Shopping for My First Classroom + Haul | Target Dollar Spot, Michaels, & More!

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foreign hey guys welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you are new I am Kristen also known as lovely Kristen I am an upcoming first year teacher teaching kindergarten so yeah guys welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to be taking you guys along as I go look and as many stories as I possibly can today um for just storage stuff for my classroom like bands different things like that I also want to look for a bookshelf not really looking for school supplies because I want to wait and see what my school gives me first and yes I will be taking you guys a long excuse the steps toward the ladder thing in the back we are about to go ahead and head out I'm with my brother and my mom today [Music] please so so far I haven't seen much in here I did see a couple things that I could use for flexible seating but I'm already getting flexible seating so I pass on those but I do see this little something about getting this put in my chair in the calm corner so yeah I think I'm gonna get this it's only 15 so still in Big Lots I think I'm gonna get this instead of the rainbow pillow that I just showed you guys because this is going to be for my calm corner and I just feel like this blue goes perfect with the posters that I'm gonna put in that section and then I just feel like with the rainbow since it's like real colorful and bright I just want that area to be kind of like calm and not too too much and when I show you guys the posters it'll make sense good [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys so it is a couple days later we went shopping for my classroom on Friday and it's currently Sunday but I did want to go ahead and sit down and show you guys everything that I have purchased for my classroom so far a couple things I actually got prior to filming this video that I will show you guys first so all of those things are from Walmart the section the Walmart dollar section so similar to Target but for Walmart and so I will start with those things first and then I'll show you things that I got during this Vlog which was like things from Target Michaels and then we went to Dollar Tree but I didn't film Us in Dollar Tree because I was just trying to figure out if I wanted to get those things or not and I wasn't sure I ended up getting a couple well actually a few Supply bands that I don't think I'm Gonna Keep I'm actually gonna return those things oh and I forgot we did go into Big Lots as well so I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys everything that we got so far yes I'm in a hat again because your girl has been loving hats lately just because I'm just overdoing my hair and I need a protective style like ASAP so I'm just gonna be rocking my hats for a little minute until I can figure out what I want to do with my hair because again I'm just over it plus I'm a hats girl like I love hats so it's okay so let's go ahead and get started so the first thing that I got from Walmart are these reward erasers which I thought would be perfect for our class dojo store so there are 32 in each and they say ages five plus so I thought these were perfect for kindergarten so I had the apples here I have crayons and then the rainbow so I just got three packs of those because again there are 32 in each and I thought these would be perfect for our Rewards than um wet towels also got this Locker mirror from Walmart which I thought was perfect for an affirmation station I have been telling my mom that I didn't want like a full-size mirror or anything just something small for kindergarten that they can look into it says ages five plus on it and I know it's not in the pack I would insert a picture so you guys can see what it looks like and it says stay positive going around it and I love it um I think it's perfect for our affirmation station it does have a magnet on it so I was able to easily stick it on my whiteboard but I got to thinking that I'm already using my whiteboard for so many other things so I may just stick it on the wall and just have our information station be on the wall but I did think that it was very convenient that I was able to put it on my whiteboard as an option as well and then the last well not the last um so I also got the dry erase Pockets so I got three of each color you know obviously these are great for small groups you know centers you can never have too many dry erase Pockets so did want to pick up a few of those and then I got this chalk I think it ended up being like 87 cents a pack so I got like four packs of these they each have 20 pieces in them because you have to have chalk for kindergarten right so yeah so that's everything that I got from Walmart now I'm gonna go ahead and just show you the one thing that I got from Big Lots which I filmed it I got this pillow I thought this would be perfect for our calm down corner but um as I was looking at the posters I realized it doesn't really match the way I would want it to so I may be returning this it was only eleven dollars cute but like I said it doesn't really match the posters the way I wanted to and so we'll see the colors a little bit off but everything doesn't have to be matching matchy I know but still and then moving along to Target I got more dry erase Pockets so some blue ones black ones and purple ones because you can never have enough of those [Music] so all this stuff that I'm about to show you right now was in the Target dollar spot section so I got these flash cards I got the colors and shapes I got the alphabet ones and I got the Edition ones so yes I need to go back and look to see if I can see more of those because they just come in handy for extra practice if I'm working one-on-one with a student or even if I'm working with a group of students at my teacher because with the students at my future table and of course I got 10 of these so they're four in here so 10 of these hashtag blocks because what's the hashtag watch right so yes I got these for my stem bands which I heard you guys what I plan to use um the shelf that I plan to use for my stem bands slash morning tubs and so I'm gonna need quite a bit of things to fill that up and so I definitely wanted the hashtag blocks and then I got these trays here which I thought were perfect so I actually need one more because I got to thinking about it and I didn't want one for when my kids come in in the morning and I'm gonna have a shelf for them to put their lunch boxes for those of them who have lunch boxes and then on top of the Shelf will be one of these for them to put their daily communication folders in and so I need one more of these because I do plan to use two of them so like one for my turn-in band and then one for my pickup van so like if I have early finishers so when they're turning their paper then they can pick up something else to do so that's how I plan to use these two and like I said I need one more for my students to have somewhere to put their daily communication folders what else did I get so I guess I can go ahead and show you guys the book bands that I got so I actually ended up getting 12 of these for my classroom library and I was debating if I wanted colored bins or if I just wanted all white bands or even like the clear beans and I decided to get the all-white ones I just love how clean they look and I just I just love the look of the all-white ones and so yeah if I want to add a little bit of color you know of course books will be colorful right books come in all different colors but then I can add like colored labels depending on how I choose to categorize my classroom Library so like I said I ended up getting 12 of these if I need more I'll pick up more but um 12 I think is a good start especially because I'm still growing my classroom Library as a first year teacher also got these blocks that I thought were perfect for like small group whenever we're like um blending words and things like that so they're perfect for a spelling as you can see it's giving an example so I was thinking how I could use them and say if we're like practicing spelling and blending CBC words then I could tell my students to write the first sound they hear the second sound or the middle sound and then the last sound and then the word so it'll be c a t and then cat so you will sound it sound it out and then we'll blend it and um say the word so I thought that that would be perfect for that I only got one of those um I wish I would have gotten more I may go back a little bit more but I thought that that was really neat and then I got these puzzle blocks so I thought these were perfect for centers as well I got the numbers and then I got the letters now I have seen the ones that were just the letters without the pictures and I really wish they had those but they only had the ones with the letters and the pictures it'll be fine they'll work just as good but I love with the numbers I love that it also has like the addition and subtraction symbol the equal sign obviously we won't be doing Division and multiplication in kindergarten but I thought that these would be perfect for it for obviously number recognition but then also for adding and subtraction as well I found a resource on TPT that would be really good to use with the numbers I'm still looking for one for using the letters I'll let you guys know what I find so that is everything do you get a bookshelf from Target I'm getting confused because my mom ordered me a shelf off of Amazon that my kids can use for their lunch boxes so I'll show you guys that one and then I also got a bookshelf from Target as well but I'm actually gonna have to return it because my bands are kind of hanging off of it and I don't want them hanging off the shelf um so they just need to be the shelves need to be a little bit wider so that the bands can fit a little bit better on them so yeah I'm gonna end up returning that more than likely and that is everything that I got from Target so now let's get into the stuff that I got from Michael's so first let's start with because there's something that I'm missing but it's not over here I forgot to grab it but first let's start with this 100 acts of kindness poster I am obsessed I love it so much it also so it's two in one um two pieces yeah and so it also comes with this I don't know why I'm holding it like that this poster that says being kind is uplifting I may not use this one um I just really like this one that's the main reason why I got it and so I thought that this would be really fun to put up on the wall and every time a student is being kind um they can go fill in one of the hearts and by however long it takes for us to fill this up then we'll do a kindness celebration for the entire class so I thought that this was really cute and I'm so excited to use it in my class hope please while I go get the test cart boxes that I want to show you guys that I got from Michael's so here they are guys I was trying to decide between the clear ones or the color ones and I ultimately decided to just get the clear ones but um they were on sale for twenty dollars so I was like that is great There are 16 that come in here I feel like I'm gonna need another set because I do plan to use these for both my stem bands and for centers for stem bands I really want the kids to challenge themselves so I'm thinking about including challenge cards and some of them so that they'll really you know get creative and think outside of the box and so um I plan to use these for both so I'm definitely probably going to need another set so I need to go back to Michael's weather still on sale but yeah I wanted to go ahead and show you guys these and now I will also show you the tindroid cart that I got from Michael's as well and then the shelf that my mom got for me from Amazon that the kids can use for their lunch boxes so I'm going to show you guys that and then I'll also show you the bookshelf from Target that I'm going to return I'll be back okay guys so here is the shelf that my mom bought for the kids to put their lunch boxes on so this is what it looks like and the tray that I was talking about would just sit up here here is my lovely tender so much here's the bookshelf I really wish I could keep it but um you know I can't also I was gonna get two of them if I needed if I ended up needing to but I was just gonna see how warm was going to work first and go from there because obviously I'm still growing my library but just wanted to show you guys this real quick thank you guys so much for tuning in that is everything that I wanted to show you in this video stay tuned for my Amazon wishlist haul that's coming very soon um so I think I'm about to actually run out to go to Target to return everything that I need to return and I also want to pick up more of those hashtag blocks I just want to make sure that there's enough for a table you know in the morning I don't want there to be too little of anything so I'm gonna go and pick up at least 10 more of those because I have 10 already 10 packs so I'm going to pick up 10 more and I also want to get an even amount of those dry erase packets in is anybody else like this like I'll have four kids at each table so I want to make sure that they'll each have the same color weird I know but that's just how my mind works my Virgo mine but anyways I hope that you guys enjoyed this video please don't forget to comment like And subscribe all of your support means the world to me I really appreciate it I will see you guys back here next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Kristen Leonard
Views: 3,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AVy5A_5n8yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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