The only restoration build you will ever need on your warlock

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what is going on guys salty is back with another build video build athon day number seven I know it's late but we're still getting it out there today I'm bringing you the only restoration build you will ever need for your solar warlock this build is good for soloing dungeons it's good for Grand Masters it's good for legend Onslaught it's good for raids whatever it is in the game you name it it is good for you it is the only restoration build on a warlock you will ever need so starting off the abilities we're going with Phoenix dive you know we're going burst Glide incinerator snap and healing grenade for our aspects we're going with Touch of flame and heat rises onto our fragments we're going with Ember of imperion Ember of char Ember of singing and Ember of soless for our exotic we are going with Phoenix protocol and the Exotic perk is called battle Hearth so kills and assists inside of our well of Radiance is actually going to give us super energy back and if you run this an onslaught you are going to be able to chain Wells back to back to back to back as long as you slaying out when you're standing inside of it onto our head mods I run a heav ammo finder and a scout so we can make heavy for ourselves and our teammates as well as a harmonic siphon so that our solar weapons and Rapid kills will generate us orbs of power for the arm mods I run heavy-handed so we can make even more orbs with the incinerator snap then I also run an impact induction induction so our incinerator snap is going to feed us Grenade energy backs we should always have our healing grenade back and then if you want to this is optional I like to run it cuz I like chucking nades um it is fast ball and fast ball actually comes in really clutch with this build because I mean I cannot tell you how many times I've been doing a legend Onslaught and a teammate of mine was off doing something across the map or a distance away from me and I seen the exclamation point kind like above their head and I just Chuck the grenade and landed right on them save them it's a really good perk to use you just got to get used to it because the grenades really do go far on to the chest mods it's all preference I always run the resist mods um you can run whatever you want here I know some people like to run reserves but I run resist just because I like to stay alive for the leg mods I run two weapon surges I highly recommend this running whatever the weapon surges are for your heavy slot weapon um if you have the room for it you can also run a recuperation um I never do though the two weapon surges plus the the perk for the stats it takes up all my energy but if you have the extra slot then you know recuperation is always a good option as well for the class for the class item mods you know we're going with fond restoration time dilation so that our armor charges are going to last a little bit longer and how all of this this is going to tie together is our touch flame is going to give the Cure and restoration increased strength from this from the healing grenades and then when we consume our healing grenade with heat rises and touch of flame it's going to give us restoration times one to you and your allies that being said if your allies aren around if you're soloing something you can just throw that healing grenade at your feet and it's going to give you restoration times one as well consuming it is really only just for your allies and for proing heat rises um if you're on a bind you can thr your feet gives you the same thing you just don't have he rises while you have your restoration active from your healing grenade jump into the air and activate Phoenix dive and that's going to give you restoration time two and now you have Resto time two and you are good to go with that so we pair all that with Ember of Solace so that our restoration and our radiant Buffs are going to have increased duration as well as Ember of emperion which is going to extend the time of restoration and rad radiant Buffs apply to you when you get solar weapon kills so run solar weapons in your second slot um I always use Z this or sunshot they are really good weapons for this and it's just going to keep feeding your timer for restoration times two and for radiant it's just going to keep pumping it up and up and up and up and you like if there's a lot of ads you should be able to keep it up for a long time then we pair those with Ember of char so the ignitions from the incinerator snaps going to spread Scorch to other targets and then Ember of singing so The Scorch attacks is going to give us our class ability back so we can always have our grenade our Phoenix dive and a grenade back going further we pair all of that with the arm mods impact induction on our arms so that we can always have our grenade with Phoenix Phoenix dive and always be able to activate restoration times to pretty much on command if you do it right now that being said that's not always going to play out like that I know it certainly doesn't for me because I like to get I get like really tunnel vision and I start running around and sometimes I find myself like wasting my abilities but my um my armor stat my stats usually bring it back pretty quick but that happens to me a lot I know it's doesn't always play out perfectly but in a in a in like a perfect game if you pair it all together you should always have your abilities 100% feeding each other and cycling into each other you should always have them up your armor mods and your fragments should always be feeding each other and your abilities I mean they should just be feeding each other 24/7 that's how all these builds are um and again I know it doesn't always work like that but in in nut show that's what they should be doing and again this build is good for literally any AC ity in the game I mean I've ran this build in Legend Onslaught I ran it in the solo dungeon when I was trying to get my title for Warlords I ran it in Grand Masters ran in raids I've ran it I mean I've ran this build everywhere it's honestly one of my top one of my top five favorite builds just because of the survivability and how well it really works I mean especially when you're soloing I mean if you're soloing a boss like for example when I was soloing warlord's ruin and I popped my well down and there was a bunch of ads around me and I shot dragon breath into that first boss and the ignitions were going off on that and it was scorching everything around it I mean my well was you know back by the next damage phase I mean it was just there plus all the orbs you make with the incinerator snap and the solar weapon kills I mean your well is just it's just back so fast um I really highly recommend you give this build a try it's so much fun to use if you want to stay alive it's really good especially with Pantheon I cannot tell you how many times this build saved me in Pantheon cuz I run gays a lot is the my crew that I run with a lot of people don't really know gays that much or aren't comfortable running gays so I run gays a lot and sometimes those minotaurs and those ax on darts they get be a bit much so healing grade really does come in clutch um but I hope you like the video that's going to be it for this one and I will see you guys tomorrow on the next one I'm also going to be live tomorrow I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing yet I'm haven't decided if I'm just going to be doing preparation or Pantheon or if I want to be doing Grandmaster carries I know this weekend I'm going to be live or sat Saturday and Sunday and I'm going to be doing GM carries and GM help for anyone who needs it and that being said see you guys on the next one I'll see you guys tomorrow by
Channel: SaltyHXC
Views: 1,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Destiny2 #Gaming
Id: O1h3_xK5ltA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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