Claire Saffitz Makes Foolproof Tarte Tatin & Rough Puff Pastry | Dessert Person

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Those 25 minutes absolutely flew by. Her spiel about apples at the start of the episode felt reminiscent of her potato monologue from Gourmet Makes Tater Tots. Great episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 134 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Haunting_Way_816 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't tell you all how insanely happy i am she has her own Youtube channel <3 I've missed her

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 102 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mexommoxem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh yay! I just made this last weekend. Now I can see where I went wrong haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/llangstooo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm so glad Claire decided to go the YouTube route as opposed to Patreon. It was definitely a bigger risk for her to have to outlay the resources to self-produce but the content she's already dropped will have legs and will broaden her fanbase. It's great.

I love Molly and Carla but I think their DIY Patreon approach will keep them in pretty small caves that will only appeal to people who loved them in the BATK.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/g_boom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was surprised when I opened YT and saw her video come up first. Glad I stayed up late. Also, I want that moveable kitchen island. I have a small kitchen and it's hard to work on stuff like dough or fresh pasta when you have a small area.

Her previous episode already has 1M views btw.

Edit: I forgot to say, I just got her book from the mail, I can't wait to read it and work on some recipes. I've got my eye on a few already.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aryehgizbar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone else hear the Doug theme song in the Dessert Person opening? Or is it just me?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BringMeAHigherLunch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seeing her do magic in that tiny kitchen amazes me... My kitchen is her size, and I feel like I'm always running out of room lol!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/marimosa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is perfect. Exactly what I was missing. Stump sohla, Molly and Carla’s IG’s, BA 2.0, all of that is all fine and dandy, but I can’t emphasize how much THIS kind of video is what is filling the hole left from BA ending. And ita honestly even better because now Claire can shine and show her knowledge rather than be stressed about making pop rocks or some shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UtterlyConfused93 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is so much more fun to watch than gourmet makes 😢

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 75 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/son_of_sandbar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
who likes red delicious apples they are the worst apple there's an apple that has only been engineered for shipping purposes and like it's terrible it looks good and that's it hey everyone i'm claire saffits we're in my home kitchen and today i'm showing you a recipe at a dessert person for tarte tatan tarta 10 is a classic french recipe and to me it is just the top of the mountain in terms of pastry achievements the combination of buttery pastry caramel and apples i think cannot be beat in a dessert i think if you had to express fall in a dessert this is it [Music] is one of these recipes that's touted as being very simple and it depends on what your definition of simple is yes like there's very few ingredients you have apples and sugar and pastry and that's kind of it but simple can also be very difficult and tartan to me is a very very technical recipe that is hard to execute the main issue in tartan is that you have like too much either it's about the apples like you have too much liquid not enough you know it's so dependent on the actual apples themselves and can be very very tricky and so this recipe breaks everything down into individual steps and also makes it so that you can start and stop at various points you can pre-roast the apples you can make the pastry ahead of time you just have a lot more control so let me show you what you'll need for this recipe so you'll need a 10 inch skillet which by most accounts is a medium skillet you could use stainless steel this one is like a cast iron for making the pastry you'll need a box grater obviously a large mixing bowl a rolling pin for your pastry most people have a wide peeler or any kind of peeler for corn the apples i like to use a melon baller but if you don't have a melon baller one thing you can use is a teaspoon measure it's very low tech in terms of the equipment this recipe is really all about the process i was just thinking about where my love of apples comes from this time of year you see the most incredible bounty of apples at the farmers market and i just find them very inspiring to bake with the cookbook has a lot of apple desserts because in for me and like my hierarchy of desserts there's like desserts then there's chocolate desserts then there's fruit desserts then there's apple desserts like to me apple desserts occupy this really elevated place in the realm of desserts because they're just so delicious and apples are so so wonderful to bake with these i picked up at the farmer's market i actually picked three different kinds it's really nice to mix apple varieties because you get different flavors so i like to bake with super super firm apples let me show you a great tip every year i go apple picking and years and years ago i was actually in the boston area with my parents and we went apple picking and an apple farmer i was chatting with him and he gave me a great tip for how to know how like you're using a really firm apple you want to grip an apple like this right and then try to use your thumb to like press into the apple and make an indentation and like that is a sign that you have a fresh apple so like these guys these guys are really fresh apples which i knew because they're coming from the farmer's market give it a good try i mean i uh i really i first of all have very weak hands and also likes like carpal tunnel so i'm not you want to try you want to try do you think alex lau could do it yes i think halloween could basically turn this into apple cider in his in his hand try it really put it like all the way in your hand and then try to push your thumb into it right right all right very verified fresh the apple roasting process is really simple i'm just going to put everything in the skillet and this is the same skill that i'm going to make the tart in i give a pretty wide range in terms of the time for roasting your apples if you have super fresh like very firm apples from the farmer's market it could take a very long time for your apples to roast if you're using supermarket apples or apples that have been cold storage they're not as firm they've broken down a little bit they're going to roast a lot faster so i'm going to show you how i prep the apples i like to shave off i call them the poles you know the north pole in the south pole and then with my peeler just go in and like rotating with my other wrist um in terms of apple flavors for baking i tend to like something that is a mix of sweet and tart but i definitely lean tart and now i can use my melon baller and i just want to go in and take out the seeds and the center of that core and now the last thing is just taking the knife again and slicing out any remaining parts of core there's also did you know that there's like tens of thousands of varieties of apples tens of thousands and our whole lives we grew up thinking there were only three granny smith golden delicious and red delicious which the latter two are the worst kind of apple and would be enough to put anyone off of apples but really there's like a whole vast world of heirloom apples there's just so many apples out there there's an apple out there for everyone so to roast these guys i'm actually going to stand them up at this stage to get them going and to kind of perfume them i'm adding some brandy just i hate like keeping one tablespoon of something all right so then to add a little bit of acid to balance out all the sweetness i'm adding one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar you might be sensing a theme and then maple syrup so obviously apples and maple are a wonderful combination there's a saying what grows together goes together i want to create as airtight a seal as possible and just try to crimp the foil around the skillet again i'm on 275 which is super low so these are going to very very slowly roast i'm going to check them after maybe an hour hour 15 and just kind of see how they're going oh and in the meantime we'll make the pastry now this recipe for the pastry you have options basically you can use a store-bought puff pastry that's totally fine but in the book there's also a recipe for what i call a rough puff pastry sort of a simplified streamlined version of puff pastry the recipe calls for a half portion of rough puff pastry i'm gonna make the full recipe and then i'll basically take the other half and freeze it it's always wonderful to have like a little bit of pastry dough in the freezer for a rainy day this is a european butter european or european style butter has a higher fat content but like use whatever butter you have available so i have three sticks which is 12 ounces now half of this butter i'm actually going to stick in the freezer because i want it to firm up because i'm going to actually grate it with a box grater into the flour oh god this freezer is kind of a disaster let's hope that doesn't fall out i'm so nervous okay good okay all right so then the rest of this i am going to slice into just crosswise little squares i'm going to slice it as thinly as possible so the kind of basics of flaky pastry are keeping everything really cold you want cold butter and the other another principle is like discreet butter pieces so it's having sheets of butter in the pastry that when they go into the oven the water inside the butter turns to steam and it creates a puffing action and those layers separate and that's what gives you a flaky texture okay back in the fridge while i measure the dry ingredients so i always take flour from the store out of the bag and put it in a container like this basically you just want it in something where it has a tight fitting lid so no critters get in it and it's just easy to measure from and then go ahead and level it i'll say it every time i use kosher salt but this is diamond kosher if you're using morton's either weigh it and match the weight or use half the volume so that's one and a half teaspoons two tablespoons sugar all right so i'm just going to toss all this together the first thing i'm going to do is grate the butter that's been freezing with a box grater so you want to give the butter like maybe 10 minutes in the freezer you don't want a frozen solid but just cold enough that it's not going to start to melt in your hand when i grate it i'll coat it in flour first and it helps to prevent sticking and work quickly because that butter with the heat of your hands will certainly start to soften so on a box grater you want to really avoid grating your knuckles which i've done many times and it kind of sucks so once you get to the end of the butter piece don't be a hero just throw a little nub in into the bowl and now you see what we have here are these discreet firm butter shreds so get all those shreds tossed broken up and coated in flour now it's time for those butter slices so i'm not going to do anything to these pieces these are going to stay exactly as they are in this shape did i just get flour on my face i had an edge okay so i'm going to measure the ice water so i'm going to start with a quarter cup and then i'm tossing with a fork the idea is to like distribute that moisture as evenly as possible and generally when it comes to pastry like this i only want to add enough moisture to bring the dough together but not so much that i'm making it into like a very wet soft dough so at this point i like to switch to my hands and give everything a nice toss and i'm being gentle with it you can you can really overwork dough like this so you want to kind of use a light hand and also work quickly so it's like starting to clump it's still very you know you still have very dry flowery spots but it's starting to hold together so i'm going to grab a piece of plastic so i'm going to start to gently knead this dough and bring it together so here i have like a big clump of dough don't worry if there's some dry shaggy parts that will all hydrate as the dough rests and then with the really dry parts left in the bowl i'm gonna bring this together with a bit more ice water it's just this process of like leaving the dryer stuff in the bowl and adding just enough water to bring it together and no more okay so now i just want to flatten this into a square so one thing i always do with any kind of pastry is use the rolling pin and kind of force it into the shape that i want and that like really helps to hydrate the dough okay i have pastry that i made last night and so it's been chilling for even longer than two hours i'm going to show you the next step in rough puff which is rolling out and folding so here is my chilled pastry you can see it's become really really firm and you can see how that butter has already started to spread out in a sheet before i use this i mean i could use this pastry now and just roll it out but i like to do this kind of intermediate step of rolling it out and folding it similar to how you would make true puff pastry to get the butter pliable but still keep it cold i like beat it with a rolling pin i first saw julia child do this and like she was a woman on a mission i actually have my photo of julia child over there my my patron saint give it a little extra flower so it's important to make sure that there's no sticking so i like to move the pastry and give it like a little a turn all right so now i'm gonna do that folding we call this a letter fold it's pretty self-explanatory you fold it like a letter so i'm going to fold the bottom third up and toward the center and then the upper third over give it a little flower so in order to roll it out i'm going to give it a little 90 degree rotation and it should be easier to roll out at this stage because it's had a chance to soften a bit so same thing fold up top third goes on top i do this step to like thin it out a little bit and also just square off these sides so we have to chill this again before we use it because all of that folding and rolling out is like working the dough so this is going to chill and i'm gonna check my apples because even though it's been slightly less than an hour 15 i think that they're done [Music] i have burned my hands on the handle of a skillet because i've forgotten that the skillet was in the oven so one thing i'll often do is leave the towel on the handle just to remind myself it smells so appley all right well we've had some so i'm breaking apart of the apples all right we went a little over what a great opportunity this is to illustrate something that i say in the recipe which is that if your apples overcooked a little bit don't worry they'll still make a great tartan this is too soft like i got no resistance and obviously these guys turned into total mush but like that and that that we can use all these i'm not going to panic because i overcook my apples but the reason i'm not panicking is because i already roasted them yesterday and between this version and the ones i roasted yesterday we have a lot to work with if you have this issue and there's apples that broke down so much that you can't use them like make apple compote from them so just just keep cooking them down okay but actually i'm going to stick these apples back in the fridge so that they can be cold when i go to assemble the tart now this same skillet we're using this to build and bake the tart but first i'm going to take these incredibly delicious flavorful apple roasting juices and reduce it down and that becomes this gorgeous shiny glaze for the top of the tart all right so this will just take a minute or two so you can see it's really thickened and once you see bubbling like this where like the bubbles are getting bigger and they're slower that's when you know you've gotten rid of a lot of the water and now i'm going to pour it through this strainer we're just going to let that cool i'm going to just rinse out this skillet i don't need to really wash it i just want to get rid of any glaze residue oh see i didn't have the towel on it [Music] so a couple of things about caramel there's two styles of caramel there's what's called a dry caramel and a wet caramel usually you'll see a wet caramel and that just means that there's water added to the sugar but for this recipe i make a dry caramel so i'm just melting the sugar and cooking it until it starts to turn golden so i'm starting with a couple of tablespoons in an even layer in the bottom of the skillet as you can see it's really starting to melt so i'm just adding more sugar and sprinkling on top of areas where it's melting i think caramel is scary for people there's this sense that it's like a little dicey but just remember that you are in control of the caramel because you are in control of the heat all right so there's still some unmelted sugar but that should melt soon you can see there's like some graininess what color do i say we go to continue to cook the sugar straight sugar stirring occasionally until it turns a deep amber color moves very fluidly and releases wisps of smoke sometimes i feel like smart when i read my own recipes like what good indicators i left for people all right so i'm approaching that point you can see the caramel's super fluid it's smooth i don't really see any graininess from unmelted sugar so now i killed the heat we don't want this to go too far so now i'm going to add my butter a little bit at a time that's just going to add like delicious richness apples and butter and caramel like i cannot think of a better combination my kosher salt and now i'm going to add my apple cider vinegar and this vinegar also is just going to balance out all that sweetness like add a little acidity so you can see the color of this caramel is really beautiful and now i'm just going to let this caramel settle by the way here's the glaze you want it to be fluid but not like super runny but this is looking good what what don't jump up here i'm not gonna feed you right now nope nope nope nope nope oh i feel like snow i can't have little kiddie paws on my surface a bad kitty get out get out of here get out of here kitty no bad kitty you're done the problem is i can't really scold him because the best okay shield shield the food i want a dog what kind of dog do you want um a rescue like i'm not particular about breed i i prefer like a snout dog is there like a word for that that's just a dog like a like a dog with a snap rather than like a flat face i don't want a fresh bulldog they have breathing problems the whole thing i like retrievers like sheep dog kind of breeds do you want commodore looks like the like dog whose hair is like a mop dog love that one so here's my puff pastry it is enough dough for two single crusts so i'm only going to use half you can see the layers of butter in the pastry time to roll this out it's going to want to be a rectangle but we want it to be a circle so that just means i have to do a little extra coaxing with my rolling pin you can see how smooth the surface looks it's so much smoother than it looks when we first rolled it out and that's just comes from letting it rest and hydrate so now i just want to start kind of rotating it and getting it into something a little more circular i can also go in and like try to press it into something like a circle so i'm going to roll this out to like about an eighth of an inch or a 12 inch round this is a 10 inch dinner plate so what i'm going to do is put this plate upside down centered and then cut around it using leaving like a half inch border where's my pizza cutter am i looking at it all right whatever i'm gonna use this i can't find my pastry cutter um this will give it a crimped edge which might look i might look kind of weird though oh wait oh same thing whatever all right so i can't find my pizza cutter the edge will just have it'll just be fluted because all i can find is this cutter so i'm just sort of eyeballing a half inch border all the way around so now i'm going to lift the plate off i want to do something called dock the pastry which means poking holes in it and that's to allow steam to escape and this will go in the fridge also to rest i just have one spot where stuff fits and i'm just shuffling stuff in and out [Music] the caramel has cooled and as it cooled it's hardened and then we have our cooled apples and we're arranging them rounded side down so i'm trying to fit the apples in um so this is where like it's a little bit of a puzzle and you're putting it together okay so i have the apples all around the edges oh my god this is an involved recipe there's a lot of stuff in this has me but again i highly recommend that you break up the steps so like make the pastry two days in advance roast the apples one day in advance make the caramel in the morning and then no one's having a dinner party but like theoret when your theoretical guests come over that's when you can throw it in the oven so this pastry goes right on top so now i'm taking the spoon and i'm just going to use it to press the edge of that pastry down and around the apples like the idea is i'm tucking it into that little space between the side of the skillet and the apple this is ready to go in the oven we're done finally this is going into my 425 oven for about 20 minutes and that's to give it that initial puff for the pastry and then i'll turn it down to 350 and bake it until the pastry is golden all over and i also will see some dark caramel bubbling around the sides that's when i know it's done so there you can see that caramel is bubbling around the edges and the entire surface of the tart is golden brown so i'm going to let it sit for between 5 and 10 minutes just so things can settle and then we turn it up so i have my wire rack the idea is to invert the whole thing i'm going to do this over at the sink which is what the recipe says to do because there will be some hot caramel and i don't want that to like fall on my stove or my floor or my arms yep see those drips i don't think any apples stuck based on how much liquid there was but if you do have a stock apple just scrape it off and push it back into place oh yes oh thank god i was nervous this looks so beautiful you can see that the apples did not further break down even though a lot of these apples were quite soft when they went into the tart because of the sugar in there they basically like candy in a sense so while the tart is still warm i'm going to go ahead and glaze the apples whenever you're glazing anything it's always better to use a dabbing motion rather than a brushing motion and that eliminates the possibility of like streakiness from the bristles i like serving it warm but you just don't want to cut it hot because you want that pastry to have a chance to cool as it cools it will let off some steam and like re-harden and firm up because the best thing about tartar tan is cutting through that apple with a fork and then getting to the pastry and having it be like crispy and delicious the tart has had a chance to cool we're ready to taste it and i love how almost like custardy the apples get you can see the color like they've they've absorbed that caramel this tart is good this is a good tart here you can see some good flakiness from that puff pastry i highly recommend haagenaz vanilla ice cream with this or any vanilla i don't have any i'm just gonna eat this piece my favorite julia child quote or one of my favorite julia chad quotes is a party without cake is just a meeting and i would take that and just say a party without dessert is just a meeting and like this is so festive anything is a party when you bring a tartar tent hey everyone it's claire it has been such a pleasure to show you recipes from my cookbook dessert person and i want to show you another cookbook by a penguin random house author this one is called chat by monique chahan and jody eddy this book is all about the sweet spicy savory flavors of menis childhood growing up in india she and jody traveled throughout india documenting the incredible street food of all the regions and cities and that's how it's organized it is such a beautiful book filled with incredible photography i highly recommend it you should check it out you might know minit from her judging on chopped she also is a restaurant in nashville so it's just a beautiful book you can find out wherever books are sold you
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 1,638,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Claire Saffitz, Claire Saffitz Makes, Dessert Person, Claire Saffitz Dessert Person, Claire, Recipe, Baking, Bon Appetit, How To Bake, How To Cook, Cooking, Claire Makes, Gourmet Makes, Tarte Tatin, Apple Tarte Tatin, Puff Pastry Recipe, Puff Pastry, Tarte Tatin Recipe, Tarte Tatin Recette, Recette, Tarte, Apple, Claire Makes Tarte Tatin, Caramel, How to make Caramel, Caramel Recipe, Foolproof, Foolproof Tarte Tatin, Apple Tart, Puff Pastry Dough, Dough, Rough Puff Pastry Recipe
Id: eiQR-F5wqvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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