How to Make Simple Rice Pudding

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hi Phyllis here from southern frugal comm we're getting ready to make some rice pudding now rice pudding is one of my absolute favorite things I can make it in the morning to eat the whole thing before summertime is nothing else all day but rice pudding and I'm going to show you the reason I like it so much first of all it tastes really good and secondly just for some reason it gives me a lot of energy so if I'm cleaning house and I've got some rice pudding in the refrigerator and I eat a little Bowl I'm good for a couple hours non-stop a little more a couple more hours and just work all day long physical stuff I'm talking about so I have kind of perfected my rice pudding too exactly like I like it and there are some options on the recipe I'm going to use pineapple today now this is pineapple that we got at the farmers market no no no maybe two months ago and it comes in a box of six and they were real pretty and so got them home and of course cut them kind of peel them cut them up and put them in freezer bags and froze them now that's what I'm going to put in the rice pudding this is one cup of previously frozen pineapple and I cut it into little bitty sections but in this recipe you can use whatever you want to you could use a can of fruit cocktail just drain it and put the fruit in the rice pudding you can just cut up apples you can put nuts in it and of course the traditional thing to do is put rice is it and I like that too and you can just mix stuff all up like apples raisins nuts put that in there whatever you want to do it just it's just delicious okay all right let's get started then the first thing you want to do is set your oven to 325 degrees and butter a casserole meal I have very generously buttered this little casserole dish or clipping this will hold all that I'm going to make I think my camera's on soon so let me back it up there you go there it is well buttered casserole dish and you'll need three cups of cooked rice now we had rice at lunch and I deliberately cooked a lot more than we would eat because I was planning to make rice pudding and you need one and a half cups of whole milk a couple of tablespoons of melted butter three whole eggs vanilla extract and you will definitely need ground nutmeg or if you you know kind of grind your own it takes about 1/4 of a teaspoon of ground nutmeg and of course some salt all right we're ready now you don't have to have a mixer or anything for this you can just use a whisk and what I like to do is put my eggs in first then my sugar and that sugar will help you know get those eggs beat up really well and you could use an electric mixer there's really no need to do that alright next I'm going to put in my two tablespoons of melted butter whisk that all around next I'm going to put in my nutmeg fourth of a teaspoon now I'm just going to use a heaping fourth of a teaspoon they got it kind of hating because I love nutmeg a full teaspoon of vanilla extract and about a half a teaspoon of salt that should do it and then just mix that all up now I'm going to pour in the I'll start with just a half cup and then the full two cups now sometimes it's a good idea to put that nutmeg in with your sugar before you put it in kind of mix it up otherwise you get a little itty-bitty lumps in there but you know that make that much difference so just mix this not thoroughly I've got to tell you another little story in case my sister watches this I'm going to show my face okay a few years ago I got this idea why don't we build our own little somewhere oven so I kind of drew it out on paper and me and my husband built at one Saturday afternoon now it cost us a lot more to build it I mean I could have bought one for what it costs to build it we built it out of some wood plywood and of course gotta have it insulated and then I have to the that shining paper caramel what you call the mala that's what it is the shiny Oh besides I had to order a whole roll of it and that's your reflecting material and anyway we could do a whole bunch of stuff in it was that the oven is fantastic I mean it just cooks stuff in a different way and of course you don't have a sunshiny day and you know the months in South Carolina when you can look forward to a clear sunny day with being probably an October of the month of May then in the summertime you have a lot of haze anyway to make a long story short we cooked all kinds of things and everything we fixed in there from baking a chicken we've even fixed pork in there and after its baked beans and one day fixed rice pudding I can't even begin to tell you how good it want to see I mean I love it anyway but it was the best rice pudding I ever fit and I'm not sure why other than the sun's rays those rays don't darkness harsh a heat as like when you put something me of it or cook it on the step alright I digress ok but needless to say rice pudding is probably if not my most favorite real close to be a math most favorite thing to eat alright we've got that pretty little mixed up now and now I'm going to put the rice combine it in to this mixture and this is three cups of cooked rice and this happens to be jasmine rice which is a sticky rice I don't want to dump it all that it wants cuz it'll splash everywhere about that all right that's got it get that up - all right now you just want to mix it up and of course it's going to sing real watery because it is watery okay but after it cooks in the oven a lot of the liquid will evaporate and you'll have a wonderful rice pretty all right now I'm going to add in the fresh or really fresh frozen pineapple now you're going to bake this at 325 degrees for 30 minutes after 30 minutes you just need to open your oven and take a spoon and kind of stir everything up because the rice and probably the food will sink to the bottom all right that's all there is to it see how quick and easy that was to mix up so you need to make sure you know you have to use cooked rice and the way I do it is if I know I want some rice pudding I will just fix a whole bunch more rice than what I know we're going to eat all right so now we're going to pour it in here and there you have it now we're going to bake this again at 325 and I want to emphasize this after 30 minutes you want to take a spoon here's one and just stir it from the bottom to stir it all up and that way the fruit and the rice will all be mixed perfectly in and we won't have to worry about it and again I just want to say you know you can use any kind of fruit you want traditionally you would use raisins but you can use peaches for cocktail of fresh apples chopped up and put nuts in it just anything you want to have you don't have a frozen pineapple or even fresh pineapple you can use canned pineapple just chop it up into little segments just make sure you get the 16 ounce can or 18 I'm not sure what it is and drain it alright we're going to put this in the oven it's going to be cooking for an hour and we'll be back okay here's the recipe for the simple rice pudding and they're the options for the different fruit you just need one cup of something to put in there or any kind of combination there are the directions and you see that on the side refrigerate leftovers this is a custard pudding so it does need to be refrigerated of course you know when you first take it out of the oven we just go ahead and take some out and put some butter or whipped cream on top of it and we start eating it so and you'll need to bake it at 325 for one hour maybe a little longer you need to test it before you take it out of the oven but after about thirty minutes you'll need to stir it and make sure you know the rice have them just totally settled to the bottom and the fruit to stir it so everything will be distributed and then cook it for another 30 minutes okay there you have it simple rice pudding we'll be back when this gets done and I'll show you what it looks like all right back in a minute all right this rice pudding has been cooking for 30 minutes now I'm just going to stir it it's kind of hard to stir it hold the camera to plus the ovens hot just go stir it up make sure that the rice doesn't just go all the way to the bottom lip spermogram all right now I'm just going to smooth it out a little bit and it's going to go back in the oven the door shut for thirty more minutes and then we'll be back and you see that out a little bit more all right we'll be back all right the rice pudding has cooked for an hour and it's all ready now if you don't it might be a little runny if you dip it out when it's this but I really don't care so I'm going to go ahead and dip us out some big bowl of it because this is actually going to be our supper tonight then we want a big blob of butter on it there you go can't wait all right we will see you next time and I hope you'll try this for some reason I just get a lot of energy from eating rice pudding and I've been known to eat it for breakfast lunch and supper whatever I don't cook it that often but when I do we eat all of it within two days it's all gone all right we'll see you next time
Channel: Phyllis Stokes and Son
Views: 131,445
Rating: 4.9160471 out of 5
Keywords: Pudding, rice pudding, how to make rice pudding, quick and easy rice pudding, raisins for rice pudding, old recipe for rice pudding, solar cooking rice pudding, dried dates, Jasamine Rice, Thai Rice, hot rice pudding
Id: d4SOlnergdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2013
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