CNA Practice Test for Member of a Healthcare Team 2024 (20 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2024 CNA member of a healthcare team practice test this test will have 20 questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one the CNA is assisting a client with lower right sided weakness to ambulate using a cane which of the following techniques should be used a place the cane in their right hand B place the cane in their left hand C place the cane in the client's dominant hand D hand placement isn't a factor as long as the client uses the cane the correct answer is B place the cane in their left hand placement of the cane in the client's left hand will assist to provide support for the right lower extremity question two when should universal precautions be practiced a for all client encounters B when the client has an open wound wound C when the client has a fever D when the client has a cough the correct answer is a for all client encounters universal precautions should be utilized for all client encounters to promote safety of clients and staff question three bed making technique includes eliminating wrinkles in the sheets the CNA knows this technique assists to a prevent pressure sores B ensure the client is warm C minimize the need to remake the bed frequently D minimize the need for additional blankets the correct answer is a prevent pressure sores eliminating wrinkles in the bed sheets helps to decrease pressure on the skin beds should be remade when soiled or as needed question four which of the following demonstrates a CNA intervention to Foster client Independence a encouraging the client to fully participate in bathing activities as they are able B cutting up a food for the client so they don't have to do it C scheduling meal times for the client D selecting clothing you feel looks best on the client the correct answer is a encouraging the client to fully participate in bathing activities as they are able fostering Independence includes encouraging and allowing the client to participate in as much of their care as they are able assistance should be offered and provided for tasks which the client is not able to complete by themselves question five care for a Foley catheter should include which of the following a keeping the collection bag above the level of the bladder B cleanse the perry Area every other day C keeping the collection bag below the level of the bladder d B empty the collection bag only when it is full the correct answer is C keeping the collection bag below the level of the bladder the Foley collection bag should be kept below the level of the bladder this prevents backflow of bacteria into the urinary system paranal hygiene should be performed frequently in clients utilizing Foley catheters collection bags should be emptied according to the nursing care plan scheduled which may be more frequently than when it is full question six a patient consumes 8 oun of ice chips what amount should be recorded on the intake log a 8 ml B 240 ML C 120 ml D 180 ML the correct answer is C 120 ml ice volume is recorded as 1 half of the amount 8 O of ice chips is equivalent to 4 o of water 4 oz * 30 ml o count equals 120 ml question 7 which of the following interventions should the CNA utilize to provide client centered care a share their lunch with the client B learn about the client's preferences and beliefs c contact the chapl D call their family to provide updates the correct answer is B learn about the client's preferences and beliefs client centered care includes learning about the individual preferences and beliefs of the client so they can be incorporated into nursing care question 8 the CNA measures the blood pressure of a client to be 200 over 180 the client is not in distress what should the CNA do next a ensure the blood pressure cuff used is the correct size and repeat the measurement B record the measurement in the record and continue with the assignment C immediately notify the nursing supervisor d measure the client's temperature and pulse to complete the vital set the correct answer is a ensure the blood pressure cuff used is the correct size and repeat the measurement it is important to ensure measurements obtained are correct this patient is not in distress and therefore the measurement should be repeated if the reading remains elevated with use of the correct sized cuff it should then be reported to the licensed nurse question question nine the CNA is assisting a client who is on swallowing precautions after a cerebral vascular accident which of the following should be incorporated into the plan of care for this client a client should not be left unattended when eating B client should eat alone in their room to provide for a quieter environment C client should be instructed to tip their head back as they swallow D no additional precautions are needed if the client eats only soft foods the correct answer is a client should not be left unattended when eating clients on swallowing precautions should not be left unattended when eating due to risk of aspiration swallowing precautions include tucking of the chin towards the chest clients should be observed during eating even if the food texture is soft question 10 the CNA is caring for a patient with an infection of clostridium defil which of the following would the CNA anticipate utilizing and caring for this client a surgical mask B n95 respirator C face shield D gown the correct answer is D gown clostridium defil is a gastrointestinal infection infection controled to decrease spread of this condition includes contact precautions for which a gown would be worn question 11 a client has a sign above their bed indicating NPO the CNA recognizes this means which of the following a bed rest only B no medication food or fluids by mouth C seizure risk D client is incontinent the correct answer is B no medication food or fluids by mouth nopo is the Latin abbreviation for Neil per Os or Nothing by mouth question 12 which of the following would the CNA anticipate participating in as part of client care during the shift assignment a administering intravenous medication B dressing a wound C assisting with bathing D assess change in mental status the correct answer is C assisting with bathing medication administration is the responsibility of the licensed nurse wound dressing and assessment are skilled nursing interventions which must be completed by licensed nursing staff assisting a client with bathing is appropriate for the role of the CNA question 13 which of the following represents the correct technique in bathing a client a wash eyes from inner canthus to Outer canthus utilizing a different corner of the washcloth for each eye B wash the Parry area first C begin with the feet and progress toward the head D use a new washcloth for each arm and leg the correct answer is a wash eyes from inner canthus to Outer canthus utilizing a different corner of the washcloth for each eye infection control is an important part of bathing the eyes should be washed first beginning with the inner canthus and wiping towards the outer canthus using a different corner of the washcloth prevents spread of possible infection from from one eye to the other question 14 the CNA is assisting a client who wears glasses to assist with low vision which of the following interventions should the CNA use to increase safety for this client a use a white and red walking cane B speak directions in a loud volume to ensure the client can hear you C ensure the client is wearing their glasses D leave the room lights on at night so the client can see the correct answer is C ensure the client is wearing their glasses clients should have assistive devices in place to increase safety use of a walking cane is not automatically indicated simply because a client wears glasses this client utilizes glasses and speaking loudly to them will not increase safety leaving the room lights on at night may be stressful for clients and decrease their ability to rest at night question 15 a client has a confirmed case of influenza the CNA would anticipate using which infection control precautions when caring for this client a contact precautions B respiratory precautions C reverse precautions D bloodborne exposure precautions the correct answer is B respiratory precautions influenza is a transmissible respirator illness respiratory precautions should be utilized in addition to universal precautions to reduce transmission of this illness for clients who have confirmed cases of influenza question 16 your client is scheduled for Vital Signs measurement as you enter the room you notice she is enjoying a cup of hot coffee which of the following should be done a remind the client that this time was reserved for their vitals B proceed with the vitals collection as scheduled C wait 15 minutes after the client has completed the coffee to measure the oral temperature D complete the vital signs measurement and list not applicable for temperature the correct answer is C wait 15 minutes after the client has completed the coffee to measure the oral temperature consumption of hot or cold foods can influence the oral temperature measurement oral temperatures should be completed at least 15 minutes after consumption of this client's coffee question 17 the family of a client requests you ambulate the client without using the rolling walker assistive device the established plan of care indicates the client should utilize the rolling walker when ambulating what action should you take a ambulate to the client according to the wishes of the family B observe the family assist the client to ambulate with without the rolling walker C inform the family of the rolling walker as part of the care plan and notify the nurse D ambulate the client utilizing a wheelchair the correct answer is C inform the family of the rolling walker as part of the care plan and notify the nurse care plans assist to inform staff of the safety needs of the client the CNA should follow the care plan and Report the changes requested to the nurse question 18 which of the following represents the correct selection of size for a blood pressure cuff a the width of the cuff completely encircles the circumference of the arm B the width of the cuff is approximately 25% of the circumference of the arm C the width of the cuff is approximately 40% of the circumference of the arm D the width of the cuff is approximately 10% of the circumference of the arm the correct answer is C the width of the cuff is approximately 40% of the circumference of the arm selection of the correct size blood pressure cuff is essential to Accurate measurement the width of a blood pressure cuff bladder should Encompass approximately 40% of the circumference of the arm a cuff completely encircling the circumference of the arm would be too large a cuff encompassing less than 40% would be too small question 19 the CNA is recording the intake for a client's meal tray the client has had 8 ounces of milk and 6 ounces of tea how would this be recorded on the intake log a 14 ml B 240 ML C 180 ML D 420 ml the correct answer is D 420 ml intake of liquid is recorded in milliliters 1 o of liquid roughly equals 30 30 ml this client has had 14 o of fluid time 30 ml per ounce equal 420 ml question 20 while assisting the client with toileting the CNA notices a foul smell to the urine what action should the CNA take a notify the nurse B monitor the patient C check the client's blood pressure D encourage the client to take fluids the correct answer is a notify the nurse foul smelling urine may be a sign of an infection and should be reported to the licensed nurse thank you for watching this video and we hope it was helpful click the link right here to start your free 3-day trial to CNA premium which has over 1,000 practice questions that will help you pass your CNA exam on your first try
Channel: All Healthcare Careers
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Keywords: Member of a Healthcare Team Practice Test, CNA Member of a Healthcare Team, Member of a Healthcare Team Practice Exam, Cna practice test, cna lifestyle, cna practice test for member of a healthcare team, member of healthcare team 2021
Id: clg3R2KnUXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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