EVEREST 2021: THE COVID CLIMB || a life changing expedition to the summit of Mount Everest || Vlog

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on the 23rd of may 2021 i became the first person from my district sarla nepal to set foot on the summit of mount everest i sat there for a moment and gazed out over the beautiful planet that we live on probably this is the first blood you are watching on youtube thinking back now i asked myself again and again how i did it when so many hours were stacked against me i feel like i'm dead wait a sec let me check the small weather window that usually allow people to submit mount everest was dangerously unreliable this year on top of that the deadly kobet pandemic did not disappear climbers from its slopes i didn't know at that time but now i'm convinced that i too was a victim of kobe 19 but let me start at the beginning and give you a blow-by-blow account of my second average attempt this is without a doubt my costliest vlog to date good morning from lucla it's 14th april 2021 and my average expedition starts now uh i just met up with my guy right here let me ask him what he says keeper are you coming okay i'm so excited yeah i'm doing very well and i'm very happy to do it we would die okay let's walk yeah cheers that first day we walked to the village of monzu i felt great truly excited my entire being was focused on this climb secretly i've been dreaming about this for years i've thought about it i've talked about it but honestly i never truly believed that i a skinny young man from the low lands of nepal would ever get the opportunity to climb to the top of the world wow the next morning april 15th hipaa and i entered the highest national park in the world sagar martha national park several hours later we arrived in namchi bazaar the gateway to the average season it's customary to stay in namcha for two days acclimatizing before climbing higher that first evening in namche i started feeling unwell headache fever diarrhea and runny nose with a bit of blood mixed in my muscles ached and extremely tiredness overcame me i have trekked to every spacecraft many times and never have i felt as tired as i did that evening it was weird for me the next day april 16th i rested all day trying to recover my strength however resting didn't seem to help it wasn't altitude sickness or acute mountain sickness i know what that feels like whatever it was it was strange to me i took paracetamol for pain and fever on the morning of april 17th hipaa and i left namche and trek to the pang boje i was hoping that i would recover my strength but more we walked the more on well i became my sickness whatever it was weakened me severely keeper had to help me with my backpack he took several kilograms of my gear and stuffed them into his back on april 18th we trekked from pangboche to lobuche again keepa helped me with my pack when we reached lobuchay i was still feeling quite sick i continued taking paracetamol for the pain in favor on the morning of april 19th we hiked from low butcher to base camp arriving there around 11 am i was so excited that my pain and fever felt less critical our expedition team the cook helpers and everyone who were there to welcome us the best thing they did was to affix my tent right away so i could rest i was still feeling extremely tired later that day i consulted to the base camp doctors they suggested i came to base camp too fast and only needed rest the third it might be high altitude sickness let's go good afternoon uh it's uh 19 19th april 2021 uh the rituals has been done the puza is done now all the teams are here and then from tomorrow onwards they're gonna bring the tents and pools to the camp 2 and cam 3 so the official climbing starts from now so next we were heading for camto to set up our tent and everything for our stuff so we'll heading day after tomorrow we're planning the heading day after tomorrow okay so till tomorrow we'll have a good race after three days in base camp i still felt terrible i went to the base camp clinic operated by hra the doctors there told me i had pneumonia and they gave me antibiotics after two more days in the base camp i still didn't feel any better on april 24th i dragged myself down to the village at thingbuche thinking i would recover much quicker at the lower altitude i stayed there for two nights and then on the third day i visited their local doctor the doctor thought i was getting better he suspected that i might have had kobe 19. he gave me lots of medications to take for next few days and then said i could return to the base camp slowly [Music] great news i started feeling better so i slowly headed back to base camp it took me two days to get there by the time i reached base camp i felt well and ready to climb mount everest uh morning uh second may 2021 and keep i and i are ready to go to camp one now yes it's four o'clock we are hoping to arrive there at uh 10 let's see 11 10 or 11 okay then we'll be continuing to going to you know and come to the end and we'll be back here we we are having rest day in canada yes okay let's go cheers we are almost halfway to camp one so those are all the pokemon okay so we have already crossed ice ball right now popcorn popcorn area ice pollen football ground area i see also we are more than halfway okay okay thank you very good cheers somebody's coming from up there even the inside of paints will get extremely hot but on this day the falling is now cool the sun's raised which made it quite comfortable for us we stayed in our tents cooked ate and rested after seven hours of climbing we arrived at camp one camp one is normally very hot because of the sun reflecting off the snow and ice [Music] [Music] uh wow so how are you feeling you doing good yes absolutely yes you know what we just passed this you know kombu ice fall and popcorn area and now you can hear this the helicopter sound there has been some accident some people got three you know uh actually kumbha ice fall broke down so some people got uh injured so the helicopter is looking for those people over there you can hear this sound right lucky that we passed this one you know this this is the most dangerous part of this climb this is the most tender spot right it moves all the time few days ago it happened also while we were coming to the basement right yeah we are almost there come on okay so we're doing very well so far so good that's camp one yes not so far yeah it is almost seven hours right it took this is good timing i think yeah it is very good time we did very well here thank you okay we have arrived here at camp one it was seven hours hike i mean climb from base camp i'm so thirsty this is the first rotation so i'm kind of tired anyway now kippah is gonna cook some soup right soup water you know what camp one is really hot [Music] it's so hot i'm sorting all in you know completely wet actually but this hut will dry my you know dress anyway keeper has gone to get the ice snow and now we are gonna start cooking something and eat uh we have nothing to do the whole day [Music] tomorrow morning we are gonna go to camp two so camp one is to just to rest you know [Music] so far so good you might wonder what we do the whole day nothing we just sleep we had our lunch we had a pack lunch and then boiled the water and we had some dry food and we we ate that too and it's really hot inside this tent and outside look at this outside okay it is snowing i think look the problem is to go to pee you know it's snowing heavy outside and then wind is quite strong too right yes so very difficult to go out so dude we don't we don't have tea controlling to drink water you know oh my god do you want to see outside how it is this is my tea good evening it's five o'clock in the evening and the mountains are not visible because you can see these clouds but the whole day it was snowing and it was kind of a blizzard but anyway it was better than you know having a hot sun because it was it would be too hot and then i could have got headache but this time i didn't get the headache headache in 2019 when i was here oh my god my my head was blasting but now i'm really enjoying i love the mountain climbing you know this is the camp one of mount everest what are you doing kipa cooking soup okay it's cooking soup almost ready we had tea and now we are having soup what are we eating in the evening we have uh dry foods packaged fruits dry food packet food oh it's a luxury man okay that's good that's good what soup is this keeper chicken soup okay chicken soup that's it let me test it nice one [Music] very good this is 6 30 in the evening look at the weather wow everything is so visible so clear good morning it's nearly at o'clock uh we had our breakfast and uh everything is great this camp one is paralyzed man look at this oh my god so beautiful and keeper is very ready too how are you keeper doing very well good good good is everything cleaner inside okay we have cleaned it okay perfect so are we ready to head towards camto yes okay we are going to cam 2 another 3 to 4 hours from here this is the first rotation so it takes longer time you know second time i come it will be faster much faster see you on the way not yours that is mount everest and you can see south coal over there lot say and camp one it's very short distance but it takes a long time because the trail goes so to the so many corners you know what i'm realizing now climbing a mountain climbing mount everest it's not just about that top you know every moment look at this you know walking on this this path with this many people with this colorful things and having this beautiful view and noob say right there oh my god look at everything everything this is a paradise man camp 2 is not so far from here on the bottom of this everest you can see some yellow tints that's cam too [Music] this helicopter is headed to camp too you know camp one to come to looks really close and the trail is really easy but still camp one is six thousand meter cam two is six thousand five millimeters there is a 500 meter celebration again but it doesn't look like that and it's never ending you know walking walking working can't do it there it's 11 o'clock in the morning we started at eight o'clock we made it in three hours from [Music] camp one to camp two ah looks everything okay two hours this is very good time to get here and then we are at our camp you can see the blue one our intent over there over there that one yeah this is all they can okay so what's the plan for tomorrow so tomorrow we'll have a rest okay we are having raised day here nice some sippy noodles having some good food okay that sounds good now the job is to drink coffee oh probably have a soup have a lunch you know then afternoon take a rest and uh just do nothing you know acclimatize the body this is my advertising trip cheers good good afternoon it's 12 30 in the afternoon and i'm waiting for my lunch uh actually you know what it has started snowing looks like it's going to snow the whole day it's getting heavier and heavier anyway nothing to do let's have lunch and i'm going to take a rest inside the tent it's all going great cheers it is 3 o'clock in the afternoon and it is snowing at camp 2 of everest good morning it's 4th may 2021 8 30 in the morning and i'm here at the camp oh oh sorry cam 2 and today is my acclimatism day so uh what are you doing so we're having left full day here okay are we gonna go that way okay so we are going to go to camp uh pillow camp three yes uh probably the end of this camp too right okay just let's let's let's go there after breakfast i'm gonna just explore this area uh everything is going great i'm so happy i'm so enjoying are you okay are you enjoying very good okay cheers that's the way to can three you can see so many people lined up i i think they are going to touch cam 3 right now because it's not time to go to the summit so [Music] what are you cooking keeper okay good one it's snowing today too it came to fourth may 2021 this is my accumulation day i have already walked all around here almost halfway to cam 2 cam 3 i mean okay it's still good morning you can see cam 3 over there see so many people are going to camry now which we are not doing today today's job is to come to this point and walk around this camp too tomorrow the job is to go to that point you can see so many people lined up in that flat you know that vertical zone that is camp cam 3 7 200 200 meters tomorrow we are headed to that point wow wow [Music] this what a water weather one of you oh my god [Music] good morning it's 8 30 in the morning 5th may 2021 yesterday it was snowing the whole day and the whole night too so this camp two is full is completely white now and uh but now it looks okay uh i don't know what's gonna happen today uh we are planning to go to camp three let me ask you with the keeper keeper good morning how are you i'm doing very well okay what's the plan today so we're having breakfast now okay so after breakfast we're over here are we still going to cam three though yes i don't see anybody going there yeah no one but hopefully after backwards 10 10 a.m will be easter everyone ah okay okay you guys have to use the fall no one doesn't know okay so it's because of this noise today nobody's starting now in a while they're gonna start right okay so we are going to have breakfast and then after and then after the breakfast we are still going to camp three which is below you know inside the cloud now you can't see it right properly okay keeper thank you yes cheers [Music] you see that top is lot say cam 3 is on the lot surface there and you see this raise and you come to this loop say near this 8000m 7900 centimeters cam 2 is very hot you might wonder how is it hard when i'm walking on this now no man it is scaling hot so hot it's so hot it's a water break how are you keeper oh they all ready okay another few hundred meters let's see let's try why not it's hot that's stopping us otherwise we would have gone a bit further already anyway let's see what happens we're still headed to cam 3 okay choose hundred meters to cam three but it's midday 12 o'clock and then we are sweating like a pig man this is too hot and because of this heart we are sweating and this sweat and this cold you know let on the cold wind will give us a headache you know i think it's best to wait for the summit push you know i've anyway been to the balcony the last time and then this time also i have no problem with altitude so i can i think i can do do i can i do this what what's the problem for the hot temperature it is like a 40 to 45 degrees temperature you're sweating i can see that it's so musculating and very difficult to heading up so due to by this kind of heart so we can get headaches so we do not make our headache too much okay then let's go back to cam 2 yes this is uh acclimatization yes cheers cheers what a sunset and lord say [Music] later this afternoon fifth may 2021 the weather's clearing up now good morning it's uh sixth may 2021 after staying four nights on this high altitude camp too and you know almost touching m3 we are headed back to camp uh base camp uh and we'll be waiting for summit push is that correct yes is this the weather normal here will be normal like this it's called white out white out yes that means you can see nothing like this continue very difficult to find the child so in this type of weather people get lost okay okay right here we are in the middle of glacier and nobody is around and we cannot see anything even to see each other it's difficult because even in 10 meters distance i can't see him it's kind of scary you know anyway let's do it cheers it's ten o'clock in the morning we started at six o'clock in the in the morning so it took us four hours to get back to the base camp okay let's wait for a week or so to go to the top of the world at the base camp i looked on the internet for a good weather window for our summit attempt the information from the internet weather service said may 16th would be the best weather at summit so we decided to leave base camp on may 11th to start our push to the summit good morning it's two o'clock in the morning uh 11th uh may 2021 and we're at the base camp of average but to right now we are headed to camp 2 and we'll be staying there for a few nights then after that we'll be going to cam 3 and campo and hoping to submit on 16th is that correct yes i will want to do a system okay cheers we climbed directly to camp 2 by passing camp on a few climbers from some of the other teams said they had plans to summit on the 14th may they told us the evening of 13th and the morning of 14th would be the best weather window so keepa and i decided to go for it how are you good morning good morning good afternoon uh i'm here at uh camp 2 you know what today it took me a little over 10 hours to get here from you know base camp i'm not that happy with my steep speed today but but i'm fine and then everything is good i was hoping to arrive here at uh you know within eight hours but took me 10 hours i don't know why i'm a bit weak today let's see what happens tomorrow we didn't stay extra night at camp 2 instead we climbed directly to cam 3 on the morning of 12th the conditions at cam 3 were terrible the temperature was minus 40 degrees celsius and the wind exceeded 90 kilometers per hour we were lucky to survive that night the next morning we packed up and ran back down to camp two i checked the weather condition to see if the 16th was still going to be good or not there was a confusion about the weather amongst other climbers we couldn't find anyone going to the summit on the 16th keeper and i thought it would be stupid to go up there by ourselves good afternoon it's uh what time is it oh it is it's uh okay one nearly 1 30. yeah uh plan changed we were supposed to go to the summit on the 16th but uh we heard that the weather isn't that great so today we came from camp 2 to cam 3 today here i could not shoot on this vertical zone because you know my gopro could run away so anyway this is kamdari and that way to summit of everest good morning it's uh five o'clock in the morning 13th may 2021. why are we cooking inside kippah so outside is very happy with so even not cook we don't go outside anyway so that's why we cook inside so outside is very wind so all night during the night here you can see here happy wind so still there was heavy wind so we are waiting to stop wind to go south cold let's see what's going on okay cheers cheers is and [Music] good morning it's the 14th may 2021 and we are here at camp 2 actually we were supposed to climb on 16th right yeah we were planning to summit on 16 but due to bad weather we did not go off so not only us everyone did cancel but due to by the bad weather so we so we are headed back to bay chamber yeah we're headed back to base camp today and let's see so we're waiting for another weather window yeah 21 or 22 then we'll be back here okay that's the plan that's the philosophy see you on the way cheers cheers good morning it's 5 30 in the morning 17th uh may 2021 and we have already climbed half of the kumbh ice ball we started at 2 30 in the morning and headed to camp 2 today and this is our final puss so i'm so excited hope everything goes well and we'll be submitting on the 20th morning let's see the camp is not so far from here you know it's quite past 10 o'clock and we have almost arrived at camp last time it took me quite long but this time we made it [Music] in less than eight hours which is a good time i'm quite happy today i'm back on my ship cheers hello good morning good morning uh what's the day today keeper today is 19. okay 19th may 2021 and we are headed to come to country okay this is our final push you know and the weather looks good it's for our understanding weather will be great on on the 21 21st morning so we are hoping to summit tomorrow night isn't that well yes okay are we all ready yeah we are doing very well okay finally we are feeding fine yeah so we'll keep updating you continue yes stay true cheers cheers man good morning it's uh probably 10 o'clock or maybe yeah it's nine o'clock in the morning we this morning very first morning but since we came the time so this is 21st we are going to uh campo are you okay weather weather is getting better right it's sun shining after two days yeah okay good look at this vertical place you know this is cam 3 a bit further than cam 3 actually actually we passed this glacier point icefall point now we are going to that is yellow belt and then furthermore this is the bodyguard of the country you can see there you can see yellow belt over there we're almost there probably you can see keeper uh thank you cheers good morning from campo of everest south goal what is the height so seven thousand nine hundred eighty meters seven thousand nine hundred eighty meters that is almost a day at the okay we came to this you know camp yesterday that was a horrible horrible wind it felt like 70 80 hours yes i can't believe that and then we did not eat anything yesterday we didn't have water we didn't have anything my hands were frozen oh my god we were suffering the whole night but today sun shining it is the hope tonight we are going to climb everest this is a big chance because so many groups of the people coming to campo to climb everest tonight everything is fine now i'm happy he's happy sun shining everything is going well tonight we're gonna climb are we yeah are we cheers cheers keeper and i set up our tent in the freezing cold it was an incredibly hard thing to do without a tent we would surely die we were able to affix our tent to the frozen ground that night we could not eat or drink our stove would not work in those brutally cold and windy conditions i battled to stay awake the entire night my hands and feet were beyond the pains of cold numbness covered my entire body i felt the flame of my inner being slowly flickering away sleep would soon overcome me and death was sure to follow i could feel myself freezing to death the next day may 22nd i was still alive and the wind continued to blow at 9 00 pm we left campo and he started our push to the summit fortunately a few hours later the wind had eased quite a bit the balcony to summit was the most amazing part of my expedition it felt like i was climbing towards the haven every step was unbelievably beautiful the view was almost unexplainable i experienced something beyond anything i could ever have imagined it was like dreaming a beautiful dream i could see almost half of the earth i could see the curved line of the earth's horizon where it made the sky to the east i could see the sun's rays shooting up past the horizon and into the space and with every step i took the sun's rays bend further and further over the horizon towards me may 23rd 4 30 a.m on the hillary step the moment when i thought am i going to survive i could see nothing my goggles had steamed up the vapor from my breath had steamed up the lenses and they were frozen over i needed to see otherwise i would die go know i'm the first man thank you so much this is i love you from the top of the world my wife love you this is 23rd may 2021. we thank you so much this is my climbing trainer and he made it me to the top of the world congratulations for your success yes probably this is the first vlog you are watching on youtube oh my god look at this my dream of standing on the highest peak in the world was done but the most difficult part remained going down is far more difficult and dangerous than you think oh yeah hello keeper hi oh this is nearly nine o'clock in the morning good morning uh good morning we submitted everest this is good now we are at the balcony and i'm enjoying this view oh my goodness this is just unbelievable you know anyway let's go back to campo south coal and eat something and go to camp okay cheers we started nine o'clock in the april yesterday 22 may 2021 this morning i think it was 5 15 or something i have to check my photo i didn't check the time and now it's nearly 8 40 to 11 and we are back at the camp let's have something and we go to camp too hello what time did we start yesterday tonight 9 o'clock in the morning in the night in the night yes and what time did we reach to the summit of everest 5 20 5 20 right in the morning yes yes and then and then we get here at 10 10 30 right that's good that means wait a sec let me check i have a photo here hello good afternoon how are you how do you feel you know what feels like i have nothing more left in my body i feel like i'm dead yeah no one has left nothing at all yes i had this a cup of water i'm getting back i think and you know what every sex reason this is not a joke guys yeah it's definitely not a joke it is very challenging let me get back my energy okay how are you going back to the camp okay yeah we'll have a cup of juice yeah and some fruit then we'll go directly come to here okay so we'll have a rest open house okay and after that after that we'll go to something by the way i understand why people die in the everest yes you know what they finished all energy and then they could not do it more than 20 hours yeah so they collapsed yeah okay look at this are almost arriving at camto from campo actually from the top of april sagarmath i think because this morning when we arrived there at 5 30 since then i've been climbing down down down downtown yesterday nine o'clock in the evening and now till now i'm still walking i'm so exhausted you know i'm taking this video to show how exhausted i am you know it's seven o'clock in the evening oh my god it's too many hours where i've been climbing my legs are like you know sticky my hands are so painful tomorrow i i cannot walk but i have to climb back to base camp i can talk to more talk to you more tomorrow morning when i'm headed to uh base camp good morning from camp 2 it's nearly 9 30 in the in the morning and expedition is almost over because look uh the guys are closing the camp and now we are headed back to base camp weather isn't that great but anyway we're going down so it's okay i'm so happy to go down in a warm temperature you know cheers something strange happened to me on the way down the route between campo and the summit is known as the death zone the trail is marked with the dead bodies i had just walked past a frozen female body when i heard a soft voice say in a police janira which means in english are you sure you want to go back the dead body was talking to me i thought welcoming me to stay on top of the world forever the voice was very clear it frightened me so i couldn't even look back at the body carefully i kept moving i could sleep at any time and possible death waited at every stage on the morning of may 24th i woke up with a feeling of big excitement my entire body ached but i had done it i had climbed mount everest at that moment my pain and exhaustion were not important we packed up our gear and climbed down to base camp arriving safely that afternoon my friend dandy shepard who organized this climb for me passed away that morning from the kobe 19. it was a very sad moment for all of us the next morning may 25th a helicopter flew a group of us down to the club in lukla there was a plane about to leave to kathmandu so i jumped on board okay finally keepa and i have finished uh our expedition to have everest yes we successfully submitted everest now we are headed back to lukla on a helicopter after that i don't know how i'm gonna go to kathmandu but keep high stays in new class so it's fine yeah thank you keepa that's my favorite thank you so much hi again actually when i arrived at lukla i found an airplane which was flying to kathmandu right now the plane is just waiting for me and others see you in charmander anyway thanks for watching my adventure cheers you
Channel: Ram Sharan Upreti
Views: 451,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Everest expedition 2021, Mount Everest Expedition, Climb Everest, Everest Climbing, Nepal climbing, Climbing tour, Mountain Climbing in Nepal, Mountain Ram Adventures, Everest climbing news, Climbing adventure in Nepal, Nepal mountain climbing expedition, How to survive on the mountain, Everest movie, Nepal Mountaineering association, TAAN, NTB, Nepal Tourism Board, Nepal Mountain Climbing videos, Everest vlog, Summit of Everest, Everest 8848.86m, Everest 2021, Climbing trip
Id: c0tXn8-Pqw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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