CNC a custom mold for my Carbon Fiber wing Slats 🤠 | Scrappy #48

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hey guys all right let's get this party started i'm super excited to show you some cool machining of a big giant mold i'm making for the wings on scrappy and i have got a bunch more drapers i'm giving away so let's get that out there so these little things helps aviation uh i'm gonna come up with more ways to do little things it seems like your support is so great i want to give it back oh on this wing i'm getting distracted yeah i wasn't paying attention she's rick um trying to say thank you for all your support um this wing i am so excited to show you what i'm doing with it and i am gonna show you the leading edge slat um there's some secrets i'm going to leave to another video but right now yes i do have a leading edge slap on scrappy and it's large it's big and we're going to cut molds and show you how to make a slat how i'm going to make it so you guys know the drill let's get on it we have a lot of work to do about to work it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings all right guys we're getting ready to bond our mold part to our wood jig we machine that in the middle so that the edges are all perfect now we're gluing it we're going to bring screws in from the back side end plates set up the machine cut it start to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys so we just made the first pass cut three passes down the top of this i can't even see a machine line so the tolerance is unbelievable so we locked the top off we've got the size on them we've got the fixture that we made out of wood bolted to the table which is absolutely spot on so this thing cannot move at all in any direction so we're officially ready to put on a ball end mill and surface this thing for about nine hours straight so hopefully the program is right because this thing's gonna work while i don't work at the shop [Music] no it's gonna go all night long so i'm gonna head back to the shop work on scrappy i'm here at best tugs and i'll just come back every couple hours throughout the night double check on it make sure it's going well but cross our fingers because i don't have another one of these and they take a few weeks to get so back to work all right guys before i hit start i'm going to quickly show you what this machine is going to do it's a full 5-axis which means the head up there can rotate and change all the way around including coming underneath and cutting so we're going to use all the axis on this machine and we're going to start and we're going to go back and forth and we're going to step in so there'll be some rough cuts that we go a little faster hogs a little more meat not quite as smooth as a finish on the mold material but we'll rough cut it and then we'll step in and as we get right near the finish it's going to take a long time very slow and since it's cutting an actual radius you actually you have to make a bunch of passes to get a smooth edge so you don't have dimples waving with the curve of the bit so a lot of you ask on some of the past videos so i thought i'd let you know right now what software i use everything you've seen on strappy is solidworks start to finish from every design part my flow analysis my stress analysis and then even running the machines all here at best times shout out to solidworks thank you for doing this stuff we're using it on everything we have and uh we love it so for those of you who ask that's what we use cam works on the solidworks platform is doing everything you see so there you go you guys know the drill this tool that grabs the bit has 20 000 pounds of pull force to pull it up in and lock it so the tolerance stays perfect while you machine all right guys so this tool right here is for a lining so i can set the x and y point in the computer off the corner and get this part referenced to the machine as how i have it bolted to the table so this goes in and acts like a bit a machine head and you can see as i bend this you can see it moves and i can turn it till this comes around and reaches zero which it's actually almost at zero now i gotta back it off this a little but i check it on this side check it on this side but what's really cool is it also goes up and down so the same point i can bring down on top of the part reference it get the computer numbers off of it and then zero it out to machine this so we check it here here and here and put it in the computer and reference the part as it's bolted so we're almost ready to hit go okay you know what one of the coolest parts about building fun stuff like this is when your kids get better at it than you are this is cason kayson is mark's second oldest son and he is the one that's been learning how to run this new machine of ours and it's just awesome watching him write code and adjust as we go so i'm lucky to have him when the younger kids are beating you that's awesome back to work [Music] [Music] so all right guys random fact we're spinning this at 20 000 rpm we have a three flute ball end mill that is traveling at 300 inches per minute so if you do the quick math every single inch on every single pass has 200 cuts i don't know why anyone would want to know that but when you're watching a machine run you do dumb things that work [Music] [Music] okay guys i'm just about done finished sanding this i've gone through with an 80 grit really light it we have so many passes on the machine with a ball end mill we're actually doing on the last final clean pass we were doing 1 16 of an inch step on every pass and it went for a lot longer than we originally planned because when we went an eighth of an inch step there was just the tiniest little ridge so we went ahead and doubled up on it so it ran for hours and hours on end on the cleanup pass and so i had almost no ridge lines on it at all really smooth so i've hit it with an 80 grit uh i'm going to go ahead and hit it one more time with a 300 grit real light it's i can't feel any ridges any bumps at all i'm really happy with it so the next process after i do another couple hours of sanding on it is simply to wrap the whole thing in carbon fiber this is a high density foam but it's very thin up here it's plenty strong but right through here is where the new leading edge device comes and almost touches so it's only a sixteenth of an inch thick if i took my finger i could literally punch a hole right through the thin spot i've done this so that now i can wrap it in carbon fiber give it its strength as a mold then i can put wax on it and pull parts off of it and the parts will be able to open up and pop off the top of the mold and they'll come and naturally watch go all the way back to within that 16th of an inch that really thin spot through the middle and then i bond that and and pinch that together so i have an entire new leading edge without multiple pieces being clamped together it's all one part with one glue joint at the back so i'm winded it's been a long set a lot of sanding all morning but we're done one more round of a couple hours carbon fiber you know the drill got to work [Applause] i'm just putting in little edges right here since the carbon fiber i got to wrap this in carbon for strength to make a mold but it's hard to get it into the tight corners so i'm just putting a little phillip 45 corner in there on both sides we'll lay some carbon it's not to work all right guys it feels like it's been a lot longer day than it's really been uh we started early this morning it's only seven o'clock at night but we just once you start you have to just keep going until it's done so uh i'm ready for some lunch and then i'm gonna jump upstairs do some more cover uh more drafting for the wings what i've got on here is just two layers of carbon fiber now i could have done fiberglass for sure but i had a really heavy mat here and had a really thin layer and the thickness i wanted i didn't have enough of to do it i certainly wasn't going to wait just to save a teeny bit of money off maybe a couple hundred bucks but i didn't want to wait several days for the fiberglass to get here so we did it out of carbon fiber anyway so tomorrow we'll sand it a couple different grits down to a nice fine polish it then we can wax it we'll pull the first part on it so i'm gonna go eat then i'm gonna get back to work tomorrow we'll get back on this all right guys it's time to give away some dracos we're gonna make a couple quick phone calls see if anyone even answers with all the telemarketing these days for those of you who have bought draco's there's been so many of you i'm gonna give away a bunch of them so this is going to become regular so all of you who bought draco's a little bit helps me get more dracos to give away to people who maybe can't afford them or we wouldn't get one until later and so thank you all of you who are doing that so if you buy a draco through some of that revenue goes to buy more dracos to give away and you automatically get entered to win another draco but if you can't afford to pick one up right now or you just uh feel like they might be a little bit out of your price range and you still want to win one you don't have to buy anything you can just get on and enter and i'm giving away a bunch of other dracos that way so there's lots of ways to win free dracos i'm also giving away hats t-shirts mike baby gear but get back to work anything about aviation um so thank you all for sharing the love of aviation getting a draco we're gonna go call a few people who have won this is gonna be regular there's so many people that are helping contribute to get dracos to more people that uh we have to do this a lot so let's go call a couple right now and get back to work so i'm excited to call the first of many many people they're gonna win a draco and i think this is james brown so let's see if anyone answers their phone from an unknown number this is fun hello hello who am i talking to james well awesome you're exactly who i'm trying to find my name is mike petey how are you mike petey yes how are you man good hey i'm just calling because you got selected by one of my assistants josh to win a free draco no way mike that's awesome yes sir so um did you uh did you buy a draco were you one of the free entries how how did we find your number we've been randomly selecting so i'm just curious well i jumped on it when i saw you post that video that you had those made and i went ahead and jumped in and bought one right away of course i get another one like you mentioned you might crash it so [Laughter] oh yes the past can hurt you i tried to set up a time for you to meet with us for a surprise for our anniversary and you ended up going out of the country or something oh i remember you you live you live somewhere nearby like on the west coast here somewhere yeah we're in idaho i remember you i for you were gonna surprise him well i didn't i obviously didn't get that to work out where did i go i don't even remember i don't remember either but we've been huge fans for a long time oh awesome so you know mike we lived in utah there in farmington for quite some time and unknown to myself you know i you know back in the uh the legacy kitten days you know uh i was looking at those and dreaming about them here you guys are building them and flying them and racing them so i didn't realize i had been following you guys for quite some time so it's kind of fun to have it come full circle wow like that's this would have been before i did any youtube videos at all then all right guys well i'm gonna let you go for the night thank you so much for for sharing aviation with me and and watching the videos and getting at draco and and i just i'm so excited to hear you got a family of four and you're all silly enough to watch this knucklehead so you guys just made my day able to do what you're doing it's an inspiration to all of us thank you i appreciate that well awesome you guys i'm gonna go i'm gonna go work on scrappy with a big ear-to-ear grin all night because of this okay thank you so much and watch for a big fat box from me i appreciate it you bet take care guys see you kids um hey kids hey all you kids if you're still listening stay up late make lots of noises give your parents a little uh a little bit of grief and they'll still love you anyway i'm just letting you know you can kind of oh yeah and then and then don't forget get back to work all right guys love you guys have a great night bye boy could you have any more feel goods than a family like that i made my day all right let's get him a draco call a few more people back to work all right guys the best part about finishing the mold is opening it because it's satisfying [Laughter] wow man that is awesome boy it's gonna take very little prep to get ready to lay apart on this the mold's almost ready we just finished about about three or four hours of sanding i couldn't be any happier with it it kind of looks like there's little imperfections in it if you took a close look at it but there isn't it's just the highs and lows of where resin was a little thicker or thinner but i chased the whole thing i'm using sandpaper and holding it like that and chasing it down with sandpaper and then all the arc and all the way on the inside to use a rounded sanded block so it completely evens it out but if you take a look wet and kind of get an idea of what that looks like i couldn't have any straighter as a starting point for a mold so i'm going to go ahead and clean it off clear coat it then i'll polish and buff the clear coat and then it'll be ready to make parts off of just by putting wax on it so a couple more hours we'll pull our first part back to work all right guys so what we did we got the part finished the mold done i put five layers of a brush on wax you brush it on let it dry brush it on let it dry i've got five layers of wax on it then i just put four layers of carbon fiber on top of that and then i i've split the slats on the front of the wing into sections where they connect so that i have no seams on any of it and you won't see any carbon line because i'm using enough carbon to not have any overlap anywhere so it's one piece all the way over four layers thick some peel ply squeezing it on really tight i'm now going to take some foam put it over top of it a vacuum bag tape it down hook up a vacuum and suck it tight to get what's left of the resin back out of it so uh that's it we got a lot more work to do starting to get a little warm on me so you know the drill starts working hi ron hello we're making wings oh my gosh i'm so excited i never i never get to film [Music] um [Music] there it is need a little light trimming look at that clean release only wax left behind wow wow holy crap that is so lightweight feel that oh unbelievable nothing i love carbon fiber that's amazing i'm really happy i think the plan now is just every morning come in knock one of these out sand and prep the one we pulled off you can see the one we pulled off from before well we've got it all dirty but it came out really good so part two got to work [Music] all right guys thanks for hanging out hanging out on this video with me i'm so excited to show you the wings um i wanted to dive right into the wings and i got so much more to show you there are so many things i've been doing to these wings for so long but i only have them in the computer so i'm excited to build the part with you live kind of where i really am today in scrappy which is what's happening now as we're diving into the wings but i'm going to go back and always show you the computer engineering the drafting everything that i've been doing this entire year on the wing but only computer based because i wanted to show you the computer design and the actual product in the same video so thanks for being patient and thanks for poking fun because i have no wings on my wingless aircraft and uh i really appreciate you guys following along if you haven't already maybe like subscribe share this with friends maybe you can join us in this crazy scrappy build and also coming up real soon i took a break to do a little bit on the wings i'm going to quickly paint the cowlings get them on the plane and then wrap it around this airport and have some fun with it so that's coming up right away come back i'll see you next time back to [Music] work [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 175,942
Rating: 4.9847007 out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made
Id: hmRInAhWYTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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