaska's 20,000 mile coast line in 1974 the first group of women enlisted as regulars and reported to Cape May and mixed-gender crew training began in the 90s the training centers for crew processing building was dedicated to petty officer first class Charles Evans Sexton a shipmate who sacrificed his life while attempting to save the lives of four people aboard a sinking fishing vessel today the training center staff graduates approximately 3500 new Coast Guardsmen each year and is committed to developing America's newest enlisted men and women in a manner that secures the trust and confidence of our service and families who trust us with the care of their loved ones our men and women also provide the highest level of support to our 12 tenant commands that include operational and support units we're guided by the principles of service to nation duty to people and commitment to excellence thank you for joining us today and welcome to the graduation ceremony for a crew company Oscar one-niner three [Applause] please rise by the arrival of the official party the official party consists of chief sofa company mentor Master Chief Hollingsworth command master shoot commander Scott training officer captain Gibbons commanding officer training center Cape May hey
Channel: John Reed
Views: 28,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jr4Ji0aczNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2016
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