I'M BACK! Hangar Tour + New Build Announcement

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If this is inappropriate for this sub, I'm happy to delete it. I saw this video a little while ago and the title I wrote here was my first impression.

This guy's hangar/workshop is pretty badass though! I figure at least a few of you might appreciate this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AgAero πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Welp, my life is shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Soonermandan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fantasy stuff. Where does he get the money?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Racing and airplanes are both extremely expensive hobbies. Combining the two together is just absurd.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rifenbug πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who the hell is this guy? Where'd his money come from? Is he an engineer, or have any technical degrees? Can he be my uncle?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rockitman12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Life's fun, don't let it pass you by."

This is what he's doing right.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/poor_juxtaposition πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He is a super nice guy. I worked on the engine of Draco, he delivered it in turbulence.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrStarkVegas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s not highlighting the super lengthy and boring process of FAA’s airworthiness, and inspections. Maybe it’s abbreviated for single seaters though since you usually only kill yourself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/USNWoodWork πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The stuff this guy pulls off is beyond amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OG_pooperman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
alright guys I'm back for those of you who don't know me I've haven't been following some of the videos I did like a year ago my name is Mike Katie I love to build design and race airplanes both fast world record-setting planes and backcountry extreme bush planes and guys I'm first gonna apologize I went dark I built YouTube videos when I was building this beast Draco and I didn't know that I'd even do anymore I've got so many requests from all of you that that love the videos I built like to follow along and I love sharing my passion for aviation so because of you guys I'm gonna do another bill series I hope you like it I hope you follow along I had a lot of fun doing it so I'm about to build my next plane this would be plane number 14 for me to build and I'm gonna build it with all of you along the way so I hope you like it I hope you follow along but I'm gonna do something a little different about a lot of people that asked if they could see my hangar for my last bill they saw it in the background I'm gonna give you a quick tour this is my second home away from home and when I get into a bill that really kind of becomes my first that's like pretty much to live here and I'm expanding it so I can do this next build and so I'll show you that and rough support lead I'm going to show you the start of my next project so I'm really excited about it I've got two planes I'm coming up with I'm gonna show you the one I'm doing next and what we're gonna do crazy about it so let's go do a little tour of my hangar and I hope you follow me look dr. work okay here's my hangar it's a bit of a mess right now of course Draco right here I put this big beans up here for lifting and rotating airplanes I got four lifts on it the beams traversed back and forth multi direction so I can pick up a plane spin it around rotate it so I use this a lot this is one of my bill sections I'm expanding over here this shop is where I built all my planes but I built this I basically had dust and paint over everything and I kind of wrecked the joint and that's why I'm expanding and doing it more dirty shop over there but things I've done in here I'm gonna do over there everywhere around I got retractable air hoses built into all the walls I have air power they all retract things that just make things go faster out back I've got a little machine shop area built in I've got all my drill presses and welders and everything out there I'm gonna move some of that next door let's walk around my one of my old gray flames this was actually my twin brother Marc's race plane we built two exactly alike this has an 8 cylinder 720 cubic inch light homey motor in it I built an 8 cylinder 780 cubic inch like homing airplane and we raced in wingtip to wingtip to beat Howard Hughes world record across the country we went oh Sh into ocean it was awesome to be paired up to go out and do that I think Howard Hughes did it six hundred forty-five minutes at a combustion powered aircraft we did 6 11 and 12 seconds or something so that was a lot of fun this was one of our old racers it's still hanging around I use it all the time this big empty space here it usually has two planes in it one is a little equipped jet we used to fly around for work the missing hole right here was turbulence and turbulence if you don't know what that is that was too plain it's a go build the fastest single-engine turboprop on the planet 438 o2 with its coarse new world record at Oshkosh air venture Cup race 850 of horsepower turbo prop in a Lancer legacy so it's missing because I sold it so big tier why did I sell it I want to build another turboprop to go even faster so follow along and we'll show you why this orange plane that's missing is gone and what we're gonna do to replace it I bought this cub a couple weeks ago and this weekend I sold it to a hanger friend of mine and he's gonna fix it up so this weekend we say to quickly do a paint job on it so we gutted it down sanded it all took it from pure white and we just painted it it was a three four-day job to get it all painted we still got to assemble it but that's what this plane is nice to have it in hangar this is what I do for work this is an eco vApp tower I'm just launching it around the country so a lot of people asked what I do for a living I do a lot of things I developed a new way to process production wastewater from the oil and gas industry so when the water comes out of the ground it's pretty toxic it's got a lot of problems with it cheaper more eco-friendly way to process wastewater so that's what this giant Tower is and so we won't spend more time there because we're talking about my boys ATVs motorcycles I used to race well everything I've raced since I was a kid I started in go-karts motocross dirt circle I've done drag racing I've done Hill Climb Championships and put bullet bike motors into motocross bikes to run hill climbs and I'm always trying to do something a little crazy so I love that my kids are now riding ATVs and they go ride with me so that's there's this other yellow thing here that's all covered in batteries this was a fun little build of mine I got this wild idea I wanted to kayak the entire length of Lake Powell which is about 135 miles long without going up any of the sides it goes for through Utah all the way to Arizona and so I made some molds and back you form a little box and then I covered in solar put a lid in it and inside here don't need to really show you but I put in it a cooler for my food I put in slots for fishing poles I put in lithium batteries I put in a TV satellite radio GPS night lights LED lights navigation lights and Ike I act with my friend Ron I mean it was one of the funnest trips ever and I don't know life fun don't don't let it pass you by you do fun things and that was one of the greatest trips I've ever done oh this car up on the wall that's an all-electric racecar that car is now retired it was the first electric race car to drive on the Monaco track and that's where it's gonna stay so when I was building the hang or I put a big steel subframe in there cuz I mean what I wanted to retire that car up on the wall but that was an all-electric racecar so pretty cool this unique-looking ride right here this is my deep one day I got a wild hare said you know what I want to build a six wheel drive Jeep the day I decided I want to build a six or drive Jeep the next day I bought a brand new Jeep off the showroom floor I cut it in half and 31 days later I drove it for the first time painted stretched with all six wheel steering custom drivetrain custom axles custom everything anyway that's a lot of fun that's my my Jeep toy what's really cool about that Jeep is parallel parking it can literally drive straight up and then turn and go straight side almost straight sideways so parallel parking spot the other thing is if you get that thing going down the freeway which it can do and go 70 miles an hour and then turn all the wheel sideways and watch people next to yous faces when you're sitting 45 degrees crapped on the run on the on the on the freeway going 70 miles an hour and people freak out everyone hits their brakes but that's actually a street legal ride that can drive sideways at 70 miles an hour and say that's a lot of fun let's go upstairs I'll show you the inside of my hangar we have our music very important this is the main floor right here I've got a little kitchenette area up here I've been doing air racing for about 15 years been flying for over 20 those are some of my my favorite race for peace this is my beautiful family five of life's most important things my family still got a little wall right back guests come over and I love them to shoot some pool my new my missing bird when I'm still shedding a tear over that's a single turboprop that's a lot of fun 2017 I was inducted into the sport air racing with Halloween that's pretty cool of course the flying cowboy hat and that's that was a ghost run a race first place well I didn't wear my hat come on upstairs all right this is our hangout place this is upstairs my dinner I'll give you a quick little tour so this view is awesome I spent a lot of time in this chair with a notepad and paper doing math taking out wing loading and sizing and spacing a CG at moment I live right there because that's the coolest view ever if you're in aviation that is the 500 foot touchdown zone of the airport standard pattern is landing right here so every bat landing I think I'm gonna try something this year where I invite anybody in the area that wants to come hang out and fly with me and the flying Cowboys get drink'll up go in the backcountry I'm gonna put an event here do a big giant barbeque invite everyone to come play that's so I hope you join us this word just collection from air racing and some of the world records of 750 years this is where I actually work this is my conference room I break my board of directors here at the airport it allows me to work on my plane and do work at the same time so this is my conference room I got a great gig outside got a great view of the hangar down here storage at the ship Draco let me ride in the pilot seat while they went out and won the race right here I have my partner's office Troy Mason he is an absolute stud great guy this is his office really cool desk so this is where I work yes that is a distraction my view out there this is actual formation flight if you were wondering if that's if we are that close yes this was the morning before we left to race across the country ocean ocean San Diego to Jacksonville Florida in our to race planes oh gosh this year I won first place in my category in the small contest I've had lucky blasts there online what were the actual distance my takeoff roll 196 feet and my landing roll with 126 so anyway that was a pretty cool shot this guy by the way shout-out to Jay Leno Jay you're a stud don't know if you'll ever see this but thank you Jay we kind of hit it off he's a super cool guy he's a gearhead like like I am and it should be for our tour of the coolest most awesome Auto flagship ever and an absolute one of the coolest guys I've ever met so thank you Jay for that coolest tour of my life and taking me one on one three dot that was awesome guests come to stay I built an apartment in my hangar dining table a full kitchen a full master suite shower back everything you need so someone comes in they need a place to stay you're welcome to stay here another gift from somebody hangar 24 brewing out of nowhere sent me this big case of negative 24 craft brewing thank you and shout-out to you guys you guys are the best well show you my deck outside and then we'll go show you the new game one of my favorite spots we've got a big barbecue there I like to come out here in the winter so what I did is on the floor I put like off heat in the floor I can warm up these pavers to 105 degrees and then I got radiant electric heat overhead then I can turn on that heat above me and this heat below me and we've had barbecues out here suck footed in t-shirts when it was 10 degrees and a blistering white out snow and it's absolutely warm out here you know what let's go let's go next door also they went out we're doing this is my new bill senator I'm not quite done hey I didn't like make him so much dust and mess in that hangar so I decided to build the shop just for the messy dirty part of building airplanes cuz I know I'm never gonna stop building radical of different planes so this is my Bell Center I'm almost done I've got a bill finished building up the upstairs cleaning up the mess I'm gonna bring in some small equipment in here for small fast projects my welders my benders my pipe cutters I'm gonna bring everything in here so I build the next planes in here so I'm almost done let's get back to work so everyone's been asking what am i doing next Drako was kind of one extreme it cost a bit to build and I've got a lot of time I put a lot of money into it this time we're just gonna do the time part not the money part I want to build something as cheap as I can possibly build it now I'm still gonna put in a nice panel I'm gonna do some nice things with it but I'm going to build an extreme backcountry bush plane out of a bunch of scrap parts and I'm gonna try and do some different things with suspension on designing some different wing things some different tail suspension and of course I'm going to put a great big motor in lots of horsepower and I can help myself so that's what we're gonna build so this is gonna be start of it we'd flown all kinds of bush planes we've tried them all and when we got into a carbon cub those guys are pros they built a plane under a thousand pounds right turn-key full-blown competition aircraft they are unbelievable fast dirty plush nice I love those guys so I wanted to build something based on carbon cub this is actually a cub crafters carbon cub airframe that got wrecked so it's just a big piece of scrap and it's a little bit rusty it's just surface rust nothing too damaging but if you look up close right here this frames been bent it ended over forward frame has been bent here here it broke it through here they made a really hard landing and it bent things up it happens I didn't want to see this thing go to waste but if I'm going to build a budget build plane I'm gonna start with scrap so what I'm gonna use there's this scrap frame I'm gonna chop the whole front end off and do the new suspension system for it but a great big motor in it redo the front end then widen it up a little bit change the wings I also have a bunch of scrap parts this is uh this was off the Draco so I've already got some tires some wheels I got a bunch of scrap metal and all kinds of stuff so basically I'm going to take all my scraps from several bills and a wrecked plane and I'm gonna build a bush plane out of scraps and then a few new parts so that's my next build it's gonna be crazy it's gonna have mad horse power and I'm gonna do a lot of really radical things to this airframe to make it happen so I hope you like it I hope you follow along because we're gonna take this plane and build something that's never been done before not even close they think this has been done before and we already have a name for it since we're building it out of scrap parts and a scrap frame welcome to scrappy scrappy is coming soon we're gonna build a new plane we're gonna call it scrappy and it's gonna be something that can land in absolutely radical terrain and pound it in we have so much going on this year in a couple months I've got a competition with Draco I've got an air race I've got to go to I'm gonna be traveling around the country up to Alaska out to Reno Air Races and along the way we're gonna be building scrappy and I'm gonna start the next plane I'll announce later it's a high speed racer we'll talk more about that but we have so much going on besides the build we also got a lot of backcountry flying I'm going to be doing some extreme adventures out to some waterfalls some mountain tops at 12,000 feet some cliff lines we're gonna take you to some of the craziest places this country has to offer and more so like it subscribe come follow us have fun let's get everybody into aviation and building really cool stuff let's get to work
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 494,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Best tugs, Back to work, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, Scrappy, Hanger, Plane, Custom Plane, Designer Builder, Patey Aviation, STOL, Bush Plane, Bush Pilot, Adventure, DIY, airplane, Single Prop, Cub Crafters, Carbon Cub
Id: G9MNWh8kkIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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