Coach Bill Burgess Turns 80 Today

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so dad uh coach turns 80 years old today greg and i our dad and of course you know there's been so many legendary moments uh throughout the show but you have to understand greg and i you know growing up with this man as our dad and now 80 years that he's been here and we've talked about all the different things but there's some people that are new to the program and um you know dad it as far as just a dad there again greg i've said this a thousand times i thought we were raised normally i realized now we weren't i mean i don't know that's a bad thing that's not a bad thing uh you know i didn't know the things he was doing that that wasn't normal you know he could take that wide athletic tape and cure any ailments you have [Music] there was usually not a doctor involved no he uh he taped it to tape you up he taped the end of my toe back on one time remember that many broke fingers or dislocated fingers tape it through the finger next to it i didn't know that you didn't go to the hospital for injuries i had no idea i i i didn't think people did that i thought you had to be in really bad shape i got knocked out of school one time playing basketball mom always tells this i only remember going to school that day you know we did treat head injuries differently she takes me by to see him and he like makes me look at the light and checks my people said he'll be fine just take him home don't let him fall asleep she goes and i thought he knew what he was talking about now i realize he really had no idea what he was talking about well it scares me yeah think about it she they've gone back and forth you know when you and i had the chance to play for him which and there was only one year of greg and our entire time we played football now in baseball we got to do it a couple times but in football we only got to play together one time yeah and dad was the coach and and i played and greg played both of us played on the defense and mom said for one of the few times in her life she had to go to one ball game and and so and all three were there two sons and dad and her husband so i i got injured in like the second round the playoffs we went to the state championship that year and championship and sadly lost to to the team that now you're saying coaches for which is weird but anyway so but i got hurt in the second round of that well it just was a different time guys i mean it was just a different time you didn't have orthopedic surgeons on the sidelines yeah so um you'd have a tent you popped up so no tent so mris wasn't even a thing so the thing then and and it has served like that white tape and it has served me well it's dead had a phrase and i think it was pretty common in those days and they would ask you can you go that was the phrase hey come here what's up i said i don't know i got my foot got hung under the pile i heard something pop i said man something's wrong on my foot well can you go yeah i mean i i guess i i don't i don't really know that i mean you know let's uh let's let's work it out so i get over there they take more athletic tape and they just start taping me to everything where i can stand on it so so i go back in and there's this is a world famous and my mom it makes her so mad so i hope she's not listening right now because i don't give him any issues today so the the famous line goes is he talks to the coaches in the press box and uh and this think about there's people gonna cry out there today they'll cry oh no that's so mean you know that's how bad we've got it so anyway so this is what the the the the legend goes that he calls it to the press box hey how's he doing i gotta tell you man he's he's limping around pretty good between the plays i mean he's really limping and so my dad says well his foot's broke he's gonna limp how do you do when the ball snaps yeah well he's holding that through that he's holding that three guy pretty good yes as long as he's doing that leave him in there maybe maybe the first time you know he told me afterwards we talked about later he goes you know what for the first time in your life you finally played the middle screen right i couldn't run past it i couldn't fall for it rick sniffed that one out yeah look at him staying home i'm sorry he can't move but anyway so we uh and then there's so many you know because you just have this uh this authoritative figure in your life but like greg has said and great this is your quote you're right we we especially we were little we we were convinced that we were being raised by a superhero oh yeah he was indestructible you know the my dad can beat your dad thing for us we thought anybody that thinks they can come against our dad is just just delusional sure i mean i mean this this guy is a superhero do you remember he was probably in his 50s and me and you were arguing over who could outrun the other one yeah he goes i'm going to run both of you he said we're like dad you can't he's in his 50s at this time and he's going to get out of the front yard and now he did jump to start he did he jumped the start and outran us but he pulled a hamstring as he crossed the line then he's 50. yeah we're already arguing hook it out right because i'll tell you what i got run both of them so it didn't didn't stretch out real good no no no no stressing but here we are in the front yard you know we didn't know this we didn't know that you let your kids shoot things hunting no or when the only way you got the only thing you got to shoot if you were hunting with him is if you just got it came to you if it came to him or you were with him he wouldn't let you back he shot one out from one of his grandkids yeah rick like said deer leave the field yeah y'all know i don't like to see one that was a snake i'm sorry greg your boy missed it i can't i i can't i don't like to see a deer leave the field but when he left out he'd already get our killed ones he wasn't supposed to kill now he's killed another one but anyway and the other one was we didn't know that dads let their kids win anything we had no idea i can't remember mom he had us out there on the eight-foot basketball goal and he's elbowing us yeah knocking us down few times he ever actually played against us or met like when we got bigger it would just destroy us he wouldn't cut you no slide he beat us like bad too like break your spirit and mom's like you need to let him win and he's like they're old enough to try to win now she's like honey they're not even i mean they're they're still wearing pull-ups i mean remember that great idea that they were going to buy boxing gloves for us yes which just led to many fights and he would get on his knees with the gloves and we'd box him and he let's have his way off and each slip one we're having fun with the boxing gloves here comes dad i don't know his knees yeah and so so but the and some of the some of the great ones uh so i remember as he after well i'm sorry dad i'm sorry the heart attack he didn't have yeah don't don't get me started on this he still claims he had a heart attack in the 60s and he had five bypasses yeah and why greg does he didn't have a heart attack because he didn't pass all the way out that's right he's he stayed he's got greg greg did i go all the way up close he goes right so i didn't say now where's that so we went through this whole ordeal so now i don't know if that's a measure i don't either greg bubba i'm not gonna break he has his own measuring sticks on everything and so we uh so we we we're hunting and at dream ranch and so mom goes to me to tell him which is not what the position you want to be in no tell your dad since he's had these bypasses he doesn't need to be dragging his deer out of the woods now keep in mind at dream ranch you nobody drags their own you don't have to drag your deer out they come get you and they help you with course they also try to carry help him carry his luggage in he went big on that he wouldn't have anything to do with that i i don't need no help tear my hand stuff in my dad this is the kind what they do here i remember the first time we went to place and they came out of the woods in the morning he goes what are you talking about i said well they come get us and we go in and eat and go back out he goes you leave the woods who does that i said i think everybody but you but anyway so so anyway oh yeah i i i don't remember one more time we went that place and they said they didn't mourn the hunt i think you were there oh he couldn't believe it oh my gosh i couldn't believe it oh my gosh well he did i can tell you oh said he just sat on the road because he had nowhere to put him yeah but anyway so so i'm i'm in the bunk room okay and he has a course drug his dear to the road okay that earlier in the afternoon and i'm supposed to say something and i'm dreading it okay and i guess then he'd be in his 60s because it was after the heart attack and so i'm a grown man i mean i have children i've i'm a grown man okay because i'm not him and i said hey dad and he's over you know put because he's gonna put all his stuff back because he's he was he's ocd like you've never seen so he's putting everything where he wants it on the bump and i said hey dad i just want to talk to you about something and so it's like he knew something was coming and he played the authoritative card and he turned around he said what and the minute he said that i was like 11. okay and i was like um uh ma i was hey i just want you to know that mom suggested that there's no need here to drag the deer to the road what there are people who coming won't we wait till they get here and then all of a sudden the worst thing he shuts the gun case turns around and says hey let me tell you something and when i heard that i was like wish i hadn't done it wish i wasn't here he goes he goes he goes let me tell you something and you and anybody else needs to hear this yes sir a man that can't drag his deer to the road or not be hunting so you pass it along to whoever needs to hear it here at the ranch or at home that that is just what i do yes sir and uh i tried so i get on the phone i said mom it is possible that your husband and my father will die face down dragging a deer and in the mud but if if he that's the way he wants to go that ain't the worst one yeah how about this so i'm done with it you know hold him [Music] you know why because that's just what he does how do you argue with that whatever that means what does that even mean that means he's gonna do what he wants to do they don't make them like you anymore 80. [Applause] so uh running through um a couple of stories with dad turning 80 years old today so happy birthday bob the big ado and he loved eagles boy he loves all about things oh rick let me ask you something right he likes the living brothers today yeah but the eagles greg he'll say hey honestly oh can't nobody do what they do rick he always had appreciation i mean and he and still does to this day he thinks the eagles that like bands oh yeah anybody that even remotely they'll give you that i think there's anybody better than the eagles who's just an idiot you know nobody do what they do rick classify themselves they stay there in the class all about listen and that's one thing a lot of people don't know dad has a great appreciation for music oh and when we were kids he bought us our first records he brought us grand funk railroad yeah 45. so i didn't realize that that everybody's over here everybody's over here getting all this music you know they were the hits of the day from their parents my dad's bringing home grand funk railroad yeah yeah and so so anyway so we um we're just wrapping it up and we'll come back take some calls and do some other stuff but just uh thinking about him being 80 now is uh the um also these great lines he he taught us lessons so many that we that we apply to is i remember when he uh was getting the the you know any kind of accolade he always he thinks is just it's not that he doesn't appreciate it he just thinks it's a team sport to give individuals accolades and foot but he does appreciate it no doubt appreciates it but but but he also puts everything in perspective he was he he's he's always been really good at that so we're standing out on the field at jacksonville state and they're they're naming the the field after you know burgess fields the big ceremony which big day for mom and for the you know all those that sacrifice so much with his coaching and the teams and the kids in the play to have this done all that and they all they really wanted it done that he did you know all this and it's really an honor for them so he's sitting there and he just picked these he he picks these moments that he just says and you'll see where our sense of humor comes from a lot of times he goes hey yes sir he said let me let me let me tell you something i said yes sir he said just remember this he goes ain't this ain't this some whatever and i said yes there he goes same people fired me just named the field after me [Laughter] he said that's the world we live in yeah he said then when they won the national championship in 92 on the last play of the game you know they had to make a stop on defense that's it's a great story it is and uh so so he you know being the head coach of course you know the the play comes down to the end and this is also a great great story about preparation and i know greg your son as a coach is really good at this and and those that can do this uh are very valuable to to to teams and that is to look at tendencies of teams so jacksonville state 92s play in pittsburgh state big day for bubba knight in rickenbacker history yeah and uh so missy pittsburgh state takes it down they got one shot to the end zone on fourth down from what about the 12 yard line somewhere in there uh 15 somewhere in there somewhere uh but anyway so so they get this this is this is the game this is it that's because they can't feel good won't help them they're down by four right yep and so um so the uh packers would have kicked the field goals definitely defensive defensive coordinator and popper talking and uh so he he asks what are they gonna do on this play and just with zero hesitation defense coordinator says gonna throw to the slot receiver now they got an all-american out there wide out okay big tall lanky guy very hard very hard to cover play for the vikings he said how many times the situation they throw to the slot guy on the inside he said 100 of the time i've been breaking down the film breaking down the film breaking down the film they're going to throw to the slot so we're going we're going to drop the inside linebacker outside linebacker for some help and we're going to single cover the all-american for the win now okay because most everybody would double cover the all-american and leave the slot guy who was a little shifty guy yeah one that big open yeah or single cover him so guess what happens on for the nash championship they throw to the guy in the slot outside linebacker knocks it down game's over so then come the interviews and this is one of the things i love about dad happy birthday dad 80 years old today they said coach burgess on the last play you go over there and make the defensive call now i would say out of 100 coaches head coaches there's very very few there are some but there's very very few that wouldn't take credit for that i've ever been around so oh yeah i went downhill the family i just had to give a little feedback get everything right on the head coach uh and so they said did you make the call on the coverage to which dad replies as only he can and so many of you out there can learn from our dad he said let me ask you a question with the national championship on the line who would you let make the call the guy that's broken down thousands of hours of film to learn every tendency of the team we're playing or the guy who spoke at the kiwanis club he said i i thought i'd let the guy who did all the work do it and uh that's uh that's a very unique quality you don't find much anymore no as i said i do i know we throw around they don't make them like that anymore talking about bill burgess i think that's pretty accurate yeah yeah my first interview ever at uh on the square at jacksonville alabama for uh jackson college radio station 92j i was told hey you need to interview coach burgess and i'm like okay you know just being a silly college student that had you know some responsibilities and um and i'll never forget how nervous i was because people started going now do you know who you're do you realize who you're interviewing so i'm starting to do research and stuff and i i think the mic might have been shaken i was so i was nervous speedy ain't going anywhere you know it's just i will never forget where i was standing in the square or anything and and he was just so nice of course he helped me a lot he could tell i was nervous um but to go from that to you know hanging out i'm hanging out with him and stuff and i would always coach you realize you were my first interview really you know and we get to talk and it was fun we've done many sense yeah yeah we've learned we've learned a lot from you dad happy birthday we love you 80 years old
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 3,937
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama, bill burgess, coach bill burgess, coach burgess, rick burgess, greg burgess, jsu, jacksonville gamecocks, gamecocks, get cocky, gamecocks national champions, gamecocks football, jsu football, jsu gamecocks, jsu national championship
Id: ckuFK5qdrdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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