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what do they call carrots in europe hmm uh americans since i am karen huh no we literally just call them carrots like it's the same thing here hey everyone my name is jake and welcome to club comebacks where we're going to be looking at people who just think of really really clever comebacks and then they say it to someone and then it looks clever either that or the persons that they're replying to is really dumb and any comeback whatsoever just makes them look really good but either way it's fun to watch enjoy it we will never rewrite the constitution of the united states yet if there wasn't a rewrite you wouldn't be a senator and also couldn't vote and i'd be enslaved yeah i'm pretty sure you need those amendments otherwise it's going to be a bit iffy dr fauci lied about masks in march dr fauci has been distorting the level of vaccination needed for herd immunity it isn't just him many in elite bubbles believe the american public doesn't know what's good for them so they need to be tricked into doing the right thing we'd say receiving a vaccine before most frontline workers is pretty early and so is attacking dedicated public health workers yeah i don't really get why the people at the top are like oh we need to get the vaccine before people in the front line surely you don't like you're not even getting like exposed to it lions don't wear masks um yet they also don't walk around freaking sainsbury's david it's what you've never seen a lion in sainsbury's broke men are hurting american women's marriage prospects ah okay oh lots of insecure men replying to this one yet you literally have your cash app in your twitter bio pipe down you tramps and your dad sends me money what of it yeah well at least he made more of an effort than your actual dad god yo this guy was getting taken down and he was like nope not today can we just go back to like the article though like i don't think men want to be broke i don't think they go you know what i don't care about society norms anymore i don't care about marriage i want to be broke i don't want to have any money to do it no no one is like that i mean some people might be but i don't think many people are i don't need to bring anything to the table i am a woman i am a luxury broke um luxuries are a bonus due to a surplus of assets domestic parasites that don't want to contribute in a relationship are liabilities men under five for eleven shouldn't exist uh i'm five foot seven but that's 11 foot seven over your dad if that helps adriana rip dad 1971-2019 god that is just too far i made a roomba that shoots anything it bumps into oh wow automation is gonna take jobs away from cops no no no it needs like a color selector before it shoots it doesn't just shoot anyone come on medicare for all would abolish private insurance there's no precedent in american history oh no not my beloved private insurance which increases 10 to 20 every year costs more than my mortgage did and doesn't cover anything until i've paid 13 000 first hmm it still confuses me every time i see that you guys pay so so much just for insurance like i paid little bits here and there maybe for like going to the dentist like i stuff yeah you pay a little bit but most of it it's free if dogs were 10 times bigger they would probably still be friendly whereas if house cats were 10 times bigger they would instantly devour us yeah they are called lions and tigers and pumas and stuff yeah they do three kilograms of rice one kilogram of salt four kilograms of wheat half a kilogram of cucumber what the hell is this dude hey when did you unblock me i used to write my grocery list here who buys half a kilogram of cucumber though you could have made it at least believable i'd rather the 600 stimulus over the two thousand dollar one it'll make me hustle harder i don't know maybe i'm just built different yeah you built like an idiot quick tip for anyone if the government offers you free money take the free money it's the government they're gonna take money from you eventually so why not take it back from them if they say do you want 600 or do you want 2 000 you take 2 000 every single time i don't know who would take 600 well this guy apparently idiot say something nice about the uk all right it's going to be hard but uh scotland people in scotland are loving that one they're like yeah true i will pay you approximately 28 million dollars in monopoly money to do this to the rest of the record hey actually this is a very late reply but i had to point out that is actually quite a bit of money every box of monopoly made after 2008 has 20 580 monopoly dollars in it this would mean that you'd need 1 361 boxes of monopoly in order to provide 28 million monopoly dollars the cheapest that i found the game of monopoly on amazon was 19.99 assuming you were gonna buy enough games in order to provide this money it would cost you 27 206.39 in order to afford all of the games i don't know if you realize what you were agreeing to that in the comment of yours but i still found it funny so here's a like he did the math he did do it so uh just take it back delete the comment in a world of apples stand out with a one plus ah good market in there yeah 12 minutes of silence for the apple yeah they'll use that time to buy a charger separately separately mind you bruh who said i'm triggered you're just straight up fat phobic and it's annoying i think phobia is the wrong word it's not a fear you people are too easy to outrun jesus christ them out male karen i can't wear a mask i have a doctor's note oh okay male karen so anyways i'll have no i mean okay as in okay show me the doctor's notes mail karen you're not allowed to ask me for that all right bye then the tendency of women to push aside a man supplementing the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life is very disappointing to me was nikola tesla warning us tesla died a virgin so uh yeah egyptologist oh god wife what is it i brought egypt home with me from work and i can't find it quick check down the sides of the sofa hut yeah it's probably in the british museum we definitely have a couple of those is it recipe for a happy life you need two cups of love one cup of friendship half a cup of positivity a generous handful of health a pinch of patience and add a dash of kindness adventure and laughter you mix together and serve with a warm side of compassion and respect oh i recommend serving warm with loved ones i hate you andy i see you added vinegar to your recipe i gotta say i i agree with andy in this if you ever send something like that yeah i hate you i i don't know why i just i'm not i don't like that when you see your ex i only swipe to make fun of you not posting your height oh you should put your mental health issues on your profile then let them know they get a four in one package deal it's a cliffhanger that'll be in next week's episode hey bud you're not supposed to waste periods like that use a comma instead i'd fix more issues in your comment but i'm assuming you're new to english so i won't intimidate you with proper grammar man you must really hate ellipses my friend have you heard of run on sentences cool did anyone ask you what he said was 100 grammatically flawless the way we speak and utilize the tools were given at young ages of our choice the way his syntax is doesn't violate any concrete rules i'd fix more of your superiority complex but i'm assuming you're new to basic human interaction so i won't intimidate you with proper morals hey why your profile picture look like your mom uh because i look like my mum why does your profile picture look like your dad's yo chill get it cause you have no profile picture wow 60 million americans are subject to a stay-at-home order or curfew 11 million are right here in ohio what would the founders say there was a massive smallpox epidemic during the american revolution washington quarantined the infected refused to let people from hotspots travel to his army and even sent a thousand soldiers to boston to prevent the spread there you should try reading a book sometimes i don't know a lot about the american history but it wasn't ohio made after like they wouldn't have had any idea what ohio was cdpr dev who has never seen a child attempts at creating one over a description they were given a via phone call they just took the adult body and made them smaller hasn't seen their own kids in so long the dev forgot how they looked wow i mean they have been working like what like 100 hour weeks for seven years seven years to make all of that and it only takes you seven seconds to click another video how great is that you don't even have to work 100 hour weeks you can just binge watch for 100 hours it's not work if you enjoy it so let me know if you enjoy it by liking thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 161,330
Rating: 4.962337 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: Wx5QLsmbkhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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