The Best Suspend Warlock Build Is Finally Here! (Lockdown Everything)

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I wanted to take a break from Prismatic and go over the brand new exotic chest piece the Mato doxia while this can work with the Prismatic subass I do think it works better with strand with some of the fragments it has to offer this build is going to allow you to suspend everything on the battlefield and have your abilities up pretty much 24/7 it is a ton of fun and there's a lot going into it because almost everything will synergize with one another all right first things first let's start off taking a look at the brand new warlock exotic the Mato doxy this has the Exotic perk Stylo stixis I think I said that correctly Target damage by Arcane needle emit a suspended detonation when defeated and Landing multiple Arcane needles on the same Target immediately triggers a larger and more powerful detonation defeating suspend it targets great melee energy your Arcane needles are strong against barrier Champions so this exotic has a whole paragraph breakdown but it's honestly pretty easy to understand first things first your melee can now just stun barrier Champions which is very nice if you have Unstoppable and overload all your weapons you can then use your melee to stun barrier Champions and now you just have access to every single Champion the next part is defeating suspended targets Grant melee energy they're really cool part about this is that any suspended enemies will actually Grant this Mele energy your teammates can suspend them you can suspend them with any one of your abilities or even your weapon and you will be granted this melee energy it is not only the suspend that comes from your melee but then that leads on to the next part is that your Arcane needle cannot suspend enemies the very simple way to do this is just throw your arcan needle get a kill it will cause a suspending detonation and everything around it will spin the other way you can use this is to throw an Arcane needle into an enemy it will sit there and you get this little indicator to say hey there's an Arcane needle in this person if if you kill it that will suspend that enemy this is nice on things like a champion because if you do St a barrier with its other capabilities the moment you kill that barrier Champion everything around it we come suspended but even if you use this on a lower to enemy and it doesn't get the kill it's nice to be able to get that kill then to suspend every single enemy around them and my play time of using this I never really used the shoot three Arcane needles into a single enemy to cause a suspending burst I never really found the value in it where you could just shoot one Arcane needle to make the suspending burst or again if it doesn't kill the enemy you can then kill that enemy to also make that suspended burst and suspend everything so this exotic is clearly the let's buff your melee and suspend everything now let's move to the other exotic that can suspend everything and that is wish keeper so I'll just give a quick rundown of how wish keeper Works essentially if you get Precision hits or Precision kills you'll build up stacks and then once you have enough Stacks you can HIIT fire the bat to cause the suspending trap any enemy that walks into that trap will of course be suspended and on top of that this weapon does more damage to suspended enemies and it has a faster drawal time every single time you shoot one and then the cherry on top you can also insert the catalyst so your snare reer traps can suspend more targets so this weapon pairs beautifully with this build not only can your melee suspend and get a bunch of benefits now your weapon can also spend and get a bunch of benefits on every single suspended Target and the suspend doesn't end there if we jump into our subass we're going to be doing this a lot more with everything else so our first aspect is going to be mind spun invocation so what this is going to do you can consume your grenade we're going to be running the shackle grenade and once we consume the shackle grenade we will get the buff called Weaver's trance with Weaver's trance every single time you get a kill it will cause a suspending detonation around the enemy you killed it works very similar to how matod doxia works and it is just another way of suspending enemies our next aspect is going to be The Wanderers so tingles you throw attach to targets and detonate into a suspending burst destroying a tangle creates a suspending burst after a short delay threat Ling final blows create a tingle so the last part where threatening final blows create a tingle doesn't matter whatsoever we're not really playing into threat Lings with this build but the main thing is your tingle can now also suspend enemies you're going to be making tingles a lot with this build so this is very nice to have and with some of our fragments tingles are also going to be extremely important now for the rest of your abilities with this build obviously arcan needle is going to be very strong pair with matod doxia on top of that I like running healing Rift because we will be able to spam our Rifts a lot this is just nice for your surv ability and needle storm is also a very very strong super it's one of the highest single Target damage supers in the game while everything else is going to be add clear or suspend based this is just going to be very good for doing a lot of damage now for our fragments we're going to be taking threat of mind so defeating a suspended Target grants class ability energy this is how going to be able to spam our class building if you remember on our exotic chest piece every single time we kill a suspender Target we also get melee energy so you want to be killing suspended targets all the time to constantly refill your class ability and melee and since you are running your healing RI this is going to be your main survivability tool our next fragment is going to be threat of Fury so damaging targets with a tingle grants melee energy this is another way your tingles are going to come into play Not only can they suspend but now whenever you deal damage with a tangle you'll be granted Sate energy back and the cool part about this is since your tangle does spin that means you can then kill those spin to Target to Grant yourself even more melee energy from what the fragment is already doing it is a good thing to note that if you pick the tangle up and throw it it seemingly grants a lot more melee energy than you just shooting it but shooting your tangle is also going to be very beneficial for once we get into our artifact perks regardless of how you do it you're going to be getting extra melee energy whenever you destroy a tangle on an enemy now our next fragment is going to be threat of generation so dealing damage generates Grenade energy this is pretty self-explanatory every single bit of damage you do with this build you're going to be granted Gren energy back since the spinning enemies will grant our melee and class ability now this is just nice to have because every single bit of damage we do we'll be getting our Grenade energy back so we can activate Weaver trans a lot more often and then for our final fragment we're going to be running threat of continuity so spin unravel and several effects apply to targets have increased duration this fragment alone is the reason I think miio doio works better on strand than Prismatic because the suspend you make from it is just going to last a lot longer you will get the unravel benefits as well but that's not the main thing we're going for here just being able to make that suspend last a lot longer and everything else being enough to suspend enemies as well well with this build nine times out of 10 the most enemies on the battlefield aren't even going to be able to shoot you in the first place so that's it for the subass if we take a look at the artifact there's not a lot going on here but there are two very important ones things like Elemental siphon so rapid final blows the kinetic weapon or a weapon matches your equip super creates and Elemental pickup that matches your equipped super so this is nice because now since we're running wish keeper which is a strand bow we're obviously going to be running a strand super we can make a lot more tingles than what we would normally make pretty much every single time the tangle coold down is up you can make another one which is very nice because that will then pair with things things like threaded blast so destroying a tangle with a strand weapon creates a larger and more damaging explosion this perk right here alone is very very strong you can shoot your tangle with your wish keeper you're going to kill everything if it doesn't kill them they will then be suspended and once again you're granting melee energy every single time you de damage with this tangle it is very very good and then nothing else here is super important if you want to take something like counter energy so if you stun a champion you'll get some energy back this is nice since your Maro doxia can actually stun a champion you can throw your melee it's going to use your cool down it will then stun that champion and you'll get a bunch of your melee cool down back so this is a nice one to throw on there it's just not a super main important one of the build and now for stats is always go with 100 resilience so you can get your 30% damage reduction I would then play into 100 strength so you can get your melees back as much as possible since it is a melee based exotic you want to be playing into that as much as you can and then whatever points you have left definitely try to get to 100 discipline so you can proc Weaver TR a lot more often and pretty much every single other stat here doesn't matter too much but if you want to go with more recovery that doesn't hurt now jumping into our armor mods we're going to take a IC siphon so we can make orbs on rapid strin weapon final blows this is nice to have it will play into our armor charge and some of our mods next up is going to be Hands-On so we get more Super energy whenever you get a melee kill since we get through our melee a lot this is just some extra super energy and again your super is very strong with this build and for that we're also going to be taking Dynamo so we can reduce our super coold down whenever we use our class ability near enemies since we can spam our class ability a lot with things like threat on mine this is just a nice little bump to our super that we can always take advantage of now next up on our arms is going to be a harmonic loader just so we can reload the bow a little bit faster and all honestly if you want to swap this out with something like Boler detonation or even momentum transfer you absolutely could but I just like the consistency of having harmonic loader up just so I can reload the bow a little bit quicker but again swap these out for whatever you wish next Up's going to be a grenade Kickstart so whenever we use our grenade we'll get some Grenade energy back and this is based on our armorart so at Three Stacks we'll be getting a bunch of energy back this is great to have so we can Pro weer trains a lot more often and even if we just throw our spinning grenade but this is also just great to have so we can get it back a lot faster and on top of all that we're already getting our melee and class back extremely quick so I think taking a grenade base mod to get that back a lot faster is sure the way to go now for our chest piece always go with resistant mod just be sure to swap these out for whatever content that you're going into and then for our boots we're going to be taking a recuperation an invigoration and an Absolution so recuperation will give us some health every single time we pick up an orb this on top of your healing Rift is going to be your main form of survivability on top of that whenever you pick an orb up we'll get melee energy back since you want to throw your melee a lot this is great to have and then on top of that Absolution so whenever we pick an orb up we'll get cool down for every single ability this is great because obviously you want to throw your grenade and your class ability a lot as well so pairing all this together you'll be able to spam all your abilities a lot then finally for our class item I like to take a Outreach so we get our melee energy back whenever we use our class ability since we're going to be getting super whenever you use our class ability in near enemies it's just great to have to get some extra melee as well we can spam it a lot so they'll play into each other and then powerful attraction so we can pick orbs up that are around us whenever we use our class ability again we can spam that class ability a lot so we can pick up orbs play into everything else that we've already been going over and then finally Reaper so whenever we use our class build our next kill will make an orb this is just great to have because since we can St our class ability a lot again we could just make some extra orbs to further play into everything in this build and now for the most important part of the build this is the transmog I am running I tried to go for a very Sleek strand look I ended up taking advantage of the new ornament on the matod doxia I think it looks pretty sick I even have the strain energy coming out of the warlock bond just to give it a little bit more flare and if you want to make your warlock look like this definitely be sure to copy it down but all right that is going to do it all for me let me know what you all think about this build in the comments below I know it's not a prismatic build but it is one of the best builds in the entire game just being able to suspend everything is going to be extremely strong for ingame content and I can't wait to try it out in something like great Masters anyway so that's going to do it all for me I wish you all the best of luck and putting this build together for yourself thank you all so much for watching and I hope you all have a great day peace [Music]
Channel: RestAssured
Views: 33,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, mataiodoxia, mataiodoxia build, mataiodoxia strand build, mataiodoxia prismatic build, mataiodoxia warlock build, strand warlock build, strand build, warlock build, build, suspend warlock build, suspend build, mataiodoxia suspend build, strand melee build, melee warlock build, strand warlock melee build, arcane needle build, unravel build, unravel warlock build, endgame build, endgame warlock build, wish-keeper build, suspend, unravel, warlock, wish-keeper, best, new, op
Id: PRhtAoZ-_fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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