CNA Practice Test 2023 (60 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2023 CNA practice test this test has 60 Questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one you have a patient that only likes to shower once weekly it is important for you to realize what a your facility has a shower schedule and the patient needs to be educated on her allotted shower time B cultural differences in bath taking is often overlooked by Health Care Professionals see the patient's family needs to be aware of the patient's refusal to bathe D the patient is at high risk for depression if she does not shower more often than once weekly the correct answer is B cultural differences in bath taking is often overlooked by Health Care Professionals as healthcare workers we often forget that there are cultural differences in things such as bathing Healthcare professionals see lots of dirty things so our minds Can Think Dirty a lot however it is important to remember that there are cultural differences in such things as bathing and the patient may not feel as though she is dirty her culture may not allow her to bathe but once weekly it is important to speak to the patient and build a rapport with her to figure out her reasoning behind her bathing beliefs this way she does not feel as though you are trying to force her into anything question two you have a patient that does not drink adequate fluids the patient is at risk for all of the following except a mouth sores B bad breath C skin ulcers D swollen gums the correct answer is D swollen gums a patient who does not drink adequate fluids is at high risk for dehydration patients with dehydration are at risk for mouth sores bad breath skin breakdown and tooth decay question three you have an 85 year old patient that you suspect is in pain you know that indications of pain can include which of the following except a insomnia B seclusion C participating in social events D agitation the correct answer is C participating in social events it is not uncommon to see geriatric patients suffering from insomnia seclusion and agitation when in pain they may stop participating in social events and activities that they once loved poor psychological health is a strong indication of pain in the elderly question four the focus of providing ADLs in your patients include the following except a the comfort of the CNA B Comfort C safety D dignity and respect the correct answer is a the comfort of the CNA Comfort safety and dignity and respect should be your top priority when caring for patients as a CNA it can be a challenge for a patient when they can no longer provide care to themselves especially when it comes to the more sensitive care like bathing ensuring dignity is a priority as a CNA Comfort can range from a lot of things like ensuring the water is warm and not too hot or cold to calming a patient's hair the way she likes it question five what is the proper measurement for measuring bodily fluids a ounces B liters C milliliters D fluid ounces the correct answer is C milliliters the standard for measuring all bodily fluids in nursing is using milliliters if a patient is drinking fluids in ounces and you need to chart input convert ounces to milliliters by multiplying ounces times 30.1 ounces equals 30 milliliters question six you have been busy during your 12 hour shift and haven't been able to empty your patient's Foley bag you go in right before your shift is over to document output what output amount would bring caution a 1000 milliliters B 600 milliliters C 2100 milliliters D 350 milliliters the correct answer is D 350 milliliters you would be concerned about 350 milliliters in the Foley catheter bag because the patient could be leaning toward acute kidney failure a patient should have a minimum of 30 milliliters per hour of urine output the charge nurse should be notified immediately of this patient's urine output question seven you have a patient on strict dysphagia precautions the cafeterias sent her up a lunch tray what item would you question if it arrived on the patient's tray a regular orange juice B mashed potatoes seed Jello D applesauce the correct answer is a regular orange juice typically when a patient is on strict dysphagia precautions they will require thickened liquids the orange juice should be thickened with a thickener in order for the patient to consume it the CNA or nurse should look at the MD orders to determine which consistency the orange juice is to be thickened to I.E honey or nectar question eight you have a patient who is sweating has a low heart rate fruity smelling breath and can barely speak to you what is the next step you would take a obtain a POC glucose B bring the patient 24 ounces of orange juice C turn the air on in the patient's room D asks the patient to brush their teeth the correct answer is a obtain a POC glucose sweating low heart rate fruity Beth and confident ice changes can indicate glucose changes the first step is to obtain a POC glucose so that you can report the glucose reading to the nurse in charge question 9 which of these are important for the care of a diabetic patient a giving the patient a heating pad for his feet when they're cold B soaking his dry calloused feet in a warm tub daily C keeping his feet dry and warm with dry clean socks D ensuring his toenails are always clipped short for cleanliness the correct answer is C keep his feet dry and warm with dry clean socks it is important to always keep a diabetic's feet clean and dry any extra soaking of the skin that may allow bacteria into broken skin can lead to infection it is common for a diabetic patient to have neuropathy in their feet causing them to not be able to feel their feet a daily foot inspection at the feet is very important for the diabetic patient it is imperative to allow a podiatrist to clip the toenails of a diabetic patient to decrease the risk of cuts and infection question 10 the patient that is bed bound is at risk for which of the following a dysphagia B polydipsia C atrophy D impaction the correct answer is C atrophy muscle atrophy is very real for patients who are bed-bound atrophies muscle wasting and it happens rather quickly passive and active range of motion should be done with the patient to keep the patient from experiencing atrophy question 11 which of the following happens when a patient has a stroke a the patient urinates themselves B the patient may foam at the mouth see the patient may roll their eyes back D the patient may have drooping of one side of the face the correct answer is D the patient may have drooping of one side of the face it is common for the patient to have drooping of one side of the face while having a stroke this is often called asymmetrical drooping with asymmetrical drooping if you ask the patient to smile and they smile one side of the lips will not move it is also common for one-sided eye drooping to occur question 12 which of the following is the best way to prevent the spreading of germs a wearing gloves during patient care B wearing a mask and gloves with patient care C hand washing before and after patient care D wearing a gown mask and gloves while performing patient care the correct answer is C hand washing before and after patient care hand washing is the number one way to keep from spreading germs in the healthcare setting one should rub their hands together with soap for a minimum of 20 seconds during hand washing hand hygiene should always be performed before and after patient care question 13. the patient is lying in the Supine position in what position is the patient's bed a 90 degrees B flat C tilted upside down at 30 degrees D 45 degrees the correct answer is B flat the patient assumes the Supine position when the bed is lying flat this position may be assumed for turning and providing personal care to the patient question 14 which of the following is an example of subjective information a the patient's pain level is 7 out of 10. B the patient's temperature is 101.2 C the patient had eggs for breakfast D the patient's blood pressure is 120 over 80. the correct answer is a the patient's pain level is 7 out of 10. the patient's pain level is 7 out of 10 is subjective data subjective means something one cannot see the patient can tell you that they are in pain but the pain cannot be seen therefore pain is subjective question 15. you're using a Polk's oximeter on a patient you know a pulse oximeter is used to measure what a the amount of o2 in the patient's blood B the amount of CO2 in the patient's blood see the amount of CO2 in the patient's lungs D the amount of o2 in the patient's heart the correct answer is a the amount of o2 in the patient's blood pulse oximetry is a non-invasive way of measuring peripheral oxygen into patient's blood this reading is less accurate than an arterial oxygen reading however the pulse oximetry reading is very close to the arterial reading question 16 you have a patient that has incontinence who wears briefs what is necessary for patients with stress incontinence a a Foley catheter to keep the skin dry B frequent toiling breaks throughout the day see less fluids to keep them from urinating often D diuretics to help keep their bladder empty the correct answer is B frequent toileting breaks throughout the day it is important to assist patients with incontinence to the restroom throughout the day so that their bladder isn't getting too full a Foley catheter significantly increases the risk of a UTI it is unsafe to withhold fluids from a patient due to incontinence diuretics can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances question 17. you have a 70 year old patient that is usually Pleasant and easy going today she has cognitive delays is hitting and kicking and does not know who the staff are which condition is a patient likely experiencing a urinary tract infection B headache C sinus infection D Hunger the correct answer is a urinary tract infection it is common for patients 65 years of age and older adults to have a UTI a UTI in the older adult population can cause significant acute cognitive impairments the CNA should report this to the nurse in charge question 18 which one of the following would require contact precautions a TB b covid-19 c pneumonia D MRSA the correct answer is D MRSA MRSA would require contact precautions only TB would require airborne precautions covid-19 would require contact air porn and Tropic precautions pneumonia would require droplet precautions question 19. you have a patient in restraints you know the proper place to always tie restraints to is where a the bed frame B the upper bed rail see the lower bed rail D the head of the bed the correct answer is a the bed frame the safest place to tie restraints is to the bed rail all other parts of the bed are movable and can cause the restraint to become too loose or too tight this can cause harm to the patient or Health Care employee question 20. how many fingers should you be able to slide under wrist restraints a one B zero c 2 D4 the correct answer is C2 it is important that you can fit two fingers under the wrist restraint this ensures that the wrist restraints are not too tight or too loose the restraint should be assessed a minimum of every two hours the resident should be discontinued as soon as possible question 21 you have a patient with generalized weakness to transfer from the bed to the chair which transfer device would you use a a Hoyer lift B A sit to stand lift c a sliding board d a gate belt the correct answer is d a gate belt a gate belt is used to transfer a patient from one place to another such as a bed to chair chair to bed or bed to wheelchair it is used to assist patients who are weak not bed bound in transferring question 22 you have a patient that has pneumonia and is weak what teaching would you provide to the patient a make sure to cough and deep breathe often throughout the day B be sure to keep your liquid intake to 600 CC per day C be sure to exercise your arms by doing range of motion multiple times a day D be sure to try to be still so that your chest is not in pain the correct answer is a make sure to cough and deep breathe often throughout the day it is important for patients with pneumonia to cough and breathe deeply often to keep the pneumonia from worsening it is important to encourage fluids to help thin any fluid in the lungs it is also important to encourage the patient to get up and walk and move as much as possible to keep the fluid in the lungs moving question 23 you are putting linens on a patient's bed you know that not having wrinkles in the sheets is important because a it can cause a decubitus ulcer B the patient may get upset see the patient's foot may get caught in it D it may cause a fall the correct answer is a it can cause a decubitus ulcer a decubitus ulcer is otherwise known as a bedsore any wrinkles in the sheets can cause breakdown in the skin resulting in a decubitus ulcer patients who are in bed for a prolonged period of time are at high risk for decubitus ulcers question 24. you see your diabetic patient is sweating disoriented and unable to speak what is the first thing you would assess a temperature be pupils C pulse D glucose the correct answer is D glucose when a diabetic patient is sweating unresponsive or disoriented it is important to perform a point of care glucose these are signs of hypoglycemia hypoglycemia causes cognitive issues and should be treated promptly to avoid a diabetic coma question 25 you have a patient who is incontinent of bowel and bladder you know this patient is at increased risk for what a pressure wounds B dehydration C depression D anxiety the correct answer is a pressure wounds urine and feces are acidic and can break down healthy skin further urine causes the skin to be wet for a prolonged period of time causing a major risk in skin breakdown if the skin is wet friction from the patient's clothes or bed linens can easily cause a break in the skin this also sets the patient up for infection if there is a break in the skin question 26 your patient is on strict i o status what is important to measure for this patient a all solid and liquid food that the patient consumes B don't allow the patient food or water C measure the patient's void first thing in the morning and last thing at night D measure all liquids that the patient consumes and measure all urine output the correct answer is D measure all liquids that the patient consumes and measure all urine output i o means to measure all liquid intake and output liquid should be measured in Cc or milliliters only if a patient is drinking four ounce cups of water multiply four ounces of water by 30 and you have 120 Cc or 120 milliliters of water one ounce equals 30 milliliters a urine hat or some type of urometer should be used to measure urine output properly question 27 which one of the following medical abbreviations is inappropriate for use a tid for three times a day b b i d for two times a day c q d for daily D in PO for Nothing by mouth the correct answer is cqd for daily QD or qid should never be used for abbreviations in the medical field it can easily be confused with qod or other abbreviations jcaho states that it is only acceptable to write out daily and every other day no abbreviations can be used for these terms question 28 the CNA is assisting a female with toileting which of the following describes correct technique a wipe the perineal area front to back B wipe the perineal area only after bowel movements C do not wear gloves to promote patient dignity D leave the curtain or door open to the bathroom area the correct answer is a wipe the perineal area front to back cleansing of the female perineal area should be done by wiping from front to back this prevents bacteria from the rectum being transferred to the vagina question 29. an immobile client requires transfer from a chair to their bed which of the following should a CNA utilize to transfer this client a gate belt B physical assist of one c contact guard assist D mechanical lift the correct answer is D mechanical lift clients who are immobile require the assistance of a medical lift to promote safety question 30. the CNA is assisting to turn a client who has a Foley catheter where should the Foley catheter be anchored to prevent pulling on the catheter a bed rail B upper thigh c lower thigh D lateral aspect of knee the correct answer is B upper thigh securing the Foley catheter to the upper thigh can decrease pulling on the catheter the bed rail should not be used the lower thigh and knee are too low on the body to provide the needed support question 31 you have a patient that only seems to become confused and agitated after Dark what is the patient most likely experiencing a dementia B Alzheimer's C sundowner syndrome D psychosis the correct answer is C sundowner syndrome it is common for the older adult to experience confusion after dark the clinical term for this is sundowner syndrome it literally means confusion after the sun goes down question 32. in relation to the recent outbreaks of covid that have affected long-term care facilities the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that what problem has acutely risen with the residents a feelings of isolation from family and friends B feelings of worry related to death by covid C feeling scared because the staff is in isolation attire D feelings of anger about not understanding covet precautions the correct answer is a feelings of isolation from family and friends the primary effect covet has had on elders in long-term care is isolation from family and friends although residents May worry about death from covid or feel angry about the use of coveted precautions that is still not as prevalent as isolation they also have to adjust to seeing the staff dressed out in isolation gear question 33 it is estimated that delirium is noted in at least 40 percent of nursing home residents in the United States a certified nursing assistant CNA is aware of the resident with delirium might suffer from what symptom a resident becomes tearful and upset at small changes in schedule B residents sees or hears things at other residents and staff do not C resident becomes weaker and experiences episodes of incontinence D resident loses the ability to speak the correct answer is B residency or hear things at other residents and staff do not residents suffering from delirium may see or hear things that others do not or fail to recognize those around them they do not lose the ability to speak or become any weaker because of the delirium question 34 the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that attention-seeking behaviors in the nursing home resident may include all of the following except a going to every social event in the nursing home B refusing to visit with their family C excessive use of the call light D refusing to go to therapy the correct answer is a going to every social event in the nursing home it is healthy for residents to participate in all social events excessive use of the call light is attention-seeking behavior as well as lying down on the floor and then calling out for help or asking for pain medication and then refusing it not eating all their meals refusal of family visits or refusal to attend therapy are not common attention-seeking behaviors question 35 the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that the long-term care resident May resort to manipulation of the staff the CNA recognizes manipulation as what Behavior a constant complaints of pain or discomfort each time a new staff member is on their unit B lying to the other residents on their unit C refusal to take medications D setting a loan for all meals the correct answer is a constant complaints of pain or discomfort each time a new staff member is on their unit the resident May complain of pain or discomfort to a new staff member in order to receive medications this is a form of manipulating an unsuspecting nurse lying refusing medication or setting alone are not forms of manipulation by the resident question 36 the CNA is aware of common mental health issues that are experienced by elderly adults these may be brought on by all the following situations except a the death of a spouse B loss of financial Independence C increasing health issues D faith-based group activities the correct answer is D faith-based group activities the death of a spouse loss of financial Independence to increase health concerns and the changing of their role within their family are all issues that many older adults face in long-term care if the patient has a healthy relationship with family and friends having quality visiting time with family should fulfill the patient question 37 why is it essential to close the door and the curtain when performing post-mortem care a you do not need to close the curtain B it is important to close the door and curtain so no one sees the resident C you only need to close the curtain the door can stay wide open D even though the patient is deceased we need to be respectful and provide privacy the correct answer is D even though the patient is deceased we need to be respectful and provide privacy remember just because a resident is deceased they still need to be treated with respect closing the door and curtain provides privacy we are still obligated to ensure we are being respectful to the resident by initiating proper protocol when caring for them after death and providing privacy is one way of being respectful not only are we being mindful of the patient however the family as well question 38 what is one physical change you may notice when death is approaching a there will be no physical changes B more energy C loss of appetite D increased activity the correct answer is C loss of appetite one common physical change you may notice is loss of appetite you will notice your resident eating and drinking or not at all as death nears if the resident is alert and oriented you can always offer small sips of fluids or small bits if they are able to eat question 39 you come into work and you are assigned to a different Hall than usual you have a resident that you have never met before what is the proper way to introduce yourself at the beginning of your shift and what do you call the resident a introduce your name to the resident her name is on the care plan so no need to ask her what her name is B introduce yourself to the resident and ask her what name she would like to be called c walk in and call the patient by the name on her care plan your name is on your badge so she can read it no need to tell her what your name is D the charge nurse already told the resident your name and told you the name of the resident so no need for a proper introduction the correct answer is B introduce yourself to the resident and ask her what name she would like to be called it is important to be courteous to the resident even if her name is on the care plan the resident may prefer to be called another name it is always imperative to introduce yourself as well this helps build rapport with your residents question 40 you notice your resident is grimacing when you walk into his room he is reluctant to say that he is in pain what should you as the CNA do a explained to the resident that if he is in pain it's okay to talk about it so that you can report it to the nurse be nothing the patient said he is fine so he must not be in pain C tell the resident that he doesn't have to be tough if he is in pain he should tell you D say nothing to the resident but report the pain to the charge nurse the correct answer is a explain to the resident that if he is in pain it's okay to talk about it so that you can report it to the nurse acknowledging the patient's feeling is important some cultures do not allow one to express their pain so the patient could be in a lot of pain but because of his culture is unable to speak about it question 41 you have a resident that is blind what is the best way to communicate with this resident a turn on all the lights and speak very loudly B set in front of the patient and speak clearly C hold the patient's hands and speak directly in front of their face speaking slowly D introduce yourself upon walking in explain to the resident that you are going to sit in front of them while they are talking speak clearly and directly to the resident the correct answer is D introduce yourself upon walking in explain to the resident that you're going to sit in front of them while they are talking speak clearly indirectly to the resident although B is Right introducing yourself is more appropriate because the resident cannot see you also C is only okay if the patient gives you permission to personally touch their hands question 42 you are in a rush to get your morning round of patient care done but your patient is in the middle of a story that he wants to tell you how should you address this with the patient a slowly start walking backward toward the door maybe the patient will get the hint B keep doing your duties for this patient they talk like this all of the time see kindly explain to the patient that you have multiple other patients to see and that you would love to finish this story after your first morning rounds assure the patient you will come back when you are free D set and talk with the patient your other patients can wait this patient really wants to tell you this story and it's rude to interrupt the correct answer is C kindly explain to the patient that you have multiple other patients to see and that you would love to finish this story after your first morning rounds assure the patient you will come back when you are free C is appropriate because you do have multiple other patients and must ensure that they are taken care of making the patient feel that you care about their story is important walking toward the door makes a patient feel as though you're in a rush and what they are saying isn't important question 43 you are taking care of a resident who began Hospice Care last week today she is unable to speak and you are unsure if she can hear the patient's daughter is at the bedside how would you enter her room for private care a come in and start performing your care the patient is near death and can't hear there's no need to introduce yourself if she cannot hear you B the daughter is in the room so you can tell the daughter what you're going to do for her mom C let the daughter provide the care after all the family members know the residents the best D knock introduce yourself and explain to others the daughter and the patient while you are there proceed with care to be given the correct answer is D knock introduce yourself and explain to others the daughter and the patient while you are there proceed with care to be given residents should always be treated with respect no matter what stage of Life they are in it is important to knock introduce yourself explain why you're there and acknowledge everyone in the room even if a patient is unable to hear see or speak they should be treated like any other patient studies show that hearing is one of the last senses that humans lose during the final stages of Life question 44 a resident that usually loves going to bingo game nights is sitting in her room crying she states that she does not want to go to bingo tonight what is your response to her a okay you don't have to go maybe another night B why don't you want to go all of your friends are there see there are going to be lots of fun prizes you should go D it's okay if you don't want to go but do you want to talk about why you don't want to go to bingo the correct answer is D it's okay if you don't want to go but do you want to talk about why you don't want to go to bingo acknowledging the resident's feelings and asking her if she'd like to talk about it is appropriate all of the other options blow off the resident's feelings and can make her feel like her feelings do not matter question 45 upon finding some unlabeled pills in a nightstand the CNA should a provide water and insist the resident take them as soon as possible B discard them C leave them alone to respect patient confidentiality D notify the nurse immediately the correct answer is D notify the nurse immediately residents have the right to refuse medications and treatment it is not within the CNA scope of practice to administer medications all medications should be labeled it is the responsibility of the medical staff to determine if a residence care plan includes which medications question 46 a residence room is sloppy and the resident won't tidy up the CNA should a clean the room while the resident is at an appointment B insist the resident put all the things away or they will be thrown away C let the resident know that some of the things are a safety hazard and help them relocate the items D notify the resident's power of attorney the correct answer is C let the resident know that some of the things are a safety hazard and help them relocate the items residents have the right to keep and use personal belongings if belongings are moved without the resident's knowledge it can cause distress and mistrust staff do not have the authority to discard residents belongings question 47 a resident States they wish their life would end the CNA knows a elderly people say things like that and don't mean it B it is impossible to harm oneself in a long-term care facility see the resident needs help even if they don't mean it D residents have the right to harm themselves if they want the correct answer is C the resident needs help even if they don't mean it all threats of self-harm are reportable and must be investigated by qualified practitioners it is not within the CNA scope of practice to determine how serious a resident's comment is patient safety is the responsibility of all staff question 48. a sometimes confused resident reports that something was taken from the room the CNA should a remind the resident that the item is not valuable B helped the resident look for it C call the police D call the residence power of attorney the correct answer is B help the resident look for it residents have the right to keep and use belongings memory can be impaired and the possibility of the item was misplaced needs to be explored if it is not found it should be reported to a supervisor question 49 if a CNA sees something a resident owned in the backpack of another staff member the CNA should a assume it was a gift to that person from the resident and say nothing B call the police C take it out of the backpack and return it to the resident D asks the other staff member and report it if it doesn't sound right the correct answer is D ask the other staff member and report it if it doesn't sound right residents have the right to keep and use belongings assumptions should not be made the situation should be investigated if it appears a resident's rights are not being honored question 50. if a resident is found crying in a common area the CNA should a guide the resident to a private area and ask what is wrong B give the resident privacy and leave them alone C tell them that others are being disturbed and ask the resident to leave the common area D call the resident's family the correct answer is a guide the resident to a private area and ask what is wrong residents have the right of confidentiality of personal and clinical information the care team should provide emotional support in addition to physical care compassion includes listening question 51. if a resident reports that a family member is stealing money the CNA should a reassure the resident that their money is safe B call the police C notify the supervisor or case manager D advise a different family member about the resident's concerns the correct answer is C notify the supervisor or case manager residents have the right of management and security of personal funds and the right of freedom from abuse neglect or mistreatment Financial abuse is reportable confusion and memory loss are common in the elderly question 52 if a resident reports that a family member hurt them during a visit and insist to be kept a secret the CNA should a assure the resident that no one can hurt them B call the police C notify the nurse or supervisor D advise a different family member about the resident's report the correct answer is C notify the nurse or supervisor residents have the right of freedom from abuse neglect or mistreatment the CNA is required to report suspected abuse the situation should be investigated if it appears a resident's rights are not being honored question 53 if another staff member hides the call Bill from a resident who frequently uses it even though nothing is needed the CNA should a be grateful because there is no time to answer the call Bell so often B give the resident a fake call Bill C tell the resident someone will visit every hour to see if she really needs something D return the call about within reach of the resident and Report the staff member for neglect the correct answer is D return the call Bell within reach of the resident and Report the staff member for neglect residents have the right of freedom from abuse neglect or mistreatment the resident has the right to be safe in their environment the ability to call for assistance is required for Resident safety question 54. you have a patient in soft wrist restraints you must check the wrist restraints per the doctor's orders to ensure the patient's safety failure to do this can result in charges for a neglect B aiding and abetting C false documentation D incidental harm the correct answer is the a neglect the legal definition for neglect is mistreatment neglect is a result of carelessness and failure to care for a patient properly the first priority is always patient safety question 55. you have a confused patient who is always hitting her call light but never needs anything you know that she is lonely and just wants someone to talk to you are busy and decide to not answer her call light because she probably only wants to talk anyway you know this can be seen as what a false imprisonment B breaking HIPAA C neglect or abuse D emotional damage the correct answer is C neglect or abuse abuse and neglect occur when a client does not receive necessary physical or mental care this includes failure to respond to a call light call light should always be answered in a timely manner question 56 you have a patient that had a fall you must write an incident report what is the reason for an incident report a to show patterns and Trends and to prevent further incidents B to see who is at fault for the incident C to show the doctor how weak the patient is D to keep a record for the family members the correct answer is a to show patterns and Trends and to prevent further incidents an incident report is written when any unusual event happens in the health care setting whether it be for patients or staff committees can review incident reports and see if there are patterns or Trends leading to a specific incident this helps committees write policies that can help prevent further incidents from happening question 57 when should universal precautions be practiced a for all client encounters B when the client has an open wound see when the client has a fever D when the client has a cough the correct answer is a for all client encounters universal precautions should be utilized for all client encounters to promote safety of clients and staff question 58 the CNA is caring for a patient with an infection of Clostridium difficile which of the following with the CNA anticipate utilizing and caring for this client a surgical mask B in 95 respirator C face shield D gown the correct answer is D gown difficile is a gastrointestinal infection infection control to decrease spread of this condition includes contract precautions for which a gown would be worn question 59 a client has a confirmed case of influenza the CNA would anticipate using which infection control precautions when caring for this client a contact precautions B respiratory precautions C reverse precautions D bloodborne exposure precautions the correct answer is B respiratory precautions influenza is a transmissible respiratory illness respiratory precautions should be utilized in addition to universal precautions to reduce transmission of this illness for clients who have confirmed cases of influenza question 60 which of the following demonstrates a CNA intervention to Foster client Independence a encouraging the client to fully participate in bathing activities as they are able B cutting up a food for the client so they don't have to do it C scheduling meal times for The Client D selecting clothing you feel looks best on the client the correct answer is a encouraging the client to fully participate in bathing activities as they are able fostering Independence includes encouraging and allowing the client to participate in as much of their care as they are able assistance should be offered and provided for tasks which the client is not able to complete by themselves thank you for watching this video we hope you enjoyed it check out these videos that can help you with your future studies don't forget to resuscitate the like button and subscribe to our Channel and please share this video with your fellow nursing friends
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Keywords: cna practice test, cna test, cna skills test, cna, cna test prep, free cna practice test, teas practice test, cna practice questions, infection control practice test, free cna practice, pass cna test, cna state test, failed cna test, certified nursing assistant practice test, cna test tips, cna skills, cna test questions, free cna, practice, practice exam, ccna practice test, stna practice test, cna practice test 2020, nnapp cna, prometric cna written test
Id: 9_m0-578XQ0
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Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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