My New Job | Leaving the Classroom

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this is going to be a really challenging video to talk through but I'm gonna do my best to explain everything in this video so if you have seen the last video I will have it linked for you guys to go and check that out but I shared that I was cleaning out my classroom over the summer I had already packed everything down but I was moving everything out some of the things came to my house other things went into storage and I never really shared why I never shared what position I was going to be taking for this upcoming school year and so in this video I'm gonna talk you guys through all of it I'm gonna share the position that I'm going to be doing for this upcoming school year I'm going to share basically why I'm not in the classroom how I got that job and why I decided to take it so we sat down as a family Trent and I mainly and we did talk to our kids too because this does involve them and we were like listen you know this is a a really great opportunity it's going to provide me with different experience it's going to um offer some tremendous benefits to me um but I'm gonna get paid less so we sat down for a while and it was it was so interesting and I you know I really do believe in signs and that you know God will give you the signs uh when he wants you to follow a certain path when he has something laid out for you this the greater purpose in life and so I remember sitting I think it was like Wednesday I needed to give them a response by like Thursday or Friday and I had been thinking about it I was gonna say no like that was pretty much the path that I was on and I was like no I don't want to do this you know um and I remember coming into the office and saying I think you need to do it you need to take it we need to do this for us you know we're gonna figure it out we're gonna make it work it's gonna be fine and so I you know I cry when I'm stressed so I cried a little bit and he went downstairs to go and make us an omelette and my phone pinged for an email and so I opened up my phone and I saw that it was from a viewer and if you were watching this video then you are directly the purpose like the reason why I ended up accepting this position and you know who you are because you'll hear it in the email but she was responding to one of the Tuesday um the Tuesday email that I send out to my you know people who are subscribed to my email list and she was like you know I just want to thank you for you know what you've done the podcast the resources you know the inspiration the support and everything it really was my lifeline this year and then at the very bottom after she like wrote me this very sweet and beautiful message she said PS were you by chance at the Liu I was in to do a training and I thought I saw somebody that looked just like you but she says when I turned around you weren't there anymore and she goes I thought to myself oh how great would it be to have her as a staff developer and I just felt that in that moment that was my sign so I looked at my husband and I said I'm gonna accept the position and we're gonna just figure it all out like it's gonna be fine so I have officially accepted a position at an Liu which again I'm going to get into you in just a minute for a training and Consulting staff developer um and it's it's a very different position it's going to be taking me very much outside of my comfort zone but I'm excited about some of the opportunities and working with other teachers and going into schools and districts so um let's head upstairs and I'm going to share with you guys a little bit more about what the job entails I do want to say before I go into a little bit about what the position is because I know a lot of you are probably curious I would like to do a q a so if you have a question that I know don't necessarily answer in this video be sure to leave them in the comment section I'm going to be pulling some of those questions and then next week I'm going to do a q a about this position my feelings towards it all the things just please ask away because that's what I'm going to be answering I got a little winded walking dares oh my goodness so what is an Liu let's start there first so in the state of Pennsylvania an Liu Works between the school districts and the Department of Education for the state of Pennsylvania there are kind of Liaisons between that so any of the initiatives that the Department of Education is looking to push into school districts the Liu is there to support so they offer tons of different services to the school districts in my area so my Liu covers Three Counties and So within those Three Counties I think there are about 25 school districts not including any of the private schools and to that extent charter schools so on so forth so the Liu is kind of the middleman they offer a lot of special education services as well so let's say there's an intensive learning student within the school district they don't really have a teacher for that they can work with the Liu to have that student get the right Services through what they have so there are some Liu schools as well now that you have somewhat of a better understanding which you probably don't really have a great understanding of an Liu every school district falls under this a different Liu so there are a number of them under the state of Pennsylvania um it's something that I never experienced in Alabama so this is very very new to me I never quite understood what an Liu was and I and of course I'm going to become more familiarized with it the more I end up working with them so um under the Liu I mean they have everything they have special education teachers they have teachers because we have a school district we have schools uh and then there is the tax staff development team component and so the training and Consulting staff developer is basically a team of individuals who will help to push initiatives or support school districts in different initiatives to bring about school change so this can be from Behavior to academics and so one of the things that I will be working on is going to be the literacy component so I will be a training and Consulting staff developer with an emphasis on literacy I'm going to be pushing into school districts and schools to facilitate to mentor to coach and to provide my expertise in that specific area and so a lot of the times when I'm not at the school I will be working from home which is going to be a huge adjustment I did not go into this knowing that I was going to be working from home it was something that completely took me by surprise so I will be doing a lot of work from home there's going to be one day out of the month that I go to the Liu to work with them and then of course if there's professional development trainings that I'm providing or if I'm working with schools I will be in and out so it's going to be a very much a huge change for me um it's going to be something that I will have to work at finding routines for myself and so I will be sharing this journey as I go along um so that initiative the that what we call the mtss academic side of it is the one piece that I will be doing but I will also be supporting within the autism component as well so the autism team I will bring about a literacy perspective and how do we support our autistic Learners inside of the classroom and so I have those two teams that I will work directly with one team has about seven individuals the other one is about three so yeah I mean it's gonna be a huge change um but like I said I'm excited about the opportunities I'm excited to be able to grow and learn in a different area that I have not been able to and um for the experiences you know the connections with people the being able to work with other teachers and I this is just something that um I think is right for me right now so while it is very sad that I'm not going to be in the classroom next year um I will still be in the schools and I will still be supporting Educators all over my content here is not going to change other than classroom Vlogs you're not going to see a ton of them he heard somebody hold on it was just trying he is back um so I would assume we're getting ready to go to the river in just a little bit so I am very excited I am also incredibly nervous about this transition that I have going on this coming year but I'm going to be sharing it with all of you so I would love to know like what questions do you have again I'm going to answer it all inside of a q a video about this new position that I'm going to be doing and um yeah that's it I mean next year I'm a Staff developer now um it's kind of weird having gotten totally used to it I probably won't and wish me luck it's gonna be a definitely a wild Journey for sure so thank you guys for joining me on all of this for those of you that have just been watching me for years and years I am so appreciative for you um and I'm gonna take all the learning that I have gathered inside of my classrooms over the past 12 years and now start to implement it and serve so many other teachers and students which I'm very excited about but leave your questions guys in the comments and I'll see you in next week's video okay bye
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 21,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tips, The Lettered Classroom, classroom decor, first year teacher, classroom setup, classroom organization, a day in the life of a teacher, elementary teacher, middle school teacher, education, how to be a teacher, how to teach, new teacher, teacher youtuber, teacher vlog, weekly teacher vlog, classroom ideas, elementary teacher, classroom inspirations, teacher organization, upper elementary teacher, teacher life
Id: wc80As1K_kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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