Come Lord Jesus Conference 2017 last session Brother Sadhu

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see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for none can compare to Manchester CT [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cyberchase [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see that again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] believe that the unsaved people in this nation we're believing for well sing the song they will take you are Lord are the king of my heart you are the mountain to which I run you are the refuge where I hide lord I thank you for the revelation of your safety and that you are a good good father Lord they will run to you as a good father all the lies the enemy has told them about you will be stripped away and they will have a revelation of your goodness that you are their safety you are their Mountain thank you Lord for what you are doing in their hearts [Music] a thousand stories [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] you know even as I stand here and I look at our faces you know we are people from the same nation but different parts yeah but we are also people from different lands hallelujah you know what we gonna do what we gonna do this is what we gonna do we're gonna sing the chorus again but can I get you to sing it in your mother tongue hallelujah how about that yeah we're gonna sing this and we're gonna sing this in your mother tongue if English is the only language that you can speak speaking tongues hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen amen praise Jesus if you take your seat tonight it's gonna be a real real warm fellowship we have people standing out there they could not get in because the management came to tell us that it's already packed so can y'all anyone can you just raise your hand if you have a seat besides you that it's empty yes ashes can you take a load and get people who ever need a seat to come yeah that's right those that are upstairs all has to be seated no one is allowed to stand at the upper deck yeah and no children please no children obsess yep any most there's almost it there yep amen praise Jesus we need a bigger place Amen pastor Hosea we need a bigger space okay praise the Lord okay all right now no one is supposed to spend in this auditorium okay you're not supposed to sit on the house okay make sure everybody have a seat all right anymore okay there's some more yeah right in the middle here here okay there's one or two obsess available three three upstairs there's one here one day okay uh sure can you just help us to have a look and just lead them quietly we don't have taken any more time I'm gonna ask pastor Isaiah to come and give something for the announcement praise God good evening everyone are you ready to hear the word of God okay tonight is our last night I wish we can do this every day but there's a reason we started off real well and we heard the prophetic word that Sydney has to go through a three days pray and fast for what is about to happen so we took that word and we flew with it and we're riding right now in the wings of the Holy Spirit because I don't know how it's going to work out so we have started a list whoever wants to go to to the Meru conference center up in courage um you must welcome to come and join us for from Sunday night from the 5 o clock p.m. till Wednesday night we praise a lot that David and his wife sidious over the place for us if you want to come and stay and really pray there's a bed ready for you there but you need to bring your pillow case a bed a single bed sheet your towel and any amenities that you want if you come there you need to we need to fast and pray so if you're looking for dinner at night there'll be no dinner or huh so but if you cannot take it there's always rich money you can drive this out there all right you have to depend on yourself or someone to help you to bring you back and forth all right it's far out from the train station so we don't have the capacity to pass you to back put you in the bus back and forth so you need to really depend on the Lord for that is that okay there's at least outside for those who have not heard it before it so happens that on Sunday as well this marriage what is it can you come you come and tell his beloved sister of mine the wife of dr. Bruce we had sent out to our friends to pray on [Applause] we have send out the prayer that you are going to do the same thing to Perth to our friends to pray in their church and let the people so they send me this message today did you know that Australia has a prayer week for not for past nine years and it so happens it starts this Sunday and so Casa Margaret Court and many pastors have send out word to all the churches and all the believers all of Australia to start Sunday with preaching on marriage and also celebrating biblical marriage and whole week to pray and fast and I was so amazed because my husband when he was teaching he said to is a number of witness and pay attention this is serious the Lord is saying something so that was already in the making and then the Lord gives the word to brother Sidhu and you are all prepared to pray so this should encourage you that God is with you this is very amazing what God is doing so this is the encouragement from the Lord I am so excited to see what God's going to do take your x1 so the responsibilities back to you why do we have to do it so urgently because I I was asking the Lord Lord you want me to pick up this thing but I was just so flat out and when I got to the room the law says you better take it and okay so I'll do whatever I can and the Lord I asked the Lord why does he have to be tomorrow onwards and the Lord said to me I will ask you pray I will release the Angels to go with your prayer for every ballot that goes into the household that when they begin to sign it yes or no they will be compelled to put no house all right well that's the reason why we're gonna do it straight away and urgently so it's up to us now to carry this ball for the Lord amen run also I need to share this to you because it's important why are you here you know the Lord Moses appeared to me some time ago and we were not really sure that we were gonna do this conference after three years we we felt the pastors felt that maybe we have a break and that night when we all prayed Moses appeared to me he says he took me to a council I've been having that you cannot drop this there's a reason why we need to continue this conference and he said that this conference is gonna trigger the the promise that God gave about Australia being the land of the Holy Spirit but as we are going to be a great revival so it's moved from a conference to a really a movement a movement what God is telling you every each and every one of you to his to his path to your destiny so every one of us has different destinies and God is not moving us in preparing us and you heard the word from the three prophets that it's not just a matter of coming to a conference he's a model to be ready to be made ready and September 23 is definitely a trigger point a milestone in other words that we if we are ready we will enter into the sonship and authorship of God I myself declaring might in my church in the our fellowship that on December September 22 we will fast and pray to prepare our hearts to enter into the 23rd of September that's how serious this thing is so we cannot just leave it pass we cannot let it go we really need to go in the presence of God I say Lord Here I am and then God is selecting you he's already written your names in this special book and you will be given by the Lord later on whatever you want to do with you another thing when we were worshiping here earlier Moses just stood up there for them he was looking at me he was saying okay what do you want right and he said to me apart from being here every one of you has a destiny to be in Israel did you know in Israel you are going to receive your Scrolls so next year brother sajju has this open heavens prophetic conference in June the first week in June I want to encourage everyone you you need to touch base in Israel you need to feel what God wants you to do your scroll will be set free and also it's a place where the Lord is putting a seal in your foreheads to seal you from what is coming ahead so it's not just a matter of taking a holiday it's a matter of being obedient before the Lord so I want to catch everyone you know just keep an eye on Angel and you will see that all the information about next year's conference in Israel so I want to catch every money if you can you know take a week off go to Israel and be blessed okay all right and then Moses said to me there I will give everyone something so even now when you're here you're not gonna go home alone without nothing empty-handed you will go with something in your heart something is already being deposited in your heart amen isn't God good hey Alec later all right praise God now okay one more thing I want to request everyone when we finish tonight you need to vacate this place quickly because all the helpers here we need to clean up the place and leave it spotless all right so if you delay he delays the person has to do his job I'm going getting home so you can talk in the foyer if you want but eventually we all need to leave this place is that okay and bring your bottles what everything you see on the floor just pick it up and drop it in the bin okay also at the back we have a book stall for brother sadhana and he's got many books of many ministers there's one book that you really need to get hold of and we still have a few copies there it's about the horns so you get a book and if you are ready before buy one for your friend so we want to get scared rid of all those books if you if you don't mind if you want to have a loop just buy one for somebody else is that okay alright praise God okay we just come to the more important part before the Lord before I came here God gave me this world we have not come to the Mount of Transfiguration but we have come to the mud where we are being transformed you and I are being transformed our hearts are melting our thoughts are being changed by the Lord and this is the word he gave me to tell you it says here tell my children to come to me as I have so often invited them to do so open their hearts hands lifted and empty don't bring me your work bring me yourself it is you that I love not your talents the more you draw to me in singleness of heart that clearer will be your guidance on life's pathway and the less danger there will be of your substituting human activities for spirit-directed assignments keep your heart standard lest your work become destructive I've just prayed and went before the Lord you see God wants to use and give you assignments not just in the physical but also in the spirit realm so that's why I also want to encourage everyone dr. Bruce will have a school of translation next year in second week in March 16 no 12 to 16 it's right praise God I wanna encourage you because you will learn how to connect in the spirit and be translated know whether it's in the physical or whether is the right role doesn't matter I've experienced both in my wife as well we were driving from the country to the city and in charin all we got we were here in Sydney beautiful we were late for a meeting I said I was saying to the Lord we're late so we just left any signs after one hour driving we were here in Liverpool so that's what God can do for all of us also in the spirit many times you praying there and then your spirit comes out and you see your body there and the angel says come most of the Angels don't talk they just give you thoughts and you go in the gut texture this is where you go on assignments write those assignments are fantastic I keep asking Laura one more right so when you begin to taste it how wonderful it is I tell you what every night you'll be sitting down and praying waiting upon the Lord all right and this is what God is taking his people it's a new generation it's a direct generation that God wants people who have been sanctified and if you seek for sanctification you would receive it okay now one more thing I want to share with you before we take a lab offering you we have made this free for everyone during registrations that anybody can come but every night we have just been taking a love offering so we can pay for all the expenses here and also bless all the speakers and you know every night you know sometimes in my filo I've given already before but I'm gonna give you a testimony of my grants grandson this morning he woke up and he asked his little sister all the sister I want you to count all my money in my piggy bank and the sister was counting and my sister asked what I can do with this money I want to put it in the offerings tonight they're just coins and this boy woke up with that in his heart and I pray that the Lord will multiply that seed and every seed that you give tonight it is not for us to use it's for the kingdom of God we don't keep any money of these of the pastor's we we dispersed it right and sometimes we even put out our from our own pockets but there's a matter because we know we're doing the work of the Lord so before we we take this offering I want you to just we can have a moment aside as the Lord what I can saw tonight why and you know you may have the heard this before God does multiply I can tell you many stories where God has multiplied my money and I and I pray tonight that I would release the multiplication upon your life that even if you have nothing God is going to release a plea we gotta break the spirit of poverty and that is one when you give everything you got God can give a lot abundantly to you okay can we just have some music for a minute or two can we get a musician she can you just play the keyboard then I'm gonna ask the ashes to come forward hallelujah thank you Lord can we just play the keyboard thank you thank you my brother just put collagen hello just a minute we're just gonna have a silence we need to just look inside as the Lord Lord what do you want me to do okay Holly Leah can you play some song I want you to close your eyes hallelujah Lord I bring everyone before your throne right now and I ask you do you know father that you extend your sovereign hand upon everyone here tonight father they have come from far away and near as well a lot of them have made big sacrifices Lord just to hear your word and to know what you are saying and I ask Lord God that every word that they have received in these last three days will bear much fruit in the spirit for them Lord we decide the supernatural we decide things of the Spirit we have made lots of mistakes in the past loci we don't wanna do it again father look at their hearts their hearts have been changed the thoughts have been transformed and they need you Lord now I pray that you will release your Holy Spirit to guide them in every decision they make then when they wake up in the morning there were us Holy Spirit come teach me what her father wants all so father I pray there's a lot of broken hearts a lot a lot of relationships that have been brought I want you to hear I asking you now Lord to heal those those hearts man those broken hearts and heal your people Lord heal your people or father Carabas father you know what each one of these brothers and sisters of mine can do for you and I ask you now use them for your purpose take away from their hearts any pain that they're going through Lord every betrayal that they have experienced Lord bring restoration bring peace row Jesus you were betrayed Lord and a lot of us have been rejected abandoned felt all along fatherless motherless but Lord you were always there you are our Abba Father and tonight I pray loka and you bless your people in a great mighty way that they are not just walking on this world but they're also experience their heavenly walk in heaven open their eyes open their ears love the table know of you and provide for every need that they have don't leave them loka the own leave them alone daughter you carry us Lord in all troubles and difficulties father bring reconciliation into the family if I also want to bring before you the First Nations of this country the operators law you have a destiny for them and I pray in oka that you will open those doors for them to enter it so they will connect with you I pray that they will have a heart for Jesus and that their change life will release your light in the land of Australia we thank you in Jesus mighty name amen so can we just pass the ashes can you just pass the back thank you thank you lord lilia packs where did you get that USB it's with you got it is it working okay all right I'm looking forward to the message tonight Jesus our last night I've seen the Lord use brothers to do greatly in many countries and I know that his intentions for all the saints is always good and I'm just blessed to be in his company and also for Neville Johnson a wonderful man of the Lord we described Joe and also Reshma and Bruce these are men and women of God who have come here for the last three years I know how busy they are and yet look and they tell us here we will come so they love Australia so let's welcome let's get a big hand of applause and welcome brother seduced under subburaj Helene let's all stand [Applause] good evening everybody please be seated I hope all of you are well and good are you we have come to the last day of this conference and I guess you must be happy no well you know they say all good things comes to an end right but I have a better saying all good things come to a temporary end I mean and I'm sure these past three days you were abundantly bless edified exhorted and comforted by the ministries of Reverend never Johnson and Reverend dr. Bruce Ellen but after tonight how will you hear them again there's pin drop silence how will you hear them again unfortunately these conferences are not web streamed if they were web strain some kind soul out there in cyberspace always records them and put them up on YouTube I always wonder who is that kind soul you know it's it's always a mystery to me whenever we do our conferences and we televise them live on our network oh it is webstream the very next moment as soon as the session is over that message is available on the YouTube I always wonder who has been appointed till today I could not find that mysterious person but someone out there in cyberspace has been called to do this great work but sadly this conference is not webstream so all these messages will not find their way into the YouTube how sad right however they all are available on DVDs which you can place your order at the book table but besides that you know I'm sure it would not be an understatement to say that the ministries of travel never Johnson and dr. Bruce Ellen have greatly benefited all Christians all over the world and they continue to benefit so how can you continue to be edified by this their messages one such way is through our television network called angel TV so God called us to start dissolution network in the year 2002 and we started this solution Network starting with one channel and over the last from the year 2005 that was when we first launched the channel in the Indian language to India from 2005 up to 2013 over an eight-year period we grew one channel to twelve channels in eight different languages that are spoken all over the world just like when the worship leader was leading us in singing the song How Great Thou art and then he did a great thing by asking us to all sing in our native language and the language that I heard the loudest was the Chinese language you know I think there will be more Chinese people in heaven than any other race because they already have 1.3 billion people and the second largest group of saints in heaven are the Indians because we are close behind China in population so it was so exhilarating to hear all this various first about reducing in a poly or you rinsing in a poly so and I you can continue to watch this hour hear their messages and watch this channel we have one channel that is specifically over Australia and New Zealand so you can either watch that channel through satellite all through a local dish that you can get a local company in Australia to come and fix that for you so we have prepared a small video presentation for you to see what his channel is all about are you ready all right lights off please a brand new channel Angel TV began to shine on the 25th of December 2005 as a single channel in the InDesign which of Tamil Angell TV is an end time prophet anchored on the endtime prophecy of revelations after 14 verses 6 to 11 as for the will of God for the gospel of the kingdom to be preached to the uttermost parts of the world we began 12 different channels for the whole world this angel TV network reaches international audiences broadcasting in to more than 200 countries and 525 million homes globally [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the nation of India for the continent of Europe for the nation of America Bible says the Word of God is online for the nation of Australia for the nation of Russia [Music] any producers for the nations of the Middle East for the nations of the Farnese for the continent of Africa through prayer you will pour down strongholds for the nation of China [Music] cherish each other for the continent of South America [Music] for the nation of Brazil for the nation of Israel hazal TV is a commercial free free-to-air satellite channel it is also distributed to IPTV gthe mobile devices and the Internet angel TV is now designed to fit in your hand you can watch all top channels anywhere and everywhere to mobile apps Angell TV mobile apps are available on the following platforms Android iOS Kindle Fire and Windows Mobile [Applause] also available on Google TV Microsoft Windows and Samsung Smart TV [Music] you can also watch Angel TV anywhere and everywhere by visiting our website triple w Angel TV so RG the angel TV web stream is now available for all 12 channels [Music] our programs are designed to appeal to a multicultural and multi-ethnic audience in multi languages with subtitles our global commitment to programming includes plans for studios in various countries serving different language groups and currently angel TV operates a large studio facility in Chennai India which provides Tamil and other Indian language programs and also other international language programs also TV also operates a studio in Singapore angel TV since its launch in 2005 has always been committed to stay on the cutting edge of broadcasting the angel TV studio consists of the following a 40 by 40 Cromartie shooting floor 5.1 surround sound HD control room 15 HD editing suites 2 HD DTS audio suites industry standard machine room and a 5.1 surround HD master control room from content creation to editing and finally to play out Angel TV studio is managed in a state-of-the-art tapeless Full HD the 5.1 Dolby Digital surround sound production workflow environment it involves significant efforts by trained personnel using cutting-edge technology and expertise to the entire content and production chain mr. Sunday serve Viraj is the Chairman and Managing Director of Angel TV who is the backbone of this company his 14 years experience in the media industry and he has done drastic changes the way people watch TV in India and pioneered new things such as innovative programming in the Indian media industry he cast a motor for Angel TV there is always something new now this angel TV makes its way all around the world to edify and educate healthy lifestyle this channel is carrying a large number of English programs also the program content in Tamil languages will be telecast with English subtitles the right piece of programs in angel TV for kids enriching stories presented through short dramas bringing out lessons on good value and character building to young viewers reality based game shows and cartoons with good moral value lessons for teenagers an objective dramas telling movies and talk shows with youths to enlighten their lively family entertainment Hollywood movies breathtaking documentaries inspiring music videos and talk shows for healthy lifestyle our goal is to encourage viewers to make lifestyle changes they will foster physical spiritual and mental health through programs that present a refreshing change of pace [Music] [Music] to get connected with angel TV of Australia downlink parametres [Music] for viewers in Australia you can watch Angel TV to install life Christian TV in order to get connected you can contact them at one three double zero live TV at one three double zero five four double three double-a their email address info at install - - au in the website triple w Club my Christian dot-eu for more information and details please contact our office in australia jesus ministries unit 5 / 10 Norwood Avenue Narellan New South Wales - five six seven Australia a telephone number plus six one four one double one 43050 our email address JM a us at Jesus ministry so our G get connected today for an alternate solution angel TV 12 channels twelve satellites more than 200 countries across six continents twelve major languages one vision one hope one aim to change to prepare and to establish the kingdom of God on the earth [Music] Angell TV preparing their way so that's about our tension Network and you've got all the information and when you enter into this church this evening you receive a brochure did you okay there for the information how you can watch these programs and get in touch with our ministry shall we all stand up for a word of Prayer let's bow head for a word of Prayer our gracious and loving Heavenly Father we come before your holy presence in the name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ this evening Holy Father you have been with us this past three days and you have spoken unto us to all your speakers your servants the prophets whom you sent to this nation for such a time as this that we may hear what God is speaking to this nation and you have brought your dear children from far India from all over this nation and even from afar off that they may know the seasons and the times in which they are living that has been appointed over this great nation now one more time we ask you a lot of a God that you will speak to us tonight you showed the Apostle John things that were things that are and things that are going to happen shortly now we pray you will show us likewise the destiny of this nation and what lies ahead what should we do that we miss then uncondensed then justified before you and what must we do that we may find favor in your eyes so now we pray Lord you will make your wails known to us we humbly present ourselves to you spirit of the Living God open our hearts open our years give us an understanding heart give us a listening year that we may hear what the Spirit of God is speaking to the churches in these last days in the name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ we pray amen please be seated one more time on behalf of all the speakers we want to thank they come Lord Jesus committee for their kindness to invite us for the fourth time I hope you are not getting tired of us not getting any bored see when you go out to eat you don't like to eat the same food every time right you always want to experiment in the same way wouldn't you get tired of seeing our faces if not for others at least my face No you okay with us you love us how much thank you even if I don't bring your good word tonight you will still love me really that makes me feel very sad you know I'm always given a very hard task so much so now I have decided not to go to any chest to preach I don't always bring good news to the churches it's always with a whip so after I had a very very heartbreaking experience in Malaysia very recently so after that I I said and pondered I should know more go to speak in any church but here we are but this is not a church this is a combine conference so we unsafe ground right so you don't have to feel threatened but nevertheless the Bible tells us one thing God cheston's only those whom he loves he doesn't Cheston everybody he only cheston's those whom he loves you know a few days ago I watched a video clip on the YouTube see thank God for the YouTube of a TV program that was aired in the US by a great man of God in the u.s. called Jim Baker so there was this TV program where he interviewed Rick Joyner and this was just after the great massive hurricane that came and brought a flood of water all over the city of Houston so while they were talking about that issue Jim Baker us Regina a question why do you think a good loving God permits all this or cheston's us and I was just looking at Rick Joyner what he would answer and you know brother join ourself a very composed he was very composed and he looked very calm and then he gave this very wise answer he said America was a nation that was dedicated to God by her founding fathers so the nation was totally dedicated to God meaning the nation belongs to God so if the nation belongs to God it's God's child it's God's Son or God's daughter and when when the son goes astray then every good father will Cheston the son right every good father will do that no good father will just keep mum to see their children going away in bad ways do you do that when your children go in bad ways do you say hallelujah praise the Lord do you do that no you either discipline them or you counsel them you don't just let them go their own ways that's not what a good father does and bad father or adopted father may do that so God who has adopted or taken into himself the nation of the u.s. so when she went astray he disciplined her to bring her back to himself that's the purpose of discipline it's redemptive not beat you to hell the scripture says very clearly now every good father disciplines a child so that the soul can be safe even when God hands us over into the hands of Satan the scripture says very clearly that is the last act of a Dutchman or chest Wiseman so that your soul can be safe the flesh is put to death but your soul can be safe if not who knows what greater evil your end will be one good example is the life of Samson during his imprisonment he repented you know I think this is just my guess there's no black and white scripture for all that from the time he was blinded and put in prison and from the time that he prayed Lord strengthen me one more time it is my guess that about a year could have passed because his hair grew it must have taken at least a year for the head to grow has done grow or when I do they know they don't they take time to grow right you see Samson's anointing lied on his hair that was the covenant between him and God so when he prayed Lord remember me one more time strengthen me one more time now his hair has grown his covenant with God has been restored and the Lord poured the anointing upon Samson one more time he was restored back to his call he was restored back with his anointing and with one mighty push the entire impede data in the inflicting came crashing down and everybody seated in the MP theta or like the stadium that you have in Sydney today like the Olympic Stadium the whole stadium comes crumbling down and every single person dies including Samson say he was restored but he died he did not leave to continue his ministry again why perhaps God in His wisdom may have seen to let him live something was can happen so his flesh was killed so that his soul can live so God in His great great love even does that today so by now you should get the idea where I'm coming next but don't worry I I prayed very much that'll be a good boy today so on this last night I bring you good news [Applause] even bad news is good news you know are you ready on the 6th of September as I was praying the whole day when I finish my prayer at 5:00 in the evening the Lord Jesus Christ appeared before me and this was the word that he spoke about Australia he said they should prepare for the revival that is going to be poured out Indian nation is that good news see I told you I'll be good now listen the word of the Lord is this they should prepare for the revival that is going to be poured out in this nation now all of you all the churches in Australia you have been praying and seeking God for the promised revival am i right everybody for years and years and yes you've been praying and praying and praying now God tells you now get ready now get ready if God says get ready it means it's around the corner so what is this revival that is going to come in the year 1927 exactly 90 years from today a great man of God called Smith Wigglesworth came to Sydney during his ministry in Sydney this was the word the Lord spoke through him and he prophesied these words Australia you have been chosen by God for a great move the Holy Spirit this move of God will be the greatest move of God ever known in mankind's history it will start a great revival in Australia spread throughout the whole world and usher in the second coming of Jesus you clap your hands too soon the next sentence is the best of all this will be the final revival before the coming of the Lord now look at this the final revival upon the face of the whole world and it starts in Australia what what the greatly privileged people you are see you know the Sun shines in the East it rises up in the East right so all the nations in the East sees the Sun first before the nations in the West in a same manner the nations that's on the far is is Australia that is a nation of promise you are like Isaac a son of promise so when the Lord comes see the Sun comes in the east verse so when the revival comes you will be the first nation to see the revival so the clouds of glory will be poured upon this nation and after it has flooded destination then from here it will go out to the rest of the world say this is your promise this promise was given in 1927 90 years till to dead and you have been waiting for 90 years for this prophecy spoken by a true prophet of God an apostle of faith a true man of God not like not any bogus man a bogus prophets who gives out word for money you know what one identification mark of a true 7 of God is they don't care about money they don't even promote themselves even though they may have books they don't even talk about namsun one excellent example is dr. Bruce Allen he has several books in the many conferences that we have done together I've never ever seen him talking about his books even though when I not him many times come on go and talk about your books he doesn't do that and that goes together with Reverend Neville Johnson we have known each other since the year 1993 and done many conferences together in the US and he has many many wonderful great teachings on DVDs on mp3s and on CDs and in all these 20-some years I have never seen him ever put up his CD and promoted them or ever spoke about saying support my ministry see these are that does not mean they don't you don't need to support their ministry that does not mean they have tons of money and they don't need any support so please support this wonderful ministries right you know I am a foreigner dr. Bruce Allen is a foreigner but Reverend never Johnson is a prophet that God has raised up in this land see how so blessed you are to have a great prophet of God who walks with God like Enoch had walked you know you have never seen Enoch have you because if you ever claim that you have seen him you should be at least four thousand years old and you must have gone through many many Botox operations and I'm sure you're not 4,000 years old all right okay so you have never seen him but every time and I look at this man then that spirit and the power that was upon him truly raises upon him not only I can say these true our personal relationship and also what I have been shown about him in heaven his spiritual stature so I'm always very very proud of our friendship and doubly proud because God raised him in this land of the great Southland is that all you can give [Applause] you know what's the rightful thing to do stand up to your feet give a good [Music] he has a great an awesome call of God upon his life which will manifest very largely in these last days so you must pray for him all of you every Australians responsibility pretty much for him and his lovely wife Josephine and his lovely son handsome son is also in our means where you mark just put up your hand right there even if you don't pray for yourselves you should pray for brother Neville Johnson please be seated so with this word of promise that we have now the question is how to prepare for the revival for the glory of God that is going to be poured out in this nation so this is the question because the Lord said prepare you should now get ready prepare how to prepare now this is how the Lord counseled so whatever I'm going to share with you now is exactly as I have heard it from the Lord now the Lord gave me several examples from the Old Testament and the New Testament whereby we can look at principles from revivals that had taken place in both Testaments let's look at the Old Testament first in second chronicles chapter 5 you will read about King Solomon having built a magnificent temple for the Lord having done it the day came to dedicate it now if you read the whole chapter 5 it details very specifically the various process how they prepared before the cloud of God's glory was poured out upon Solomon's Temple the cloud of glory coming down is the revival that broke out in Solomon's Temple see when the cloud of glory manifests it just doesn't come like a thick cloud resting upon you but it manifests the power and the glory of God if you were not here on the second night you missed a great wonderful message by brother Neville Johnson he said about what happened when King David set up his tabernacle he was grazed by God to see that event and he saw the tabernacle of David a very unassuming tent that was pitched on Mount Zion and in the tent was the Ark of the Covenant and it said that as soon as the ark was brought into the tabernacle light and colors came out from the ark and Sean around the entire valley of Jerusalem like how sunrays raised will come out of the Sun in everyone who came under the Rays of the glory were instantly healed every sick person were all who claim of the mound before they could even reach the tabernacle when they come within the perimeter of the glory of God they were healed and whatever blessings they needed they receive you know before the ark was brought to Mount Zion the ark was for a few months three months in the home of one man called orbit and the Bible says just because the ik was in his house the Lord blessed his household because there was glory that came out from the ark it bless every person in the house in the same manner the Ark of God in the Old Testament is the glory of God that will come down in the New Testament in these days so the glory of God was going to come down during the time when Solomon's Temple was dedicated so what did they do so I encourage you to read second chronicles chapter five we're not going to do it right now but let's look at a few scriptures in that chapter please stand with me now to your traditional Bibles that is paper and ink Bible 2 second chronicles chapter 5 if you have a digital version just swipe it okay look at verse 11 principle number one Dave and it came to pass when the precess came out of the most holy place for all the priests s were present had sanctified themselves now before the actual event of the worship started the priests were in the temple waiting on God principle number one they waited on God to ask him how they should minister unto him you don't just pick up some songs now we have wonderful worship tips today we had a great worship right not only today every day we had wonderful worship from all the worship teams that are present here not only here all over the world but most of them there's always a set time 30 minutes for worship or 40 minutes of worship or 15 minutes of worship and at the stroke of the 30th minute the pastor walks up with the microphone say hallelujah I mean that's a signal am i right everybody see that is the anointed way how they give a signal let the worship now stop or die down so it doesn't matter if the Holy Spirit wants to move in the worship it doesn't matter because we are more interested in our pet programs because we have a scheduled a regimental order of service you know when I was born again I attended a very very traditional denominational Church and the entire worship service lasses exactly 60 minutes you know not a minute more as soon as all the congregants are inside that church at the stroke of 11:00 the pastor will begin with the opening prayer you know all the entire service with these timings are all printed on the bulletin and I've actually watched my watch and watched the pastor they always do it to the tea how in the world they can really do it to the tea was a mystery to me their prayer is exactly telling it for five minutes not a second more and then they sing to him and then after that an offering and then him and then some announcements and sermon for the day is twenty minutes if for some reason the pastor got a little carried away that particular day just a minute or two minutes longer everybody in the congregation will look at their watches I was an eyewitness of all this once I was invited to speak at a very Orthodox Anglican Church in the northern part of India in a state called Sikkim and they followed this regiment and the pastor who invited me it's a reverend doctor and he told me is a sada G your message time is 15 minutes and the message need to be interpreted so I looked at my watch all right I have 15 minutes so I need to preach for 12 minutes so that I can pray for the people for three minutes so if I preach for 12 minutes I should actually preach only for six minutes because my interpreter needs six minutes so I said that's fine pastor I am always very obedient whenever I go to speak in a local church I always tell the pastor he is my boss and I'm very obedient so I started my message before I could go beyond the appetizer time was up so I kept my watch right before my eyes even right now I'm doing it so I told the congressman let's all stand up for a water prayer and I prayed and I said Amen and I went and sat down the whole congregation was in a shock they thought what happened to me and when I prayed they all really thought I have was just praying the opening prayer they never realized that I actually finished when the pastor came up to give the benediction so later on they many of them came and asked me why did you preach so short that's not your nature I have a great reputation to preach for a minimum of three hours I live up to that reputation so tonight being a Saturday and be in the last day of the conference is it okay everybody so everything is regimental so even if the holy sprit wants to move you said please stop times up oh you're not allowed right see these are patterns of the old if you want God to move in your mace you know what's the first thing you need to do throw away this watch and the second thing you need to throw is throw away your mobile phones that's another great evil in society today not only you come to the church that devil comes along with you in the form of your mobile phones not only God speaks to you even the devil speak to you through the mobile phones it rings everywhere see you have come to the house of God to hear God not to hear your mobile phones ringing as soon as she stepped into the house of God the first thing that you should do is switch off your mobile phones you should never hear the ringing of the mobile phones you have come into the house of God and the scripture says the Lord is in his holy temple let all flesh keep silent and we should add another word let all flesh and mobile devices keep silent you know this is not a laughing matter and this is not comical either you yourselves are guilty of the very thing that you are laughing about so you're not laughing at my statement you're laughing at your own self because you are guilty of the same thing so the priests s the Levites they were cloistered in a room before the service started and they waited on God for the Lord to anoint them and tell them what songs they should sing see you don't just simply sing any songs the scripture says you must sing the songs of the Lord to sing the songs of the Lord you must get those songs from heaven or from anointed zombies that we have today and those songs are songs that the Lord gives you and the Lord will tell you exactly how you should do that worship service how long it should go or how short it should go so we must learn this to throw away your programs if you want to prepare for revival start practicing in your church every time number 2 principle number 2 in verse 13 you will read when they began to sing they thanked the Lord they lifted up their voice to praise the Lord saying for he is good for his mercy endures forever see that is a new worship you don't sing the old songs all the time the scripture says sing unto the Lord a new song so when you come before the Lord when you are cloistered secluded at the back of the church waiting on God he gives you a new song he gives you a new tune he gives you a new praise and you come and when you sing those songs the glory of God comes down because the songs that God gives you are the very songs that the Angels think in heaven are the very songs that the Redeem sing in heaven so what you are doing you are just a conduit you are like a satellite dish that receives the signals directly from heaven and you're broadcasting them back into your own local church a new song that's what they did before the glory of God came down and this is what we should do God is going to pour out a new anointing of praise and worship that is unlike never before anything that has happened in this world before you know as we enter into the last days we cannot be singing the same old songs you will be singing new songs that are pertinent to the end times in the end times the Lord God will manifest like the Lion of Judah he's the warrior king so if he's going to come like the warrior king how are you going to praise the warrior king how are you going to worship the warrior king we must learn that and that can only happen if the worship team are going to spend their time secretly in prayer you don't rush the last minute and then hurriedly put your bed by the stage and then quickly take your guitar and then you sing ping ping ping you know one of the greatest mysteries of this world that I've never ever come to understand is this every guitar is when they come up to the stage as soon as they take the guitar they must everyone even though it's already tuned I am NOT a musician so I don't know maybe they know better so new worship so every worship leader every person in the worship team must learn to have a relationship with God so that you can be infused with new songs from heaven thirdly verse 13 again tells us that all the musicians and all the singers and all the worshipers they were of one mind every one of them if the instruments are not all tuned together at least all the hearts would tune together they were all of one heart and one Accord even the congregation they were not looking up the ceiling looking for spiders many do today you know they look up and count how many lights they are on the ceiling you don't do that all hearts are locked in oneness in that atmosphere was when the glory of God was poured out and the reason why you know I have pondered many many times over many years today in the New Covenant every musician is anointed with the Holy Spirit every warship leader is anointed the Holy Spirit then why is it that we don't see the Shekinah cloud of glory coming down in our services why in the Old Covenant it was not like that but in the Old Covenant we read the glory of God came down like a thick crowd everybody could touch it and feel it what's the difference the difference is this they were all of one Accord they were not divided in their hearts the worship leader knew exactly what song to sing and the musicians knew exactly what kid to pick they don't need to ask the singer what key you know once I went to a church a church camp and I have a great gift for singing great gift and the special anointing that I have no one else in this world has that so and that particular anointing is only for singing so after my message that morning at that evening I looked at the keyboard player and I asked that young girl I said my dear daughter do you know this particular song she said yes uncle I know that I said alright I'm good too before my pray I'm going to sing that song and you just play so I asked everybody to stand up and they were all still and quiet and this girl whispered me so I looked at her and I touched my pocket I looked at my hand the key is still with me so I told her yes I have the key so I close my eyes again and I encourage that congregation come on everybody keep quiet now and again she said I'm a girl Kiki so I looked at I said I have the key so again I was trying to quite in myself in a game she whispered uncle uncle I looked at there and she showed me you know those all the keys on the piano the key key oh I thought oh my that key what am I going to tell her now so I told Zeki and I close my eyes real tight and I didn't want to turn and look at her so I sang the song and I could hear her and I finished singing the song and so the play was over everybody was dismissed and I never stood back to shake hands with anybody because she's going to ask me about the key so I ran as fast as I could so later on while we were having our dinner I asked the pastor who is that keyboard player who does an OD scheme and he told me you know he said that girl she's an eighth grade piano teacher a graduate of Trinity School of Music from London so I have been playing with a 8th grade piano teacher so later on I met her by the hallway I asked her you know you are such a learned person and you're a teacher who teaches piano you should know better there's no such thing in such said key so why did you go along with what I said you know what she answered me she said oh you know uncle you always go to heaven so I thought Zeki is in heaven so don't be like me alright that's why I told you see no one has my special anointing so it is very very important for the worship team to fast once a week in our ministry we have a small worship team and this is the mandate I give to them you must practice at this once a week and then fast and pray together once a week before you come in stand to minister in the public meetings all of the singers and the musicians must be of one heart one mind so the anointing can flow through you to touch the congregation what she prepares the way for the glory of God to come so it is very very vital and all of them were one heart one mind what does that signify there they had no envy or ego among them I can play better I can sing better there may be a several singers no one has any envy it doesn't matter who sings better God gets the glory and the third principle is they sought God with the whole heart and worship God out of a pure heart they worship God's Majesty goodness and greatness there are so many songs that we sing today in our churches that are practically rubbish because there's no praise in the songs there are no worship in the songs they are largely bless me God songs make me feel good songs there is no praise there's no worship in the songs you sing to good songs and the other two songs are just about me bless me God I want to seek you I want to get you see we should get rid of all those songs and sing good old hymns there are many many good charismatic songs that written by great wonderful true lovers of God you know you can tell the difference from the songs that the author is a true lover of God he truly loved God and the songs that he wrote came out of a broken relationship with God a broken heart that pours out an offering unto God you can tell the difference by the lyrics you can tell the difference those that are written for money and those who are written just as a pure offering unto God so pick those songs and thing love songs to our Savior everyone from the king to the ordinary people gathered to worship at the appointed time they all were punctual for the service no one came late like we do today say that shows an attitude of ear ever ins this must change this must change when they did all right verse 14 tells us the cloud of glory came down so thick not only it was so thick every Levite priests and singers who was tending their worshipping God they all fell down under the power of God they could not stand they all fell down soda slain in the spirit is not a charismatic thing it goes way back in the Old Testament second example from the Old Testament in 1st Kings chapter 18 you will read about the prophet Elijah preparing the people to experience the glory of God you know when Elijah made this sacrifice and fire came down and not only fire came down but the glory of God was made visible and the scripture says in first Kings chapter 18 verses 38 and 39 that all Israel saw with their eyes the glory of God that came down in the form of fire it was not just the prophet Elijah who saw that but everyone they saw the glory of God when we worship right before God everybody in the congregation will see the glory of God not one not two all eyes when the glory that is going to come the mighty revival that will sweep this great nation all eyes in Australia will see the glory so for that we need to prepare now how did Elijah prepared his people first Kings chapter 18 verse 21 tells us he confronted the people with one question how long will you be of double mine that was the question how long and the word double mine in the Hebrew it conveys this concept how long will you swing between two opinions it's like a monkey swinging from tree to tree how long will you do that how long how long are you going to swing between two opinions how long are you also going to worship the idols and at the same time the God of Israel how long that's what the problem was in that day they were worshipping two gods they were going to the temple of Baal they bow down in the worship Baal and then they come to the temple of the holy God and they offer sacrifices and incense to the holy God they were like what the Bible calls today in Revelation chapter 3 verses 15 to 17 the Laodicean church problem you're not hot not cold you are dangling between two opinions the Lord Jesus said how long will you swing between two opinions either you be hot or you be cold choose which game you want to be don't swing and be lukewarm you know warm water is good to drink cold water is good to drink but lukewarm water you will warm it it out it's not fit to drink so that's what the Lord Jesus said I will vomit you out you know how dangerous that position is I pondered very much and meditated at Scripture I want you to think like this for someone to warm it something it must have first gone inside right when I'm sure you have experienced vomiting haven't you you don't warm it when you're still chewing food in your mouth do do you that is not called vomiting that's called spitting out you just throw the food out but when you warm it the food has already gone inside you and then from within your stomach you pull the food out and you warm it it that's what it means right everybody now listen for the Lord Jesus to say I will warm it you it means you are inside him now and he takes you out and vomit you out which means you lose your salvation your normal inside him you're not vomit it out you don't want that to happen to you do you how long will you be of double mine even the prophet Moses during his time asked his people the same question in Exodus chapter 33 sorry chapter 32 verse 26 he asked the people after they had made a golden calf he asked a question who are on the Lord's side come and stand on my right side sadly only the type of lady came and stood by his right side several thousands of people perish by the fires of God and the Prophet John the Baptist's he to urge the people to turn back to God in Luke chapter 3 verse 7 he says free from the broth to come free that was a warning after revival comes a judgment you know after the Lord Jesus Christ comes the scripture says he will rule the world with a rod of iron have you ever pondered if all the saints who are looking for the coming of the Lord and they are there to receive the Lord and all of them are Saints why should the Lord use a rod of iron to rule the saints of God why Saints don't need a rod of iron they need a scepter right a kingly scepter the rod of iron is there because there will be ungodly nations still on this world after the second coming of Jesus Christ and it is those people whom the Lord will rule over with an iron rod which means with discipline right that's what an iron rod is so if you are not on the Lord's side then you are going to be on the enemy's camp if you on the enemy's camp and you become the Lots enemy you don't even want to imagine to be an enemy of the Lord so what does all this means singleness of mine is required to serve and worship God this is something that is required in today's church singleness of mine singleness of devotion is required you decide today whom you want to serve you want to serve Mammon or serve the Living God you want to serve yourself or you want to serve the Living God now this is the counsel of the Lord the church must completely turn away from idols but since hidden sins and back to loving God with a truthful and faithful heart three kinds of sins one idols but two pet sins but three hidden sins and turn back to loving God with all your heart with all your soul now let's look at a New Testament example in Acts chapter 1 verses 12 to 14 we read of the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ who was sequence after the promise of God see now we are studying about how we should prepare ourselves for the promised revival that is going to come upon this nation so the disciples were seekers after God's promise what promise now please turn your Bibles to the book of Acts chapter 1 and let's read verses 4 and 5 and being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you have cut from me for John truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now now that was the promise in Luke chapter 3 was 21 we read that when the Lord Jesus Christ came out of the water before he walked out of the water before the dove came upon him we read that he was praying what was he praying but why was he praying or what was he praying for you know this denominational church that I attended I told you earlier they don't believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit so the pasta very my pasta was a wonderful wonderful prayerful man so he taught me through the Bible tremont a Bible study before baptism and most of the Bible studies all about their church doctrines nothing about the Bible all the church's doctrines do's and dont's so I memorize all those doctrines and then he said just as the Lord Jesus was baptized when he came out of the water the Holy Spirit came upon him the same manner when you come out of the water the Holy Spirit will come upon you so he asked me do you understand I say yes I understood so the day of my baptism came March the 3rd 1979 so after all these formalities of vows over all over I I can't remember whether I was the first person of the second person wearing a black robe signifying death I suppose so I was led into the water and when I came out of the water honestly you know what's the first thing I did I looked up because that dove was coming so I looked up I didn't see any Duff and my pastor said okay go out now so I came out of the water so no Duff came so I thought to myself what happened to the Deaf because we read from the life of the Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit came upon him like a dove so where's the Dove seen all my naiveness I believe to the letter what the scripture said even today I do that I believe with the letter what the scripture says so then I act I question my passes passer where's the Duff oh he said that is all spirit your eyes cannot see it just came to I said okay spirit all right now the Lord Jesus was praying what was he praying he was praying the promise of the Father concerning him Isaiah chapter 61 verses 1 to 3 it is said of him the Spirit of the Lord shall dress upon me so he prayed for that he said father it is promised that the spirit the seven spirits will rest upon me let it come he prayed he sought the promise and after that the Holy Spirit came upon him like a dove when he was about to be taken up to heaven excuse me when he spoke to his disciples wait in Jerusalem don't rush anyway for ministry wait until you be endued with power from on high the Holy Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 6 that more than 500 people I heard that message more than 500 so how many more than 500 we don't know but because the Apostle Paul said there were 500 let's take that minimum number so 500 heard the command of the Lord to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Holy Spirit to come and then we read in Acts chapter 1 verse 15 that 120 waited for the promise of the Holy Spirit now 500 heard the command but only 120 acted on the command what happened to the 380 what happened so why the 380 were not found in the upper room praying continually for 10 days for the promise to come why were they not there why only 120 were there you know what's the answer only 120 were willing to pay the price 3 underneath 80 were just mere spectators they were people who say bless me God that's it they are not willing to pay the price they are not willing to fast and pray they are not willing to tarry in the presence of God because to tarry in the presence of God you cannot name the time in Exodus chapter 24 verses 15 to 18 you will read that God called Moses to come in wait on him and Moses waited for six long days up on Mount Sinai and the Lord did not show up at all what would you have done if you were dead that day you would have looked at your clock five minutes nobody shows up okay let me give you another five minutes ten minutes nobody comes and and you said to yourself okay I'll give God another five minutes 15 minutes God doesn't come you will just pack all your backpack and come down the mountain once we do that but look at the prophet Moses he waited on the Mount you know for many years I pondered in my heart what made him wait and then recently I found the answer he waited because the Lord said come and wait period the Lord did not say how long he said come and wait you know there lived a wonderful man of God in England called Walter Beutler have you heard of him this man is a great teacher of the word and also a man great in the spirit one day the Lord told him Walter I feel very lonely can you come and wait on me and water looked at his schedule and he told the Lord yes Lord I can but I am only free from now he was very he was not saying it pridefully he was saying with all humility there's a Bible school president principal teacher traveling around the whole world so he said Lord I'm only free from 2:00 in the morning right up to 5:00 in the morning and he said I covenant with you Lord I will come and wait on you and keep you company so he made a covenant so the following day he got a bed two o'clock set on his chair before the Lord and he said Lord I have come to wait on you and from 2:00 in the morning right up to 5:00 in the morning he will just sit there and wait for the Lord never expecting anything just to keep the Lord company 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 12 months pass by and it became a life habit for him at the end of 12 months one day as was his custom he sat down on his chair to wait on the Lord and he saw someone opening the door who would open the door to in the morning and the door opened and in walked the Lord Jesus he saw the Lord Jesus with his naked eyes and the largest walked into his room set on the chair that was appointed for the Lord and he told him because you have faithfully waited on me for twelve months every day without fail from this day onwards you'll always see me with your eyes and wherever you go I will come with you I don't know why you are clapping that for Walter he's already gone to glory so just like that you know God told Moses come and wait that's all the Lord told him the Lord didn't tell him wait for two minutes or wait for three minutes a word that's why I told you earlier if you want to prepare for glory for available to come in your church the first thing that you must do throw away your watches don't dictate to God when he should come when he should leave you can have an appointed time for your church service but don't tell God went to end the service this is our problem so only 120 sought the Lord for the promise so what happened to the majority so this tells us there will always only be a small remnant who will truly seek the Lord and the rest will find excuses to give to God why they cannot wait on him so here is the counsel of the Lord seek the promises God gave to your nation seek the promises what are the promises I gave you one by Smith Wigglesworth there is another one which I will share with you later and ardently reminding God of his promise in Isaiah 43 verse 26 the Lord tells us to remind him to put him in remembrance say Lord you promised therefore grant us he said that you promise therefore grant the second example that I want to bring before you is the disciples were all united together with one goal with one purpose Acts chapter 1 verse 14 they were all with one Accord in their heart there was only one motive to seek the promise nothing else came between them and the promise of God no food no sleep no rest nothing mattered all that matters to them was they must have this promise so what does that speak of thirsting and hungering after righteousness that is one of the Beatitudes blessed are they who thirst and hunger after righteousness so the question now comes is do you thirst in hunger of the righteousness sometimes why the promise is delayed because we are not really there's a simple reason there's no other reason we are not ready if God poured out his glory when we are not ready that glory will kill you instead of reviving you it will kill you a good example is when God told Moses to prepare the people his glory was going to come down in Exodus chapter 19 he told him very specifically put Marcus all around Mount Sinai so that no man not even an animal come near and touched the mountain if anyone does the glory will kill them because animals were not fasting and praying they did not wash their clothes they did not stay away from sexual relationships which were required by God and if they had come near the glory would have killed them the same manner when a man called OSA stretched out his hand to stop the act from falling over see the glory of God from the ark came out like a fire and killed him why Musa was not a priest only priests as a call to bear the ark he was not a priest so the glory killed him where else when the priests s carried the ark on their shoulders the glory did not touch them the glory covered them so when we are not prepared the glory will kill us that is why God in His great mercy waits on us but this time also for that grace to wait so the disciples were united with one goal one purpose what does that mean be bonded together be yoked together with one hope one hope of the promise of the Father now this is the counsel of the Lord be united together irrespective of your church affiliation no church should promote itself this is the work of God no church can take any glory no church should promote itself accepted to was 46 tells us the New Testament believers were all United in oneness of what the scripture calls one Accord now the word one Accord I looked up in the Greek dictionary it gives a very interesting meaning the one occurred means they were fiercely passionate about and they were unanimous in one mind in one agreement there was such a passion in them which was very fierce passion that they must have this promise that the Lord promised so do you have that passion you can just like a revival liking will not bring you anywhere it's not like Facebook you know you click like and dislike it's not like that you you click like on the promise of God for Australia you don't like you click dislike it's not like that you must have a fierce passion that you can even do away with food that you want God you want this revival that which God has promised you know I tell you one truth do you want me to be truthful when the worship leader let us to sing the song we exalt you as we always sing in the different languages I just quoted my heart in oneness to worship that song to sing that some not just sing it for the sake of singing but brought all that it was within me into oneness and my mind into oneness to worship the Lord and when I did that I found my soul translated and I stood in the heavens and I stood among the twenty-four elders and one of them came to me and he said tell these people one word they are in a momentous crossroad Indian nation the whole of heaven is watching the decision that will be made in this nation concerning the placid heaven is watching and whatever decision you make it will correspond with a decision that will be made in the council you know let let me be very candid with you in my experience so far I have visited not all places not even many places one particular place a council where many Old Testament prophets are and that council very specifically oversees all the endtime events that are going to take place in these last days so because it is connected to my core I'm always a weakness to the deliberations that are in the console and frequently have been there but this is the first time I was among the 24 elders and they said we are watching the decision that this nation will make if they make a wrong choice severe natural calamities have been determined to come upon this nation you know I was really scared when I heard that the reason is because in 2015 when I went to speak at a conference in Houston when I step foot in Houston Airport the word of the Lord came unto me that this city will be destroyed with a massive flood now that has become history now but before that even while I was in ministry in a Chinese Church conference in Los Angeles the word of the Lord came unto me concerning massive earthquakes that will destroy California not only California three major places in the US and within a span of 10 days I received this terrible messages that really made me very sick inside me and I kept on crying unto God with one question said Lord why why such severe judgment over this nation there are so many praying people so many wonderful churches in this nation so many revival meetings taking place all over this country so many great prayer intercessors are in this country in the midst of that why so that was the question I had the next day or no that very evening when I landed in Sydney I'm in Houston another speaker who came with me to the conference when we met together for dinner he asked me did you watch the news this evening I said no what anything news I asked him he was scared when he told me the Supreme Court just passed the same-sex marriage bill and then I understood why the Lord spoke about such severe punishments and now you know the Houston flooding is history and they say the governor in the state of Texas says it will take years to rebuild Houston so this is the same word I heard from the elder in heaven if this nation makes a wrong decision severe natural calamities have been determined to come upon this nation and that will be very disastrous do-don't one bush fires all over the country you don't want flooding you don't want any typhoon or hurricane to come and flood discont condition or you don't even want an earthquake you know you know that was shown to me an earthquake will strike this nation so I say this to you with trembling in my heart please take this call to pray seriously if all of you you gather in Maru you fast and pray for those three days your peers of intercession can move the heart of God and then what pastor Jose received the word and God will dispatch millions of angels in answer to your prayer and those millions of angels one angel for each pelleting citizen in Australia can you imagine that there are millions of balloting citizens in Australia right so millions of angels will be released in Australia assign one to one and they will stand beside each balloting person and whisper into their hearts or into their minds the purpose of God what they say will appear in an individual as thoughts good thoughts that will move them to what no on the other side there will be a demon to move them to what yes now your prayers will sustain the angel to move these people to what no good scriptural reference for you is found in Daniel chapter 10 Daniel prayed for 21 days and the angel Gabriel came when as soon as he came he told Daniel the very first day that you prayed I was sent from God the very first day then why did it take him 21 days to reach Daniel because there was war in the heavenlies he was detained by the Prince of Persia and the voice real he was detained for 21 days and and on the earth we read Daniel continued prevailing in pray all 21 days he did not stop until Gabriel came his prayers sent Michael and Michael came and broke through and released Gabriel to go and bring the message to Daniel so your praise must be a breaker - please don't take this lightly you are in a crossroad the scales that came when we began this conference God put a scale here on this page and he's been there from the first day till till today and they're scale this nation is on the scale it can either tip for good or tip for bad now God chose to speak to you and to show you what you should do to inherit goodness from God he has shown you so all of you we have heard this word are now accountable before God yesterday afternoon we took a roll call and practically everyone from every part of Australia is represented in this conference every state is represented here even test mania is represented here which means the whole nation is now either guilty or without guilt you cannot say Lord I don't know even if there is one person here from a state you are a representative of that state and your prayers your broken heart your fastings will move a ton of angels to be dispatched to your state you no one shall put a thousand to flight two shall put ten thousand to flight right wrong that is Old Testament in the New Testament the scripture says innumerable angels innumerable no count all for one person so you must take this very seriously whenever there was a crisis in the Bible entire nations including even little babies they all fasted and prayed the mothers refused to give their milk to their babies the babies will be crying in one corner he doesn't matter to them because what mented to them is the destiny of the nation they pull their school the children out of schools and they were all on their faces before God the animals were fasting that's what moves God's hand to bless ninny way instead of destroying in a way because everyone even the poor cats and dogs and rats were fasting and praying they were all crying unto God the king himself came down from his throne and set in sackcloth and ashes perhaps your Prime Minister will not do that but the leaders of the church you can do that you can sit in sackcloth and ashes and you can mourn for the sins of this land now please remember if the word count was yes and the bill is passed even the righteous people in this nation will suffer so don't think you will escape even the righteous will suffer your children who go to the public schools they are going to learn about gay lifestyle and they will come back and ask you what is a lesbian or what is a homosexual or what's a transgender what are you gonna answer them are you going to give them up teaching on biology this is around the corner your children will be taught to go into a girl's toilet they said this is OK alternate lifestyle so a girl and a boy in the same toilet now they are going to grow with that their little ones you know innocent ones they wouldn't know any different when they are small but they are growing with that sensitivity to that subject and they'll grow up with that thinking that this is normal and that will promote a nation of gays an entire nation will become gays when that happens Satan will rule your nation God would be kicked out because they will then be setting up temples for balls altars for balls all over the country your nation that was dedicated to God we'll be trampled upon so you're not like India you know India has been dedicated to so many of millions of gods you have been dedicated to the true Living God am i right you have been dedicated to the true Living God so when you have been dedicated to the true Living God how can you allow the heathens to run your country how can you allow that you must now during the next three days put your foot down and say enough every one of you should have the spirit of Elijah upon you you should rise up with the spirit and the power of Elijah and say it is enough enough you are going to pray until you break through heaven not only the word Khan will be no but even your Parliament's gay lawmakers will all be thrown out and righteous lawmakers will come into office you know you can do that you believe that you can do that your prayers can do that your United prayers can do that it can take a men out of office and bring in a godly man into office God will do that in Daniel chapter 2 it is written that it is God who appoints kings and such sub kingdoms he is doing that in answer to your prayer you will have a godly spirit filled prime minister in your country every governor in each state of Australia will be a born-again spirit filled believer before too long the prophecy of Smith Wigglesworth will be fulfilled in this nation it is in your hands now let me tell you the other prophecy that was spoken about your nation in the year 2009 the great prophet of God called Bob Jones have you heard of Bob Jones is a true seer prophet of God that America has seen very unassuming humble man of God who walked in love and evangelist called Chris Harvey have you heard of him okay he was asked by the Lord to go and visit Bob Jones so he made an appointment job Bob Jones and he met him and as soon as he introduced himself saying that I'm an evangelist from Australia Bob Jones looked at him and he said okay now you keep quite sit down I will tell you all about you and this is what Bob Jones prophesied about Australia Australia is spiritually asleep now and God is about to wake her up a spiritual Woodstock an event of rock-and-roll festival in the US do you know Woodstock so which means you're more than fifty years old a spiritual Woodstock is going to start in Australia the church will not be ready for it the thrust of it will come out of free worship and it will go to the open fields because buildings will not be able to contain it and if speak there will be 1000 salvations a day 1000 salvation is not recommitted Christians first time born-again Christians 1000 a day it will spread from Brisbane through Sydney right around Perth then to New Zealand England and the rest of the world so Brisbane seemed to be well favored by the Lord that is why God has moved our brother Neville Johnson from Perth to Brisbane a billion souls will be saved in the Western world through this awakening a spirit of true repentance will come upon Australia and upon the ministers they were beginning to weep uncontrollably as their hearts melt under the compassion of God you know for that to happen God will pour out the spirit of grace and supplication Zechariah chapter 12 verse 10 when that's pretty sport out that's what will cause you to beat upon your chest fall on your face and cry out unto God now this is a very recent prophecy spoken about Australia eight years ago and you all know very well that the number eight represents new beginnings so this year 2017 is a new beginning for you I mean that is why at such a time as this this conference has been organized just a few days before the ballots are going to be mailed out to every person in this country you know this conference was planed last year it was not planned after the government had announced about the pleurisy dates this was plain last year and God moved the hearts of the committee of this conference to pick the right dates this God who put in their hearts those dates so that his people can be placed in a position to alter the destiny of Australia it's in your hands I mean believe the prophets believe the promises pray the promise of outpouring so now the final question remains what are you going to do are you going to trow all put all away and gather during those three days or are you going to give excuse to God saying sorry Lord I have to work I'm sure you understand God I have got to go to college I've got to go to these I've got to do that I've got to do this it's up to you but remember one thing the Prophet Jeremiah prophesied about a 70 year of captivity for Jerusalem and it came to pass though many Jewish leaders tried to avoided it came to pass and King Nebuchadnezzar came and conquered Israel and took all the Jewish people or most of them back to they belong as slaves and among all the people are most of the people that went to Babylon there was righteous Daniel righteous Ezra righteous Nehemiah even the righteous went into captivity so remember that when the law is passed to legalize same-sex marriage your churches will be forced to conduct a same-sex marriage and I heard that some pastors fire have already made a declaration they they want to be the first person to marry a gay couple in their church how sick you see when you have church leaders like that in in this nation who claims to be a Christian priests you don't need the devil you don't need the devil the devil is right there right you don't need the devil let the devil stay in India you have a worse devil in your own churches which is better than the devil out there because the devil out there is a real devil whereas the devil in the church is disguised like an angel of light now you must also pray for such false ministers to be routed out you must pray that God will whip out such ministers false ministers out of the pulpit that God will cleanse the temple and the Holy One of Israel will rule in all the churches in this nation I mourn now stand up to your feet forever to pray right now let's all bow down then your knees please and I'm going to invite sister Stella where's pastor Stella we are going to pray now we'll start today is it ok everybody we will start that prayer today ha wait we don't have to wait tomorrow we'll start right now I asked you to all to bring your hearts into oneness don't think about any other thing right now forget about your homes forget about your families forget about everything else right now forget about your children bring all that is within you into oneness drive out all other thoughts drive out all other imaginations don't think about anything else right now if for any reason any one of you feels that this is boring please leave right now there must be one united heart as we are going to pray right now there must not be any double hearts now as pastor Stella will lead us into prayer let your hearts be broken please remember your nation can swing - yes would if you did then get great catastrophic will come upon this nation so we want to pray and click the seams of the land we want to plead the sins of our government leaders for even suggesting this idea of a would the leaders should have put their foot down and said no but instead they have kept an open heart so we want to pleat the scenes of the government leaders then we want to pleat the sins of the church leaders who I even okay with the idea of conducting a gay marriage India churches in the name of Christ and we also want to pleat the sins of attitude of indifference even among Christians who will even what are yes saying that it is alright to have an alternate lifestyle there is great sin in the house of God so we want to pray and pleat those sins first before we move into any other prayers we are not going to have any time limit on this right now we are just going to ask the spirit of supplications to come upon us right now open your heart and allow the spirit of intercession allow the spread of supplication to come upon you right now that you may beat upon your breasts you may let your tears roll down like rivers and cry for the nation right now thank you Father father Lord we humble ourselves before your throne of grace Lockhart we thank you that you allow us even to come before you lord though we are not worthy of it Lord we don't deserve such grace Lord we humble ourselves before you Lord to acknowledge Lord the grace scene of our nation father our leaders Lord have a green heart to allow such an abomination to come to our nation Lord forgive us Lord forgive us [Laughter] Lord we have trampled on your name we are trampled on your name Lord we ask you a father mercy and your grace Lord [Music] we have we have neither slower than laying us astray they're leading us through long hard to begin to lead our nation choose the right leaders for us [Music] we will know that we cannot follow people that are against our or vanilla I guess so children against our family Lord father ever loved me so to love Jesus oh god you are a loving God you had a righteous God yeah I kind of just ease by your grace and your but ever remember I'll see this time this crucial time we have done away we have done away from your ways Lord we are turn away from your righteousness we are demons to come into our families to delude us levorg of Mercy Mercy Abba Oh your grace and your mercy and your forever who have mercy and compassion it all that you have made this is who you are you were taught and prepare all these if you did not plan to save us I know I know that your desire to mercy flow like a river I washes wells again your truth to come and wash your conscience purify our hearts Lord has I've got down I have got dollar ears learn we began to call evil god I'm good we call it evil in this nation Lord we are knowledge we are greatly sinned against you broke your heart remember your dream for this nation your promise of this nation and they shine in love with your spirit love which is as long for of your fire holy girls remember all hahaha when they seem to be no hope in this conference you given us hope I hope you say will not disappoint so we cry out to you my lord for you are all we have you the only one like a gal pal so we return to you all here we are Lord every state of a nation is represented here Lord so we stand together Lord and I acknowledge the gravity of our sin Lord Oh father have mercy Lord we have a government Lord that is not for us that is not for you Lord so we pray Lord that you wipe clean every corner of our country Lord let your blood flow like a river Lord arabica Rosanna monetary AHA who see her on a aerobic oh yeah ilaria Robison Oriakhi Tori Emerson Avakian our Father in the name of the Lord Jesus standing Lord before the throne when the witnesses angels are listening to everything we ask you today Lord now you make ivenna dict on the favour of Australia now you will remove the hold all those our Father that desire evil for these nations all those that are moved by darkness love father remove them from office lon and save their souls nice that man I weigh bed of God that would take your father the Rays of his government for your genome for your glory for the destiny you have for our nation father so good God remove the curses Lord happy not that you such horrible seen Lord leave them up for your glory Lord the curses that I've been big data for these measure be lifted up your gory upon the flag of Australia Lord let the brother Jesus flow like a light all over this nation class at Santee fiber your spirit the concern of your people are thank you Father thank you Father I'm father as if this was not enough we have compromised the truth fuller aye we defend the line Oh God this is from the pit of hell this is evil we've dummies against you we confess Lord we humble ourself to you Lord we had meat locker 56% of your chair yes we are guilty before you lord want is Lord Father I pray Lord the manifestation of Christ Jesus be released in the body of Christ and every welcome darkness Lord we crash down into pieces the hall for you my dear hold yourself to manifest on desire to destroy the words of diagonals father what great darkness have clouded the minds and eyes and the hearts of your people Lord so dragna we don't know anymore what's good for mercy my lord so darkness so God that we compromise we even think it's for the good of everybody or we confess our sin lord have mercy have mercy lord have mercy Lord you here in your people Lord from the four corners of this nation Lord crying out law for justice and righteousness to prevail we humble ourselves before you Lord and we ask you Lord for forgiveness Lord unto the church Lord then you will remove with your mighty hand every false minister every false prophet every false evangelist everyone that is serving the devil in the name of Jesus ready be done I see you have a spoken it Lord and rise up men of women as you did with David with a heart like your heart within the College of God on the fear of God by women that know how to walk with Jesus that no spirit no father will begin to over a nation let the atmosphere of filthiness of these days should we watch the way you are gonna Mercy helped us the church we learn from your anger unless your tender mercies day all of your nature but we are your people we are your nation we are we are the dream for the last days that you had free fall about nation of the earth and not the enemy steal these Lord from is not they get it as you have with Australia be stolen by the enemy Lord or you sell or the thief comes to kill destroy and deceive but you Lord Jesus have come to give life and that more abundantly so I pray I pray that in our Jesus I will be holy light upon the hands beginning to give you life by your spirit Lord I'll do all the people in this nation that I innocent now they don't know but they want righteousness Abba Father Abba Father father your word says Lord I don't do us man was given unto us a child was born and the government shall be upon his shoulders and of his government shall never be your name we ask you the whole you cleanse us you purifiers and certifiers and make us worthy Lord to carry your government it is nation for your glory that your government and your kingdom will have no end in Australia Lord God thank you Father father I pray Lord that you wash and cleanse away all the filthiness that was planted by the enemy in the mind of innocent children and every sin use that was being indoctrinated Lord forgive us for allowing a school or father to teach such abomination already happening I was at be so sleepy we'll be so numb so careless save love the mother what happened to the rest we had such a bad attitude as a church before you such an unloving heart for this nation so we ask you Lord that you forgive us and change us and transformers baptize me such powerful words thank you Father and father I pray that you will prepare all of our hearts Lord God when we have this three days prayer and fasting Lord you will take Homer you will lead us and guide us you will let the spirit of intercession Lord of supplication today all of us Lord and establish your ways o Lord Jesus thank you papa father in the name of Jesus we believe in you Lord that you have heard every prayer and we pray to the Lord in unity of heart and mind that every weekend preacher be removed and the name of Jesus that there will be taken out of the pulpit Lord God the churches will be cleansed our God but not more wickedness of falsehood shall be taught from the pulpit that apart maybe certified by your word the from the pulpit your spirit life will flow to the church the church will set up file order for your glory that people will not think of themselves anymore but will be Christ alas the hope of glory let these new generation arise in this nation Lord that we may give your glory I bring you pleasure Alleluia thank you Father you're a good god lord thank you for your goodness Lord Lord let our hearts continue in prayer this is just this is just a touch Lord we bring it to you as an act of worship and adoration and you be glorified so we thank you and give you glory and honor and praise in the name of Jesus we declare the victory of Christ Jesus in this measure we declare the glory of the Lord with care in the nation we declare that righteousness will prevail we declare that every weapon that been formed by the wicked one against this nation will not prevail in the name of Jesus ma thank you lord hallelujah okay praise God guys brother Sidhu has passed the baton of prayer to you so whenever you go home so just feel the calling that God has called us for we definitely want to see a revival in this nation so he's chosen all of you predestined you to be here in this time all right I want to ask you one more favor I want to thank you first for coming and thank you for the offerings that you have given but also I want to ask you that we need to vacate this place as soon as possible quickly you know we'll see you next year again when we have it we will advise you it's gonna happen and God bless you all go and serve the Lord we need to vacate this place
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 9,743
Rating: 4.8415842 out of 5
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Length: 220min 2sec (13202 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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