Classroom Setup Day 1 & 2

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this is day one of classroom makeover I just showed up to my classroom I'm out of breath because I just unloaded a bunch of stuff that I've either bought or been donated and I needed to drop it off here but I'm a little overwhelmed let me just show you an overview of my room right now it's June 9th so they're like starting to paint walls my carpet's already cleaned but my goal this year is to get all of my makeover done in the month of June so that I do not have to come up here at all in July so let me show you okay so pretty much everything scooted to the middle which is pretty much how I left it but they're painting so they moved everything off the walls I am changing my theme completely so all the bulletin boards everything on the walls is pretty much coming down so we'll see how it goes [Music] foreign [Music] I took everything off this one everything off that and all the numbers there on the floor I'm keeping that and using it possibly and this is all the stuff I'm selling um I'm leaving the borders on I'm selling the borders but I'm leaving them on because my new border has not come in yet and so I want to get this bulletin board done and then all I would have to do is change out the Border but I don't want to put like the things too close to the border so I'm leaving on and then when my new one comes in I'll just swap it out and then I think I'm just going to go ahead and take this down because this color this blue does not match my new theme this pink we can work with this blue does not so I'm gonna completely take this down in a second too but I'm going to work on the alphabet and the clock and start working my way over there my goal today is to take everything down that I'm not using so thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] got this completely off it was my word wall in Bell Valley completely took that off um I took the Border off of this and my dates because both of those will change I think I'm Gonna Leave This for now I left it last year at the beginning of the year then I take it down and then I put it back up at the end of the year so I haven't decided if I'm gonna do that again or if I'm gonna change this but we're going to leave that for now um I got all the Border off the Whiteboard and my next task is to take the blue down because I'm for sure not using that so I'm going to do that and I'm probably going to take the affirmation mirror down and possibly this corner right here but I have to keep reminding myself to focus on the walls like I'm looking at all of this and I'm thinking about everything inside of there and it stressed me out but I'm just focusing on removing things from the wall [Music] thank you [Music] hey y'all here's all the stuff that I just ripped off off the walls I also in my cabinet and I have all of these things right here that I have not used this year so that's all going to be sold too and I'm so overwhelmed right now like oh my goodness so my plan is to focus on cleaning up this pile taking off the Staples out of all these products and organizing them in this this is going to my be my cell box this is what's for sale and then I'm gonna go through that box and make sure there's nothing I want to keep update nothing really on any of the walls and I took my cute little mirror down I'll probably start with this tomorrow and here is my two cell and my donation pile so hopefully all that stuff will be out of here by the end of the week and hopefully I can purchase some more stuff okay y'all I'm pretty much done for today I'm leaving earlier than I thought I would because I've hit a wall and I'm just tired and there's not much else for me to do so I have taken everything off the walls every single thing it makes me so sad um and I have started cleaning out to make a donate and sell pile so I will start selling and trying to get those things out of my classroom and I think tomorrow I'm going to start putting things up on the bulletin boards I'm not going to put anything up on the cinder block walls because I think they'll probably paint them or if there is any chance that they would paint I want to leave everything off so they can um easily because there's a couple spots that I yanked off with my hot glue um but yeah I've got my cell pile my donate pile I've got everything off the wall and I already have all of my new Decor themed prepped like I already have it printed and laminated and cut there's a couple things I still want to do um that I've forgotten to do that weren't included in the pack that I'm going to ask her to include um but I have a lot of things to put up on the wall but I forgot to get my laminator spray or my um the shine spray that takes the shine away so I am taking that home with me from here I'm going to do that tonight um so that those things will be ready to be on the wall but yeah I'm a little overwhelmed there's just every time that I come in here I have like a very clear set of what I need to do and then I walk in here and I get so overwhelmed I just have so much more stuff than I can even anticipate and I'm trying to minimize it so I'm really trying to purge and get stuff out but that's the update tomorrow we will Purge some more and get some more things up on the wall all right y'all here is day two of my classroom makeover my classroom is just how I left it and right now I think I'm gonna get some things up on the wall I started out by spraying everything that was laminated with this non-shiny spray paint it worked so well and I'm so glad that I took the time to do it once I got to school I decided to attack my reading wall I knew exactly how I wanted it and so I laid everything out and then I used the little tape trick to measure out things correctly throughout this video you'll get a little bit of a sneak peek of my new theme but I cannot wait to show you the final product when everything is done my goal this year for my classroom is to minimize everything minimize all the things that I have and minimize all the decorations that I have I feel like last year and in the past I have covered the walls from head to toe with decorations and educational posters and it's just been too much and it's too overwhelming I want my students and I to have a clear clean and organized space to walk into for a fresh learning environment and I feel like to do that I am only going to fill the bulletin boards I'm not going to put anything on the cinder block walls this year and I'm just gonna see how it goes after the bulletin boards are filled up I'm just going to go from there with that being said that means that I have to purge a lot of things including my old classroom decor and I'm going through all my cabinets and all my storage and I'm cleaning out if I haven't used it in the past two years then it is going on Facebook Marketplace so yeah I'm pretty much purging everything my classroom Decor all my cabinets I'm going to go through everything and make sure that everything I have is something that I will actually use this year I feel like as teachers you guys know that it's so hard to purge and get rid of things because your brain is always thinking oh my goodness what if I can use that next year or the year after that and I've just got to stop that mindset because I just don't have enough storage in my classroom and so I'm doing it this year y'all I'm ripping the Band-Aid off and I am hardcore approaching [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] so my goal for this project is to be done at the end of June and to not step foot back in my classroom until I am contracted to you on August 1st something to know about me is that if I have something to do or if I know I'm going to do something it will bother me until it gets done and so I know that I will not be able to relax all summer until I get my classroom for the most part finished so I have the rest of this week and then I'm going on vacation next week and then when I get back I'll have one week before June is over so I have about seven days left to get this classroom done I'm hoping to get it all done because I really just want to take the entire month of July off and set that boundary so that I am not up at the school every single day in July of course you guys know that I will keep you updated let's hope that I can get it done [Music] well alphabet is done I'm definitely gonna add stuff down here and change the Border out but my big goal was to get the alphabet done got it done it looks pretty darn even to me and my next task is working on the affirmation mirror okay next up is the affirmation wall I don't have the border to put around it but we're gonna put what we have up and this is my first time using this so we'll see how it goes [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] here is my affirmation mirror so far it will look way better once I get some border um this was probably my favorite area of my room last year and I love it so much already but I'm gonna get some border and border around the mirror and that like just tied it together last year I know it's gonna tie this one together but I have to get stuff done I cannot wait on the border so here's the update task is to make my flip chart calendar so I've got everything laid out I'm going to hole punch put the Rings in and then I will go put it over there okay y'all I'm putting the little dates on my clip I just hole punch them and I'm ready to assemble so here's where I'm at I have tried to purge and I just like can't look at the stuff anymore so I'm not gonna Purge because I'm just not in the right mind space for it I got my flip calendar done the affirmation station with the mirror in my alphabet and half of my reading wall back there and so I'm kind of just like at a point where I need to move on to another bulletin board by jarada map um blueprint of my classroom and that's on Eli's iPad so I don't want to do something and then it'd be different because I was really pleased with how my blueprint turned out so I got two things from Ikea and I think I'm just gonna build those because they have to get done eventually and I can't think about anything else like I need something where it's just like do it and you don't have to think about it so I think that's my plan [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] for day two I changed out my little cart so cute I also changed out the date I have reorganized my for sale and donation pile and I attempted to do this Ikea thing except I tried to do it with my hands and it hurt like fire so I need to grab a screwdriver and bring that back I got my alphabet and reading wall little top sign done I obviously still need to change out the border and add some things to the bottom I got my affirmation mirror done but I need to add border to the side as well and I think that's all I'm gonna do today okay this is what I have finished now um I put our voice levels up our hand signals and then right here is where our um whole brain teaching rules are gonna go I need to change the Border as well but um it has not come in yet and then also our whole brain teaching rules I need to print those off tonight but I got that done
Channel: Hanna Beth Paul
Views: 17,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ggpxk9kPtEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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