Creamy Polenta & Polenta Cake | Chef Jean-Pierre

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okay friends it's in the oven i just love it in there for the last few minutes and this is how you make a polenta cake and it's delicious stay tuned i'm gonna show you exactly how to make it this is really delicious well hello there friends another essential i call it essential because this is going to go on our playlist and the essential you know that's where we put the pesto that's where we put some basic things like the garlic puree and all the stuff that you need that are essential and this my friends is an essential thing to learn how to make it's a goat cheese polenta you can serve it with so many things i mean you don't have to put the goat cheese sometimes i put it with brie cheese i put it with cheddar cheese parmigiano-reggiano you pick the cheese you put it in there it's very simple to make and it's not complicated i don't do anything complicated if it's complicated i don't do it you guys want to do things that are simple and are delicious i love to serve it with a garlic shrimp i love to serve it with short ribs i love to serve it with any any chicken any fish as a society i grew up on gold cheese polenda ono polenta my mom is italian and uh and instead of mashed potato we would have polenta with so many different things you put spinach you can put mushroom in it you're gonna put sun-dried tomatoes you're gonna put all kinds of things in it let me get going and do it we got a beautiful chicken stock we got some buttermilk we have some cornmeal this is the part cooked cornmeal it goes faster it's very fine cornmeal it's from goya food it's delicious you can use whatever you want i have corn you can use frozen corn that's not a problem i have cheddar cheese you can use cheddar cheese parmigiano reggiano goat cheese eggs three eggs and a little bit of garlic and a little bit of hot sauce you do whatever you want with it the ingredient those are the basic ingredients that i like to use you know i don't use water in nothing and water tastes like nothing so we don't use water so i got two cup of chicken stock and i got a cup of buttermilk now you know by the milk this is whole buttermilk buttermilk is really amazing it's very low in fat you know a lot of people say oh my goodness buttermilk buttermilk is low in fat matter of fact it has about four or five grams of fat per cup yeah you see what happened here friends when you put the buttermilk in it it kind of curdles in here you see don't worry don't let it bother you it will all come together with just a little whisking okay don't worry about the thing that's what happened buttermilk is very low in fat so it doesn't hold together it's not like heavy whipping cream or even half and half okay now we're going to put the the cornmeal we're gonna put it in slowly because if i put it too fast you know what happened it kind of gives you some lumpy stuff so lumpy stuff that's a new culinary term leave it up to me i come up with them i'm good with that i make my own english all right here we go now for those of you that think my accent is a fake accent it's not okay i'm hot french and half italian all right but i'm now 100 american god bless america god bless the rest of the world we need some blessing so friends here's what we're going to do we're going to put some eggs whole eggs we're going to put uh corn corn corn corn corn you can use frozen corn if you want you can use grilled corn it's even better and then we're going to put some garlic cloves three of them or you can use the garlic puree i showed you how to make that's another essential garlic puree it's another essential all right so we're going to take this and we're going to process it thank goodness i got this new cuisinart it's uh silent i mean it doesn't make very much noise the old one i had was like so noisy i got all my cheese in there that i'm gonna put in a minute in there i'm gonna put them let me get this hot let me get this hot over there it looks like it went on a break oh here it is oh here you go oh mama mia there you go you see i got to be careful not to put it too hot but this is an induction cooktop that thing man you turn it on it goes you turn it off egg up stops immediately as well so i got it on five six very fancy to turn on and off i just got to touch the button and go on and off uh it's very cool so we're cooking this and we're going to turn this off that was a little noisy all right we're going to turn it off i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to take it out of here and take the machine out of here so it's not in my way all right so i can finish the rest and here we have it we're ready to go you see it i'm cooking it i'm cooking it i'm cooking i gotta put salt and pepper salt and pepper what did you see that it's splattering let me make it a little less uh fast salt and pepper okay now there are no hot sauce in there i like to put it on sriracha in there but a certain is not necessary friends okay i got beautiful english cheddar you don't like cheddar don't put cheddar you could put gruyere cheese you could put swiss cheese in there you could put other cheese you want gouda gouda could be delicious smoked gouda in there so this one is a basic recipe a little goat cheese you don't like goat cheese don't put it in you know that's what the whole thing about cooking you like a certain ingredient don't put it in them now if it has egg in it and you don't put the egg on it you're gonna have an issue you can't say all of a sudden you know what i don't like egg i'm not gonna put that well let me make another recipe here okay you got you got a certain ingredient but if you don't like a certain cheese put another cheese in there if you don't like it you really don't have to have this this cheese at all you can definitely definitely squeeze the cheese you see look by the way it's melting melting melting melting everything is going good so now let me tell you about polenta oh by the way this is the new machine then when you go like this the blade doesn't fall look you remember the old one used to put that in there and the blade would fall and then we tried to catch it no good you don't want to be catching it no sir see right here it's holding that blade is holding look look at this it's pretty cool see right there there we go right there all right so i'm done with this i'm going to let it cook so now let me tell you a little bit about this polenta first of all yeah the egg is going to start cooking and the egg is going to start thickening it let me tell you something you eat this let me put your hot sauce because i can't concentrate it unless all my ingredients are in it you don't have to put the hot sauce don't put it in if you don't like you know tamiya hot sauce is is good it's in the background flavors have to be delicate they have to be in the background if it's too much and and what do we mean by background well it's in the back it's not on the front if it's in the front the minute you eat it's got hot sauce in there you got too much hot sauce you could put a little nutmeg in there you can have fun with it you know what you could do also my mom used to do that all the time take some spinach and mushroom saute them with sun-dried tomatoes and put them in there you can do so many things with this okay and one of my favorite ways to eat polenta believe it or not is uh is i put it in a in a like a soup plate i put it in the bottom of the plate and i put garlic shrimp on top a recipe you should you should look it it's an old one we're going to probably reshoot it but right now i still think it's on our website it's gambas gambas garlic shrimp i make a garlic swim and and you put that garlic shrimp on top of the polenta in a plate oh mama mia let me tell you it's going to be amazing all right so look it's cooking it's cooking or is it to sleep so we can serve this polenta soft like it is now but we're going to let it cook just a little bit more i like it to thicken to the consistency of mashed potatoes we can serve a soft in a bowl or we can sell as a cake polenta cake you've had you go to italian restaurant and they serve you those polenta cake you know the round or the square or or triangle or whatever they make them how do they get them well first they're going to get this you got to get into that shape right here because that's the part that is important so you cook it first you got to test it friends you got to test it because you never know you never know if you if you forgot the salt and pepper that wouldn't be the first time i do it oh baby this is delicious i'm just going to bring it to boiler and then you got to watch because there's a splatter everywhere this thing and then i'm going to show you how do we turn this into a cake okay how do we turn this to a cake i'll show you i'll show you so instead of cooking it in a pot when you want to make it a cake you don't cook it in a pot you're cooking in the oven yup so here we go look i'll show you what i did is i took a little uh brush and i melted a little butter butter but you gotta have butter don't be afraid to put butter folks butter is better for everything butter makes everything better better butter makes everything butter no butter makes everything i didn't say butter i say butter i say butter makes everything better butter makes everything better it really does i love butter but we can talk about that some other time so we want a whole bottle right here we don't want to clear fine butter or anything just a regular bottle right want to put that in there and now now we're going to take our polenta and we're going to put it right on here friends i'm going to put it right on here and and and on a website you'll have the recipe the complete recipe remember for those of you that are not familiar with that because i get a lot of comment hey where's the recipe where's the recipe we can't find the recipe if you right below the recipe friends right below the recipe there's a thing it says show more a thing this is so it says show more you click on that and open ups in the bottom of the video it tells you right there the recipe you go in you go to the website you download the recipe and you can make it now let me tell you something let me just make it nice say i'll make a nice you know i used to do drywall work so look we're gonna take it right here that's it we're not doing anything we're not being difficult would i we're just i'm not doing anything and then all of a sudden i'm fixing it oh yeah i'm going to leave it alone right now i'm going to take it friends i'm going to pop it in the oven here's how you do it let me tell you you pop it in the oven about 375 and you're going to cook this thing but no more than 10 to 15 minutes until it's slightly solid if you cooked it long enough here then you really don't have to cook it that long in the oven because if you cook too long in the oven it's going to dry down and then we're going to let it cool to get the room temperature and then tomorrow or into night i put it in the fridge overnight it solidifies wrap it when it's cool wrap it really good tomorrow you take it you cut it in slices in cubes in circles whatever you want and to reheat them you can put them in a fry pan those circles or square whatever it is get them hot or you can pop them in the oven and reheat them and you can serve it with so many things next to a steak next to a lamb chop next to a chicken trust me it's delicious but first try it soft you may like it soft you may decide you don't want to make a square out of it you just want it soft either way i promise you you're gonna like it i hope you like this recipe if you like it remember give us a thumbs up don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every thursday when i make the a new video and don't forget to subscribe to our channel please we need subscriber we hope you enjoyed it we'll see you next week with another video [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 122,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polenta recipe, how to make polenta, italian polenta, polenta dishes, polenta recipe italian, how to cook polenta, corn meal recipes, Soft Polenta recipe, polenta cakes, polenta cake recipe, Side dishes, polenta recipes, how to make polenta with cornmeal, how to make polenta italian style, italian polenta recipe, polenta, how to make italian polenta recipe, creamy polenta, recipe polenta, how to make creamy polenta, italian polenta recipe tomato sauce, soft polenta, cornmeal
Id: FtRwY4hWPt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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