Clo3D to Blender - Export and Import settings & Changing garment poses - Shape Keys & Morphing

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hi guys welcome back in this video I'm going to show you how to export everything from flow into blender to start to create the scene that we've got on the screen right now this is working with Xbox from Khloe and from their studio for the Avatar so this video is going to focus mainly on the export process from flow into blender so that we can start to get something that looks like this is the result so if I go straight into um hello at this point this is the clear file that I've created in a video series before so I'll link that down below but you guys to create this jacket the material and everything everything here the last video I did was about creating the uh poses in desk so now we've got our character in a custom pose with clothing that we've made the next step is to export everything out of color and bring it all into blender and I'll explain that process right now the first thing we want to check though before we do anything is the UV layout and this is also explained in another video that I've done so I'll link that as well for you guys to to see but basically we just want to lay out all the pieces in tiles in a logical way nothing should overlap the pieces shouldn't be overlapping each other they should have space around them they shouldn't be overlapping from one tail to another and the main thing to remember is if we have one fabric so for an example here this patent fabric these should all be scaled in the same way um they shouldn't be we shouldn't have one piece for you know for example bigger like this they should all be scaled in the same way and it should be the same for each material so all of these rib pieces here is the color and the cuff rip pieces they are all scaled in the same proportion um just for when you're working in other texturing programs and things like that you want the resolutions to be the same so this gives us the the best layout and that is the one thing that you need to remember so when we've got the UV cell in a good way we can start to export from this so if we go to file export and then go to obj um I'm going to export into this folder and I'm just going to call this jacket zero one and click save and then we'll have this export window and there's a few things we need to check here before we go into blender and the first thing is that we want to uncheck the select all avatars box because we want to bring the avatar from a different place not from Khloe we want to then select all the graphics and trims so that the the graphic badge that we've got and the metal trims all come with the export as well um the next option is thick thin and Weld and unwelled so thin you have the option to weld or unwell the geometry and dick you have only on welds as an option that's fine I'm going to explain the difference between these things now the next thing is um unified UV coordinates and that's basically taking this information in with the export so that if we apply new materials to this the the pieces are going to be laid out in the same way this is not selected we're not going to take this UV information but we need to have this selected so it's going to lay out the UV tiles for us as well we're going to export the materials at different point so you don't need to worry about this resolution the image size or anything here you can leave all of this unchecked the scale you want to set to meters because in blender we're working in a meter scale if you're going into Dash you would set this to centimeters which is the studio by default but you want to change this to meters set this to 100 don't change that and then everything is good to go so you click OK and then you can export your um your geometry the difference between them is if I show you here in this blender file I've exported the same jacket in in all three different possible ways that we can do it so we have thin unwelded here thin welded and thick and there's a slight definition of detail difference mainly between thick and thin and that's as you see around the edges of this pocket flap here this the edges of the ribbon the edges of the zip there's a slight definition there's there's a thick Edge basically whereas on the thin exports there is not this thick Edge is not there it's quite flat and it's quite thin there's a reason for this one uses a lot less geometry than the other as you can imagine this thick one has a lot more faces to cover than this thick one if we look at this in render View they're basically all the same from from afar if we start to get close you you can obviously see that the difference in detail around the edges of the pocket like I said before but they all get take the materials quite well everything gets projected quite well onto each of them there's not too much difference the the main difference is in how the geometries are connected so if I start with the one in the center the the welded one this is thin welded and I'm going to go into object mode up here from object mode into edit mode and I can start to select different pattern pieces here so if I press L on my keyboard with my mouse over a pattern piece I've got this set to UV so if I go back to color each one of these is a UV Island we call them and each island I can select in blender by using this link to select so I'm selecting each UV Island based on the the UV layers that we've set here so I can go around and select all these different pattern pieces I can click away and it'll deselect everything but the main thing I want to show is if I press L here if I suppress seam actually it will select everything connected to it by a scene so all these things are seem together so we're selecting the whole geometry but again if I turn this back to UV it will select just the UV island of this color if I press G on the keyboard to grab this and move it and I just move it up you see that this is all still connected and this is basically the stitching that we set up inside the 3D this is the stitching connecting these edges together it's the geometry that's created um this can be useful for different things but it depends on what your usage is if I look at if I undo this and then I look at the um unwelded one and I do the same thing I go to edit mode and I select with the L key this color and I press G to grab it and I move it up there's no stretching because these are not connected it's not welded it's not stitched it's just each pattern piece is just being you know exported is in the correct position but they're not welded together again this can be useful for different things depending what you're doing if you're texturing if you're great you know game animation characters like it depends what you're producing what we're going to look at for this is the well the the thick one and like I said this is only available as an unwelded option if you go to again you choose thick it will lock to unworld and I'll show you why that is if I select the thick object and I go to edit mode you can see now for example if I zoom right in on this pocket here I have pressing L again to select the UV Island you have a front to the pocket and you have an edge to the pocket and you have a back to the pocket so this is the same for the color so there's a lot more pieces created so if I go up here to the color I've got inside piece I've even got an outside piece and then I've got several Edge pieces so again all disconnected from each other but they're creating this effect of thickness but there's a lot more faces involved for here we've got one piece of geometry and here we've got three so if you look at this in terms of file size I'm just going to undo this to go back um go to the overlays panel up here drop this menu down to take a look and I activate the statistics option and you'll see the number of triangles in the scene um the more triangles the more we need to render the more time the less triangles the quicker it's going to run um looking at just one of these exports so the the thin export this is 159 000 triangles which isn't bad but it's you know it's not small if you look at the thick one this is 423 000. it's nearly 424 000 so this is more than twice the size or quite a similar definition in the end depending on what your usage is and how you're looking at this like I said when we see this rendered the textures look fine either way um it depends on your usage what we're going to do is focus with the thick one because it's got all the edges and the details that we want to work with if I was going to rig this to a character to play inside a game engine for example I'd probably use the welded one and if I was going to text to this in detail inside substance painter I might use the thin unwelded one because it's going to run quicker than taking the thick one so that's my quick explanation of the difference between these exports and what we want to do is go back here to stick and Export this whole thing with the settings we said before as a thick export so click ok that will export a stick the next thing that we're going to do is create a shape key so I'll again I'll quickly explain what this is here I have the jacket open and the jacket closed and I can create a connection between these two inside blender so if I select this jacket here and I look I have look One open on the right side this ship key here the shape keys and this is set to one because one is completely open if I set this to zero it will close and if I set this to 0.5 it will go somewhere in between those two um and we can export multiple poses of the Garment from Chloe as long as we don't change the stitching or the geometry or any of the details in this garment we leave everything as is we can create these shape keys in order to Repose our garment as we want so now I'm quickly just going to simulate this jacket open and then we're going to export this one more time as the shape heater work with the inside blender thing to note about this if I look at this ZIP for example I don't have any stitching connecting the edges of my zip because if I change the stitching it might change the geometry and therefore the shape key won't work based on one post to the next pose so make sure that when you go from one post to another you're not changing the stitching you're not changing internal lines you're not adding and removing trims you're not adding in removing top stitching don't do anything that could change the geometry of this don't change the particle distance keep everything in the exact same settings as it's in now and then the shape keys are guaranteed to work if you change any settings or you change any parameters that include too much you'll change the geometry and then the share Keys won't work so just a quick note before you make any changes from one post to the next so now the jacket is posed open we can export this as a shape key to use inside blender alongside our other export so again I'm going to go to file export go to obj I'm going to call this jacket One open I already have one here I'm just gonna overwrite this one deselect select all avatars again make sure you've got select all pattern selected to select all graphics and terms the same settings we used before Universe UV coordinates the same thick setting that we had before everything's set to meters and then press ok and this will now export our second pose as a as an obj as well we're going to go now into blender and I will show you how to set up this shape case so if we go to file I'm just going to delete this Cube here press X to delete it go to file import and then go to obj at the top if I look in my exports folder and I select both the jacket one obj and jacket One obj open um import both of these files take a second and they should both appear zoom in and take a look select the open jacket and just press G to grab it and you can move it around with G and then press X to snap to the x-axis and just place it next to our other one so to create the relationship between these as the the shape key like the morph that I explained is to select the first one come down here on the right side and select this green triangle um go to the shape case here we have vertex groups and shape keys in this parameters window here and click plus next to the shape Keys option and this will create a basis and that means now this is our main shape the one in the middle and this is our third shape that we're going to use to create a key form so select the one that we want to create the key file press shift and then select our main shape and we'll see the basis appear again come down here to the arrow drop this menu down and click join as shapes and if everything's set up correctly you should get a jacket One open as a shape key visible in your shift key editor on the side now so if I select my main geometry and I enter into here instead of zero as the default value I set this to one my jacket will pop up on like the one on the other side if I then set this to 0.5 it will be halfway between open and closed and now I can delete I'll press X and delete my other objects I don't need that anymore I just need this one and again I can set this to one to have it open so now you know how to export different poses outside of claw into blender how to transition from one garment post to another garment pose inside of blender itself we set up all the UV tiles and in the next video we're going to look at how to set up the materials so that we can see uh see how to export the materials out of color and bring everything into blender so in the next video I'll see you guys there I hope this was useful and yeah keep keep working
Channel: Digital Fashion Blender
Views: 29,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clo3d, digital, fashion, marvelous, designer, beginners, introduction, bomber jacket, design, digital fashion, render, lighting, texturing
Id: pjBC11GmN6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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