Classic Rice Pudding - Old Fashion Creamy Rice Pudding Recipe - One-Pot Method

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Ahhhh Chef John...ennn-joy! I'm making this tomorrow. It looks great!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hari___Seldon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 02 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I will never not give the ooolll upvote to chef john

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Vinicelli ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 02 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with classic rice pudding that's right this is one of those homey comforting desserts that nobody wants but that everybody loves and what I mean by that is you never really hear about someone craving rice pudding I mean nobody's ever looked at a dessert menu at a restaurant and said oh man there's no rice pudding on here but despite that when you make this and serve it to people they absolutely love it and by the way not only am I going to show you how to make this crowd-pleasing dessert I'm going to show you how to make it a lot easier with our proprietary one pop method so with that let's go ahead and get started with our one pot into which we're gonna add some long grain rice and I know you may have heard short grain and medium grain rice work better for this but in my opinion they don't at least not for what we're calling classic rice pudding so we're going with the long grain to which we're gonna add some salt as well as of course some nice fresh cold water and then once that's at we'll head over to the stove where we're gonna bring this up to a boil over medium-high heat and this is probably a good time to mention if you have leftover rice from that takeout last night you can just skip this step but anyway we're gonna bring that up to a boil over medium high at which point we will reduce our heat to low cover this and set our timer for 20 minutes and if everything's gone according to plan once that timer rings we should be looking at some very nice tender soft rice okay we really do want this fully cooked before we proceed to the next steps so we'll go ahead and check that with the fork and I'm happy to report mine was perfect and your should be too after 20 minutes and then what we're gonna want to do at this point is turn off the heat as well as toss in our sugar and our milk and then what we're gonna do while the heat is off is stir this with a whisk until the bottom of the pan is completely clean and deglazed so as I mentioned earlier we're just gonna use one pot here which is not the normal method okay virtually every other recipe calls for transferring the cooked rice into another pot before you make the pudding and the reason for that is they're worried we're gonna scorch the bottom of our pan because of that layer starts it's already on the bottom but as you know we have tricks so by stirring in this cold milk with the heat off we're gonna deglaze that thin layer or cook down starch from the bottom and as long as your heats off and you give it a minute or two as you'll see all that's gonna dissolve and the bottom of your pan will be clean and once that's been accomplished there's almost no chance this is gonna burn so take that to pot methods and then once we're confident that there's nothing stuck to the bottom of the pan we can put our heat back to medium and cook this for about ten minutes or so or until it's done and the reason it done is in quotes is because you're gonna have to decide when that happens okay the longer we cook this mixture the thicker and stickier it's going to be okay because those grains of rice are gonna continue to cook and swell and eventually they'll just collapse completely and you'll have something super thick and starchy but I generally don't like to let it go that far okay while I do like them very very soft I do want some identifiable grains of rice in this sort of cloaked in a sweet creamy sauce so I cook mine for about 10 minutes or so until it looked like this but like I just said you might want to go for five more minutes totally up to you you are after all the Richard Hertz of your comforting old-fashioned desserts and then what we'll do once we decide is cook long enough is turn off the heat and stir in the rest of the ingredients we'll do a nice pinch of cinnamon some real vanilla extract and an egg yolk and please note how as soon as that egg yolk hits the pan I'm stirring immediately and vigorously until it disappears okay really we're supposed to temper that egg yolk before we add it but as long as your heats off and you stir fast and furious you will be okay so we'll go ahead and give that a whisk until we're sure it's all incorporated and then we'll whisk it for another 20 seconds just to be sure at which point we will introduce our last two ingredients some butter and if we're adding it some dried fruit and if you'll indulge me let me do one of my rare freeze frames because I have a couple things to quickly explain number one that butter is not dirty that's a cinnamon fingerprint by the way in case you're wondering not admissible in court and then secondly if you are writing dry fruit may I suggest some chopped-up dried cherries instead of the traditional raisins okay that's enough let's get back to the action and stir that in so as you know I'm not a huge raisin fan so for me personally these dried cherries work much better they're gonna add that same kind of dried fruit sweetness without that off-putting texture I don't enjoy with the raisins and then once we have that all stirred together technically it's ready to serve if you want to serve it hot which I do not recommend I mean it's not like it's going to taste and some people enjoy this warm but I think it's a far superior desert once it's chilled and gelatinized so what I like to do while still warm is transferred into whatever cups I'm going to serve it in and if we want and it's optional we could give that the old Taba Taba to settle it down and kind of flatten it out a little at which point we will let those cool down to room temp and once that's happened we will wrap them up and pop them in the fridge until very very thoroughly chilled and yes by far that is the hardest part of this recipe but somehow I managed to do it and then once those are chilled we can pull them out and serve them in so many different wonderful ways and I'm going to show you a couple the first a most classic would be to dust the top with some cinnamon and enjoy as is which is probably my favorite by the way this is also wonderful top of the fresh fruit but anyway I'm going to dust that with cinnamon and our classic rice pudding is done and waiting for someone with a spoon to enjoy it and for now that someone is me so let me go ahead and dig in and that my friends is just the epitome of a comforting stick-to-your-ribs homey old-fashioned dessert just sweet enough just starchy enough it's just very easy for all your senses to understand and I'm not sure exactly how well you can see it but if you cook it as much as I cook mine it's all gonna be very soft and tender but it's still identifiable as grains of rice and like I said earlier it's all being sort of held together by this beautiful sticky creamy sauce so I was 100% happy with how that came out but as you know I'm never satisfied with just happiness so I decided to try another one using the same technique we do for a creme brulee I decided to sprinkle a little white sugar over the top and then I fired up my trusty blowtorch which you really should buy at a hardware store and not in one of those fancy kitchen equipment stores where it's gonna cost you twice as much but anyway using that exact same technique we will melt that sugar over the top and if you're wondering now would it glaze this all the way to the edge but I didn't fill my cup up enough and I was afraid to char and or break the glass but anyway I think it kind of looks nice with it just glazed in the center and that's the story I'm gonna stick with and then once that sugar has been torched it will cool down it to a very thin very crispy layer which we will now verify because as you know spoon don't lie oh yeah that sounds good so I dug into my second rice pudding would you my age is probably one pudding too many and while this approach is definitely different I thought it was just as delicious the only thing that's a little weird is the rice right under the surface is a little bit warm so not only do we get a contrast and texture but we also get one in temperature which you may or may not like but anyway that's it my take on classic rice pudding as I mentioned in the intro this isn't really dessert people know they want until they give it then they're like oh yeah that's exactly what I wanted so for those reasons and more I really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to food wishes dot-com for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,115,760
Rating: 4.8853025 out of 5
Keywords: Rice, Pudding, Classic, stove top, Recipe, Creamy, dessert, sweet, chef, john, foodwishes, food, cooking, recipes, american, traditional, cherries
Id: unR-MpB1l2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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