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I am here in Sheffield to do my 200k special I'm gonna learn how to crack lime and to do that I have none other than white boys to help me Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker also known as the white boys are some of the very best crack climbers in the world many of you probably remember the charming duo from the film real rock 7 back in 2012 where they made the first ascent of century crack the world's hardest off when this is too long and then it keeps going more anyways the star a few years later that did another world-class first ascent millennium arch a 100-meter roof crack in Utah they have also been successful on their own Pete was the first person to rope solo al-kahf in under 24 hours and tom has the first ascent of the world's hardest crack folder the crackin be 30 [Applause] the weather is really weird here it's sunny raining at the same time and it's really windy so I don't think there'll be much drone flying so I think I'm here but it doesn't look like a climbing gym looks more like a house he managed to in the basement coming Jonas this way please Tom [Music] [Music] this cannot be known the entrance [Laughter] [Music] I need to get out of the talk this is actually the only entrance [Music] if I didn't know what house I was walking into I'd be really scared yeah was that dusty yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that's the house this is the second house down here where me and Pete live so you guys have specialized only in cracks but mostly in cracks right that's yeah yeah I think a lot of the hardest stuff that we've done has been crack climbing right and because there's not very much hard crack climbing in the UK this is our you know mecca for training and getting better at really hard cracks and this is kind of our only option really I'm a little bit nervous over the plan the plan for today will plump this morning is to get you on the challenge crack yeah yeah and the challenge crack is basically a double lap of the cellar which is like 150 feet oh and it just goes through hands thin hands and fists jamming sizes okay I even some mono gems oh and some Manos yeah all of them yeah yeah help you write your street if I get there yeah that's like the end of the tunnel I don't think I'll get you could do either direction though it's just a double lap so you could actually start over there and start with okay it's a monster project yeah but I mean honestly I haven't done much crack climbing and I don't think I'm very good at it so but I think this will be a nice just like first test to see where I'm at and then I mean we have some days together and hopefully you guys will be able to teach me something throughout this week and maybe try this at the end of my stay to see if I've improved at all yeah you think you think it's possible to teach me something during the next couple of days so you look definitely improved yeah yeah yeah okay I mean you might just smash this out first [Laughter] okay let's okay you guys try it first and then I try it yeah okay that's good so Tom do you use jamming gloves I hope the answer is yes yes we use these things here they get little rubber jammies and they're good because they're really convenient and they kind of stop a sweat factor a little bit yeah I am I am quite sweaty do use ng Hyjal and use rhino skin okay has is like a liquid I can just put it all over so how do you warm up for this Tom you just try to different sections yeah like going on a red point project okay come on bolt the bolt doggin okay right yeah bit warmed up yep get the thumbs [Music] do you guys have the same crux or is there a crux on this yeah it's definitely pretty hard around here okay he is I think we have different cruxes depending on this hand sizes yeah so what one person gets something bad another person gets it better comes away with cracks do you get the normal kind of sport climbing pump or is that is it like a different kind of pump what company thumbs isn't it like sport climbing pump is is Harry isn't it yeah like all four are interesting yeah yeah whereas in jamming it just feels like you can't squeeze any more like your fingers it they're just opening in the crack and you're like why can't I squeeze that's interests and it's just like a pump in here yeah in your hand this is a different kind of pump but yeah it's different definitely you get get really tired in your shoulders and your back as well yeah like I definitely couldn't do a good pull-up session after a cellar session no but what's interesting about this particular project and this is so continuous mmm like there is no really really hard move but there is no rest hmm at all have you seen anything like it does anyone else have this kind of stuff in their basement was it only you is this one of it I get I don't know there are a few crack sellers around the world yeah we've got friends out in the states in Salt Lake who have a pretty good crack den okay and we've seen photos and videos of other people around there this is probably the most famous climbing seller in the world though yeah the most unique yeah yeah it's really cool it's but I just think it's funny how it's got extended you know like the last year yeah just a little bit I'm just gonna actually figure out the sequence on this okay yeah you know [Music] [Music] solid come on [Music] come on come on [Music] come on dog don't keep it wait a min come on yeah come on nice man come on Tom come on Tom yes all right yeah come on come on come on oh yeah good pump Frisco pump this dyno it is I was like flash pump gone yeah flash pump in the films you're only like 5 meters or something from the end oh I'm pretty cramped my neck I was trying so hard I feel sorry oh yeah everything they own that it just my fists just go in there and it's like oh thank god I'm at the fifth section oh is it yeah and you're like oh I'm at the fish section he's like total off of there good morning warm-up get the day going yeah you think you're gonna get a one more try yeah pump two machines as well yeah really yeah really get it in your shins [Music] coffee [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] come on yes [Music] come on come on man I'm gonna get Pete come on Pete that's it come on come on yeah nice come on okay come on come on yeah come on shake that puppy out yeah nice come on [Music] each yeah come on come on come on man come on stick that yeah yeah [Music] [Music] come on please [Music] come on come on stick with it yeah come on good come on man Bachchan in that annoys back that's amazing that's maybe that's a PV there's a PV does a PB Rafi be nice yeah his face has got PD that was inspiring to watch it's a big move I'm on the way back isn't it wait so amazing getting back and just resting through his models Monday's everything yeah you too and I've done like a whole lap I've been absolutely busting my ass yeah and yeah but that time surprised neat maybe I don't know had a rest day yesterday something yeah what was your previous PB previous PB was basically a lap and then coming back from the monos it into this one okay Wow yeah so one more little training burn warm-up burn out of the way yeah it could have been a catastrophic warm-up burn they yeah you could have been a game over one yeah well find out how much time do you think you've spent in the so there's never been in the thousands of hours I think I've spent more time in my cellar than I have across all of the gyms in Sheffield Wow and for this kind of stuff you want like flat shoes right yeah fairly flat flat and because you don't want your toes or mm-hmm like pointed up like knuckles yeah otherwise they do they don't fit in the crack and it's quite uncomfortable yeah I think velcro's laces slip ons are all online sometimes it's actually nicer to have stiff shoes and then sometimes it's nice to have soft shoes okay like when you but never down turn doesn't ever slow down yeah that's what I yeah [Music] [Music] come on come on Tom come on man come on yeah come on yeah come on Tom come on man come on yeah so strong come on My Mind's on into the mall nice yeah yes yeah nice come on dude did you do so casual just love it it's a thing to take the pain away [Music] [Music] come on Tom [Music] come on Tom Yemen the times like the pumped in the dance got a bump in loves sorry I was wearing come on that was that a PV PV nice oh I got to be VP visa yeah good fun yeah on a full red line but I start coming back yeah like us and you like the two percent thing yeah I basically feel like I'm falling off everything you look great is there a little bit of a friendly competition between you guys yeah I mean it's healthy I think it's very good there should be a little bit yeah but like do you think you tried a little bit harder now because you saw Pete doing so well um I'd say I wouldn't say I'd try harder because I saw Pete do well I'd say I try harder because the vibe of the Secession yeah I'm really good like the energy yeah so Pete has a PB right I'm like you know I'm so sorry he's in a PB yeah so now I feel site cuz yeah someone else knew his energy yeah yeah yeah yeah so like even if it did a PBT but it was really disappointed about his performance yeah he's a big mood yeah I wouldn't feel like it once again let's just go drink tea oh good job hey she'll tell me yeah I mean I'm just gonna try and now just see you guys can see how useless I am and then we're gonna train this for a couple of days and I'm gonna try it again and see if I do any better yeah yeah yeah getting the best coaches and the best venue and the best venue in the world yeah so ever use these before I've never used this before never never no and now I think I should just go through it try one time without any experience you guys don't tell me anything you don't teach me anything just to see how much I suck and then we compare it to after training because we're gonna make more videos so hopefully I can I can learn a thing or two so we discover your baseline yeah yeah exactly that's what we're doing now yeah how much work we have to do yeah I know I haven't done much crack climbing whenever I have like just laid back the crack so this is a good opportunity to try something new it would be interesting to see you trying to actually lay back these will you put the right shoes yeah I brought these right they're flat yeah yeah normally when I like my shoes normally they're down turn like this mmm but now they're flats so these are good yeah hey demova yeah good but it's because it seems like you're you're working your whole body kind of like yeah I mean you are you're hanging very interesting we're climbing because you basically get pumped and your whole body because you're using your upper body your core your legs every problem okay right and then yeah [Music]
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 390,069
Rating: 4.9704814 out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Klettern, Climb, Gym Climbing, Bouldering, Training, Wide Boyz, Pete Whittaker, Tom Randall
Id: gexSma_7oL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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