Bake Mini Egg NY Cookies! They’re Chunky, Gooey and Delicious! | Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to the cupcake gemma channel with me dain and me sally and we are back together here in the cnd soho store which means cookie time and today we are finally going to combine two of my favorite things because easter is just around the corner we've got mini eggs and cookies which means it's mini egg cookie time and of course we're going to share that recipe with you guys so let's head on upstairs and we'll do just that [Music] and as usual not only are we going to be showing you the recipe for these cookies we've got a baker home kit which we created yes and of course this has got everything you need to make 12 delicious mini egg cookies at home which is fabulous news for all of you you can get yourselves one of these from or crumbs and doilies dot credit uk and if you're one of our bait club members over on you can get a 20 discount on this kit so i think you should probably come and join us there because we've got loads of other cool stuff there too like loads of behind the scenes action and we've just been like kitting out this brand new studio haven't we yeah it looks very very cool yes it's gonna be beautiful so if you want to come and see a little bit of like sneak peeks on what's going on then head to forward slash cupcake gemma anyway right let's get to bacon yes so finally first thing is first is the butter so we've got 230 grams of really cold cubed butter here and all of our mic cookies start with cold butter it's really important cool so that's going to go straight into the mixer first so we'll dump that in and then we're also going to add in our sugars at this stage right yeah we've got a mixture of soft light brown sugar and caster sugar this kind of gives it a caramel flavor and the caster sugar dissolves nice and easily in the cookies we've got 165 grams of soft light brown sugar and 165 grams of caster sugar and what we're going to do first is turn the mixer on to a low speed and we're just going to kind of sort of combine the two but only until they get to this kind of buttery sugary nuggety stage now if you've never seen one of our new york cookie recipes before i'll just quickly show you what we want this butter to look like these are our buttery sugary nuggets big old chunks of butter in there and that is how we get those really nice chunky tear apart kind of cookies if you haven't seen any of our cookie recipes i don't really know what you've been doing with your life but don't worry we will put a playlist in the description box below and also remember to subscribe to the channel too yes it's very easy the button is right below somewhere around here next we are going to add some mini eggs because these are mini egg cookies i've got 160 grams here which i'm carefully chopping because they're very got a very hard outer shell and you can't just go chop chop chop also fly everywhere and you might cut your finger off so be very careful i'm doing these one at a time or you can put them in a bag and bash them and it's totally up to you there might also be slightly less than 160 grams sorry because someone ate some right so while stain is cutting those up i'm going to pop in some chocolate chips so we've got 150 grams of both white chocolate and milk chocolate going right on in are you ready i'm ready right do you want to save back a couple so we're going to put some of these on the outside of our cookies once we board them so we'll just save those back oh sorry and then these we will carefully chuck in here there we go so what we're going to do now pop the mixer back on just to the low speed and only for like a few seconds just to distribute the chocolate around the batter these are going to be mega chocolaty cookies can't wait next up we've got our dry ingredients so we've got 500 grams of plain flour some baking powder two teaspoons and one teaspoon of salt going in and we'll give those a little mix why sally well we basically don't want to over mix this batter at all we don't want the butter to kind of cream with the rice of the ingredients so we just kind of mix all the dry together so that the mix is not having to do too much work correct correct i passed anyway let's chuck all of this dry ingredients into the bowl again we're going to go back on to the low speed until we get to a breadcrumb consistency all right breadcrumb consistency has been achieved you want me to show you here we go obviously you still got those big chunks of chocolate in there and there will still be some buttery chunks as well that is a okay and now we just need to bind all of this together which we'll do through the power of egg and again like we mix the flour up first we're going to whisk the eggs just to break them up so again the mix is not going to be kind of overworking the batter beautiful so back onto the low speed and we're just going to keep that mixing until it starts to come together to form a dough [Music] so this will take a little bit of time and actually what you want to do is take it off before it kind of clumps together into one big dough as you can see it still looks quite crumbly but all the flour has been hydrated so it's not kind of like dry if you go to the stage and it still has like lots of dry flour in it just add a little bit more egg um we did like a cookie master class didn't we we did um when we go into loads of detail about what you guys are finding hard or things are happening to your cookies we've answered all those questions we'll put a link to the video in the description box below but for goodness sake throw it onto the camera [Laughter] look at that oh beautiful time to don our gloves this is very interesting to watch isn't it and it is time to weigh out our cookie balls so what size are we doing today um 125 grams like always because that's the best size it's remember too small want a nice chunky big cookie absolutely so i'm going to weigh and you're going to demonstrate the clunk clunk smush whatever we're calling it these days so we always weigh because we want them to be perfect right yeah she says there we go yeah nice so what we want to do is just squish it together like this oh i'm going to go squish squish today and you just want to go squish squish so it's like a round knobbly wall like this and you can see those little flecks of mini eggs but we saved some back earlier on and we're just going to press them in the outside like this just get a nice variation of colors on there because when it bakes they will stick out and it'll give the outside of your cookie a little bit more color and make it pop yay cool well i will do a bit of squish squish just to help you out thank you there we go so what dane's doing after he's popped his minions on is putting them into tupperware because we got to freeze these guys we need to bake these from frozen that's how you get a crispy outside and a gooey center it isn't good grab yourself a tupperware or something you can put them in and then cling wrap them yes here we go montage [Music] beautiful thank you very much hey i did half of the work right so those need to go in the freezer now i mean ideally overnight but if not like two to three hours just so they really firm up so that we bake from frozen luckily nikki actually very kindly made us some earlier which had been in the freezer and they're nice and hard and cold so let's head on over to the oven that was my moonwalk i liked it hang on actually you're gonna have to pull that out yeah so we've got the baking tray in there heating up so that we get a nice um crispy bottom to our cookies yeah i'll do that and then our space oh long arms over there you can put them on space them out a bit because they are going to spread just going to keep going yeah that's okay more all right slide them on in our oven is preheated to 180 degrees c so super duper hot and we're going to bake those for 16 minutes until then lightly golden on the outside [Music] [Music] the smell of mini eggs is in the air it's excited with those colorful eggy shells no they don't egg yourselves they're like sugary shells and they're really crispy they look like this yum yum yum i thought you just ate a bit then no sorry no help me oh my gosh yeah freshly baked cookies nothing better they're still slightly warm which is how you should eat them right let's eat them yeah okay we're just like staring like come on who doesn't love a mini egg i mean it really does come through yeah it's just a bit of chocolate like it's so not it's like the taste of the shells yeah they're very specific taste well there's nothing like it don't go out there don't scrimp and scrape and get yourself those fake knock-off mini eggs people get their yellow packet ones which of course you'll get in the bake at home kit two whole bags may i add um if you want to get your hands on one of these you've got everything except butter and eggs you have to get those yourselves sorry um but if you want to get one head to cupcake or as well and remember if you are a bake club member then you'll get 20 off you'll get a discount code over there i'm not really sure how it works nikki will sort it all out for you guys though yeah and if you head over to c d soho on the easter week then we will have an easter menu in store full of lots of different egg cupcakes creme egg cupcakes we'll have sweet the ones with the little nests on top with the eggies inside the ones with the little meringue chicken yeah it's just like the cutest time of year yeah they look super cute and um you can get that all on easter week yay so hopefully we'll see you then and it's school holidays so i hope that loads of you come down and see us but also remember to keep sharing your photos with us over on instagram we want to see your cookies and all your easter baking so remember to tag us cupcake gemma and follow us at cupcake gemma and at crumbs and dory's as well and we've got those but the easter recipes on the channel there's a playlist so go and check that out um for more easter recipes from us cool right until then over and out time to eat cookies have a great week delicious [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 54,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert, mini eggs, mini eggs cookies, mini egg NY cookies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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