Clueless Owner Refuses To Admit To Using FROZEN Burgers | Hotel Hell

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[ __ ] you know Rosen frozen frozen why are not even wrapped where are the burgers I mean it just doesn't look anything like a burger that was processed like that and stamped impress you can just tell right Wow Brett come with me yeah how's the fettuccine not the best general sorry um burgers a Burger cooked here locally would you expect that to be frozen or fresh the burgers not frozen it's the patties and everything come in frozen when you thought out is that like neither equal before L so it's not the frozen that it comes in frozen yeah you thought out and that so that your customers is not frozen burger well stay there let me just show you I'm waiting for him to come back he's gonna ream me on something oh boy here we go mm-hmm so there's your burgers is it frozen thank you well you husband said it wasn't know what I mean no it's it's frozen of course I never said that it wasn't it we thought out here it comes in frozen yeah it's still a frozen burger there's no such thing as a fresh burger at least at least here in Eastern Washington we cannot get fresh there's no print can you find me the burger come with me yeah good evening welcome please come in out of the cold your dinner quick question do you love a burger yes would you expect them to be made fresh here or frozen you gotta tell them what I tell them fresh all the way now should we tell them the truth I mean that's what we want oh we we sell our burgers come in frozen and we thought out but thorn the mouse doesn't make them fresh thank you appreciate it thank you thank you thanks for coming you guys welcome ladies hey folks how are you quick question coming out for dinner would you expect a frozen burger to be served here tonight or fresh one fresh you tell us I tell them I'll let you tell them oh come on you earned the place well we all of our beat that we get in burgers it comes in frozen our burgers and we and we thaw them out which in his mind convinces him it's fresh does that make it sound any better yeah thank you we're still glad to have you thank you you bet oh my after Brent tried to convince me that there were no fresh burgers in town I walk directly across the street and ordered one [Music] nice to see go into a restaurant like this would you expect your burgers to be fresh or frozen burgers come in frozen and we thaw him out that's the story thank you so that is a lamb burger fresh I'm getting sick to death of this denial denial denial you've been making up [ __ ] all [ __ ] day yes yes you have always start with the same thing to say first of aggressive condescending inappropriate and stubborn oh absolutely the staff the way you treat them you're just scared about employer team is gonna tell you the truth that is [ __ ] because you don't like them for guarding you with the truth yes you fire them Oh find out anybody I heard that you fired your son oh [ __ ] you don't even know the [ __ ] story he was having some issues Gordon and I told him where the alcohol problem I was aware of that right I was trying to save his life yeah my brother's a drug addict we put him in rehab seven times unsuccessfully I don't give up on him but what I'm more concerned about is that nothing's affecting you it's like we're doing great in general in the police runs quite well yeah oh my god
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 4,322,479
Rating: 4.9092932 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay cooking tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay recipes, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, Hotel Hell, Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell, Hotel Hell full episodes, Hotel Hell hd Hotel Hell watch online, Hotel Hell best moments, Hotel Hell funny, Hotel Hell funniest moments, Hotel Hell Official
Id: wa374EWP8ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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