CNA Practice Test for Emotional and Mental Health Needs 2023 (20 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2023 CNA emotional and mental health needs practice test this test has 20 questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware of the importance of meeting the elderly resident's emotional needs this can be accomplished by regularly checking on the resident keeping the call Light Within Reach and modifications of equipment and use of devices to prevent Falls all of these measures meet what emotional need of the Elder a quality time B sense of purpose see Safety and Security D privacy the correct answer is C Safety and Security each of the examples mentioned in the question meet the elderly person's need for safety although important quality time with the resident developing a sense of purpose and offering privacy do not meet safety concerns question two the certified nursing assistant CNA understands that volunteering in the community joining a senior citizen group and exploring new hobbies and interest can help make the Elder person's life more fulfilling these activities can do what for the resident's Outlook a give a sense of purpose B respect privacy C make the person feel younger D prevent depression the correct answer is a give a sense of purpose volunteering in the community joining a senior citizen group and beginning new hobbies and interest can give the older person a sense of purpose for their life none of the activities respect privacy or make the Elder feel younger although these activities do bring fulfillment they may not prevent depression question three seniors like to make their own decisions and can do so unless they are cognitively declining the certified nursing assistant is aware that one of the best ways to respect the resident's decisions is to do what a suggests legal counsel B actively listen to the resident C ask them to speak with a social worker D encourage them to listen to their family the correct answer is B actively listen to the resident the CNA can demonstrate value and respect for the residents Decisions by actively listening to their wants and needs the CNA should never suggest legal counsel the CNA can suggest that the residents speak with the social worker or the family members of the situation warrants but that may not always be necessary question 4. the certified nursing assistant is aware that the residents sleeping more than usual lack of interest in once loved activities and withdrawal from family and friends can be a sign of what condition a anger B depression C frustration with staff D Alzheimer's disease the correct answer is B depression excessive sleeping lack of interest in previous activities and withdrawal from family and friends are all symptoms of depression anger and frustration with staff would be signs of unhappiness with the situation Alzheimer's disease usually causes more cognitive effects such as memory loss and forgetfulness question five you have a patient experiencing the end of life what would you expect the plan of care to include a range of motion exercises to increase the patient's strength B ways to provide optimal Comfort to the patient and family see ways to prevent forgetfulness D ways to encourage eating the correct answer is B ways to provide optimal support to the patient and family during the end of life patients typically do not eat or drink encouraging eating drinking or exercise is not needed for the patient in this stage of life it is normal for the patient at the end of life to have confusion and forgetfulness question six when a resident is acting out or having behavioral disturbances the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware of what actions should be taken first a encourage the family to make arrangements for the resident to live somewhere else B provide for patient and staff safety C isolate the resident from all other residents in the facility D call the police to pick up the resident the correct answer is B provide for patient and staff safety the first thing that should be done by the staff is to attempt to find what is triggering or causing the resident's negative behavior asking the family to make arrangements for placement in another facility or to move back home would be a last resort the resident would not be isolated from other residents and the staff would handle the behavior within the facility not by calling police for assistance question seven you have a patient who is yelling upset and crying due to a complaint how should you approach this matter a touch the patient's hands and ask her to calm down B report this to your charge nurse so the nurse can handle it C use a calm reassuring tone to speak to the patient D walk away from the patient to let her calm down the correct answer is C use a calm reassuring tone to speak to the patient as a CNA you should attempt to show the patient that their concern is important using a calm voice as a positive response and is more likely to calm the patient question eight you have a patient who has just received news that her best friend of 60 years has passed how would you assist her in the grieving process a encourage her to go to bingo to get her mind off of her friend B talk to the patient about a death you experienced in your life C ask the patient if she would like you to sit and talk about her experience D explain to the patient that the patient is in a better place and no longer suffering the correct answer is C ask the patient if she would like you to sit and talk about her experience the CNA should ask the patient if she would like you to sit with her if she agrees the CNA should actively listen and provide Comfort to the patient it is important not to use the other options because the patient can feel like you are discounting their feelings question nine the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that social isolation can result in serious health problems in the elderly population in order to prevent further isolation and loneliness the nursing home staff should provide regular social interactions for the resident as well as what a increase their daily protein intake B provide for Meaningful relationships among the residents C have the residents set in the sunshine for 15 minutes daily D let the resident spend all their time alone if they desire the correct answer is B provide for Meaningful relationships among the residents the facility staff should encourage friendships and meaningful relationships among the residents increasing daily protein intake and setting in a sunshine daily can help the resident to feel better but won't combat social isolation spending time alone will increase the resident's feeling of isolation question 10 the certified nursing assistant is aware that a nursing home must make reasonable adjustments to honor a resident's needs and preferences an example of this adjustment might be which action a letting the resident sleep instead of waking up every morning at 6am B informing the resident what they have to eat at every meal C always playing bingo instead of a variety of board games D deciding what all residents can watch on television the correct answer is a letting the resident sleep instead of waking up every morning at 6 A.M letting the resident decide what time they prefer to get up in the mornings the staff should not mandate what the resident wants to eat play or watch on television that should be up to the individual resident question 11 you have a patient that only seems to become confused and agitated after dark what is the patient most likely experiencing a dementia B Alzheimer's C sundowner syndrome D psychosis the correct answer is C sundowner syndrome it is common for the older adult to experience confusion after dark the clinical term for this is sundowner syndrome it literally means confusion after the sun goes down question 12 in relation to the recent outbreaks of covid that have affected long-term care facilities the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that what problem has acutely risen with the residents a feelings of isolation from family and friends B feelings of worry related to death by covid C feeling scared because the staff is in isolation attire D feelings of anger about not understanding covet precautions the correct answer is a feelings of isolation from family and friends the primary effect covet has had on elders in long-term care is isolation from family and friends although residents May worry about death from covid or feel angry about the use of coveted precautions that is still not as prevalent as isolation they also have to adjust to seeing the staff dressed out in isolation gear question 13. it is estimated that delirium is noted in at least 40 percent of nursing home residents in the United States the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware the resident with delirium might suffer from what symptom a resident becomes tearful and upset at small changes in schedule B residency or hear things at other residents and staff do not C resident becomes weaker and experiences episodes of incontinence D residents lose the ability to speak the correct answer is B residency or hear things at other residents and staff do not residents suffering from delirium may see or hear things that others do not or fail to recognize those around them they do not lose the ability to speak or become any weaker because of the delirium question 14 the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that attention-seeking behaviors in the nursing home resident may include all of the following except a going to every social event in the nursing home B refusing to visit with their family C excessive use of the call light D refusing to go to therapy the correct answer is a going to every social event in the nursing home it is healthy for residents to participate in all social events excessive use of the call light is attention-seeking behavior as well as lying down on the floor and then calling out for help or asking for pain medication and then refusing it not eating all their meals refusal of family visits or refusal to attend therapy are not common attention-seeking behaviors question 15 the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that the long-term care resident May report hmm question 15 the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that the long-term care resident May resort to manipulation of the staff the CNA recognizes manipulation as wet Behavior a constant complaints of pain or discomfort each time a new staff member is on their unit B lying to the other residents on their unit C refusal to take medications D setting a loan for all meals the correct answer is a constant complaints of pain or discomfort each time a new staff member is on their unit the resident May complain of pain or discomfort to a new staff member in order to receive medications this is a form of manipulating an unsuspecting nurse lying refusing medication or setting a loan or not forms of manipulation by the resident question 16 the CNA is aware of common mental health issues that are experienced by elderly adults these may be brought on by all the following situations except a the death of a spouse B loss of financial Independence C increasing health issues D faith-based group activities the correct answer is D faith-based group activities the death of a spouse loss of financial Independence increased health concerns and the changing of the role within their family are all issues that many older adults face in long-term care if the patient has a healthy relationship with family and friends having quality visiting time with family should fulfill the patient question 17 which of the following actions should the CNA take to help calm a client who is experiencing delusions a argue with the client to prove that the delusion is false B offer a complex explanation of why the delusion is not true C switch the focus to another staff member D do not take offense to the delusion listen to what the client has to say the correct answer is D do not take offense to the delusion listen to what the client has to say arguing with the client offering a complex explanation to why it is not true or switching the focus to another person will not calm the elderly patient with delusions the CNA should listen calmly and quietly to what the client has to say question 18 the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that a suspicious delusion may be referred to by Health Care Providers is what a scheming B Dream C paranoia D dementia the correct answer is C paranoia paranoia is characterized by delusions of persecution unwarranted jealousy or exaggerated self-importance paranoia can be seen in dementia but is not always seen in all dementia patients scheming or dreaming do not mean a client has paranoia question 19 the certified nursing assistant CNA is aware that the memory care unit will allow the resident with dementia to do what activity a watch television most of the day B sleep as much as they want to throughout the day see roam about the unit freely throughout the day and night D visit with their family weekly the correct answer is C roam about the unit freely throughout the day and night the main function of a closed memory care unit is that it allows the residents to roam about freely on the unit safely while being monitored by the staff question 20 the CNA is aware that anxiety may be experienced by elderly long-term care residents anxiety affecting the long-term care resident can include all of the following except a restlessness B anger C muscle tension D giddiness the correct answer is D giddiness symptoms I have symptoms of anxiety in nursing home residents include avoidance depressive symptoms difficulty concentrating fear of falling muscle tension restlessness urinary disturbances and sleep disturbances thank you for watching this video we hope you enjoyed it check out these videos that can help you with your future studies 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Channel: All Healthcare Careers
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Keywords: cna emotional and mental health needs, emotional and mental health practice test, cna emotional skills, can emotional and mental health, cna emotional and mental health practice questions, psychological and mental health, cna psychological and mental health
Id: uHAV1J2Fgjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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