How to Remove Mouth Sounds in Audacity Using the Free De-Clicker Plugin

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hey friends mikey adams here with first person audio let's talk in this video about the d-clicker within audacity the d-clicker is a powerful tool that you can use to get rid of dry mouth sounds you know the little tongue clicks the things that go on kind of subtly while you're talking while you're speaking you really don't want those in your final production because they tend to be a little bit annoying especially if someone is listening to you listening to what you've done the audio that you've created using earbuds or headphones it's going to be more pronounced even there so in this video i'm going to show you how to use the d-clicker tool within audacity which by the way is free and how to use it in order to eliminate or reduce mouth sounds and mouth clicks and unwanted sounds like that with in your audio production before we start i want to mention that if you're not wearing headphones or a good set of earbuds you might want to pause this video right now and take care of that put on some headphones put on some good earbuds because you're going to hear better what's going on using those than you will with a regular computer speaker or you know speaker in your phone or whatever you're listening to this on you might want to pause it right now throw on some headphones because you'll be glad you did so without any more delay let's get going [Music] in this screen that i've got open here i have two audio files that are identical you'll see the top one i've labeled before because i haven't done anything to it yet and the bottom one is labeled after so we're going to put the effects on the after file and then compare the before to the after i recorded these using my nt1 microphone rode nt1 microphone into my zoom h6 and then i simply imported it into audacity here so that we could edit it the file itself the waveform itself has no effects on it other than i normalized it so we could see it better we could hear it a little bit better i should mention right up front here again that if you're not using headphones you might want to pause this video and put on a good set of headphones so you can hear more clearly the mouth sounds that are going on here in and among the audio they're more prominent at the beginning of this waveform and then again at the end of this waveform so i think that's where we'll be spending most of our time as we look at this de-clicker effect within audacity and use it to remove unwanted mouth sounds you should also be aware that this plugin is not included in audacity when you download audacity at least i don't think it is it didn't used to be but now that we're on audacity version 3.0.5 which was released yesterday perhaps it's included in there i'm not sure but i don't think it is so what you'll need to do is open up your web browser and i'll have the links in the description below so you don't have to go look for it but open up your web browser and first of all go to the audacity forum website and i'll have this address again for you to simplify your process and once you get here to this website scroll down to where you see the clicker.nyndsr.n you can download both of those and install them in your audacity program and then enable them and you'll have both of those plugins in this video we're just talking about the declicker but we can come back another time and talk about the de-esser if you're unsure once you download this if you're unsure how to install it here's some instructions from audacity on how to install these plugins and i'll have this link down below as well in case you need it but let's go back to my audacity screen here and once you get the de-clicker installed on your computer you're going to want to come up to the effects drop-down window and you should see it right here now this first group of of uh plugins is what's normally included with audacity when you download audacity for the first time and you can see there's a divider line right here i'm running a mac so i have these audio unit plugins available to me as well and there are several of those they begin with a you well we're not really concerned with this click removal tool here that comes with audacity it really kind of doesn't do much i've never actually been able to get it to work very well what we're going to do is after you've installed and enabled the d-clicker plug-in that i just showed you you're going to find it right here so make sure you've got that installed and then go ahead and restart this or go ahead and start this video up from where you paused it and i'll show you what's going on with it now the first thing that i would like to do is come back over here into this top waveform that i've got soloed right now and i'm going to rewind it to the beginning and let's play through a little bit of this again pretty much just the front part i left a gap right here you'll see a gap that is there that i left intentionally with with one mouth click and a little bit of weird mouse sounds after it so let's uh together let's play through this first part of this waveform and then the last part of this waveform and again please have headphones on you'll hear the mouth clicks you'll hear the mouth noises better that way and especially when we fix it you'll be able to tell the difference so i'm going to push spacebar to play a little bit of this this is the audio track that i'm using to illustrate and demonstrate the de-clicker that's available within audacity for free i'm speaking to you through my rode nt1 mic which is a condenser mic which picks up everything in the room all the so what you heard there especially here at the beginning when i said the clicker it kind of put in some weird mouse sounds and again right around in this area right here i got some strange mouth sounds if we come here toward the end let's see what it sounds like well let's see what audacity will do to smooth out this audio in terms of getting rid of the mouth clicks and mouth sounds that we don't want present in our final production so especially right in here mouth clicks it just sounded ugly it it wasn't it wasn't cute at all and so let's focus on the beginning of this track and toward the end of this track and see what we can do with it in terms of cleaning it up what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to solo the bottom track and again these are identical other than normalization i haven't done any kind of editing to them but i'm going to select this entire track by clicking in the track header now again we're on the after track right now and then i'm going to come up to the effect drop down window and i'm going to scroll down to our de-clicker and i'm going to click it click the de-clicker now these are the default values that come with this d-clicker plug-in i've not changed these these work good for me you should try these default settings first and if they don't work good for you then you can tweak things around in order to create something that does work for you but like i said you know these right out of the box not that there was a box but figuratively speaking right out of the box these worked really well for me so i'm going to come over here and click ok we'll let it kind of do its thing it runs through the de-clicking process and then when it's done you see the waveform changed a little bit you can see right here that this click that i left in a silent spot has really been reduced a lot from the one up above it now let's go ahead and put our cursor at the beginning and let's play that bottom track just a little bit and get the feel for it this is the audio track that i'm using to illustrate and demonstrate the d clicker that's available within audacity for free i'm speaking to you through my so that's pretty good let's come back up to the top one and let's go right through this area right here and listen to it again when i say d-clicker you're going to hear it sound kind of ugly illustrate and demonstrate the d-clicker that's available so i said d-clicker you know it just wasn't pretty now let's listen to it after it's been fixed illustrate and demonstrate the d-clicker that's available within that's much better if we come back here to the end again i'm gonna solo excuse me i'm losing my voice i'm gonna solo this top track and let's start right about here and listen to it again here at the end to smooth out this audio in terms of getting rid of the mouth clicks and mouth sounds that we don't want present in our final production so again mouth clicks and mouth sounds it just kind of it sounded sloppy so let's solo the bottom track now and let's listen to it after the after picture here we go in terms of getting rid of the mouth clicks and mouth sounds that we don't want present in our final production so that cleaned it up really well and again this plugin is available to you and it's free and it runs really well it works really well within audacity and it's another tool that you can use to clean up your audio in post-production so that's the power of the de-clicker tool within audacity which again is a free plug-in it will make your audio production just that much sweeter and sound that much better so i advise getting it i recommend getting it and using it on everything you do just to make sure that those subtle mouse sounds and clicking sounds are removed or at the very least reduced in your audio production so that's it for this time for first person audio thank you for joining me remember you can find me online at i also do the audacity bootcamp podcast and i teach a bestseller course on udemy called audacity bootcamp beginner to advanced i'll have links to that in the description below as well so feel free to check it out until next time see ya [Music] you
Channel: First Person Audio
Views: 999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audacity, podcast, audio, editing, production, compression, normalization, equalization, bootcamp, audacity bootcamp, audacity how-to, first person audio, de-clicker
Id: 0kU3IyE0QP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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