CLAW! IS! LAW! | Ascension 20 Defect Run | Slay the Spire

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sometimes I get a pathosis with the sun defect and then just lose anyway I feel like nice three strikes nice how's eer doing okay I might be asleep right now it's kind of a cold day cold and rainy Wonder with gire of violence if I can take more hallway fights I'd like some carder Card Rewards how's go this one long D my watch S I have a big streak going uh the same amount of time we're getting zap is fine I think with compile driver and violence it's probably even good all lightning is approximately exactly what I was looking for I don't think I was went a blessing there I think can block push on this turn probably lightning orbs please oh no oh no lightning orbs is it going London I haven't really slowed down for long streaks in like 3 years or something there are some cards in my dazed deck don't worry I'm sure we can get rid of them take 20 minutes longer sometimes I am playing Watcher differently from the way I had playing Watcher which takes longer but that's kind of next to the point I think I'm going take a claw who am I I I don't know that you frequently take claw nice good fight another ball lightning and aggregate have enough [ __ ] for an aggregate yet I just take another ball lightning so I can go left I don't know I even want to go left I don't even want to go left do I use this thing just for some extra damage here it has a decent amount of damage suppose I have to do math 20 30 5 44 and then another another 27 3 44 + 36 oh there's like actual meth here though I think I do want to it's my like default damage is there stuff I can hit that breaks me I might want a strike instead of compile driver 14 23 26 32 and then I have 41 59 67 this is 10 77 80 something 25 19 all right damage up is about I have a calipers and a mummified hand that's very ambitious [Music] so very ambitious letter open there too car thanks for the 48 months appreciate it a cool headed seems quite good here this a hell of a shop it's kind of meet on the bone or membership card Echo form echarm is kind of good here although it would be a lot better if I had a meat on the bone I'm going get on the bone membership card better than meat on the bone nah that all many things that are already strong if I don't die don't need to take something else that is strong if I don't die I would rather just take something that makes me not die speaking of which buffer isn't too bad here [Music] um I went to play claw think so win more is better than win Hell Yeah do love to win more I suspect that having more than zero health will make me win more in this run [Music] [Music] got meat on the bone proing great I should play a def on this Str that feels that way right now all right we on the bonus bring even more which is better according to Chow de some fight H I don't think I can say no to a fishing here letter open there calipers machine learning is not awful [Music] easy nuclear battery I think I have two different fizzy waters on my desk weird act there are no Elites in the second half of the ACT you want to play cool I want to play ball lightning a little bit of damage I guess ah now I can just do this I think that's fine s Nigo I'm doing well [Music] [Music] goodbye the birds another compile driver boot sequence with calipers and letter opener I think compile dri is just a lot better here though like the upgrade potions I think do I know the French tradition of the first of April what is the French tradition of the first of April guess I could cool head it into zap here [Music] we'll see you told me that there was a French tradition of the first of April and then you didn't say anything you just like just left what what is it what what is why are you doing this to me I will take a recycle I think I mean heat sink's mummified hand is absolutely a thing but I only have one power so far Maybe I don't know either maybe uh I think this over de fragment oh you were typing okay my bad it's the day of fish of April wow I see two part either a practical joke where you stick a paper fish on the back of someone or the more inition or you just line on the about something important like your financial policy as a candidate for governments like that enough good I don't think so which thinks you're in a french- speaking country that's legit I have watched Frenching channels on Twitch in my life but I don't think twitch believ believes I am a speaker of the French language I'm close to meet on the bone doing something maybe my deck was too good for meat on the bone this entire time double claw for damage it's not quite as ridiculous as it sounds might even be okay all right let's go for it El the sign I should have played buffer earlier but might hit glicher I guess actually matters cuz I have calipers right I guess it would have been nice to take one more damage he I got got my potion back take a turbo conceptually it should be good not sure it actually is though he's probably okay H to upgrade though cuz I think I'm using upgrade potion right for fish damage think so the upgrade potions have been really nice cuz like fishion is not terrible to have upgraded in fights like this one but it doesn't matter that much as an upgrade in a lot of other fights but here we we are just getting to have it upgrad in the fights where it matters and then the rest of the time can just be not upgraded forus yeah I play compile driver first or I don't play compile driver maybe I don't play compil I should take more damage from me on the bone at some point takes one which is exactly how much I need cool really good fight this will just turn into an extra Relic take static discharge with mummified hand I don't want you that much many hours do I have inside the SP 9,000 and something than for 46 months unexpected pineapple I can take ANL I can also not take ANL what have a strong reason not to Lantern helps gambling chip I [Music] guess it's 6200 hours nice cast of a lot of hours [Music] oh mons 9,000 is lower than you expected I mean I think there's a pretty good chance that that is the most powers that any human has played SL the SP for in the world so so I feel okay about it I have any info about slay this fire to it is announc thanks for the 71 months appreciate it Roe hi thank you I'm down for another compile driver I think upgrade cool headed o that's a good question mark would Co had it be better or worse if the upgrade was two orbs instead oh I have no idea feel was like a very different card if that were what cool headed was I think the character would change like significantly victory [Music] [Music] was I surprised by the slightest fire tun use yeah a little bit okay well it's not what I would have picked I mean un ceasing top can actually work here right with cl pretty difficult think I just take a consume with three compile drivers I could take Darkness lad uper is a pretty good Relic a lot of the time and I do think this is one of the times I had this song stuck in my head for like a week and couldn't remember its name Street banger for well think I won this fight [Music] do I play PVP games played poker professionally for a long time and the reason I stream is that I didn't like it very much so I do not generally seek out PVP games because yeah I don't like them I'm going to take this that is a good enough offer one that's fun he's just com is a PVP game yeah I think so I play chess very casually like I really don't care if I win or lose and I do more puzzles than I actually play games I just feel so embarrassed about how I am spending my time when I like play a game of chess and I have one against my opponent and then they time out and I just sit there watching them time out for 2 minutes and it's like I have chosen to let this person be in my life and this is what is happening yeah I just feel so [ __ ] stupid the problem with PVP games has always been the other for me I do think I'll go for consume upgrade holy [ __ ] I didn't know I had that much [Music] am I done with Alden ring I haven't finished Alden ring yet no [Music] there's a JS card back in Vault of the Void pretty too [Music] buffer is pretty good here huh which one's more damage does it matter guess I'll do the 22 this just does 22 more and this one deals 5 16 27 more I think sad how bad un ceasing top is oh you so little faith all right I think that's a zero damage collector fights we got to play [Music] three course [Music] sech certainly like not at its best at the moment but probably better than machine learning or rainbow rainbow is kind of nice with three compile driver I'll take cor surge with a gambling chip you're on explosive pop for reptomancer I think I'm good inserter with consume uh okay it's kind of slow I have three different ways to win or thereabouts what do I think orbs taste like bile I've honestly just been saying that everything tastes like bile every time I've been asked what something tastes like for the last five years you know what I stand by it [Music] cold snap it's not that bad because it gets Frost orb from violence sometimes I don't think I'm going to take it but it's like okay [Music] [Music] this I have discovered an actual powerful enemy unfortunately darklings don't [ __ ] around maybe I'm okay how it going bow [Music] feels like so little matters in this run also gosh it would be nice to have added powers to my dog I could have had a sweet storm heat sinks MiFi hand thing going on but that wasn't what I went for I guess a matter thank you uh oh [ __ ] unceasing top cards drawn one per turn 0.04 it was two but then we drew another turn worth of cards unlucky good work out there un ceasing top unceasing top is so cool I wish it were real uh X cards don't cost zero for all for one ever maybe they should I don't know all right I'm ceasing top here we go again not bad not bad at all ice cream would be fun I do end turn with quite a lot of energy sometimes do take me that long to exhaust down like against the waken one I might manage to exhaust down I do have insert to consume I guess doesn't do anything [Music] daaka like a white noise I take an upgraded one right now I guess I would like to draw Cor searge where are the unceasing top haters now [Music] w you don't hate unceasing Top very convenient stance for you to suddenly have uh oh okay does this put my thing on the right number yes there are just so many cards in this game that don't do anything I wonder if I feel that more in defect than other characters Maybe [Music] [Music] onor recycle I don't it cuz I don't imagine that I win this run or this fight rather by having high Tempo on my damage starting to reconsider [Music] [Music] ocean [Music] maybe yeah sure hey Luna should be approximately invinci now a good weak potion I'm very happy for Zenia and Tom Holland if this news is true good for the two of them I hope that they have a wonderful life I feel like as a comparably famous person uh I should congratulate them as my peers he noi [Music] data disc I don't hate it skim I actually like I got the super Elite done this fishion not being upgraded do feel kind of painful I think I got to upgrade skim though Turbo's an okay upgrade too still don't have a card remove free kby fine [Music] wait I don't think I drew as many cards as I could have there oh uh it's fine would I rather grin leader summoned Gremlin knobs or awaken one's cultist were chosen oo awakened one's cultist being chosen is diabolical I would rather gr leader summon the grumblin knobs I don't know both of those changes seem like very bad like in in terms of game design or whatever so I think ultimately I just rather you didn't have anything to do with game balance a but if you have to I would go with the gremlin knobs [Music] right surviv reptomancer isn't too bad static discharge plus gosh at some point it really starts to feel silly not to be taking these I I'm going to take that because it'll block for me with frost orbs and play the relics are wrong I guess I can actually bottle cor Surge and it's okay Aral upgrades I care about recall I could only play one more SL this SP character for the rest of my life why doesn't sound fun I think I would instead just choose not to be in that [Music] situation good fight another buffer okay this is not awful it could be the thing I upgrade even I kind of like all of these you might be wondering why I'm attacking this one it's because it's closer to me than the other ones I hope this is a sufficient explanation the one thing at the start of this year I took this account from Ascension zero to Ascension 20 and the one thing that I really found myself noticing about the difficulty scaling is that ascenders vein I think actually just makes the game worse and I feel like that turn was a good example of that like unceasing top does not to be weaker but ascenders Bane punishes it and I feel like in general ascenders Bane punishes things which are not very strong in this game to begin with and doesn't punish the things that are strong very much at all so that is my brief observation about a senders ban 12-page essay on the Cutter Oil in gas industry due tomorrow what my first 6,000 words be uh I just write hello I think 6,000 [Music] times you teach about topics like cognition and emotional intelligence that I'd be interested in a stram together I don't really know you don't know who you are that sounds cool I hope you enjoy doing that have a friend at low ascensions who always tells you unceasing top is op it's a lot better at low ascensions legit B I have 757 gold holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] thanks Baron crey time but I have career holy [ __ ] I have career too yeah that's going to be a good shop unless it isn't I don't know I hope it'll be a good shop we've set it up to succeed angra what will I look for in the shop gosh that requires so much more thinking than just going to the shop and seeing if anything's good and I'm about to go to the shop so I think I'll just go to the shop and see if anything's good instead I take another GLA here I need the extra gold so defragment seems good honestly just clicking the power pile is kind of broken here I still have mummified hand ah capacitor is not as good especially with a capacity potion I could take it just to see another Power mostly hologram is good two stacks okay I do have calipers so a little bit more upside to getting it leader in the fight I don't think I'm spending this much money on this I don't think I need a strange spoon I do cck capacitor I don't want to self-repair we card remove we keep going all right well that was you know it could have been better I think definitely feels like it could have been better is there an obvious point of diminishing return for consuming you don't have inserter there is a point of diminishing return like whether it's obvious or not kind of depends on you a lot of people don't realize that Focus gives you more output on orbs you evoke as well [Music] why has this happened okay I should be all right Thor thanks for 65 months 65 is a 2023 American Science Fiction film written and directed by Scott backck and Brian Woods and starring Adam driver driver is it really no spoilers you saw it in the theater huh I'm very opposed to spoilers like I won't watch um trailers for movies I want to find out what happens on my own thank you very much don't even read the titles of movies yeah but the be movie kind of gave a lot of way right just put something on in the TV and then tell me I can come into the room works for me you don't even watch the movies same increasingly I don't watch that many movies anymore I feel like there was this very destructive moment in my life for my media viewing habits when Prestige TV shows got to a point where they were as good as movies do I have to PO I think I potion here that looks a little iffy um but they were like 10 hour long movies right and so then I was like well [ __ ] why would I watch a movie which ends so quickly when instead I could watch like Game of Thrones or whatever then I get so much more out of my investment into this media okay uh but then Game of Thrones was terrible and also everything since Game of Thrones has not been as good and so now I just like don't like anything get off my lawn kids Etc Shogun was good Shogun was like way too much about a white guy for me to want to watch it I'm not really intending for this to be uh a like a damning criticism it's just like I was like oh a show about Japan and then I was like oh the main character is a white guy and then I just kind of turned it off recommend the YouTuber jorbs [Music] nice haven't seen the show but if it's even a little faithful the book it stops being so Centric about him the right guy once he gets out of Act One ah I see well I didn't make it that far so unlucky [Music] I said I would um go infinite and awaken one fight I'm pretty sure that was a claim that I made I don't think it's aged well I don't think we're getting there how mini JS doesn't have a YouTube Channel I don't know just busy with other [Music] things you clipped my take on Game of Thrones so your significant other would finally progress through season six what I said it was bad didn't I did you listen to my take Game of Thrones avoid playing more cards you do not wish to be spoiled on act four close your eyes everyone uh cool H upgrades good I think I will take the fish and upgrade now feels kind of weird to go this long without upgrading fish and and be like oh by the way the reason though is that I feel like I need a bit more block and it is probably the best way to get more block out of all the upgrades available to me I could be act for a blindfold with this deck oh that's not true yeah I don't think that's true um there's some stuff here AOS this is probably okay hey Veil [Music] we should buy that I should buy this should buy this oh all The Replacements were terrible all right well that made it easier to make my decision in the end [Music] I'm going to efficient into this and not be able to draw off my compile drivers I have this for [Music] [Music] this turn seems kind of good and Sam apotheosis du cast is free and then I can fishing again at the G sure I zap or think so get give him next turn all right nice [Music] weird noises outside my house hopefully I'll be okay uh buffer solves the turn mostly oh I already have buffer yes buffer solves the turn you would like to be able to play the cards as well believable what I guess it's okay but [Music] [Music] mango another cool headit should be good the heart it's not a very good draw order I wouldn't say yo what is my first frostar holy [ __ ] that's pretty bad I don't have a faut bottle I might be dead like this is terrible there's no fish in there's [Music] no discard five and hologram core surge I guess hologram corge and hologram defrag with recycle [Music] this helps a little bit what Relic should you buy your mother for Mother's Day I don't know what is your mother like okay I got buffer maybe this is fine X's just kind of strong looks like [Music] [Music] want to play buffer and then lose the buffer stack so let's not do that before I do all the AL one stuff actually it's kind of hard to play buffer here if I'm trying to get cool headed maybe I don't get cool headed this turn maybe that's fine next turn I can go consume cool headed cool headed seems good I could just go like buffer static discharge wall lightning zap or something I want to play recycle I do a void sure that makes things kind of awkward uh but I guess I just go coad and consume and it's okay it was was a very awkward draw order but I I believe I won I should have done this at some point just do it now [Music] a hologram still I don't have a hologram still so if I don't play this fion now I might not see it again which would honestly be fine let's play it though cuz why [Music] not I have calipers too you please welcome think I can turn my brain off [Music] now that could be good the robot is doing its thing the thing has been done all right what is there to say about this one we have defeated the Spire with the defect I think like that right like uh this was I think the most interesting part of this round was that I got a mummified hand and a calipers early but I mostly built around ladder up there MiFi hand and calipers are both potentially strong defect relics but I didn't really get offered much to get them going and so I just like kind of used letter uper to win every fight and just assumed that I would get there eventually with Mand calipers and I did end up being inserter plus consume that really won the run I suppose either way though we did it [Music] GG we had claw too yeah the claws did fine that is kind of like what I am hoping for claw to do when I take it
Channel: Jorbs
Views: 29,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slay the spire, jorbs, slay the spire jorbs, slay the spire run, slay the spire ascension 20, ascension 20, slay the spire act 4, act 4 ascension 20, slay the spire win, slay the spire ascension 20 win, slay the spire act 4 win, slay the spire heart, slay the spire heart win, slay the spire heart ascension 20, slay the spire defect defect, slay the spire defect run, defect ascension 20, slay the spire defect win
Id: UIGs35jj0tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 29sec (5249 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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