Cloth Simulation Settings | Blender 3.0 Tutorial

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hello welcome to my channel in this tutorial we'll learn all cloth simulation settings in blender 3.0 let's get started the lecture [Music] let's add a cube object go to edit mode and press ctrl b to bevel the edges set the segment number to 3. go back to object mode again right click and make shade smooth let's add a plane now hit the s key and scale up the plane [Music] move the plane above the cube go to edit mode as you can see the plane has only four vertices that's not enough to work with cloth simulation right-click and subdivide the plane set the number of cuts to 25. let's go back to object mode and add cloth physics for the plane before adding the cloth physics let's add viewport shading to see better cloth physics go to viewport shading menu click on the mat cap tab and set the color type to object click on the object properties tab go to view port display and change the color set the color for the cube in the same way now select the plane click on the physics tab and add cloth physics let's play the simulation as you can see the plane is going through the cube because we have an ad collision physics for the cube so the plane cannot interact with the cube let's select the cube and add collision physics let's play the simulation again here we go right click and make shade smooth but the cloth still doesn't seem smooth to fix this problem go to modifier menu and add subdivision surface modifier for the cloth set the subdivision level to 2 for viewport and render it looks better now it is important modifier order in the modifier stack if we move the subdivision surface modifier above the cloth modifier we will get weird result now we have got this clipping problem in the corners to fix this problem scroll down to collision section set the collision quality to 8 set the collision distance to 0.03 we will go over this section in more detail later let's play the simulation again there we go [Music] quality steps is the number of the simulation steps per frame higher values result in better quality but will be slower to understand this let's increase the speed multiplier we can set the simulation speed with this value set the speed multiplier to 6. play the simulation as you can see the cloth is going through the cube let's set the quality steps to 10 play the simulation again here we go let's set the speed multiplier to 1 again now let's go over physical properties section vertex mass is the mass of each vertex on the cloth in the other words this value determines mass of the cloth let's set this value to 10 and play the simulation as you can see the cloth almost will go through the cube because it waits too much [Music] another problem is that the cloth pass through itself to fix this problem go to collision section and enable the self-collision option there we go [Music] let's set the vertex weight to 0.3 again air viscosity determines how dense the air is around the cloth if we set this value to 5 we can see the cloth falls down slower there are two different bending models angular and linear angular model bends the cloth edges smoother linear bends the cloth edges sharper [Music] now let's go over stiffness parameters the first one is tension this determines how much the cloth resists stretching to see better this effect on the cloth set the cloth mass to 10 kilograms and set the tension value 0.5 as you can see the cloth is stretching too much we can fix the clipping problem increasing collision distance let's set the tension value to 50 and play the simulation again this time we can see the cloth is not stretching too much the cloth has become more stiff let's set the vertex mask to 0.3 and set the tension value to 15 again compression determines how much the cloth resists compression let's add a new cube object and plane in the scene [Music] right-click and move the new objects into the new collection rename this collection as collection 2. also rename the other collection as collection 1. hide the collection 1 in the viewport this time add cloth physics for the cube and collision physic for the plane set the vertex mass to 20 for the cube let's play the simulation when the cube hits the plane it is compressing little bit let's set the compression value to 0.5 as you can see this time the cube is being compressing too much because it has little resistance to compression set the compression value to 15 again shear determines how much the cloth resists shearing let's rotate the plane on the x-axis slightly play the simulation as you can see the cube has enough resistance to shearing force let's set the shear value to 0.1 and play the simulation again this time we can see the cube is shearing too much because it is almost no resistance to shearing force [Music] let's set the shear value to 5 again and hide the collection 2 in the viewport unhide the collection 1 again bending value determines how much the cloth resists bending let's set the bending to 20. as you can see the cloth doesn't fold much it looks much more stiff [Music] let's go over damping section now damping values determines how fast the tension compression shear and bending behaviors damps for example let's set the vertex mass to 10 and set the tension resistance to 0.5 play the simulation as you can see stretching damping takes time let's set the tension damping to 40. when we play the simulation we can see damping happens faster [Music] final example select the cube set compression resistance to 5. play the simulation now let's set the compression damping to 30. we can see that the cube compression damps faster another cool thing we can use cloth presets click on the cloth presets and choose what type cloth you want to use when we select a cloth type stiffness and damping values changes when we select the cotton stiffness values are not very high so the cloth will be bended easily but when we set the leather the cloth becomes very stiff let's set the cotton let's talk about the internal springs now select the cube go to edit mode right click and subdivide the cube a couple of times go back to object mode again set the cloth presets to cotton and set the cloth mass too let's play the simulation as you can see the cube collapses when it hits the plane because it has 2 kilogram mass and it's compression resistance not enough now let's enable internal springs option and play the simulation again as you can see the cube is not collapsed it looks more stiff cloth physics are simulated through springs connecting vertices on the surface of a mesh but these springs only interact on the surface and only apply to 2d surfaces internal springs allows you to have springs inside your mesh also zero means that there is no length limit in the maximum spring creation length if we set this value to one the cube collapse easily when we increase this value the cube will become more stiff this checkbox will look at the normals on your mesh and determine where the springs will be let's go to edit mode and turn on the face normals for example if this top faces have normals pointing downwards it's not going to work face normals points outwards normally press c key and select the top faces of the cube press alt n and flip the face normals if the check surface normals is enabled the top face of the cube will be collapsed [Music] let's flip the top face normal again let's turn off the internal springs and turn on the pressure cloth pressure allows to simulate the objects such as balloons or balls set the pressure value to 10. as you can see the cube has become a balloon we can inflate this balloon by increasing pressure value or by increasing pressure scale [Music] if we increase too much these value the balloon will be blow out we can also use custom volume instead of the mesh volume in this case target volume will be active and we will able to set the volume also we can set the fluid density inside the mesh in this case bouncing damping will be faster because there is heavier gas inside the mesh [Music] hide the collection too and unhide the collection one in the viewport select the plane and go to collision section if we disable the object collision option the plane won't collide with the cube collision quality value is exact same thing with quality steps up here higher values ensure better quality collision but it makes slower the simulation let's set the cloth mask to five set the collision quality to one also set the collision distance to 0.03 play the simulation as you can see the cube is going through the cloth in the corners let's set the collision quality to eight and play the simulation again there we go it looks better now also we can increase collision distance to prevent this problem completely let's set the distance value to 0.06 as you can see the problem has been solved this is the distance between the cloth and cube during the collision [Music] [Music] using this method makes it look like the cloth is resting on air instead of it we can increase simulation quality in the cloth panel if none of the methods help you can easily edit the cached or baked result in edit mode afterwards impulse clamping prevents explosions in tight and complicated collision situations by restricting the amount of movement after a collision we can exclude from collision some parts of the cloth by adding vertex groups let's go to edit mode and select some vertices click on the object data properties tab and add new vertex group assign them with 100 weights then go back to object mode click on the physics tab scroll down to collision section and select the vertex group we have just created when we play the simulation the faces that have all vertices assigned to this vertex group won't collide with the cube let's delete the vertex group if we work with large and complex scenes we might want that the cloth doesn't collide with some objects let's add new cube and add collision physics for it when we play the simulation we can see the cloth collide with new cube if we want the cloth doesn't collide with the new cube we need to select collection one there are only red cube and the cloth in this collection so the cloth only will interact the objects in this collection if we move the new cube into the collection one in this case the cloth will collide with the new cube [Music] the cloth collides with itself and reel it cannot penetrate itself if we disable the self-collision the cloth won't collide with itself it will penetrate itself self-collision distance is similar to object collision distance but this time the cloth own faces take into account instead of the other object friction determines how slippery the cloth is when it collides with itself for example silk has a lower coefficient of friction than cotton we can also determine vertex group for self-collision let's go over the shape section now this panel allows us to create pin groups and sewing groups we can make things like flags and curtains also we can sew the cloths here let's see how it works select the plane and go to edit mode press c key and select these vertices these vertices will be our pins click on the object data properties tab click on the plus button and add a new vertex group rename this group as pins assign the selected vertices with 100 weight by clicking on the assign button let's go back to object mode and click on the physics tab select the vertex group named the pins and play the simulation as you can see the pin vertices stay in place other vertices of the cloth move around another option in the shape panel is sewing it pulls vertices in one part of a cloth mesh toward vertices in another part of the cloth mesh it is basically like sewing in real life we did a tutorial about cloth sewing before so i won't mention about it again you can watch this tutorial from the link at the top right now let's talk about the field weights as other physics dynamic systems cloth simulation is also influenced by external force effectors we can determine the amount of these forces in the force field panel for example let's add a wind force field move the force field and rotate it so that flows towards to the cloth set the wind strength to 600 select the cloth and set the cloth mass to 0.5 let's play the simulation as you can see the cloth is waving with effect of the wind let's set the weight of the wind force all the way down to zero in this case the wind field won't have any effect on the cloth if we set to 0.5 it will have half effect on the cloth [Music] effector collection limits effectors to a specified group only effectors in this group will have an effect on the current system let's move the wind force to collection 1. unhide the collection too in the viewport and select the ball set the fluid density to one as you can see the ball also affected by wind force let's select the ball and choose the effector group as collection 2. in this case collection 2 won't be affected by wind force property weights panel is used to constrain cloth properties to a certain vertex group let's go to edit mode select the half vertices of the plane assign them to a new group with 100 weights go back to object mode click on the physics tab and select the new vertex group for the bending group set the maximum bending stiffness to 30. let's play the simulation as you can see while the half of the cloth is bended too much other side of the cloth almost is not bended we can also use the other properties like this finally let's talk about the cache section here is where you can bake your simulation so you can jump to any frame on your timeline to view exactly what that frame looks like we can determine where we want to start the simulation and end the simulation let's set the start frame to 1 and end frame to 150 also set the timeline end frame to 150. click on the bake button when we play the simulation it will play back smoothly and we can jump to any frame easily let's rename this cache as cotton we can also add new cache click on the plus icon rename it as leather scroll up to cloth panel and choose the leather from preset set the end frame of the baking to 150 and click on the bake button now we have two different cache types and we can play any of them whenever we want if you want to change existing cache you need to delete bake then change the property you want and rebake we can also bake the simulation up to certain frame let's go to frame 40 and click on the calculate to frame button it will only bake the simulation up to frame 40. if you play the simulation without baking the blue line will be appear here that's temporary cache it will be deleted when we change the any value if we don't want to rebake it we can click on the current cache to bake if you have multiple simulation in your scene like fire fluid and particle system you can bake all dynamics by clicking on the bake all dynamics button thanks for watching see you in the next tutorial
Channel: MK Graphics
Views: 42,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender cloth simulation, blender cloth physics, cloth simulation, blender cloth guide, blender cloth pinning, blender cloth sewing, cloth simulation settings, blender cloth simulation wind, cloth simulation field weights, how to make blender cloth simulation, cloth physics blender 3.0, blender 3.0 tutorial, Cloth collision, cloth simulation property weights, blender cloth stiffness, blender cloth damping, cloth physical properties
Id: 6ZWzEmHsIuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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