Clo3d to Blender Animation: Export HIGH QUALITY TEXTURE to Blender

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so welcome back to another tutorial on um closely we'll be looking at how to export your animation from 3D to blender and still maintain your texturing quality because Allenby loses quality when you export from clue 3D to blender so the format I use is called um Point catch and this is a sample of the result of what I got when I exported it from code 3D to blender as you can see on the screen compared to alembic format so let's begin so this shirt you are seeing on screen has been um animated already so let me show you here so this is admission as you can see here it has been animated so and also make sure that you've um properly arrange your um pattern on the UV editor then the next thing we'll do is to um go to file go to um export and go to point catch yes so I've already made my own um exporting on point scratch you get two let me just write something random here so this is savior so just make sure your quality is on 4K yeah play and that's all so now let's move to blender so before using this uh method on your um on blender just make sure the blender you are using is 3.0 well something will be missing there during the process of exporting or sorry importing the file on blender you get so I'll show you what I'm saying now so this is blender let's delete everything here so the next thing you do is to import then the file is going to be in obj when you export as a on point catch on Bluetooth so we go to obj here and then I'll go to my drive so I'm coming this is tutorial here um Point catch yes let me use this brand this is actually black in color so this is what it's going to be missing if you use um 3.4 3.6 you won't see geometry here you see something else here so what you need to click here is to click on keep that order so click on this and click on the obj and import or else you will see something like vertex um error or something like that so import the file well the issue about Point scratch is that when you export as Point catches that it's always um very heavy the file is very heavy so your system might lag in the process so now the obj file has been imported successfully so this is it here so and one interesting part about this um exporting in point catch is that it comes with called the texturing not like alamic alembic it's just pure white as you can see so this is it here and um let's um starts now it's another thing you will notice is that this shirt is animated already like you just picked one of the animated posts you get it the end is supposed to be in um a um post but then it's looking animated as you can see if I zoom closer you see the wrinkled texture which is not supposed to be so but then this is how we'll do it so what you do is go to the modifier yes click on mesh catch okay so if your laptop is strong enough or your system is strong enough you should be able to handle it to IU or you click here is click on PC to this point catch so this is it it's very heavy so um flick on this folder yeah we have to go to where I saved my file so I'm going to my tutorial yes tutorial um points catch crazy Brown and this is where you click on this brown PC2 then accept take a while to load so now welcome back our um listen our Point catch has fully been exported so this is it now this is the T post now so I won't be able to play this but then I will show you the difference between um this point scratch method and alembic Method so let me just move it to the exercises a bit so I'm moving to this activity and I'll import alembly file of this um same Design This same shirt you get so and you see the differences and you understand what I'm trying to say you guys you can see the old detail in there so let me import alembly for you so let's go to import let's go to um Alan big yes so go to this my drive um so I'm going to tutorial yes Olympic okay yeah this is alembic file as you can see there is no texture on this island big file and I mean if rendering engine there's no texture so for you to get texturing what you need to do is to export this design as um obj when you export as obj you can always um embed your um the texturing from the obj has image texture on blender so let me show you what I'm saying now since I've exported this file as obj now the next thing I'll do is to go to my Shader this is the shading click on it new yeah so this is it I'm coming then click on the principle on bsdf and I'll click on Ctrl shift T so that's what you do go to this and I'm coming I hope I remember where I dropped my file um okay guys here so I'm going to click this black color this is the color that I fuse and the normal so use the black color I see what I'm trying to say so I've imported it so it should appear here soon so finally it has been imported so let me show you now in the layout see you can see the difference you can see there is a great difference between the textures and I and you can see there's a great Improvement so this is just the difference between them the only difference again the only disadvantage is that point catch is heavier and the fires are larger than and if you use um Cycles let's go to cycle but fiber cycle let me just create a plane and also show you the difference so is it most time I don't play my animation on blender when I use points catch because I know it's already animated or else I'm just stressing it out so and also if you want to create a scene on blender I advise you to create make sure your scene is ready on blender before importing your animation into the scene into into blender as a point card you get for smooth um for smooth process so let me add a lightning just um so that's what I do most of the time so before I import my clothes design to blender I make sure that my I've designed my scene with the cube anything I plan to design in this scene it's already prepared down the lightning the camera already set down so I know where my product is going to appear so um what did I just do so gz okay let me use like 200 I just make you wider this size so I don't know how long it will take to open on blender but let's find if sorry so this is it oh this side this is if that's why it's faster but let's see Cycles you take a while so this is the result on um Cycles so this is it
Channel: Timmydcreator
Views: 2,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clo3d tutorial, marvelous designer, digital fashion
Id: lpWz8krjy4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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