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some victories together here in the Spire very hard to turn down random rare Relic for Max Health on Ironclad very very hard to turn down like this path getting the burning elit as well as two rest sits and a relic before the first Elite last streak that made it to 10 wins got to 11 in total it's a pretty good path also this one but then we don't get the burning Elite so I'd rather go this Green Path against hexaghost I am favoring boss swap as a start but I'm not going to take it over seven Max health for a pocket watch I mean come on come on can't convince me it's ever right to not take the pocket watch here surely not you'll allow us to make this a pretty quick run overall actually we play three or fewer cards on our turn we'll draw three extra cards on the following turn which is very op for the clad I'll take a Pummel strike over an anger both pretty good anger doesn't play all that nicely with pocket watch though I guess cleave is perfectly fine as well giving us a way to hit multiple enemies does have the pocket watch make me more willing to take a power through yes definitely any card that messes with our draws is a bit better given that we have more of [Music] them take six win next turn we could get through the fight while taking less damage but because we were at full health to begin with it does not matter we leave faster now so I'm just saving time uh clo [Music] line so underwhelming I'll take one Twin Strike I guess it's not anything special it's just a bit more damage I'd like a half decent block card next rug TR grit something like that but what about Carnage though what about Carnage though seem to be perfecting fights so two random upgrades for 20 Health seems fine even if it is only two strike upgrades and then we'll get the other attacks upgraded Carnage and probably cleave here o we can fight multi centuries a bonus Elite here how fortunate this deck absolutely wants to fight more Elites big time we do with eight draws per turn is not a whole lot that can go wrong what is the adventure prompt for centuries it says uh scorched scorched and burned something like that scoured By Flames that's right scoured By Flames is the phrasing I'm going to take 10 here but that's fine go to 28 heal up to 34 fireless Phoenix joining the illustrious list of Channel cuties all hail twitch chat a new entrance to our Almighty list show those waffles if you got them because surely they are called for [Music] we get lots of money we get a Mercury hourglass for even more AOE damage get a power potion and maybe a whirlwind I'm a certified Whirlwind enjoyer and it's an even better upgrade than cleave let's take it and upgrade it right away I like X cost cards with a pocket watch that way even if we get lots of energy we can still play three cards and use all the energy note that we might be fighting sentries again sundal is fine might be fighting centries again here yeah we are as the dead Adventure event does not count uh is a regular Elite fight Time theme yeah timee keeping relics Galore pretty cool cool just need the stone calendar how about a toy or thopter how about a corruption I have four defends and nothing else yep seems like a good corruption to here yeah with with pocket watch it is and a Dan joke for the crowd courtesy of Zucker fee go with a Time themed one how do you know when the Time Eater enjoyed a meal because they go back 4 seconds there's the True Grit there's the true grid a certified groer oh this world win though two free fights in a row courtesy a whirlwind that's good blood leing yes blood leing with Whirlwind definitely blood leing with pocket watch in general yes creade some health gain more energy meaning we can do even more damage on our turn perhaps careful here coruption should make this fight somewhat easy uh although that would mean losing Carnage am I okay with that yes yes is [Music] seems good going to have pocket watch Whirlwind next turn at least I presume well no I'm not going to have the pocket watch actually modly concerning oh the damage we can do 12 * seven which is plenty right that's uh 84 yeah we score a Tungsten Rod reducing incoming damage we get a second blood liing we've had first Blood liing yes but what about second blood liing Gremlin Nom thanks for the seven months another one because of tungsten Rod especially and who needs a power potion not me hey is it potioning time it might be [Music] yeah let's use one [Music] here I like that get an Elixir we have over 400 Gold by the way combust at the end of your turn deal five damage to all enemies all right why not has to be bash upgrade here you think I don't think think I'd prefer True Grit upgrade or maybe even blooding I think we can get away with a TR grit upgrade easy peasy here I have basically no fear of the goat just cuz the pocket watch will allow us to draw very consistent damage output and the tungsten Rod should help with blocking although 5x six is a big number hello it's too much let's go defend [Music] defend yeah we have 33 left that's plenty would have been a decent Flex spot turn there although I don't think we need to flex spot [Music] [Music] watch next turn on the buff turn just go bash cleave draw e more combust definitely helping out here five damage per turn okay now is a reasonable time to consider the flex potion although does it actually get me a kill is the question we're not in any real danger this turn despite the [Music] draw The Elixir is actually a pretty decent potion this turn Also let's see if I twin Str should be 15 twice 30 plus 21 + 21 that's enough let's just Flex pot and get out of here have I ever played batro I have bounced off of it not for me but I did try it feed huh Exum is pretty good with corruption definitely down for a feed got no strength to limit break with so it's either exume or feed I'll take feed and is it astral Pandora's box or Pho Stone I think that's a pretty good astrolab on the three strikes actually um but I could also see Pandora's Box I like keeping the defense with the corruption I like keeping the strike pluses which makes me want to do the astral over the P box perhaps could also just take more energy I like that with the Whirlwind especially the pho Stone T and Rod kind of negates the downside of the pho Stone as [Music] well but I think I'll take the astral here transform and upgrade three cards we have enough other means of getting energy that I don't feel like we need the pho Stone and I'd like to improve the deck more directly we get imilate plus Blood liing Plus clothesline plus I'd say that's probably worth it although we have maybe too many blood Lings now reasonably happy with that we're also quite rich rich and cultured in the coin purse area raex thanks for the N uh 21 months rather of support closing in on two years let's hit that shop BK donk some turns are just not so good though could have played combust over Twin Strike can I ever do 56 damage next turn yeah yes yes I can I absolutely can be careful about it though we got to go whirlwind then blooding almost strike feed cool armaments can be upgraded to upgrade all cards in our hand or can just upgrade the feed either way totally worth it Abacus plus Sundi interesting I like it we already have a TR grit too and a Pummel strike so we could do something really stupid is it time to lose cleave I can rather lose Twin Strike or well actually strike plus is worse than Twin Strike despite the upgrade not going to take the ink bottle Juggernaut could be a way to abuse our infinite though I will remind you that if we have an infinite it's unlikely we need to abuse it any further because we'll be infinite yeah let's hit this shop I'll take one event here oh and what an event it is the cursed Tome normally you have got to pay 21 Health to get the book with tungsten Rod it's only 17 wait a minute no was clicking too fast apparently I've closed the book could save and quit that but you know what I'm just going to have the egg on my face that's fine bruh not my book reading SC read reading I'm illiterate there's the [Music] clad so what is this Blood letting Whirlwind blood letting feed yeah burning pack here we go [Music] here we go Sur I don't need two blood livings right probably not ouch [Music] kill it now or eat it next turn I'm going to eat it delicious Elixir for five Health here this is also part of an infinite we've got uh pommel strike we've got shrug we have burning packed we have TR grit this deck is finished w we could add more things that are good but we don't need to add any more things is I think what I'm trying to convey here Elixir definitely would have been good for forcing an infinite against the boss that's true do I care about that I don't think so think so what are you let's try this line bottom decking The Bash we can use sundal right now or I could wait feel like it makes more sense to wait [Music] one more turn here it's getting spooky though we're already at uh 7 by5 what about bash into imilate into Twin Strike with flex poot what about that time to start skipping cards hey pommel strike upgrade for free saves me an upgrade I do like that quite a bit we're also going to upgrade the Arma to upgrade multiple other cards [Music] but I want to eat you 48 to all then hourglass I guess we just killed yeah we just kill Spin to Win offering is good love it with the tungsten Rod not so good with pocket watch but uh it's still an offering Jedi monkey thanks for the prime sub and 41 months of support that's not a good M Bank Rosen eye huh second Pummel strikes okay definitely want to remove a card definitely want to remove a card yeah if I take a second PML strike we just have the easiest infinite ever could buy the Frozen eye for pocket watch stuff that could help get us set up maybe a bit more quickly but I don't think we need it I'm pretty sure we just win indeed we just win take an attack pot for this upcoming Elite though just for safety with that too I like it deck is definitely coming together now the land feed though letter opener is cool feel no pain is cool yeah feel no pain is really cool not actually required necessarily but I feel like it helps we also super want to upgrade our card draw any source of card draw that can be upgraded should be oh and a dark Embrace well that definitely gets us there faster can we remove and dark embrace that's 205 yeah we good we really good all right Twin Strike your time has come to leave the deck this is real spicy like I don't even want to play the imilate in this fight that's pretty telling that's pretty telling uh let's arm up and shrug [Music] [Music] it's all over now I get one more card here can't have your hand be full for this there we [Music] [Music] go infinite block and infinite damage this even Beats time meter because of the abicus always cool to get sundal abicus together they work very well in tandem here feel like you've been here before is this the corrupt heart of the Spire the source of all this Max health Hasty Juggernaut is back it is kind of hilarious with the infinite honestly good enough reason for me let's do it don't take snai do take Blackstar I guess I don't want calling Bell's curse actually feel no pain juggernaut's kind of badass take a black star take the Black Star go for four Elites no problem I get double shop no that's all right still get two removes this run probably although they'll cost 175 plus 150 so I have to spend basically all my money on the removes unless I get a relic that makes them cheaper wouldn't barricade be better probably very probably no EX for you feed and combust we got this fear not [Music] and Tropic Brew is good especially with ornithopter effectively get bonus healing from it [Music] [Music] we took the corruption really early in this run um normally I say you need a two cost skill of some kind um you can also just have pocket watch and that's good enough for corruption in my book just have pocket watch forehead that's fine [Music] oops that was too many block procs I didn't realize I was going to block three times missed my feed there show up thanks for the 5 months of support got to renew your Prime it's easier to just pay me thank you I'll take it I will take it I will not take this curse but I will take your money and it's time to spin the wheel remove remove of course it's time to bleed the price has been paid and with that the gremlin and its wheel disappear in a puff of smoke tar says do Prime Subs get me less money on the back end yes generally speaking uh how just to for full disclosure here how uh sub Revenue breakdown works for somebody in my position on Twitch paid Subs whether they be gifted or month-to-month subscription Subs I get 70% of whatever you paid with prime Subs I in instead get a fixed dollar value that depends on the country that you're subbing from uh and basically the further you are away from North America the less money this is somewhere on twitch's web page is the table of the exact breakdown for Prime Subs but your Prime sub config contributes a a fixed value based on your region po of Mars thanks for the prime sub and the 11 months of subport and buman 31 thanks for the prime sub in the 12 months mcraft with the prime Sub in two months as well and beeps with the 17 months take my 70% I will I will oh yeah H thank you for list uh for linking that chapeto there's the table there for the the full breakdown of prime sub Revenue by region and yes this is all information that's available on twitch's website uh which I believe is draw some more what do you got it's not much better okay taking damage is part of the job sometimes it's just how clad goes abys Archer with a prime sub giku with a prime sub as well thanks for two months and yeah just to be clear twitch can't give you a percentage of twitch Prime money because there's nothing to take a percentage of it's not a percentage of anything because there's no money being exchanged it's just money going from twitch to me so you can't take a percentage of that [Music] just play offering and we win do I even need to play the offering let's go with yes also need to play one blood letting okay now we're good Juggernaut Sundi the power which do I get more of $5 of bits $5 Dono or $5 of sub but usually get more from a direct donation that's something like 80 90% there's still a cut taken from the payment processor um bits and Subs are pretty close to even regardless of how you uh how you pay me through twitch I'll get about 70% of that yeah uh bits are 100% of the recipient so you you know exactly what you're giving with bits one bit equals one cent US dollar but then you have to pay more to get them in the first place so that's where the percentage cut comes in and again that works out to be about 7030 same as the [Music] subs but what if you mailed me cash well that'll do it just mail me the cold hard cash right burn bash burn combust and don't offering don't offering just cleave if I Pummel strike I'm likely to whiff the dark Embrace I don't want to do that m the power then you get the cash exchange fee that's right [Music] paper frog and more max health I like that we want a shock wave an Intimidator or bloodletting I guess the shock wave is useful with the corruption really ocean belt is very good with entropic Brew even more so with toy or thopter that's two more potions and 10 more Health hype with shad thanks for that hype train fun circumstances for a hype train I really want the bonus draw next turn I don't play any of [Music] this [Music] spooky very spooky no longer spooky let her opener go [Music] [Music] unceasing top kind of cool Elixir very strong don't need a second corruption Elixir is a go infinite in one fight three kind of potion which is very much appreciated could help a lot Against Time meter here who will have to beat showing off how this deck can do with uh with that fight won't be too bad meat on the Bone's going to be good too we're already below half Health actually [Music] [Music] [Music] like to upgrade the feed going try to pull that off [Music] [Music] there we are heal for 18 get another potion Life's good dual wield could potentially make more copies of feed although I don't think we need to do that let's not bother my actually at 0% potion chance natively what the heck Hello what do you mean 0% okay could defend three times it's true could have 24 + 21 45 that won't kill anyone no potion for you very well [Music] Bonk rupture not bad actually we have enough self damage cards this four of them three blings in the offering but uh I don't think so can't do more damage than an infinite it's not possible is not possible o what if you put five Burns in my Discord pile though I can't go infinite against that not really but I can do Juggernaut things do like that good thank you for not murdering [Music] me although adding five Burns might be pretty bad in a similar vade [Music] no feed for us do get an exume though I will take and a bottled Whirlwind with a bag of marbles seems vaguely okay although we're mostly past the point of that being a thing dark Embrace number two could help definitely dark Embrace number two helps uh we can card remve or we can add master of Strat I'll go with a remove every non- exhausting card we can remove helps make this a bit smoother could take another blood leing or Sentinel how about a second Elixir we've had first Elixir yes but what about second Elixir that should make our late game very easy we can use one of these on time meter one of them on heart life should be easy from there why don't I bottle the clothes line plus I guess that is okay against har here um I think because I'm at a point where I don't feel like it matters what I upgrade or bottle we should just clear through everything regardless [Music] powers [Music] delicious blue candle lets us play our curse card that's pretty good don't think the toxic egg will do much we're bit too late in the run all right Tim show us what you got turn one corruption seems great turn two maybe a bit more questionable [Music] here okay we'll get some slimes out those are a little [Music] Annoying overall all is well though feed [Music] excuse you all right didn't even need to use an Elixir here we're now at the point of looping pommel strikes and there's nothing Tim can do about this really not even adding slimes to Our Deck stops us back timer just dies next [Music] turn when will Tim learn [Music] when indeed [Music] tasty one two 3 could potentially even eat both of these foes in this fight seems mildly good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yummy [Music] [Music] uh bash then feed goep delicious we're up to 135 Max Health two thump two thump two thump a deep pulsing dread can be felt throughout the room is this the heart of the Spire The Source all this exhaust telz thanks for the prime sub in the 18 months we're going to have a snooze get back up to full HP here although the potions already could have done that in away could buy a potion or an iron wave here I don't think we bother don't think we bother think about using Whirlwind here we could have made a pretty big pretty big spin here could still do 9 * 8 to both of them that's not enough though this is completely fine he going to delete the whirlwinds we have an elixir in this fight I'm going to plan on using one here one in the heart fight stick with the typical uh battle plan thankfully we get a dark brace early [Music] now we use it 1 2 3 4 5 six 78 [Music] [Music] good potion [Music] [Music] delicious get panograph so we'll be at full health for the heart fight bottled lightning lets us have a skill in the opening hand I'm going to bottle burning Packa and we're going to go forward [Music] we going to go forward okay not a bad turn one got rid of a few cards didn't play corruption yet activate pocket watch that's all good no powers though yeah this ain't so good we got dark brace feel no pain let's the start that's the start of something don't think I bother deleting these yet though liquid memories TR grit for a bit of block I'll do that once we get to our full setup here here everything it be fine okay well this hand is garbage probably Elixir now even though most of this gets exhausted normally I guess we can him the center ban first okay guess that's a bit better having upgraded Juggernaut for this fight not required but definitely funny [Music] [Music] effable Health why not [Music] then not full health anymore again all right we are definitely winning now potion addict Ironclad build go [Music] cheesy Bob thanks for 55 months of support 55 is the atomic number of cesium I seiz does Juggernaut trigger if you have 999 block and try to get more I believe that it does yeah I think so um no delicious GG Mr Hearts if you enjoyed that video watch this one next and don't forget to follow on Twitch to watch the content live click the link in the description below
Channel: Baalorlord
Views: 26,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slay the spire, slay the spire gameplay, slay the spire tips, slay the spire strategy, slay the spire deck, slay the spire build, slay the spire ascension 20, slay the spire ironclad win, slay the spire act 4, Ironclad Ascension 20, slay the spire win, slay the spire heart win, act 4 ascension 20, slay the spire act 4 win, slay the spire heart ascension 20, slay the spire ascension 20 win, ironclad ascension 20, ironclad, slay the spire ironclad strategy, baalorlord, Jorbs
Id: Kt06RQE8cHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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