CNA Practice Test for Spiritual and Cultural Issues 2023 (20 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2023 CNA spiritual and cultural issues practice test this test is 20 questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one what is one reason why performing post-mortem care is essential a there is no need to perform post-mortem care B performing post-mortem care ensures the staff feel good about themselves c one reason post-mortem care is essential is the body is prepared to be viewed by family and or friends D postmortem care is crucial in maintaining the dignity and respect of the patient the correct answer is D postmortem care is crucial in maintaining the dignity and respect of the patient the CNA must always perform post-mortem care once a resident is officially pronounced dead when providing such care not only are you ensuring the resident is probably taken care of once they are deceased you're ensuring the resident is presentable for family and friends let this be known that just because a patient has passed does not mean we treat them any different we still need to show respect most importantly you are maintaining the dignity and respect of the patient question two you notice a resident screaming at a co-worker what should the aide do a yell at the resident to stop B call the charge nurse C apply restraints d none of the above the correct answer is B call the charge nurse calling the charge nurse is the first step the charge nurse may have to provide medications to calm them down you may also need to ask for assistance from another staff member to de-escalate the situation if you yell at the patient and or attempt to apply restraints you may aggravate the resident more question three a family member calls the office and informs you that the residence family member passed how can you best support his family members and the patient a set with the family and or the resident offering support B do nothing because it is not your family member C just ignore the topic so the resident does not become emotional D ask another staff member to deal with the resident the correct answer is a set with the family and or the resident offering support you can respond to the residents or family's emotional needs by offering support and sympathy allow the resident and the family member to express themselves never ignore the situation or ask someone else to deal with their sadness as an aide we have a responsibility to provide comfort and emotional support question four what is the first stage of grief a anger B acceptance C denial D depression the correct answer is C denial as a healthcare professional it is imperative to recognize the stages of grief as this will allow you to better care for your patients and offer the support they need denial is the first stage of grief when we are in The Grieving stage it takes our mind sometime to process and adjust you can help the resident by allowing them to share stories question five what might be a contributing factor if a resident feels anger and resentment towards family a their family missed holidays B their family does not call enough C the resident may be feeling abandoned as they were placed in a long-term facility to be cared for by others rather than family D family does not bring them gifts anymore the correct answer is C the resident may be feeling abandoned as they were placed in a long-term facility to be cared for by others rather than family when a family member can no longer provide care a long-term care facility may be needed the resident will likely feel some resentment and feel abandoned it is scary to be placed in the care of strangers and not knowing what to expect best practice is to make the resident feel at home and comfortable question six what is one thing you will need when providing post-mortem care a nothing is needed when providing post-mortem care B supplies for a bed bath C towels D all of the above the correct answer is B supplies for a bath when providing post-mortem care you'll need supplies to wash the resident you need to wash the resident up this means cleansing the whole body treat them the same as you did before they passed and provide the resident with dignity and respect just because they're deceased does not mean we treat them less question seven you learned a patient just past why is it best to perform post-mortem care immediately a Rigamortis will set in which makes it hard to perform post-mortem care or move the patient B it doesn't matter when you perform postmortem care C postmortem care should be performed five hours after death d none of the above the correct answer is a rigor mortis will set in which makes it hard to perform postmortem care or move the patient it is best to perform post-mortem care immediately once rigor mortis sets in it makes it more difficult to move and turn the body it is best to perform postmortem care as soon as possible as this will allow you to move the body easily and perform proper care question eight why is it essential to close the door and the curtain when performing post-mortem care a you do not need to close the curtain B it is important to close a door and curtain so no one sees the resident C you only need to close the curtain the door can stay wide open D even though the patient is deceased we need to be respectful and provide privacy the correct answer is D even though the patient is deceased we need to be respectful and provide privacy remember just because a resident is deceased they still need to be treated with respect closing the door and curtain provides privacy we are still obligated to ensure we are being respectful to the resident by initiating proper protocol when caring for them after death and providing privacy is one way of being respectful not only are we being mindful of the patient however the family as well question nine why is it imperative to take into consideration different cultures and religions when death occurs a individuals with different cultures and beliefs mourn differently they may approach death differently B there is no need to take into consideration one's culture and belief see their bereavement process May differ from someone else's d none of the above the correct answer is a individuals with different cultures and beliefs mourn differently they may approach death differently individuals from different cultures and beliefs mourn differently we as caregivers need to take that into consideration when families come to mourn the death of their loved ones never interrupt the family and or interrupt any practices they may have never rush them out of the room give families time to perform any rituals and visit their loved one a placing yourself in someone else's situation Without Pity B taking the time to understand what is going on with that Resident C being aware of what you say and what effect it may have on another individual D all of the above the correct answer is D all of the above all of the above are correct and show empathy empathy is showing understanding Without Pity being aware of what we say and how we say things is essential as well and shows empathy towards others question 11 when a patient is dying what is the last sense they lose a taste B hearing C Vision D movement the correct answer is be hearing it is fundamental to inform family that the last sense to go when their family member is dying is hearing encourage them to continue talking to their family families need to be made aware that even though their dying family member cannot communicate they can still hear question 12 what is one physical change you may notice when death is approaching a there will be no physical changes B more energy C loss of appetite D increased activity the correct answer is C loss of appetite one common physical change you may notice is loss of appetite you will notice your resident eating and drinking or not at all as death nears if the resident is alert and oriented you can always offer small sips of fluids or small bits if they are able to eat question 13 your patient is nearing death and you notice they are grimacing a lot and look as if they are in pain what can you do to assist this patient and relieve their pain a ask the nurse to administer pain medications B do nothing as they are dying C place pillows around and under the resident D ask the patient what you can do to relieve their pain the correct answer is a asked a nurse to administer pain medications although not every individual will experience a pain while dying some do care should be geared around relieving their pain and making sure they are as comfortable as possible placing pillows under the patient is a good way to ensure they are comfortable however will not alleviate any pain they are experiencing question 14. shortness of breath is common at the end of life you notice your patient is having a hard time breathing what is one thing you can do to ease their breathing a lay them flat on their back B lay them on their side to open up their Airway C give them a puff of an inhaler D raised ahead of their bed the correct answer is D raise the head of their bed raising the head of the bed promotes effective breathing it opens up the airway and decreases the work of breathing when we raise the head of the bed we place the resident in a Fowler's or semi-fowler's position to promote chest expansion question 15 why is spiritual care important to Residents who are nearing death a many find comfort in their faith and religious beliefs B gives them peace C allows them to go without any regrets D AIDS in the family feeling better about the death of their loved one the correct answer is a many find comfort in their faith and religious beliefs spiritual care is just as important as physical care spiritual care relieves stress thus allows the individual to find meaning question 16 the nurse comes to you and States your Resident was just pronounced dead and she needs help with postmortem care what supplies will you grab a you do not need supplies the patient may be left as is B body bag three name tags a fitted and flat sheet hospital gown and supplies to cleanse the resident C body bag is all you need D all the above the correct answer is B body bag three name tags a fitted and flat sheet hospital gown and supplies to cleanse the resident yeah when providing post-mortem care you will need various supplies as you have to prepare the body to be transported and cleansed you will need a body bag to place the body in once care has been completed you will need three name tags as typically one goes on the toe the outside of the body bag and the transportation bed or table you'll also need clean sheets to cover the body and cleaning supplies to perform care or give the resident a bed bath question 17 what is one way you as a caregiver can deal with stress a exercise on a daily basis B talk about the residence in a negative manner see eat more D read more the correct answer is a exercise on a daily basis although reading may be a good stress reliever for some regular exercise is a positive way of dealing with stress releasing all those endorphins suppresses stress hormones and improves mood question 18 one factor that can influence the grieving process is the cause of death what impact can this have on the grieving process a the cause of death has no bearing on the grieving process B the cause of death brings up bad memories C death often reminds us of our past losses and how that individual passed d none of the above the correct answer is C death often reminds us of our past losses and how that individual passed the cause of death can alter the grieving process the cause of death can alter the grieving process as this may bring up past losses and how the individual passed sudden death and or specific diseases can cause emotional distress altering the grieving process the cause of death can prevent one from preparing for the death question 19 true or false General weakness and sleepiness are physical changes as death approaches a true B false the correct answer is a true as death approaches individuals will experience more fatigue become weak and want to sleep more it is not unusual to require more assistance with walking bathing and toileting question 20 how can you best support a family member whose mother or father is nearing death a tell them to go talk to other family members B always be readily available provide comfort and be careful what you say C defer them to the social worker D tell them to contact a counselor for guidance the correct answer is B always be readily available provide comfort and be careful what you say the best way to support family members is to ensure you are readily available if they need to talk listen offer support show interest in their concerns and be careful what you say remember they are grieving experiencing sadness be kind and choose the right words for Comfort thank you for watching this video we hope you enjoyed it check out these videos that can help you with your future studies don't forget to resuscitate the like button and subscribe to our Channel and please share this video with your fellow nursing friends
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Keywords: CNA Practice Test for Spiritual and Cultural Issues, cna spiritual and cultural issues, cna spiritual and cultural needs of patients, cna spiritual and cultural issues practice test, cna spiritual and cultural issues practice exam, cna spiritual and cultural issues practice questions
Id: KmKFUu4otHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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