Vagabond dipped in Mother Polychrome's rainbow oil? (Balatro)

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let me tell you a little story about batro playing on my switch great run had a constellation Joker that was about 8X malt on anti 6 it was going to the Moon pun intended don't know what buttons I'm pressing on switch uh put it face down on the countertop big mistake picked it up sold constellation hit the power off button immediately we will not be going back and playing uh batro on the switch it's not like it's it's a perfectly good version of the game it's just when you're coming from speed X4 on the PC and you can click and drag and it's a different world brother it's a different world you know what I love the magic deck I do love the magic deck and I'm not talking about the Gathering no disrespect to Richard Garfield or the jugal two of the most prominent gatherers or elements of the Gathering that uh of course we're all familiar with we are we are people and we are people and we're here we're people who love batro I assume that's why you're here it's like episode probably like 63 or something like that free space Joker is mighty interesting and I'll I'll always do hieroglyph early just cuz it's fun to be on like antizero I don't think we have to zero in on anything with space Joker I think you just have to like getting it early is the best possible scenario obviously and just give it a chance to work its magic and just due to the Natural Sorting Hat of it um maybe it'll help us figure out what path we want to take on this run death is a very interesting card with two fools we don't have enough money to get death and banana I'll be honest I don't really think we need banana I'm not against it by any stretch uh but I don't think we need it I will say what I'm what I'm hoping for it hasn't come to pass I'm hoping for maybe like a space Joker buff I'm also hoping for um an enhanced card of some variety let's do this for now I don't I don't want to go all in on this but I'm I was hoping for like an empress card or something like that or a hero font card so we had something uh a little easier to understand uh and use our our death card with but no big deal it's got that that was the fourth one so we're do any second now any second now it's guaranteed people it is it's guaranteed it's guaranteed that I'm going to be disappointed am I really going to play a pair of nines I am I mean I just got to be copasetic with you I got to be 100% with you space Joker might be the worst Joker in the game that's the first thing I want to say Bar None secondly I think it's real istic I'm I'm making a bunch of ace of diamonds here it's it's easy for me to remember at least uh I if I don't do this is not the best use of the death card except until you remember that if we don't use it like this we're not going to live so I think this is necessary okay all right well you know what space Joker heard me talking I I don't apologize for what I said I apologize that you heard it cuz I meant I meant every word um what we're still on anti1 we technically don't need uh a joker to get to 600 points but we should probably like get kind of serious about it like we only have one hand left we need uh like obviously Diamond flush is not going to do it we got two discards hold the ace and and look for a club flush three Aces I I doubt this three Aces gets you there Four Aces probably definitely does as you can tell by the Flames okay so space Joker has paid out one time in like 72 hands I I gave up a hand for hieroglyph um our econ is not sorted we didn't get any other Jokers we didn't really enhance any cards in Our Deck so I would call that like the biggest whiff of all time that being said scholar um when we're if we're theming the run around Aces which we appear to be doing so far scholar can go kind of kind of crazy I hate to dump an ace but it it just seems like the right play here um not that it matters cuz we're not getting space Joker to work anyway it's not like there's any missed opportunity cost or anything and then uh I would I guess I would go Spades just knowing that we have like the most Spades in Our Deck hi Tom hey buddy hi we only have one hand left we have to play a we're going to lose we're actually we're actually going to lose for me this is a hard one not to blame space Joker for I mean I'm the one who took it but I'm not the one who put it in the game I'm the it's all I'm I'm laughing I'm laughing through it all smiling through it all can't believe this my life but at the same time I am kind of like they I'm sorry to do this to you local thk I know I I wield uh an unbelievable cudel of influence and and all developers fear it cuz I'm such a harsh critic as well I mean I'm not afraid to play a game and say it might be the sort of thing you're into if you're a fan of the genre I'm not afraid to speak the truth like that that being said they need to up space Joker man sure they need to up it dude they need to one one in three maybe again I'm I haven't actually crunched the numbers so I kind of I I have a tendency as problematic as it may be to trust the developer cuz I think most of the time they know better than me cuz I have no skills um that being said me personally I think space Joker to take up a joker slot has got to be better than one in four and don't get me started on the dice if I if I could make a uh a a joker show up at will we wouldn't be losing this many runs let's put it that way now I'll tell you something as well I I do love this and if I get more Kings I could be persuaded to use a fool on a strength card but it's got to be the the perfect scenario just like uh the number one posy cut of all time A Tribe Called Quest scenario LP mix off of that's got to be a Midnight Marauders track that feels like a Midnight Marauders track to me well yeah yeah I'm going to I'm going to say it's Midnight Marauders but I might be mistaken I I apologize if I if I've miss the boat on that one miss the boat I think that's Modest Mouse it's kind of we were dead before the shipy sank it's kind of like after my preferred era of Modest Mouse but still I remember you know you got to recognize a real one when you got it let's get some Jokers and stop talking nonsense Joker number one honestly I I've kind of come around on four fingers this is a curse man what am I supposed to do with this actually you know what this isn't that bad debuff popcorn is basically just the same as popcorn I've come around on four fingers though I think four fingers is like it's pretty decent this this is a weird play I just realized as well I I guess I I'm not really stoked for four fingers to the extent that I thought I would be um because of the fact that we're going to be shooting for like five of a kind Aces but it does make a flush five easier to make and aces are odd but you're going to be you're going to be deprecated pretty soon you're Eternal so like I don't know I'm starting to think I definitely shouldn't have taken you to be honest there did they up the frequency of like Eternal cards like this is getting ridiculous it's it's driving me crazy man like what every Joker is either deprecated or whatever they call it perishable it's either perishable or it's uh Eternal like it it makes it hard to decide uh I'm I'm a simple man i' take oops all sixes and please don't bring any video evidence to the contrary I don't want to hear that um I take oops all sixes early as often as possible just because you it it enables it's one of those two missing pieces to to make a a Randomness type run work lucky cards are better as a result of this uh space Joker is better as a result of this there's lots of stuff to like so you're gone give me give me uh Arrowhead for the moment and I'm going to try to get something going here $12 I'm a simple man honestly the more Aces we could draw the better you might say what about four fingers as of right now I hate to say it cuz it acknowledges weakness and an error that I made that I should have just taken more time to think about but to be honest with you I I would happily you like Spades Spades okay well it's still okay I would happily um just pretend that four fingers doesn't exist and feel pretty okay about it how we doing here we're doing okay you're you're on four Mals you're going to disappear rather than get debuffed 100 chips if you got three of a kind huh well you give four malts I would take ballot over that and I I don't know what planets we'd be aiming for here so we'll just chill for now I'll tell though uh I would happily play this I was kind of looking for a spade flush but like that we could have discarded to get one for sure but this should be good enough playing a little close cuz we only needed four cards now that I think about it for a spade flush to begin with okay be smart Okay clearance sales great $4 jumbo buffoon pack to replace some of our Jokers uh never mind we won't be doing that cuz I hate all those cards so what are we looking for I mean it's a it's a mixed up world out there it is it is it's a mixed up world out there um Spade flushes are pretty pretty good they're pretty gas it's nice to have a five card flush just so we get the extra 50 chips it's actually not that good that's my mistake I thought it would be good but it's not that good Aces remain okay I think this is good in the sense that I I feel like I've I've clarified my purpose on this run my new purpose on this run is to play four of aind five of aind Aces and like if you're not going to open that door to me then we'll just start a new [Laughter] run cuz I don't know if this level one Full House on anti four with like no score Jokers activated is going to get us there it's not I don't know what we were thinking with that one that one just went off the rails quite early okay new thought process get Jokers that and this is the part where you might need to focus to stay with me get Jokers that help your score it's an interesting it's never been tried before in modern batro history but we're going to give it a shot uh you just needed a single heart probably it's it's a pretty good flush there I may just need it a little bit more than that can we dink it about like six that's 11 points that's way too much that's 15 points okay well if you're going to be rude to me then I'm going to blow you out of the water how do you like that small blind anti1 you never thought I could get over small blind anti1 we made it five bucks I would go spectral on this man I go spectral on this any day of the week ectoplasm not not the best ectoplasm I've ever seen but early tarot card I love it been drinking it for years I heard they recently added more hops super bad if you if you remember being there you were really there that's all I'm going to say about that are you really in the Years throwing away the time are you Gathering up the tears you piece have you had enough of mine have you you know what I'm saying no all right that's Steely Dan that one's off can't bu a thrill I think uh oh I'm I've no man has ever been simpler than me and don't say true do not say true to that death card to convert you and you already know where this is going fool death fool death and then I'm I'm going deep on this I'll play my flush cuz it's good but then please draw this two draw the two oh you Beast you think you're you think you're so cool but that don't impress me much you know what we do just don't buy a tarot card buy buy a joker that gives you score it's anti2 you're going to need it the best card in the game is a tarot card and it's about we're about to have as many of them as we want okay we have to we we need something with score and even though it just got nerfed that's that's still good that welcome to the freaking party welcome to the party pal I don't know what to tell you okay three tarot cards incoming with a with a fully discarded flush that's how swaggy we are right now and then they love hearts well guess what we got hearts that stings a little bit and then for the time being let's at least herant like duplicate cards in case we want to Pivot to a stronger archetype later and and I think we got a a certain Jun sequa going on this run there's nothing wrong with this at all it is orange oh my God Blood Stone you're going to tell on me500 points okay what do we do I think with with the amount of I mean obviously we discard to get a hard flush but with the amount of uh purple seals in our our in our deck would' be silly to not you like burn a discard early to try to get one to three of them cuz the tarot cards could pay extreme dividends over time now I don't really want this to be a flush build but three bucks to to get a nice little bonus there is nice if if anything we could really use another Joker that provides some score but as long as we draw like a heart at any point it's preferably like the sooner the better but pref okay I'll I'll settle for Four Kings like that's pretty good too Miyazaki in 2009 when they were formalizing the biomes for Dark Souls 1 he was like I want eight Kings they can only render four the the Xbox 360 wasn't at that it wasn't up to it at that point I mean to be honest I don't want any of the I'll settle for 50 chips on a joker that degrades it's again something something's wrong with the human mind because this Joker degrading actually I know that it's foil so that makes it better but in my head The Joker degrading made it better than the Joker that I could sell at any time could last forever could last something about like oh I no pressure I only have to hold it for five rounds this one I was like oh I could be stuck with this one forever it's not even Eternal like what's what's wrong with my brain I'm cooked I'm cooked I'm using too many her istics to to evaluate things that I could just use math for don't do it or do it I don't know I don't care give me a heart flush please devil card on this sick Ace okay so we th this is going to sound insane given our performance both recently and historically and probably in the future as well um I think that we are cooking and I think that this run has serious endless potential just cuz of Bloodstone and the fact that we're geared towards Hearts to begin with I also I mean right off the bat let's make some of these Hearts lucky and another Joker is really hard to argue with in face of like just a wild card and then I'll take a hero font any day of the week and what do you like Lusty Joker okay you like tens you like tens okay I mean five bucks is five bucks bro I can't really I can't really be upset at you for that one and a Justice card I would definitely throw Justice on you and I would discard a gold card probably discard the one that gives you a benefit to discarding that's just me you know Talking Shop though Mercury Uranus that one never made it off of the production line I think but I don't know I'm not that in the cars this car TS let me let me think about this let me think about it um I think we're better off accepting that uh the flush is the way to go yeah like I would play this all if we draw a single heart in the next two hands we win easily I this is like the actual opposite of the last video the last video I had one and the whole time I was like why am I doing so bad this one I'm like it looks like we're losing but in my head I'm like we're crushing it bro we're killing it we have like an unfound unfounded confidence and that that could be worth something no repeat hand types this round that's not so good tell you what some of that weirdest discard of all time just dropped I was hoping to see if maybe we we'll start with the flush and that's beautiful I was thinking maybe we would do like a full house instead cuz with no repeat hand types it might be relev but this probably gets us there in one especially thanks to the the incredible Blood Stone triggers that we just got so slide Joker is we're going to lose 50 chips but I don't really care I love eightball what are you you're on two rounds remaining you're a 10 mol I would buy eightball I would sell slide Joker and I would buy and use the Judgment even over the pack and I regret that immensely now I'm going to take a look at the pack we discard a lot so Ramen is like but you know what again I don't know if this is my brain just being cooked that versus an eternal hanging chad actually you know what this is a crazy play but Eternal hanging chad kind of goes crazy with eightball I know eightball is only sticking for a minute here but we could get a lot of triggers out of that and it's just a good Joker like it's it's a good Joker to begin with we can make our I we get money for the discarded Aid but I'm like I'm on a different level right now man let's let's toss these eights out here and see if we can get some tarot cards out of it I'm happy with one that's that's a joy that's a joy and I'm I'm thrilled to be a part of it high priestess is I'm I'm telling you you don't have to be good at the game if you're just good at creating tarot cards they'll fill in all the gaps man come on those re-triggers on the lucky cards are going to be worth something I know it I know it so um where are we going on this run it's a good question uh the first thing I would say is everything's great right now 20 bucks 20 bucks re-triggers like we we have we're winning well right now which is great sorry eightball we have great like endgame potential it would be nice to get a a Joker for econ that is easier for me to understand and use passively than uh than mail in rebate cuz I just to be honest I don't focus on it as well as I should uh I would turn Cards into eights but for me to turn it into an eight it has to be an eight of Hearts otherwise I'm not I'm not willing to just toss it out of nowhere cuz the the eightball is not sticking around forever it has to give us a benefit long term now going down one level on flush sucks but it's okay at least the eight Ball's giv US 10 Mt as well now our econ is looking okay I I would be tempted to try to get like a Jupiter to make up for the the level in flush we just lost on anti five no Jupiter we mared up which is great with death cards for sure you know what honestly I just buy the voucher just so it like if if we get all heart cards are debuffed we don't lose instantly it's pretty valuable I suppose what do you got for me magician and wait you like discarded nines well pretty pretty good honestly this is a crazy play holy cow it gave us two tarot cards that's the shees moment of the day so far I'll tell you what send another one I trust you oh two more okay don't get too greedy but that's kind of oh thank you Mr eightball thank you Mr eightball what's the opposite of curse of raw can I get a blessing of raw real quick and you know what I'm going to do this I think that's it's the right play Given that you're expiring soon talk about like making the best of uh a a perishable situation here bro polychrome Bloodstone kind of crazy that's insane that's insane you know what I'm going super crazy mode I'm taking showman in the interest pun not intended because it has nothing to do with economics I'm taking showman in the interest of uh I'm going to make you a wild card so you can be a part of our heart flush um in the interest of getting a second Bloodstone which is admittedly uh a bit ambitious but if it works who knows what dreams may await us in the future that was 11,000 points points I'm going to lose what happened did I get like no Bloodstone triggers if if that's the case we can live with that as long as we get one more heart flush that gets some Bloodstone triggers and that's like we we have to get it on the next hand obviously but like come on you're not going to Tom Petty voice don't do me like that yes yes okay we got there we got we got there with some good Bloodstone triggers I appreciate that don't screw me on that one Bloodstone you're supposed to be on my side fool into Earth bad Play Fool into something else fool into Justice I got to give that with a no but no disrespect as well uh I do I was really hoping for a Jupiter at some point but any any chance we could get a joker that immediately helps us I don't think that is uh good enough these aren't good enough I'm I'm going deep on this one oh eight bucks Times Two Mt if you have a pair I'm sorry like I I I hate to do it I wish this wasn't the situation on anti five but I feel like it has to be done and you know what we're like what we're gunning for here fool into Earth is a bad situation for us strength uh it it's not necessary right now but there may there may come a time where strength and maybe like fool will attach to it as well is very nice thank God okay so like it looked like we were in a bad spot but I mean we we are in a bad spot but you got to just relax a little bit I think we can still buy clearance scale or clearance sale but we need abstract Joker first to give us the flat Mt to survive temporarily a king into an ace is good that much is is certain full deck has five Aces obviously I'd love you to be like a heart as well I would just strength you and then accept that for the time being I think we still really want like well first off like I I know this is ironic given like how lucky we got with our lucky payouts in the last few videos but like some lucky card payouts would actually hit the spot I'm sorry this is just like I I want to buy this but this is something we have to do in order in order to survive and it it has to be you I'm sorry I I really appreciate what it did for me we got maybe two many Mt molters but it's got to be done brother it's got to be done I'll admit bit of a strange play but we're trying to create more aces of Hearts this will help us out in that domain in that department beautiful very beautiful thing strength holy cow and you all doubt it it you all said you all said there's no chance that'll ever come to pass well well well okay that's not even that good uh and it it becomes very easy at at the moment of your demise to recognize all the problems that you've got uh and for us I think it's pretty easy to understand we uh we have no chips at all we're unchipped to the extreme we're not like mad about it cuz we're going to live we got like ways to make up the score but we need we need some help we also have no flat malt whatsoever we're going to die I know I've said that 10 times on this run so far but like it's it's it's a given especially with this draw like it's guaranteed bro it's guaranteed or is it please oh I was like it can get lucky but it can't get lucky but we can get yeah yeah we can get we can get lots of Bloodstone triggers Queen eight this is not good at least it's a pair a a pair double you know doesn't make sense you're not going to get there with a pair that aren't Hearts like only Hearts matter for us we do have a pair so whatever score we get from our flush is going to be doubled if we get a flush which we mercifully did is going to be doubled again via the the GL no it's not going to be doubled via the glass card cuz we took vampire okay I deserve that I suppose I might have gotten a little greedy might have gotten a little ahead of ourselves uh so there's there's plays here and this I wish we had like some kind of enhancement card love kind of works but I think like I'm going to uh like create an ace of hearts and then I'm going to create another ace of hearts and then I'm going to Emperor just to see what we pull out of that heroon judgment I think that went extremely well now Luchador I'm not a huge fan of hant is like extremely great early and fool would give us a judgment I was kind of hoping it would would give us another death card but that's like idiocy I'm basically hoping that it works in a way that it obviously doesn't work cuz like I would love to create another Ace of Hearts now it would create herant instead of judgment but I I'm not that worried about like a random Joker I would rather just buy the buffoon pack in the shop and that's four bucks and I just I guess what I'm trying to say is that to me I think a fool card is worth more than four bucks as long as we use it appropriately okay um it's not my favorite but at least it gives us something to play for right Square Joker I want a death card uh I'm going to create a Jack of Hearts and then I probably want to just fool straight into the death card again so we can make another Ace of Hearts but but this means that we're not really trying to play a flush which means I can't dump that um it means we have to angle for like some better hands and like this hand isn't even that good it's 100 points send it again don't don't die early here we we can we can weasel our way out of this [Laughter] one this is what I meant when I said it okay so I think like long term it's only anti1 so don't get too concerned yet but longterm we're looking at like a flush five four of aind five of aind Aces build and we're we're fairly well set up for it but it is very early it would also go crazy to have um a joker that helps our score almost like at all this is nice this is a nice place to be I would like to play four cards so let's start here like Square Joker it's very easy for me to say that it's bad beautiful um because I've lost a lot with it recently I I think like I'm acknowledging that just because I'm bad with it doesn't mean it's bad I would love to afford you it's just I I I genuinely wish I could but I can't and we have a straight but we're like we're dumping bro we're dumping we're dumping again what what am I supposed to do with [Laughter] this 96 points okay play some straight garbage I mean if I had to play a flush maybe with some extra chips backing me up that's more like what I'm talking about um with no discards let's play this and then I don't know if three of a kind a will get us there but I all paths to success will lead through Square Joker at at this stage of our life at least hi tomal I mean they're they're giving me nothing to hit they're they're throwing non-stop balls bro I'll tell you I'm very happy to get more Aces and maybe buffing three of a kind will save our life but one in seven cards get drawn face down uh I'm not the type of lad that you're going to find burning a a Luchador on that that's that for me that's just the sort of thing that you're you're not going to see happen now you will see this happen you will see me play four of a kind with two bonus cards and not win and then feel bad as a result of that that's that's the sort of thing you might you might find yourself peeping from time to time how about a how about a how about two pair with a bonus card it's not even that good okay how about an ace there was nothing else we had to do okay we go again it and again don't take this as me being anti balatro it's a it's a SYM a a relic of the Rog light genre at some point you need some luck man what are we going to do when our shops are full of planets and and uh Eternal Jokers that suck you have to you have to buy something man ballad or to-do I'll I'll take to-do list I'm not thrilled about it you earn $4 if your poker hand is high card thanks for the money hopefully it doesn't lead to me dying what do you you still like high card this will take us to like 400 something or 375 let's do the math okay so this is like 38 * 2 this basically takes us one over where we need to be I think so we can afford to play this and get four extra dollars and then let's just hope that the math you know what let's just play that that means we're set now they want us to play flushes I mean this might be the most economically based to-do list that's ever been spotted uh we'll we'll play a Joker just cuz we can now admittedly minus one hand size is kind of horrible we really would like to play a flush for for a multitude of reasons okay we're not just fixated on to-do list like it oh my God are you kidding me okay we're not we're not toast we we should at least do this I'm not burning fool cards on like you know three gold each early game um we're not just fixated on to-do list it's the most consistent hand early in my opinion it's just one man's opinion iion but it's I mean I'm the man not like the man but you know what I mean I'm myself so what what other decision could you expect me to make I'm just going to be real simple with you I'm not burning fool cards to get a random Joker unless death is imminent I would rather skip a blind I'll level with you we go Madness just cuz I don't really care for any of our Jokers and then we'll tailor our decision based on whatever one to destroys is you destroy the eightball not thrilled to see that quite frankly you like four of a kind that's the sort of thing that I I can't necessarily get down with I wish I could guarantee that that would come to pass but uh I I can't really uh can't provide that kind of certainty to you just to be frank I do think blindness can go crazy even even though it's Madness I think it can go crazy as long as we get some Eternal Jokers that provide flat malt so packs could go insane for that oh my God it's Vagabond I love it even though sometimes it can be Mighty dangerous I don't even know if I want a wheel here but am I really going to make a random card with judgment that's not going to happen cuz it's going to die immediately so give me wheel it is what it is in this house we call that uh just getting us one closer to the eventual payout oh we're not even at the vegabond amount of money dude okay Club flushes you like pairs honestly too bad I like not losing though you it's hard to believe based on our performance so far how about a flush we're going to like 1.5 XR Mt we used all of our discards so we have no bonus score incoming how about three of a kinds that's not too bad right we need 11 Point what they they like a pair okay take a pair holy cow that was [Laughter] close oh man we're we're playing with fire honestly screw Square joker I'm finally compelled to say that I maybe it's actually terrible what do you like you like four of a kind of course who wouldn't I hate to say I think we have to go next but if we're going to to go next we have to spend all our money so Vagabond actually makes sense so for now Jupiter can Keep Us Alive and then just a good card of any sort okay roll it purchase it at least we can get a vagabond pay out what did you kill I don't even remember what was there man that's so that's devastating I don't even remember what was there couldn't have been that good right okay good try I'm not I'm not burning all my charges on Wheel that's like psychotic oh you killed Banner me to the guy who kills Hulk in The Avengers movie or whatever right like you know what I'm talking about not at all okay what are you crazy I just walked over here Empress now we're talking Empress has some weight to it fool though like I really feel like that if there's a Balan problem let's not even call it a problem let's call it an observation if there's a balance observation that I have about batro is quite simple I'll use it I know it it it sounds crazy to not just like double our money again and again um nah not interested even if we are committed to flushes it's that not all tarot cards are uh even close to being created equal four bucks is okay all right like I I feel like you almost have to save tarot cards for a uh a death or something of the sort that you can use to like make your hands more consistent to draw okay thank God for this Arcana pack so we can burn the lovers card and maybe get something a death card very beautiful very beautiful a death card let's lovers a a heart a hide chip card and then let's turn you into a wild Ace and then now I could see a death card having some Merit now this is nasty Sorry by the way to my good friend uh that's pretty good to my good friend my good friend Vagabond I've screwed you and it's not your fault it's just muscle memory kicking in do not sell it by accident you can't don't worry about [Laughter] it okay hieroglyph this is now we're We're Off to the Races I this is a a purchase it might be killed immediately but I would love to see you know what I'll absolutely take a blue seal what are you going to kill killed my flat malt this business would probably is not ideal I'm going to go crazy okay I'm going to just just to not die immediately means something to me so I'm going to create a bunch of moled Kings it's only anti3 so like there's no reason to get stressed out here we actually played this horribly we should have played way more High cards to to get Vagabond popping but so be it $2 $2 is a good amount of money honestly I would just I can't buy you I guess I would use you I I guess I would sell but then you could kill I don't care if you kill kill Seltzer I don't care much at least and then I don't even like these packs man I don't even like them more Blue Seals I don't know I'm lost in the sauce man I don't know what I'm doing on this run I don't know what I'm doing you're going to kill Seltzer for sure there's no other way around it I don't think I care I missed the part where that's my problem and unless we're we're drawing Kings like crazy then like honestly throw some doie in the garbage can here I I want to get sure that that would be a huge payout if SL when it ever pays out if this flush could get us there I would I would cry cuz we're going to get okay no this is so good man cuz we're going to get two if we don't die off of this we're going to get two Jupiters thank you so much we're GNA get one Jupiter because we also got hang that's still good for the record I was hoping to get a little bit more we're we're flush coated we're we're now flush coated and we have 16 Hearts so we're going to play as many hearts as possible okay noted noted let's have some fun we now have Clarity of purpose we have two jokers on anti3 that's really bad but we're we're still out here loving every minute of it Jerry loving every minute of it something that they don't say on the show maybe he does or did I now I'm like did I invent that or did Seinfeld invent that it must have been me cuz Seinfeld said comedy is not legal anymore right like it's you you'll be killed if you try to tell a joke which must explain the critical reception to the movie unfrosted he stars in that just came out don't get too excited it went direct to streaming okay sorry I don't know I'm not part of show business I don't know why I'm getting involved it's not my fight probably should have played some high card there alas not sweating it too much okay you ever think about like how powerful this run could be if we got some Jokers to back us [Laughter] up I'm not really like super excited to play any of these honestly I guess a a wild king is pretty good and then like maybe the Joker will be it it would never be Eternal that would screw your run so like why did I even take you for $3 I guess for $3 which pays for a standard pack that gives us a a beautiful heart honestly well I'm probably not too uh eager to go for like a negative Joker at this stage of our life because we have three empty Joker spots that we can't seem to fill anyway heropants kind of dynamite though and this will be two Jupiter's incoming right there's actually like there's a win in this run especially because of these Blue Seals now can I get us to it that's a that's a very bold question I have no idea but I do know that like Madness I'm tired of talking like it's a bad joker it's actually awesome it just needs a little bit of help and I'm not really sure we're doing that DP it brother we need a diamond they they do exist dry land diamond is not a myth I've seen it you ever see the Cable Guy not direct to streaming I actually saw that in theaters I believe if I remember correctly Star card it's embarrassing the kind of trash you would throw at me to slow me down it's never going to happen spectral pack hex is a funny idea if it poly chromes what we're 46 minutes in the video I'm just going to be honest with you okay hex is basically going double or nothing if it polychromes Madness we win easily if it polychromes Vagabond we probably lose on the next hand go bigger go home bro that's pretty horrible um but on the other hand it's also pretty funny so let's just let's just see what we're cooking with here we're going to lose about 90% of our score off of that that's not great it's not it's not fantastic I I'm kind of stunned that we may yet live let's not get too you know overconfident uh okay it's still plausible that we live which means we haven't lost yet which means we could buy a joker but it's really got [Laughter] to this Joker has to blow the doors off bro this Joker has to change everything and it changed nothing unless we're only going to play Hearts which honest I we kind of have to try for at this point it's all we got man and there's there's not much to it but there's not zero to it which is better than I I could have possibly expected so as as insane as it seems me we may yet still win the day it's still possible with two [Music] jokers on an5 we we freed ourselves I'm I'm trying to put the most positive spin on this possible we freed ourselves from the shackle of Madness which is kind of a metal way to describe what just happened which was like a 50/50 didn't go our way but we freed ourselves from the shackle of Madness and this has given us the ability to to remake our run in our own images we see fit sounds kind of based when you put it that way and every time we get a Jupiter everything gets a little bit a little bit more likely to come to pass but not by much admittedly so play play all this detritus I know you can hook me up okay they've hooked me up and we're really like we're on the razor's Edge right now but we did also earn ourselves another Jupiter so trust me when I say I'm also stunned that we're still alive we really just need a joker [Laughter] bro it's not fair cuz it has to be like a very specific sort of Joker like it has to be an eternal that does something good for us that's not an easy thing to to bring to the world you know out of nowhere but cards drawn face down this would be a fantastic time to not have to burn more than one discard honestly I mean we have we have a bunch of enhanced cards here imagine if they imagine if all four lucky paid out imagine okay well you know what it's hard to be mad uh suit me ah is pretty terrible play this okay we got one hand remaining we have to use like like look here and look here that's a those are two diamonds that means we lose the run I'm sorry to inform you of that we did what we could th those not being Hearts is killed it okay well I mean listen we got a little goofy on this one I had a great time though I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did if you did click the like button it helps out a great deal subscribe if you want to see more in the future maybe we should just like play like a coherent game of batro not don't worry we're not going to be playing balers Gate 3 anytime soon I'll see you next time
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 87,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wkBkbxLwwtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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