2D Facial Rigs Just got 10x EASIER in Blender!

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today we're going to be looking at how to do these 2D animated face rigs now I've done a previous popular tutorial on this but this time we're going to make it better with the animatable controls in fact this will be utilizing my free face textures which I'll talk about where to get at the end of this video first thing I'm going to do is come up here to import using the images as planes add-on and I'm going to go ahead and import my facial textures now you want these to be set up as a sequence so that they read off in a numbered order also I'm going to start with just doing the eye so I'm going to go ahead and grab all the facial textures that I want to import and over here you'll notice a lot of settings and what we want to do is animated image sequence and this will ensure that it puts it all into one node for so let's go ahead there hit import images as planes now I'm going to go ahead and rotate this 90 degrees so that it is facing the camera and hit Ctrl and a and apply the rotation and scale so that all of that is zeroed out perfectly visual effects play a large role in Creative products but they're time consuming render intensive and difficult to control Dynamic visual effects pack aims to solve all that with over 25 visual effects assets you can drag and drop into your scene with easy to use exposed controls annotated graphs to help you learn and customize further and the best part is nearly everything renders super fast in either EV or Cycles let's dive in and take a look at how some of these can help save you time now what we're going to go ahead and do is open the Shader panel so come over here go to the Shader editor here and you'll see that we have our PNG set up here now first of all I don't want this 2D image texture to be capturing too much lighting so I'm actually going to turn the specular down to 2.5 and the roughness up to one and that'll just give me a little bit of a flatter look while still taking some lighting now what we're going to be playing with is this offset value here that will allow us to offset through the frame so let's go ahead set that back to zero I'm going to set this to cyclic just so that we can kind of see that as it is progressing and what we're going to go ahead and do is add a controller that will control this offset value great so how do we go about doing that let's create an Armature first name this just single bone there we're going to name this face rig and then we're going to move this and make sure you're in object mode we're going just to put this off to the side here it's very important that you do not adjust the pose mode because we're going to be using that as our driver so now what we want to do is switch into pose mode after you've placed it we're going to switch to local mode here turn on our Gizmo and we're going to pick the direction we want to go in my case I want to go up and down so I'm going to pick the Y Direction so we're going to come up here to the Y location we're going to copy as a new driver now what we are going to do is tap back out into object mode grab our face here and we're going to paste that driver into that offset value now when we grab this we'll see that we can actually begin moving through however this could definitely be improved so let's look at what we could do we're going to come over here to the Shader editor and we're going to drag this up we're going to open a driver menu here now we're going to grab the face texture and we need to come up here and make sure we have that texture selected in the node there come down here grab this once it's all twirled down and come over here to the driver tab perfect so you'll notice here that it named after the bone so this is important to know if you rename the mode so let's name this I control it is going to break your driver so if we switch back here and come here you'll see that this is no longer working because the driver has been broken so it doesn't update the driver you can see now it's turned red it realizes it's not working so you just need to change this to the name of the bone just something to keep in mind now we're going to go ahead here and use a scripted expression so we'll go ahead and change this there and then we're going to set a custom variable here so I'm going to call mine I up here we're going to enter I as our variable and then if we come over here and switch we'll see that things are still working perfect so now let's go ahead and make this a little bit easier to use what we can do in this expression is we can go ahead and times this by 10. so essentially what's happening now is that when we move down you'll see that the eyes don't change until it hits negative one and that's because it's returning a value of one and then offsetting as negative one but first of all we want this to be a positive number and also we want it to be a whole number we don't want to be dealing with all these in between float values and then lastly but just to move a bit quicker otherwise we're going to have to move our bone all the way down there to scroll through all of our eye animations so let's look at how we can do that it's pretty simple with this script first what we're going to do is put this in parentheses and we're going to times the I value by 10. now what this will do is that instead of every one meter it will be every 0.1 meters as you see there we'll begin scrolling through all of our I values for us perfect now what we want to do is go ahead and add an integer value and we're going to start by shrinking this bone as well as it's a bit large there perfect now what we can do here is we're going to go back into our driver here and we're going to put INT in the beginning and what that will do is convert this to an integer so that we can be using those integer values lastly we want to convert every number we have here into a positive number you can see right now it's scrolling through kind of all the negative values and we want this to only be the positive values so let's go ahead here grab this again and we're going to add an absolute function in front of this so that's just abs put a parenthesis there and then a parenthesis here to close it now when we place our bone here you'll see that it is changing every time and it's a positive frame if we go ahead and grab this we can see that we are moving forward I'm just going to grab this little pin here so this stays up and you can see that as we move down it is updating over here until it goes through all of our face values perfect now well the driver is based off of the custom location in the local space so we can go ahead and move this around and it's not going to affect anything so what we can do is go ahead reset that with alt G and I'm just going to go ahead and move this up here a bit so that the kind of Animation is centered around our facial texture a bit that way it's in this range now what we can do is come over here to the Bone Tab and we're going to make some adjustments here let's go to pose mode grab our bone here and we only want it to move on the y-axis so let's just go ahead and lock everything up now we can only move this up and down on the y-axis now let's also go ahead and limit our space so that we're not flying up and above and kind of hitting that missing texture realm so what we can do is in pose mode grab that bone switch to Bone constraint tab add a bone constraint there we're going to go ahead here and we're going to do a limit location and then we are going to turn on the Y on both of these now I want my y to go down so we want the negative value here to go all the way to the last frame we have here so around 0.7 there and I'm going to go ahead and just copy this number and set that as the minimum y that can go and I'm going to leave this at zero and then now what we can see and we'll click effect transform and set this to local space and now you can see that we can only move our bone that much now you can go ahead and also go about making this a bit cleaner with controls as I showed you here in the beginning example I'll go ahead and show you one quick example so what we can do here is add a plane we'll take that plane in top view we'll tab in edit mode we'll go ahead grab these top two merge at Center then we're going to go ahead and just scale this down apply rotation and scale we'll switch back into edit mode here base mode grab that face only delete the faces there by pressing X only face and then we'll go back to this bone here switch over to the Bone tab viewport display custom object go ahead select that plane and now you can see that we have an arrow and you can go ahead and play it with the sizes here so that's how you'd go about creating your custom bone shape and then I just imported an image sequence here next to it and put some lines as kind of a just visual reference so how would you go about attaching a rig like this to a character well I've gone ahead and imported one of my characters now I also want to take this time to announce that I am not only just giving away the face textures for free but I am giving away this entire rig for free which you can find in the description below so I hope you find some fun use of that let's dive in about how to attach this to our characters so let's go ahead here and we'll go ahead and move this forward and we're going to get this in front of our character kind of as close as we can there with the plane so I'm just going to go ahead and move that there then I'm going to go ahead and kind of scale my face there so great that's about as large as I want the face on my character I'm also going to go ahead here over on the rig and maybe adjust this to be a little bit less creepy of a face great now what we can do is use a shrink wrap modifier on this to attach it to our character and we're also going to parent it so let's look at how to do that so what we're going to do here is grab this object come over here to the modifier Tab and then you're going to add a shrink wrap and you're going to select your character and at first it's going to look a bit odd and what you want to do is take this offset and just barely drag it up and that will pop it above our character if you want to avoid this casting Shadows onto your object because it is slightly Offset you can come over here to the object properties and you can mess with the visibility here and just turn off shadows and then it will no longer hash Shadows that are visible to the camera the other thing you can do too is if you have a more detailed character you can add a subdivision surface Above This shrink wrap and that will help it apply to your character a bit better I recommend doing it on SIMPLE so that it doesn't distort as much and then what you can do is grab this object grab your character and then parent that to your character and then you can move your character around and you can go ahead and animate your rig as well
Channel: SouthernShotty
Views: 90,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender 3d, blender animation, blender 2.8, ghost effect in blender, blender rigging tutorial in hindi, blender tutorial in hindi, pro animation in blender tutorial, stylized shader in blender, pro animation in blender tutorial easy, animate in blender, animate a character in blender, animation in blender, animating in blender, npr shading in blender, 2d animation in blender, hologram in blender 2.8
Id: ju5xlC6XsAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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