Clear the LEGEND Onslaught EASILY - Solar Warlock Build in Destiny 2

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solar warlocks are by far the best subclass to consistently Carry Your Fire team to 50 waves in the legend Onslaught and it doesn't really get any better than this build as everyone needs this exact solar warlock in their group at its core we are leveraging the Synergy between Phoenix protocol and Ember of combustion Phoenix protocol States after using your well of Radiance any kill you or your allies get while standing in the well gives you super energy up to 50% this is incredibly useful for getting your super back it's the main reason why fire teams always need a phoenix protocol solar Warlock the utility that well of Radiance provides for legend Onslaught especially in the later waves and boss fights can't be overlooked and thanks to Ember of combustion any kill you get with a solar weapon while inside The Well of Radiance will also cause the target to ignite creating a massive explosion this transforms what would be a somewhat weak subclass that is just here to bring well of Radiance into something that has one of the best wave clear capabilities in the game right now thanks to ignitions this can go to another level if you pair yourself with an orfus rig tether Hunter as it will be incredibly easy to chain supers this trivializes the onslaught waves and lets you consistently survive longer playing this build is pretty straightforward you simply blast everything with sunshot not only for the Synergy that it has with the solar build but that added weapon perk sunblast targets defeated with sunshot explode in solar energy scorching other nearby Targets this gets Amplified when you add in the seasonal mods specifically Ray of precision while radiant solar Precision final blows cause the combatants to ignite yep we consistently do ignition explosions even if we are not inside of our well of Radiance this is why it's so powerful and to be completely honest the top meta warlock build to run an onslaught now trust me running well of Radiance isn't the most exciting gameplay Loop warlocks are always locked into this meta because of the utility for our fire team but what I love about this build is the raw power it has with ignitions it feels incredibly satisfying to always have your super and always be blowing things up we also provide great utility with our healing grenade Champion coverage with sunshot and radiant buff and finally if you want running a blinding grenade launcher like paron our dust that can be very useful in most situations especially if you don't have other means of crowd control on your fire team having the ability to Blind groups stopping them in their tracks then blowing them up with ignitions is about as good as it gets this bu is obviously about playing defensively you'll always want to keep a good position and recognize opportunities to use your well of Radiance especially at the start of a tough wave use well of Radiance and use it often another tip will be using your healing grenade for your fire team I think we all know a Titan or two who will YOLO into the boss with their super help them out with your healing grenade it's quite literally a make or break play especially in the later waves of onslaught overall you will feel very safe and Powerful with this build make sure to have good positioning And Timely supers then watch just how hard you can carry your fire team let's dive into the build setup you will need starting with the subass super will be well of Radiance healing Rift jump is your choice but I like burst Glide and Celestial fire for your melee I prefer this over incinerator snap for Onslaught due to the distance we will try to keep with our play style but by all means use what melee feels best for you then of course we will want healing grenade there's a good argument to be had on whether to run a healing grenade or a damage grenade personally I think there's far more utility and survivability to be had with a healing grenade as opposed to the few enemies you might take down with a solar grenade and since this build is more focused on a high up time for our super we don't have a lot of ways to get Grenade energy but thanks to some fragments we will run we don't need that Grenade energy more on that in a moment moving on to the aspects we will need Touch of flame improving the strength of cure and restoration effects from our healing grenade that gives us restoration time 2 which is mandatory we will also run icist stash for the movement utility for the fragments we will run Ember of torches powered melee attacks against combatants make you and your nearby allies radiant for those of you that might not know radiant gives us a 25% damage buff and allows us to pierce the shields of barrier Champions to stun them next we will want Ember of Solace radiant and restoration effects apply to you have an increased duration this includes the restoration from our healing grenade allowing it to last longer we will also need Ember of imperion solar weapon or ability final blows extend the duration of restoration and radiant effects applied to you this is the key fragment to circumvent the Grenade energy issue as long as you are slaying with your solar weapons you'll keep those Buffs on you finally the core fragment for this build Ember of combustion final blows with a solar super cause the target to ignite and create a fire Sprite this includes solar weapon kills while standing in the well of Radiance so ensure you have a solar energy and heavy weapon in your Loadout I mentioned earlier that sunshot is the weapon of choice for this build that's due to the raw damage and Champion coverage that it provides but by no means feel obligated to use sunshot as I know some of you might not have it instead look to use any solar weapon that you love using especially if it has Champion coverage since I'm running sunshot as my exotic weapon of choice I like pairing it with fixed odds a heavy solar machine gun it's craftable and can come with incandescent which spreads Scorch to nearby Targets that provides great Synergy with this solar build you could also use something like a bait and switch apex predator or even dragon's breath from the seasonal battle pass if you are not using sunshot I person person Al prefer heavy solar machine guns for two reasons well of Radiance add clear and the ability to take down tormentors the kinetic slot is completely flexible you could go for Champion coverage as almost all the damage from this build comes from our solar weapons you could also try out that new Discord succession I had some fun with that maybe try Riptide for some priority Target damage or you could also use the new grenade launcher the Mountaintop for priority Target damage finally something with amazing utility a blinding grenade launcher like paron our dust it's ultim timly up to you what kinetic weapon you'll bring but all those are good options now let's talk about the armor mods starting with the helm it'll be flexible based on the stat spread of your gear mines very heavy into resilience and discipline and I think most of us are in that situation so to further leverage our super spam we will need font of wisdom you gain bonus intellect while you have an armor charge which is acquired by picking up an orb of power essentially allowing us to get up to 100 intellect through natural gameplay thus lowering the cooldown of well of Radiance and well you get the picture I'd recommend trying to get to at least 50 intellect on your gear so you can use two fonts of wisdom how the stacking works is one font of wisdom mod provides 30 intellect two will provide 50 and three will give you 60 my intellect stat is at 53 so I'll use two fonts of wisdom now if your gear is already set up for intellect look to use special or heavy ammo finders finally we will take a harmonic siphon this will allow our solar weapons to create orbs of power on our gloves we will want fast ball increasing our grenade throw distance impact induction which will lower our grenade coold down after using a powered melee finally I like using solar loader this is subtle but it will help out in the long run when you're running a double solar weapon Loadout on our exotic chest Phoenix protocol we will want damage resistance mods pick and choose based on the content you are doing look to also add in a solar reserves mod the more heavy ammo you can carry the better on our boots we will want better already picking up an orb of power starts Health regeneration and double solar weapon surge mods this provides us with 177% more solar weapon damage and synergizes with our font of wisdom mods they all share the same decaying armor charges finally for our class item we will want bomber this reduces our grenade coold down when using our healing RI time dilation which increases the duration of our decaying armor charge this mod is mandatory for this build last but not least powerful attraction a nice Quality of Life mod that will pick up orbs of power around you when you cast healing Rift now let's talk about seasonal mods season the wish has BL every solar build Under the Sun it's basically built to allow your solar weapon to cause maximum Havoc which is perfect for Onslaught kindling trigger allows your solar weapons to apply Scorch to unscorched combatants while you are radiant Flint Striker lets rapid solar weapon Precision hits and Rapid solar weapon final blows to Grant the radiant buff heart of the flame allows your solar super to Grant nearby allies radiant and increases the damage of your super for each nearby Ally this doesn't really play well into well of Radiance because it already provides the damage buff revitalizing blast causes damage from a solar ability to weaken Champions and bosses for a short duration and finally raise of precision while radiant solar Precision final blows cause combatants to ignite this is the key seasonal mod that allows you to create ignitions when outside of our well of Radiance the rest of our seasonal mod selection will be up to you but those solar mods are very nice addition to round out this warlock build as for the stats we talked about them earlier but let's recap for some clarity resilience is our number one priority Max that out to 100 from there discipline and Recovery are great to have but if you have some Gear with intellect look to leverage that to get yourself to at least 50 so it can pair with font of wisdom this build was just incredible flat out I got to weigh 50 with each random pug I was trying this build with and that's without any communication no voice chat or prior history playing together I just made sure when creating the fire team to bring one void Hunter for the tethers and the third slot was completely flexible strong supers and crowd control is always something I try to bring when they sign up but in all honesty this warlock build will turn Onslaught into easy mode for you The Well of Radiance spam infinite initions and healing it was just too good hope you guys enjoyed today's video see you [Music]
Channel: ZyoniK
Views: 82,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, destiny, bungie, destiny bungie, destiny 2 season 18, destiny 2 season 18 prep, destiny 2 arc 3.0, destiny 2 lightfall, destiny 2 arc 3.0 exotics, arc 3.0 destiny 2, destiny 2 new supers, destiny raid, destiny 2 showcase, destiny 2 season 18 exotic, destiny 2 arc 3.0 release date, destiny 2 new subclass, grandmaster nightfall, destiny 2 gameplay, legend onslaught, warlock onslaught, warlock onlsaught build, destiny 2 final shape, destiny 2 best stasis warlock build
Id: CBGgCpCK7ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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