IM REACHING NEW LEVELS OF FOCUS!! | Ascension 20 Defect Run | Slay the Spire

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it would be nice to be able to kill this Elite and then kill all these other Elites so a lot of value to getting stronger quicker here common Relic for preserved insect maybe also just like there are just a lot of things there like aralam let's me go left um probably vajra lets me go left I didn't hit which makes things awkward if I can't do this it's actually kind of hard to get more than one Elite this act and the one Elite pack the one Elite act doesn't even look good so I think we start with here and then we're hoping to have a ball lightning go left n chaku throws an interesting wrinkle into this fight cuz I guess I I want to Stack this so does that make Striker better than dualcast here also 25 22 I don't think I get to dual cast defend strike strike 29 23 17 uh strike strike seems okay du cast here is probably best other than nunchaku though 16 16 means zap strike strike kills it I think I just got to do that I finished the part where I had to think I can stop it's fine all right we got some nanaku Stacks essence of Steel streamline or cool headed uh that's probably enough to go left cool headed is really good against lagavulin essence of Steel is also okay in some fights ouch oh my God they're just going to kill me well that's really unlucky also the lightning orb hit the wrong way twice oh my God they're just going to kill me maybe I was actually hitting the right way no I don't think so cuz I think defend wow I just needed it to hit the other side one time and it would have saved me 10 health or something okay um want CH on nine I assume gosh I just really don't want to go right think I go for the eyes go for the eyes is okay here we go I want to win this fight without playing another attack and I did P snaps fine not a terrible hardpull fight I think I am again not playing an attack I'll do this sh that's a real bad turn finally watched season one of True Detective nice good all right we take up ball lightning we have ball lightning cold snap go for the eyes and cool heds Our Deck is is definitely better than it was at the start of the run it should beat up laavan decently well one wood thing I think fine to play cool headed over strike here we want the strikes not to be in the draw p you do work at an Arctic research station so the new season caused you pain that sounds believable yep it doesn't go for realism I don't think so I guess I take a billion damage I can go zap dualcast fortunately but is dualcast now better 21 it takes too much damage this turn for to possibly be better all right it was a two damage Elite fight all things told and I got a fair up bottle and I got a buffer which I'm going to take and upgrade I think cuz now I be grumbling up that's the nice thing about buffer another best against Guardian but it's also not terrible against Guardian I think it's buffer upgrade over zap upgrade I might be wrong that's what I'm going to do casually underplaying the importance of strikey I'll strike is great I just think buffer is like probably even greater I feel confident that this fight goes to the third attack which buffer is no longer going to protect me for that seems very likely I think I don't play dcast because it just gives it strength needlessly all right I have go for the as though which is excellent so we're not even going to try to kill it next turn I am just going to tank a relatively small hit this is [Music] fine this is fine take t for GRL knob you take those horn CLE essence of Darkness feels very strong second of ball lightning second wall lightning kind of interesting we used to have conference calls with researchers at the Antarctic research station that New Zealand had when I was a kid and gosh I am mad at cruise ships that's that's that's basically where I've ended up from from that experience boat dreams are afloat I could become a cruise ship right now I will take up all lightning I don't really have any other good damage cards like a doom and gloom or compile drive or anything yet uh I should be able to go right okay horn cleat essence of darkness in a bottle seems like tons I don't know if I can do that this starts to get a little iffy I think I can actually I guess sentes I assume Fair bottle breaks against luland though buffer just wins this fight right do I want to not play ball lightning so I can get buffer down first is buffer more than horn CLE here pretty important I actually probably want to not play my ball Lightnings now I have strike dummy so I should kill it fast enough I should have play go for the eyes there just going to hit the shield so I guess I keep the lightning orb actually hello Lagan all right Ser damage like one the difference between getting to go left this act and not getting to go left this act kind of arch letter opener letter opener cool headed kind of strong I'm going to take the self self repair though self repair is just a very powerful card I've been losing defect rounds a decent amount recently and like identifying the problem as being that I didn't find a recycle or D fragments or like card draw to accelerate but I actually think a decent amount of problem is that I haven't been getting many self-repairs self repair is so strong the buffer card seems pretty good it's pretty good in act one and also act two and probably also act three so yeah I think that's a fair read on the situation The Relic is dead sorry I'll turn it on uh actually it should be on right now sounds like it's just not working on your end for some reason I'm not sure what that could be I am used to it being broken on my end uh not used to users not having it work users viewers I don't know Pi a loop start doing some scaling I think not with letter opener I think letter opener is like a bit too much for me to be taking a loop I would like to be able to proc that letter opener sometimes Loop is just not a good card yet don't think I want Swift potion for what I have we want the fairing a bottle to make sure we can do this Elite fight reloaded works good well ever playing re skills this turn I don't think so we just do this and I play a buffer and a ball lightning and I'm out of the fight wait buffer and a self-repair extra greed I'm down all twitch users are viewers but not all viewers are twitch users interesting big TR all right I just need one point of damage and honestly even if I H 10 this turn I'm still in pretty good shape all right cool chaku is back at nine we got an ancient tat got an equilibrium I think I'm pretty happy with an equilibrium especially with uh letter there anent t it feels like I'm Mak equili a little bit better too weirdly I don't know I could take hyperbeam but I think I have like letter opener and stuff you're a listener actually hope your listening experience has been good tonight upgrade cool headed or dualcast I think those are the two that make the most sense let's try out dualcast cuz I've up now very in the bullpen uh okay what do I do with this it's kind of hard to work out I probably want a frost orb in [Music] front all right and we get to use horn CLE which is nice go for the eyes seems great play zap hold snap the then we're fully blocking and then we can just play self repair I think get it out of the deck get it in play You're chatter chat in message and streamer reads it out loud nice and clever man you're not wrong kind of want to put a frost or in front again I would like dual cast on my next draw pile probably also kind of want the defense of my next draw pile is it like defend defend dual cast cool headed it's kind of a wild line I think it actually is it is kind of a wild line don't play go for the eyes it costs a buffer stack here done just triple defend seems okay I think the ball Lightnings are enough but even if it does the second or the first I don't know if even if it does the big attack here I just don't take damage cuz I have buffers still uh I'm going to do this and give myself another turn before it transforms since I have no Frost orbs these and these and these I think it's a zero damage Guardian fight not bad at all I thought about resting for this to be honest and then I was like no I don't need to I have fairy in a bottle and then I sure as Hall didn't need that take another buffer make my Birds fight as bad as possible my's not even that bad against Birds he sour I wonder with dual cast zap and go for the eyes and let her open there if we're already at a point where all for one is worth picking up I don't know that I'm really into the idea of trying to make all for one decks work I kind of gave up on that two years ago or something it's definitely a good card for the next few floors I don't know if it's good in general though it opens the claw strategy very true also good if we're going to go for like stacks and Aggregates it's not bad at all for doing that I'm currently buff I could be buffer I think I'm currently buffer plus already buffer should upgrade to say buffest right un upgraded it should be buff and then buffer and then a second upgrade buffest but if it starts at buffer unupgraded then the upgraded version should just be buffest in a wild that we've been playing the game so long we're still finding bugs all right give me this [ __ ] I don't love it for a book of saving fight is almost neai got take so gross have a few too many energy upgrades and a few too much card draw for snack I to make sense don't love this though I might not take the Super Elite but I want the left side even if I don't fight the super Elite just getting all this I think I take a shop first I think with 500 gold we are happy with two shops to sa as defect you're a chatter because you're a pair of windup teeth whatever ever happened to those here's my first stack is it a stack kind of angle I don't have any card draw really YOLO I said I was becoming an aggregate man let's lean into it ocean Bel has arrived awkward H we're going to take Electro Dynamics and now we fight the super late I think I don't love the stack anymore I think once I have electrodynamics I am significantly less interested in having uh stack but that's okay plaw for one would have been hype we could have taken Prismatic Shard so we never had to take claw again all right this fight's mostly over still scary though you can do lots of mult attacks I don't think I'm getting self-repair played unless this is self-repair uh let's go for the eyes that also works actually letter opener damage Del 27 holy [ __ ] is that true to it I I choose to believe you without further examination of what You' said sounds right to me another stack I do think equilibrium makes stack better all right I think once I have one we got to go for the rest this would be a good card to remove from the deck also kind of nice to proc Centennial puzzle with pain it makes the pain significantly less painful uh okay so it looks fine how do I deal the rest of the damage actually I don't know oh I play defend there I'm definitely meant to play defend there we got stack stack blocks for 14 already I can't play it because pain I guess I can play it buffer is consumed for the pain proc but I still have one for this turn a variety of ways to take no damage in that fight found one of them take a rebound rebound stack rebound equilibrium [Music] don't really want it all right gramlin leader metallicizm gramlin leader I feel like this is not much different from regular Gremlin leader took zero damage probably in the entire fight oh I have pain uh well I also have self-repair so I think it's actually still probably true that I end up taking aggregate zero damage rebound pain to not draw it next rotation now that's smart wait is it it might actually not be smart I'm I could be either [Music] way almost there sweet uh full health super Gremlin horn genetic algorithm over force field pretty good force field I don't have enough card draw for it I guess genetic algorithm then a def fragment feels right I just really need things to draw cards now you did mean it as a joke considering you have no draw that isn't cool Hab it also BL TR uh I think I'm keeping my Essence I'm just kind of at full health right now right and I have a gremlin horn this might be equilibrium and then win next turn sweet really good fight war paint White [Music] Noise I don't know about white noise it does kind of feel like hell world would be decent here and it feels like heat sinks is good here and I don't hate creative AI here weirdly especially since it's upgraded echarm is obviously good all right also I think like the deck does decently at just stalling until it draws Electro Dynamics so I don't need Electro Dynamics in my opener I don't think I'm going campfire here my only upgrade that I really care about is defragment and I can get that there so I think I'm going there probably let's see what the chest is Lantern probably meant to take Lantern what's my affiliation with zezy I'm sponsored to play the game later today what I got static discharge sweet feel like a skim would be real nice uh I think card draw of any sort would be real nice yeah buffer static discharge kind of a combo low key de's kind of popping off here a little bit I would say another one [Laughter] okay you're not sure about bottled stack I thought as a streamer every time that I drew a card in my opening hand it was good that it was bottled haven't been over that before nice bottled White Noise for Echo form jorbs back to full health I could take a reprogram uh I have Lantern decent chance to take some damage this turn though I didn't get attacked I guess I take zero I could have left that um B Gremlin kill for next turn with Gremlin horn I thought about it then I decided I just wouldn't do that let's see how zeroc cost creative AI does a what a comical [Applause] [Laughter] turn I get the not working joke when I don't have enough money in shops oh that's what it [Music] is Electro Dynamics this year again thanks creative AI got a blue candle all for ones back did it get better I don't think so it got worse go for the I plus don't think so melter nope okay that floor didn't make me stronger as far as I can tell we're going to do this one stabbing is probably the hardest Elite fight why is glass knife a rare deals a lot of damage for not very much energy um all right we got a bad attack pattern here too I could play this oh it just uses my buffer stack actually now that seems pretty terrible then I play genetic algorithm on that floor that means it was a good floor actually good point good point buffers here again still not a very good card in this site all right uh this is a really good turn hope I don't take any more damage then EJ cat lover poison may need a buff why would silent need a buff Nerf the bad stuff or Nerf the good stuff also Nerf the bad stuff though I guess actually Fusion plus I don't think so hologram my de didn't really get stronger ever I just went through act two and killed every Elite and I got uh Gremlin horn war paint lantern blue candle and the boot and no cards it's not quite true I got a defragmented genetic algorithm and I purchased an electrodynamics for myself I will take a hologram I will remove a strike I think it's kind of weird upgrading St defense doesn't mean that the Tong's upgrade hits like cool headed for example a lot more often which is pretty valuable do I take Pandora's Box here probably I'm pretty happy to take Pandora's Box here let's remove a card getting all the useless relics out of the way yeah I guess so I have seven energy eight once done chaku Bron so this is just kind of a race against champ which I don't love excellent ice cream turn one wait what ice cream would have been excellent go for the eyes right my bad all right this can make the fight really easy didn't I'm going to put Ze in [Music] [Music] timeout okay I don't have tiny chest good point I think I might have to actually essence of Darkness to get through this which is wild it doesn't feel like my deck should be weak but this is not very strong so I probably want to get hologram upgraded I'm not gonna do it yet thetic discharge false pain does not work that is not a combo all my cards are upgrading that should be good for me right you would think so I ever feel bad for killing an elite and stealing the r cram I have never felt bad in my life so no8 16 I don't know I guess this is genetic algorithm which is fine it's not like it's an incredible card wait actually would have been fine I forgot about the frost or booking okay hologram upgrad is really [Music] big toal up to do with that this would be a great turn to split doesn't look like I can but I have no debuffs do that mean I have to get debuffed next turn can I split actually no the boot boot almost did it and then letter uper almost did it it's kind of okay actually CU I have three buffer Stacks so I don't even benefit all that much 16 19 24 not enough but I'm not debuffed at all maybe there's something there I am glad to hear that crant method although I am sorry that it is a part of your considerations at [Music] all how do I kill [Music] it hologram ball lightning actually not the one I thought I would be [Music] getting I didn't get debuffed still have a buffer stock actually still have a buffer stack and this time is only 25 times it's so silly it's so silly that like half of the time you get fraed and vulnerable for this part of the fight and the other half of the time you just don't I will never get over that just being very silly it just is it's just very silly uh [Music] anyway like we use one buffer charge probably seems fine have dual cast next turn uh RNG in your rug like game I mean there's RNG and then there's this maybe I just go defend plus [Music] stack I guess I get zap zap deals more damage than strength if I ask nicely champ would make me frail and vulnerable not even not even a [Music] possibility oh nice I have a static charge okay I didn't have to use a potion put nchu on a better number although maybe nine isn't a good number for nanaku in this deck actually I think we just take Echo form I think this deck just needs Echo form fishan is nice card draw but then I don't have anything so it accelerates me into nothing unfortunately pyramid yep he all uh should be winable from here I hope I hope still a bit tricky all the shops are right side there's actually like all of them uh yeah I guess I just take two shops it's fine I'm defected I just don't buy stuff unless it's really good in the first one I think it will H we'll see though I don't really want to do the math 25 47 32 like we can use a better turn one St someone told me that Runing pman doesn't do anything on turn one recently not the first time someone has told me that recently somebody told me it again and I was thinking about and I was like wait a second it makes it so you don't discard your hand on turn one that's what it does on every turn the [ __ ] are you even talking about anyway [Music] uh I would like to double play genetic algorithm I would kind of like to upgrade it first it's [Music] possible don't see why I couldn't should be playing the unupgraded cards to get them out of my hand I suppose to increase the chance that my upgrade its genetic algorithm it does something on turn one you re the benefits on the following turn you kind of re the benefits on turn one because you don't have to discard your [Music] hand definitely just accidentally shut your phone in the freezer 5 minutes and you were confused about where your phone was or a more General observation about the world um like not having to play Echo far on turn one because you can play it on turn two instead and it won't leave your hand makes your turn one a lot better for example demon form is probably a better example than Echo form but you know same idea this genetic algorithm does not want to upgrade think 21 months oh my God it really doesn't want to upgrade please please genetic algorithm all right let's get out of here full health double genetic algorithm upgrade doesn't feel like I have enough for blizzard right now I would kind of like to though no I don't think I take a blizzard at the moment I have electrodynamics and Gremlin horn for up meder so it's just like if my scaling is really bad it's a way to do something but I just got to buy R capacitor and Def fragment so my scaling isn't very bad boom GG want a double energy kind of think it's okay I think I can to find like a turbo or something had hiccups for 4 hours Make It Stop uh no I never worked out how to make hiccups stop I feel like I just would get bored of them and then they wouldn't be happening anymore and then eventually they stopped ever happening drinking water yeah that probably helps actually maybe I did some water drinking that sounds kind of reasonable drinking water upside down no you could another CM what an enjoyable run oh my gosh algorithm okay okay it's it's fine you tried your best probably I don't know it didn't seem like you were to be honest but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt let get Chell so I can make more Frost orbs oh my God it's another def fragman I'm so good at this [Music] game Z isn't close to being close anymore H I set up still kind of I could use he's a ficient now actually how ironic given that I was offered one earlier and didn't take it how the warbles of time warble onward I don't know what I don't think war is a word anyway stacking that thing up I have bottled Echo form somehow I don't remember doing that but it keeps on being my open hand that's making this deck look actually quite a lot better than it is having Echo form in your opener is better than not having it in a garer usually [Music] recycle I don't know if this is a recycle kind of situation feels kind of like it's a put my def fragment Supply kind of situation instead where I'm might want to reinforce body more do not have very much card draw also take another hologram and pair that with the stacks yeah let's go hologram with Stacks all right a couple of defragments exhaust unupgraded cards to help get genetic algorithm upgraded as usual the correct play is right there in twitch chat if I had just been paying attention my bad pyramid is unironically like card draw uh kind of right now it might be more like not card draw card drawn all right it's kind of wild how if you play enough de fragments to have nine Focus your deck is [Music] better couldn't have predicted that one frag there's skim we may have reached a point where skim isn't actually very good though I could take amplify amplify is just a way to get the def fragments double played a little bit more consistently also sometimes I can d double play Echo form with it is nice stick it I am very reliant on horn CLE fairing a bottle or early turns and bad fights this a deck that could maybe use another self repair for the um act for a lead fight have I ever tried Ascension zero to 2 Flawless before uh everything I do is flawless last time I want Ascension 0 to 20 I lost three times I won 80 times and lost three times anytime all right so like here's nobody's trying to lose right so the first time I ever played the game I tried to go Ascension Z to 20 without dying once [Music] was a very funny follow um all right here we go wa we get to double play that one and this one oh that's it well I guess there was no reason to double play the amplify if I was only using it once but whatever we're still doing fine in the fight I gave up at Ascension 15 like the first time I ever played the game I didn't go the first time I ever played the game Ascension system didn't exist yet and then when it was released I went from 0 to 10 and then 10 to 15 but when 20 released I just wanted to play 20 I was bored of 15 and I didn't see why I had to play the ascensions in between before getting to the one which had been deliberately balanced for Max difficulty play so I just SK money I think I went to 17 or something and then I was like this is kind of like I don't know why don't I just play on the difficult actually want to play on I take capacitor less than I used to uh I don't think so don't know how much I used do thank you algorithm has not been compliant today oddly smooth Stone I feel like it's not terrible another stack the card's either good or bad presumably is acrobatics the best card in the game no pretty good though which character didn't die defect didn't die gra the ears gra the ears back amplify now I can have three of these only two of these I could get it back again we'll take it think best card might be dark Embrace I don't know what best means I have an entire YouTube video on this [Music] actually one of the conclusions of that YouTube videos that the best card is skip believe in you genetic algorithm genetic algorithm you can do this skip the YouTube video skip the card reward skip the card reward is very good Claw is here don't think I need that one that video decided the best card was plus two Max HP well it depends it decided a lot of things there isn't really any actual sensible answer to that question because it depends what you mean why do bots exist on Twitch like does it work ever I just can't imagine it ever working like it doesn't even irritate me I just kind of feel like it's kind of dumb like you're not going to successfully get anybody to click on a link by spamming a channel that people are doing something else and with a message like that it isn't a a functional functional marketing strategy I I don't know whatever all right how did slow mode fix it when it's not like sub mode which has Shield mode which does something clearly it must be working you just saw 200 people trying to sell it in my channel like if you're going to try to Market something in channels like that with Bots you don't want it to be obvious they're bot you want to make make it look like they are humans right I'm pretty sure seems like it to me what do I know [Music] all publicity is good I don't even know what it was like it got spammed 200 times and I didn't read it a single time I don't I don't know what the link was for why yeah whatever Co haded hologram another hologram I don't know do I want another hologram I'm might to take it target audience is specifically people that are not aware enough to avoid scams SL Bots but surely spamming it in a twitch Channel where the streamer will be like that's a scam doesn't make very much doesn't make very much sense if that's your target audience like surely surely this is like the worst possible place you try to [Music] do I don't know I don't [Music] know I'm seriously underestimating the ability for one random person in room of thousands to be ignorant maybe I am I believe in you twitch chat should I be blamed for that I think not biased COG what am I waiting for oh Electro Dynamics which is in my hand now I also need to double play this I need to double play this like I have a little shopping list of side quests I need to upgrade this one first n uh if I don't get it next turn it might actually kind of hard to [Music] do this doesn't quite kill it so we got one more shot at genetic algorithm this such a genetic algorithm duck the stack is that was an upgrad bias by the way the stack is very genetic algorithm is a good card this stck would you like to gain 54 block or one in your duck that scales very very very slowly into something that cannot possibly lose probably right like you would probably like to gain 54 block for one sometimes def frag is okay too I think def frag is yes yes def is defrag is pretty good I agree we'll just go with I'm not playing them twice this fight maybe creative AI bails me out [Music] aabaco anything over dag even if it's wrong to be honest I think sometimes you should probably take something over [Music] [Music] defrag all right I haven't had the genetic algorithm calipers thing in a really long time and I kind of miss it it is perhaps the most fun way to win as defect in my opinion it just feels so incredibly obscenely unfair to the enemies which is exactly the energy that I want in my life actually kill this one first time that's fine good capacitor to Def fragment ratio uh I definitely don't think about those two things is something I need a ratio of I would think about it more as do you scale enough to beat the fights if you don't take a thing if you do don't take a thing put out of my hand and block for one more [Music] what does Padu Padu mean I have no idea don't know ask someone else I've given them you can't have more than 10 orb slots I guess is one comment that I could make about [Music] capacitor it is no longer P season party Foul to P after November or before November 1st rather okay fine nice now upgr self for rep wait okay this is my last chance you never know when Mega crit will hot fix in more orbs made run that is an X well guess it isn't a very good point actually uh uh all right awaken one fight I don't think I need Echo form here I can just use amplifying also I don't want to this turn regardless because multiattack and I don't go for the is [Music] yet it would be really cool if these would die okay kill one next turn hopefully I found chill that's helpful let's kill that let's go Hollow no this [Music] thing is fine yeah this is full block I have stacks for this turn I don't even need them this is 64 for 85 versus [Music] 80 you want to write your narrative reports for your fourth graders for you what that mean first of all no what's that mean though narrative report does that mean you are reporting on how they did in school and you have to make a narrative about it 22 * 4 all right let's play this [Music] chat GPT is here for a reason what is it cuz uh I don't know I don't think it's clear to everyone plagiarism yeah that sounds about right sty teaching you how to code I have twitch chat for them that's it some of these some of these think the fight's pretty over now oh [ __ ] I should have double played self here maybe have hologram I forgot about how I'm not at full health I've been spending a lot of time at full health good [ __ ] let's black four have 154 gold I still have my potions from when I picked up suu that feels pretty good communism I guess we were chill upgrade hologram upgrade way too slow go for the eyes up upgrade oo I kind of like that buffer upgrade also okay cool headed upgrade I think my hand's too clogged buffer upgrade buffer upgrade could be fine makes it a bit easier to play it for the big attack amplify upgrade no let's go for I could also go Echo form upgrade I don't even think I need it though this is fine chat gbt is here to make us question our own Packer recognition and how different we are from computers oh um genetic algorithms being pretty good I could take another feel kind of bad for a strength Dum [Music] we think the plan is next turn I will use essence of Darkness probably and that is good because it lets me kill them and also because it blocks for ton next turn when I'm getting attacked for 61 maybe I just dra genetic algorithm though nope uh biased Cog does bias Cog Electro do it I don't think [Music] so here's genetic a them also buffer I guess I was lowed to like turn there and I didn't oh well amplify electrodynamics is kind of hilarious here also looks pretty good I'm going to amplify [Music] drag another buffer fights over fights over I was going to say I didn't draw the echo form but then I did draw the echarm but yeah we we definitely didn't need the echo form to win this one Fon thanks for 36 months thanks for the three years thank you for supporting the channel I really appreciate it helps me do this for a living gambling chip has finally arrived gambling chip turbo I feel like that makes my deck so much better better than recycle recycle is okay feels like turbo is better uh so I don't need that or that I do want this I do want these I do want hologram so I can have another Frost orb actually recycle as me exhaust unupgraded card so I can upgrade genetic algorithm faster genius think I amplify fragment probably and just play buffer that's what buffer is for wait I should have played go that turn actually because it deals me two to play it this turn think about that my bad if I want to draw a card this turn I should do it now in case it's Echo form it wasn't Eco form okay cool uh that thing let's play that again why not keep the weon for a little while longer and I think it's fine to play this and play these take a little bit of damage it's not a big deal have to think a little bit about when the right moment is to play biased Cog I'm going to take a bunch of damage this turn just to clear my hand is now the correct time to play bias Cog maybe probably maybe I wait for Echo for I don't know I have buffer and weak still and stacks I think I'm good think I'm good let's [Music] go static discharge is kind of interesting here this [Music] thing this thing this thing maybe where's my Turbo I need that energy genetic algorithm upgrade finally happened nice um all right I generated an echo form which means I'll be able to have multiples stack this turn stack Echo form seems fine might as well play chill too uh now I start playing things twice probably good for me I do have to like kill it oh my God that's so many Acro forms all right I got three echoed cards go this one this one okay with this play capacitor once and play hologram on I don't really know headed seems okay ball lightning seems okay I think cool headed cool headed given the number of electrodynamics I have is 90 and I'm blocking for 90 six right 96 to play Turbo electrodynamics f is now over GG we have defeated the heart with the defect uh this was a really interesting act one where I could either go through four Elites or like one Elite with a bad path so I kind of had to go for the elite next one and I ended up getting a strike dummy and a horn CLE which helped a ton and also just rolling legoin with a cool-headed uh and I go for the Eyes Cold Snap in my deck early helped a lot got buffer that got me through the elites PR well now my deck was having a very large amount of trouble scaling uh at the end of act two I like almost died to Champ I didn't actually but it was a harder champ fight than you'd expect with how many Elites I killed in act one and two but I was able to add some def fragments and Echo for got runic pyramid all together and that wins the fight comfortably GG eventually there we go does amplifying Echo work it does something they make two different stacks of doubling the cards played in the turn so if you have two stacks of echo form you can play amplify twice and then if you play a power as your second card You'll Play it three times
Channel: Jorbs
Views: 20,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slay the spire, jorbs, slay the spire jorbs, slay the spire run, slay the spire ascension 20, ascension 20, slay the spire act 4, act 4 ascension 20, slay the spire win, slay the spire ascension 20 win, slay the spire act 4 win, slay the spire heart, slay the spire heart win, slay the spire heart ascension 20, slay the spire defect defect, slay the spire defect run, defect ascension 20, slay the spire defect win
Id: jWZjCl39MzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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