CLJ Conference Session 5 with Regner Capener

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giman estas god bless him we are okay for those of you are not here yesterday I shared that I was I spent time in heaven spend time with David and learned how was that he could write the Psalms and how Holy Spirit is downloaded from him or downloaded to him rather as he settled the hillsides pit tending his father's sheep at his harping hand and he would just begin to minister to the Lord and he would begin to play whatever he heard coming out of heaven for me that was 67 68 years ago and from that time on because I experienced the sound of worship in heaven it has been in my spirit ever since and I have worship to go through my spirit 24 hours a day I often wake up in the middle of the night with new songs and if I if I pause during the day they just start to flow and so as I play what I'd like for you to do is to close your eyes and listen and if Holy Spirit gives you a vision or gives you a word or something as I'm playing and you hear this sound I'd like for you to share it we do this at our fellowship I start to play people hear things from the Lord they get visions they experience things and then they share what they see and is enriching to all of us see get this mic turned on there a check here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] many years ago I wrote a song with John Poole during the charismatic renewal and it's won most of you probably have heard maybe even son I'm gonna play it I'm gonna sing it and if you like you can get up and dance to it [Music] why there is a lead role day - underside we go we do Thunder doh yes I Jojo rejoice from the day we do guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] number of years ago my wife della was just waiting on the Lord and this song came into her spirit while we sing it frequently I stand before your throne only [Music] [Music] [Music] just math no flesh shall enter there so Lord you cleansed and pure Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] just let's enter their solo do cleansed and pure may stand before your throne only in your own [Music] [Music] [Music] in your world [Music] [Applause] when Bruce shared this morning he took me down a rabbit trail and I did not have the notes ready of I mean I had this on my computer but what I want to do is get controversial of course you know we never do that I have been disturbed for many years over the way that the Word of God has been abused in the body of Christ and specifically in the church world we have our oversimplified English translations that lose so much and what it has what's happened is it is led to doctrines that are unbiblical they're unscriptural give you a good example back in the late 60s 68 69 their votes I was associate pastor at fool assembly in Salt Lake City and I was waxing eloquent on the great tribulation and on the back of the beast and the Antichrist and all this good stuff and I was proud of myself because I really had it down I had my charts my notes and I was pleased because the Wednesday night gatherings were better attended than our Sunday services stupid stupid stupid anyway I got home one night after really getting bold with what I was saying and the Holy Spirit stopped me cold in my tracks and he said I thought we had an agreement and I said yes he said I thought he said let me ask you this are you sharing what you're teaching because I revealed it to you by my spirit or because you read it in somebody else's books Lord that taught me short he said I thought we had an agreement that you would only teach what I revealed to you and nothing else I so what else was there to do but tear up all my books my notes my charts everything and thrown in the trash and I did not touch the subject for 25 years I refused to teach on end times and endtime doctrines because I didn't have revelation I knew what everybody else was saying and I knew the Holy Spirit was saying to me that's wrong they're missing it there's a do I believe in tribulation you bet I do do I believe in rapture sure I do but not what they commonly teach do I believe in the mark of the beast yep but it ain't what you've been told so let me preface where I'm going with this from 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verses 15 to 17 briefs has told you that I love to translate the Greek in the Hebrew and to expand it so that you get more of the meaning it's not complete it's not totally thorough but my objective is to grasp what Holy Spirit is trying to say to his people so listen to this on the our King James Version says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness and their word will eat after they canker of whom is hymenaeus and philetus now listen to how it renders from the Greek when you start to amplify it be instantly responsive to the Lord making yourself available to him in the midst of the truth of all a tried-and-tested laborer who has no fear of being examined one who by virtue of God's testing and the time spent in the crucible with him knows the proven word of truth is that different stand aloof from and avoid the untested untried word which comes forth from those who would propagate speculation and create their own doctrines these profane speculations and so-called words are empty babblings which will only serve to advance ungodliness and those who spread these doctrines will only yield a gangrene pasture a source of poison to those who ingest their word and we point out how meanest and philetus as examples does that ever come out different there is no justification for the word study steady is what yields what causes people to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the knowledge that they gained is academic it's it's humanely acquired knowledge humanely acquired wisdom and Holy Spirit has not revealed it people study they spend hours and hours and hours and they come out with their mental reasonings and justifications for the positions that they take the whole concept of the tribulation that has been preached is wrong is their tribulation guaranteed there's tribulation but it's going on right now there's no such thing as seven years of tribulation in the word people have conspired if you will to create this thing so that they've formulized at the end times seven years of tribulation and depending on who you listen to you've got a pre-trib rapture a mid-trib rapture a poster of rapture take your pick and then learn a stand rapture they don't understand that rapture is something we can experience every single day rapture is nothing more than being caught into the presence of the Lord and brother that's what we need to be living today and it's all the more important as we see the final days approaching and as we prepare for this great outpouring of salvation and deliverance and ministry to those who are lost what God has in store for this day means we have to live rapture we have to live it let's suck about the mark of the beast for a second I'm taking you down some rabbit trail sorry about that there are there are Hebrew metaphors that abound throughout the word let me give you one from Ezekiel chapter 9 Ezekiel is commanded to send runners throughout the city of Jerusalem and to put a mark in the foreheads of all those who sigh and cry in agreement with the Lord over the wickedness of the city what's the mark what's the mark what's the purpose of that mark the Hebrew metaphor for mark in the forehead is the way a person thinks it's not it's not a physical mark as to as to make a point of those who think a certain way what's the mark of the beast those who agree with the thinking of the beast what's the marking the right hand that's another common metaphor that's the way you conduct business do we need a marking in the hand you think somebody's gonna put a an indelible ink mark on your hand or put it insert a chip under your skin this isn't what it's about I know there are people who are afraid that's happening and going to happen and dello and I have a friend who invented the chip that people want to apply that way and they understand at all that when when Joe developed that chip that was not what he was after our friend dr. Joseph O'Neill developed this chip that can be inserted into a person's brain to deal with birth defects and and to compensate for them so that they can live a normal life was never intended as a tracking device but that's what the world turns it into now I know that this is not what you've been taught and sorry about that I can't help it can I help it if I'm right okay that sounds arrogant doesn't it all right let me take you to second Corinthians chapter 10 and this is a scripture you're all familiar with I'm beginning in verse 4 verse 3 sorry and again this is my application from the Greek for though we little for though we live deport and comport ourselves by that which we see hear taste smell and touch we do not contend with war after and execute military strategies against Satan by that which we see and hear no intellectually or have opinions of for the weapons and the instruments of our war and executed actions against Satan do not have their origins and weak impotent operation in natural flesh and human abilities but they are skillful potent and powerful like dynamite through God to the demolition and extinction get this of all fortified and guarded places of opinions in opposition isn't that what we have in the world today is not what we have in the body of Christ we have all these religious doctrines then we guard them with our lives and we're guarding something in opposition to the Word of God bringing down violently and demolishing to total extinction all mental reasoning and processes and every mental barrier or arrogant and self elevated attitude that justifies itself in opposition to the knowledge of God bringing into captivity and making a prisoner of every perception of the intellect and every mental purpose or determination to the compliance and submission of Christ and his anointing in the same way that he complied with the will and desire of the Father and holding in readiness and preparedness the spiritual fitness to vindicate and punish all refusal to hear what the Spirit is saying when you're attentive and obedient submission has been satisfied fully and executed what are we vindicating or what are we what are we taking action against what's in us while speaking out against other people we're not taking positions against them and their religious attitudes and their doctrines were taking a stand by the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ against all those guarded opinions that we have developed in our own self that rise up in opposition to what God is doing insane how else is the Lord going to get a body how else is he going to get a bride who is an overcoming bride come Lord Jesus yep the spirit and the bride say come even so come Lord Jesus what do we want him to come for the church nope he's not coming for namby-pamby Caesar milquetoast do-nothing christians he's coming for a people who have overcome all of the obstacles all of the opposition he's coming for a people who are like him when we see him we will be like him because we will know him as he is and he will know us as we are I told you I was going to get myself in trouble I've been kicked out of churches for sheree this people don't appreciate it they don't appreciate the truth they want to hang on to their doctrines they want to hang on to their very closely guarded opinions okay be that way see if I care it isn't up to me to judge them they don't answer to me the answer to the Lord I get to share what Holy Spirit reveals to me and if you if it rings in your spirit hallelujah if it doesn't ring in your spirit and you raise question marks that's okay you're welcome the question is I tell people if you don't if it doesn't work for you put it on the shelf and wait for the Lord to bring revelation I'm not the arbiter of truth I'm not the one who makes the decisions as to where you stand with the Lord I have to shut off opinions I can't afford to have opinions when it comes to the word of the Lord all I can do is share what Holy Spirit gives to me and let me say this I don't know it all guess what I'm a in that I know bits and pieces my heat my messianic Hebrew scholar friends tell me that there are seven layers of interpretation to every scripture so praise God I maybe I get one or two of those layers but that means there's five more so do I have it all nope one of the things I have discovered is that not one of those layers will disagree with another they will all fit together and they'll fill out the picture this brings us back to the tabernacle of David how do we how do we get so far afield because David was in tune with the heart of the Lord and and the things that David shared the things that he saw the things that are that we read in the Psalms came to him right out of heaven he he was writing the Word of God he was sharing life he was sharing truth and if you start taking apart the Psalms and doing the same thing that I've done with these other scriptures you get a much fuller revelation I won't go there today but back in the 80s I had an opportunity to be alone with the Lord for an extended period of time and I began studying the Song of Solomon and I discovered that it is back to back Hebrew metaphors from the very opening titles to the very last verse it is back to back metaphors and the revelation of Jesus Christ that is unveiled in the Song of Solomon is absolutely tastic it is a picture of the love relationship that God is after with us so before I put this thing away let me let me share these with you one more time second Timothy chapter two verses 15 to 17 be instantly responsive to the Lord making yourself available to him in the midst of the crucible oh really hello what is the crucible do you know what a crucible is it's a place where they smelt gold or silver they refine it they heat it up to hundreds of degrees and they and all of the dross floats to the surface so they can be scooped off and then they heat it up again be instantly responsive to the Lord in the midst of the crucible that says to me we're going through testing we're going through trial we're in the heat we're in the fire and that fire is good for us because it is cleansing and purifying us it is cleaning up our nature and our character it is causing us to become more and more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ that's what Jesus is after revelation 19 verse 7 let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife hath made herself ready yeah how did she make herself ready she overcame she overcame she endured the crucible she might have screamed the whole bunch well chief if the crucible Wow all the dross wasn't being cleaned up but she stayed put in the crucible long enough for the Lord to do what he needed to do and believe me if you are going to grow up in God if you are going to become the mature seasoned bride that the Lord is after you must endure the crucible there's a free another phrase in the psalm Solomon that I like King James renders it my sister my spouse but when you read that in Hebrew it is my counterpart my other self my counterpart my other self that's what was supposed to be we're supposed to be Jesus other self see David saw that and everything inside of him breathed after becoming the other self to the Lord Jesus Christ he saw the heart of the Lord and he wanted that heart fulfilled whatever it took and did he screw up along the way yep do we now we never screw up don't you wish human nature says we're going to make a mess out of thing but it isn't making a mess out of things that counts it's what we do with it I've screwed up royally I've made some real blunders and the Lord has been good enough to minister to me and allow His grace to reveal truth to me and to show me where I've gone south and do little clean up inside of me hey you know what when the Lord rebukes you it might get hot but it's a good hot making yourself available to him in the midst of the crucible a tried-and-tested laborer who has no fear of being examined one who by virtue of God's testing and the time spent in the crucible with him knows the proven word of truth how is it proven anybody how is the word proven by what you walk through the Lord brings correction to us and we walk it out and he proves his word in our life he gives us the experiences that back up the word so the word becomes a reality to us and his word becomes our flesh Jesus John describes Jesus as being the word made flesh and dwelt amongst them that's what we're supposed to be it's what David sought after that was the purpose of the tabernacle shadaloo from and avoid the untested untried word which comes forth from those who would propagate speculation and create their own doctrines these profane speculations of so-called words are empty babblings which will only serve to advance ungodliness and those who spread these doctrines will only yield a gangrene pastor how's that for a description a sorts of poison to those who ingest their word and we point out hymenaeus and philetus as examples and we see this borne out in 2nd Corinthians chapter Kim though we live deport and comport ourselves by that which we see hear taste smell and touch we do not contend with war after and execute military strategies against Satan by that which we see in here no intellectually or have opinions of for the weapons and instruments of our war and executed actions against Satan do not have their origins and weak impotent operation in natural flesh and human abilities but they are skillful potent and powerful like dynamite through God to the demolition and extinction of all fortified and guarded places of opinions in opposition bringing down violently and demolishing to total extinction all mental reasonings and thought processes and every mental barrier or arrogant and self elevated attitude that justifies itself in opposition to the knowledge of God bringing into captivity and making a prisoner every perception of the intellect and every mental purpose or determination to the compliance and submission of Christ and his anointing in the same way that he complied with the will and desire of the Father where do all this opposition come from listen to the letter to letter number six to Philadelphia and again this is an amplified translation to the angel the heaven sent messenger in the ecclesia in Philadelphia write the following this message comes from the one who is holy he was truth and speaks nothing but truth he who holds the key of David he who opens and no man shuts he who shuts and no man opens I'm well aware and know your Labor's your deeds and that which you continue that in which you continue to expend your energies see and consider that I have placed before you an opening door of access and no one can shut or lock it you are in possession of a smallest amount of strength force and power because you have maintained my word and have not contradicted or rejected in any way my own OVA my character my personality makeup or the essence of who I am we pause the Greek word that we find throughout the New Testament this translated name is the Greek word on DOMA and Anoma is so much more than john james alfred whatever o Noma is your character it's the essence of who you are when we baptize somebody in the name of Jesus we're not baptizing them in their name we're not using a formula we are baptizing them into the very character and essence of the Lord Jesus Christ when we cast out demons in the Anoma of the Lord we are using the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ operational in US and through us because demons will flee I got a story I'd like to tell you there but I'll hold it okay fine [Music] number of years ago I was one of the conference speakers at a full Gospel businessmen's convention in Phoenix I couldn't understand how in the world they invited me to come and speak at this international convention I mean there are thousands of people there you know who my how did they pick me to come and be a speaker and so I'm ministering to a whole raft of young people and the Lord gave me a vision of Salt Lake City and I see if I see a flame of fire just ablaze over the city and the Holy Spirit speaks to me and he said when you get home from this conference I want you to begin fasting for 21 days okay I'd fasted for three days for a week I'd never fasted for 21 days I had no idea that it was gonna launch a life of fasting but you see up to this point my fasts had always been ester type fests no food no drink so I dived into this past when I got home no food no drink well you reach the eighth day and I'm looking for a hole to crawl into and I I jumped in bed and I opened my Bible and fell open on in the Book of Daniel and I saw that Daniel had bread and water well that means I could actually have bread water and I won't break the fast so I did and you know we come to the it's probably about the 17th or 18th day of the fast I'm at the church office and a Mormon Bishop comes in to visit bill christopoulos who is was a senior pastor that I worked with there and he said I hear this conversation going on he says you know we've been doing this study on the Holy Spirit and we think it'd be great to have a couple Pentecostals come I thought oh you've got to be kidding me and so he asked us if we could come on Friday night and you know do their Friday night thing at their ward house on the Holy Spirit so ok Friday night was a funny first day of the fast and we get to this community it's eskdale Utah right on the Nevada state line and the you know brother bill christopoulos was a an anointed violinist he was he had been a professional he served on as principal chair principal violinist to the NBC Symphony Orchestra wasn't existed and his wife was an equally accomplished pianist and so you know when we didn't discuss who was gonna share or anything like that and about 6 o'clock in the evening before you know things supposed to unfold at 7 he says to me he said you know what I think we ought to break your fast by taking communion it sound like a great idea to me so we partook of chameleon we go into the meeting and you know brother Bill is the senior pastor so he's the one who's gonna share right logical careful be careful with what logic it's going to get you in trouble so the the Mormon Bishop introduces us brother bill goes and picks up his violin and he begins to worship the air pin drop in that place I mean they were all but maybe two or three people in that whole community who gathered in that war house we were an oddity you know we were we weren't warrants and so for about 20 minutes brother bill and his wife played they didn't say a word they didn't sing they just flowed in worship and when they finished there was a holy hush that settle down over that place he puts his violin down in the case straightens up and he turns to me and he says reg this service is yours oh you got to be kidding what am I gonna share way I mean we haven't talked about this we haven't prepared for it I flipped open my Bible on my lap and it fell open to mark the sixteenth chapter these signs shall follow them and believed what's the first thing that happens they cast out demons so okay I knew exactly what I was gonna share so I get up to the podium put my Bible down and I read mark 16 and I said you know what we appreciate your invitation to us and I unloaded on them for about 20 minutes or so on the characteristics of the Holy Spirit who he was and what he did and all that and I said you know what I could stand here all night and tell you everything I know about the Holy Spirit and you'd walk out that back door not knowing a thing more than you did when you came in I said you need to experience the Holy Spirit for yourself you need to see the Holy Spirit in operation then I did something I'd never done in my life and I said is there anybody here and this is what I'm seeing you've been in some kind of an accident and that accident has impaired you for most of your life if that's if that describes you want you to stand your feet and come up immediately this gentleman stood up on the back row wearing coke-bottle glasses and a face that was so grossly disfigured it was almost hard to tell who he was he'd been in a fire as a teenager he was now in his 50s and the gray was a grotesque appearance man I'll tell you what my heart dropped in my shoes John had faith I had and I said under my breath I said Lord if you don't show up now we can shut up and get out and I just did this I couldn't say these names did this and he worked his way out and came down the aisle and all of a sudden faith hit me like a ton of bricks and I couldn't wait he gets up to about the first step there and I stretch out my hands and I said in Jesus name and the flesh begins to pull back in place [Applause] it gets up on the platform and he stands in front of me and it's still happening you know everybody can see it and I was taking my breath away and so I I didn't know what to say I said sir what do you see he looked at me two glasses off he said well he kind of looked like a tree and I thought about Jesus what did Jesus do when the man said I see men in street walking about he touched him again so I reached up I put my hand over his face that his sir Jesus name receive your eyesight eyelids begin to form around his eyes tears begin to trickle down his face tear ducts came alive he stood there for a minute or so all this was happening finally he turns and he starts calling out the names of people John I can see you Jack I can see you man it was pandemonium all of a sudden the aisles filled with people wanting to be ministered to I didn't invite them so I turned to brother Bill and I said man this is too much there's roughly 330 people gathered there and I said this is more than I can do I said you take one row I'll take the other row and we'll minister to them one of the time we saw a miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle one point he stopped mother brought her lame daughter never she's five years old never walked a day in their life she had a pigeon feet you know they were turned under like this so she had no feet to walk on brother bill said let's do this one together so we both put our hands on her and those feet turned back into place straightened out the mother set the little girl down and she started walking across the front of that church that Ward house and there wasn't a dry eye in that place we continued until about 12:30 at night and finally the last person goes and sits down nobody has left the place the Bishop's been sitting behind us this whole time on the platform get up out of his chair and come around and look and watch and go back and sit down now everybody has been prayed for they've gone back and sitting down he gets out of his chair comes and stands in front of me he says well I've seen enough I thought oops this is our exit sign it's crazy what human reaction is anyway he said I've seen enough I'm convinced he said when you started off tonight the first thing you said was these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out Devils he said I have seven Devils that live inside of me and I continue the day in the hour they came in I was speechless I didn't know a person could know the day in the hour they came in and for me the here a lot of Obama and Bishop was almost more than my Dawkins could stand I saw asked him to explain and he began to share his private secret sins that he had committed over the years and how he had engaged them in them as a lark and the day came when he couldn't stop and he knew that he was under the control of evil spirits and I said to brother bill I said man have you ever dealt with anything like this he said well a little bit I said great hallelujah a little got it little is better than none he stood on one side and I stood on the other and I spoke to the first one spirit of adultery he is confessing adultery in front of his wife was sitting on the third row back and she's hearing him confessed it I said you spirit of adultery you loose this man and come out of him and all of a sudden we had a visible display like I had never seen in my life was like a giant unseen hand picked that man up by the back of his clothing rotated him horizontally levitated him in front of us and then slammed him to the floor and he began to ride on the floor on the floor like a snake I didn't know the human body could go through those kind of contortions and you know I knew that the enemy was doing this to frighten me and to bring me to the place where I would stop if I got scared you know then I would do anymore there was no stopping well once you've started if you stop you're in trouble so one by one we watch these evil spirits come out finally the last one comes out with a scream tears his body and for the first time in my life I understood the picture of the father who said oftimes the spear it tears him and throws him into the fire and I saw that man's body torn and laying left for dead I saw the eyes roll back in the head I listened to the death rattle come out of him as he breathed his last and his face glazed over all the colour went out and a little nine-year-old girl sitting on the front row I heard her whisper mommy he looks dead he was dead and I immediately thought of Jesus with gyruss daughter don't trouble a master anymore she's dead leave leave him alone Jesus kind of laughed at them she's not dead she just sleeping they Jesus treated death no more consequential than sleeping and all of that ran through my spirit in a flashes like that I reached down and I grabbed that limp hand on the floor and and I pulled it up like this a desert in the name of Jesus arise and be made whole and all of a sudden the colour flushed back into his face his eyes snapped into position I heard the sudden in rush of breath as he as he breathed and he leaped to his feet and he began to dance across the platform at the top of his voice shouting I'm free I'm free please God I'm free [Applause] that was an education for me but it was by had no clue where that was all going to lead to he urged the bishop urged us not to leave and go back on Saturday or Sunday it was a good thing we had somebody else to cover the Sunday morning service we stayed there and we ministered to those people and before we left Esther Dale Utah more than 60 or 70 percent of the people had accepted Jesus Christ as Lord more than 50 percent of them were baptized in the Holy Spirit so that was not the end of the story we left we went back and to me it was it was a revelatory experience well it wasn't long thereafter that I went back to Alaska and I happened to be in Barrow Alaska which is the farthest north inhabited place on the North American continent all said one day the Lord brings all of this back to mind about its Dale and I so I call that I'm gonna call brother Bill and see what's happening with him I called him the first thing he says reg do you remember Esther Dale yeah how do you forget and he said you need to hear the end of the story he said over the two years that followed after we were there every person but two in the community accepted Jesus Christ and those two the two that didn't left the community he said that whole community turned to the Lord and as of this moment more than three-quarters of the people in that community are baptized in the Holy Spirit and he said he said two years to the day after we were there the bishop called the community together they gathered together all their copies of the Book of Mormon the Doctrine and Covenants pearl of great price book Abraham you name it books on Mormon doctrine and they held a bonfire in the middle of town they burned them all they renounce their ties to the Mormon Church that whole community turned to the Lord that was it was an astonishing experience for me to realize how the Lord can transform and then tie her and the entire community [Music] and I realized you know the Lord played a trick on me he taught me fast like Esther did for eight days what happened when Esther faster they changed the course of history for Israel so I fasted for eight days well I fasted for 21 but the first eight days were without food or drink and it caused a transformation in the entire community god it's after that in us for Adela and me that led to a life of fasting and for years we fasted at least once every year for 40 days and they were complete fasts you know water of course but no food and the revelation that began to pour out during those times of fasting was incredible now I haven't fasted for 40 days in the last few years I've been on short fast but the impetus to fast like that has been taken away from me we were we felt like we were compelled to fast like that anyway hallelujah we go back to Revelation chapter 2 to the letter to Philadelphia boy did we ever get off track watch and consider the fact that I will cause those who assemble themselves together under the direction or inspiration of the accuser of the Brethren who saved falsely that they belong to the nation of believers and lie to your face watch I will cause them to do obeisance and reverence before your footstool and to know and perceive and have revelation of the fact that I love you and that we have a love relationship together in that you have cheerfully kept guarded and maintained the word of my endurance and constancy therefore I will keep and protect you in the midst of the hour of testing that is to come upon the entire world designed to test scrutinize and discipline all those who dwell upon the earth once again watch I am appearing lightly and suddenly cease take hold with your strength and retain that place of rulership you've come to in the place of praise and worship you understand cease retain hang on to that place that you have come to the place of rulership that you've come to in the midst of praise and worship remember the key of David let no one contaminate that rulership or get ahold of your crown we back up a little bit to Acts chapter 13 and when he had removed him he raised up unto them David to be their king to whom also he gave testimony and said I have found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart which shall fulfill all my will of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a saviour Jesus Isaiah chapter 40 he giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases the strength even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall surely fail but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint last verse let me give it to you amplified but the ones waiting upon the Lord shall change and increase in strength they shall grow wings as eagles they shall run and not tyre they shall proceed and not hunger the the promise to Philadelphia to me is one of the biggest promises that Jesus made concerning his objective in his plan for his people what what was Israel commandant I'm Sarah what was Philadelphia commanded to overcome yeah that's right the gent tend to give up tend to become weary tend to yield a crown listen to the amplification of it they who overcome the temptation to water down and contaminate true praise and worship will I come will I cause to become a support in the living temple of my god they will never again leave that place I will agree engrave upon and within them the very character make up personality Authority and power and the very essence of my God as well as the character make up personality Authority power and very essence of the city of my god which is New Jerusalem that bride which descends out of heaven from my god and I will engrave upon and within them my newly generated and changed character makeup personality Authority power and very essence that's a mouthful will we read it in King James I will I will write upon them my new name really Jesus has a new name let me explain it like this when della and I got married you know everybody thought this is crazy it's never gonna work my friends in the broadcast environment referred to her as mouse knuckles yes she was so quiet and retiring and they considered me brash and arrogant and self-serving and I probably was to some extent I fess up I have a lifetime friend that I've ministered with since I was a teenager and I have pastored together we've done mission done missions work together his name is Dwayne Mackenzie Dwayne's wife died and he came down to Texas to visit us and the first thing he said when he came in the door of our place was he looked at me he said brother have you ever changed well he had only briefly met della before but he said man alive how can there be that much change in somebody I'll tell you why it's because I had my counterpart my other self and della had her counterpart and her other self the Lord had joined us together in a bond that is unbreakable della is my counterpart I mean she's everything I'm not she's everything that I'm missing and I'm everything she's missing and when I began to realize that and to see what the Lord had done in us then I understood for the first time the new name the new character the very essence of who Jesus is Jesus is waiting to be joined to that bride so he can be completed Jesus is after completion the whole purpose of creation to begin with was so that he would have a people who would complete him a family a bride a people who would love him more than life itself a people that would breathe after him he breathes after us so it's only right that we would breathe after him we would become his counterpart you understand the key of David the key of David is the key to understanding the heart desire of the Lord the key of David is the key that David held in men in ministering to the Lord and in becoming one with the Lord and in establishing the tabernacle that he did in the midst of praise and worship the heart's desire of the Lord was fulfilled and of course the prison worship are the beginning place there are the stepping stones to that completion the praise and worship are not the completion but they bring us to that place of completion that's what the Lord is doing there's a new sound that's going to go forth in the earth it is the sound of the completed bride it is the sound of worship it is the sound of the love between the bride and the bridegroom and it is the sound it's going to transform communities and nations and people as I've said before I would not live at any other time in history beside now I'm so glad that I was not born in the 1800s I'm so glad that I get to be a part of this great in gathering what Gunn wants to do with us is beyond expression buckle your seatbelt folks we are in for a ride I a lot farther to go and this is not the time to take us a lot farther so let me pause here and we'll finish this tomorrow [Applause] yeah okay father you are so marvelous the revelation of your word the revelation of your heart's desire the revelation of Jesus who Jesus is is so profound it exceeds the bounds of our imagination father I'm asking for that impartation for everybody here before they leave this conference let there be a total revelation of who Jesus is in them and who they are in him so that completion can take place father there needs to be an anointing on your people to break the yoke of bondage that exists and I thank you because you have given it to us you've made it available to us and all we have to do is walk it we hear and we obey we hear and we obey we hear and we obey and we will learn thank you in Jesus name [Applause]
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 2,882
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: yjrQYn4AYkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 58sec (4618 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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