How To Make Crème Caramel (Flan) with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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[Music] do i have to explain everything oh my god okay [Music] i wish i brought my thermos of coffee okay all right ready all right hey everyone [Music] i'm claire we're in undisclosed location in new york state in front of my new garden and my new chickens and my new compost bin and i got some chickens yesterday i'm gonna see if we have any eggs and make a custard [Music] so i'm already bored of this project one step one of 20. just to be clear i'm bored of building the coop i'm not bored of having chickens which i'm loving so far it's been like one hour i had no idea this was gonna be like shot for like the show i thought we were all gonna come out here and help i love that you guys are all standing around watching claire you need to suffer a little clearer oh harrison huh i've i've suffered plenty that's what people are missing from you know the suffering yeah they're kind of cute they're so cute we're on step number six of 19. so i got a little a little bit to go next is the nesting box floor on top of bar six this is the part i'm worried about welcome to your new poop [Music] [Music] we built a coop although we're not finished building it but it got dark and cal brought four chickens and they've been in the coop all night and we're gonna see if any of them laid an egg i was thinking of what to make with my first fresh egg obviously something egg focused so i thought maybe like a baked custard like a creme caramel because that is basically egg flavored one of them might lay a blue egg i knew nothing basically before yesterday but cal is my chicken keeping guru so i know that i can't keep them cooped up too long i got to let them out and run around and they tilled the garden a little bit yesterday looking for food and i'm gonna feed him this morning this is my compost bin or like turner what's it called drum tumbler there we go tumbler and i have a ton of coffee grinds and food scraps from the kitchen but i'm going to save some of it to feed to the chicken so i'm going to put i have eggshells from earlier how do you know when it's too full ah i laminated the instructions and put them on both places composting tips so far but it just takes a really long time for everything to compost i saved some leaves and stuff for as hell is this whatever it is it's harris's fault and then i don't know if i'm doing it right but then i just put some of the dry stuff in if it looks too wet this side has to like cure and go for a couple weeks and then we only add to that side and that's the new side am i doing it right sounds cool i have no idea what i'm doing but i'm learning and trying to learn how to garden i go through a lot of like fruit and stuff on my recipe test so composting is a great way to repurpose all my kitchen scraps which are significant and add it to the garden so i'm working on the garden i got seedlings inside and now all of a sudden i have chickens okay little chickies hi hi hi breakfast breakfast come on not the smartest animals huh okay go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead nope nope nope nope go ahead oh good job now do i see if there's eggs oh my god i see an egg oh my god it's perfect did you guys plant this take this out of the kitchen i can't believe they laid an egg that i love eggs i think that if i went vegetarian i couldn't give up eggs of all the things to give up i could give up meat i can give up well dairy would be tough but i could do it but i don't think i could give up eggs i love eggs so do i lock it every time so you don't forget i brought them some scraps but i'm gonna go grab their feet what are you doing clark trying to figure out how to fill this drinker thing oh god i'll come back to that all right ladies back it up back it up here here oh good okay there you go never do i ever think i'd have chickens here we are i thought i was gonna get two turns out i got four bisquick is the the blonde one that was the chicken that cal raised for vinnie but then vinnie wasn't allowed to have chickens in brooklyn so now basically has a new home three cats and four chickens no can i pet one does they eat uh you can try try picking one up i'm not picking one up this quick come here this quick looks a little agitated you're already my favorite come here all right well maybe later it's a lot so i leave the coop open and they can go in and out they may go in and lay an egg how do you know when they've laid there's an egg in there right now i am in a cabin that my husband i bought about six months ago we don't have a proper kitchen there's no cabinets it's a work in progress but i've been doing a lot of recipe testing here and it's still very functional and for the first time ever i'm going to bake with eggs straight from the chicken today and by the way when i was out there i only found one and then in the last couple hours the other three lay their eggs including this blue egg i feel like i'm living in an issue of martha stewart minus the part where i don't have any cabinets um all right so i think that in the spirit of making something egg flavored i'm gonna make a very straightforward custard so i'm gonna make a creme caramel which is a dessert that i love and i feel like i don't really make enough this is a very simple custard which is milk sugar and eggs and it's set in a thin layer with another thin layer of caramel on the bottom and then you turn the whole thing over and it makes like its own caramel sauce so delicious and i just think using really fresh eggs is going to be incredible so equipment you need a couple bowls and a whisk a saucepan and i'm going to get on a pie plate i'm going to make a larger crime caramel instead of individual ones so i'm going to use a nine inch pie plate a glass one which i have right here and then you'll also need something to bake the crime caramel in a water bath you'll need something wider than this and pour some water in like this big guy oh god it's heavy everything's fine so this will the whole thing will bake in the oven at a low temp with a little bit of water surrounding it in the skillet i'm gonna actually just set this in this in the oven already [Music] have that ready to go so i need some milk i'll use i've got some ronnie brook milk i don't have any vanilla bean here so i'm going to use some extract i have this is my recipe testing supply of vanilla extract so typically creme caramel sometimes you see a recipe that uses all yolks and that's super rich sometimes you see one that uses whole eggs or a mix i'm going to use whole eggs because i want to use my whole fresh eggs so four of those some salt and some sugar so i'm working on an electric stove which is not my typical cook top but almost i mean there's only a few cases where you can do something on gas that you can't do on electric so it doesn't bother me and i have it on high at the moment so with a dry caramel you're not dissolving the sugar in water first so you're not creating a solution you are going from sugar in its solid state to sugar in its melted state so it's in some ways it's a slower process and requires a bit of patience but all you want to do is start with a thin layer of sugar on the surface of your saucepan if i were doing more sugar i would probably use a skillet so i had more surface area and you don't want a lot basically what we're doing is getting this really hot and waiting until we visibly see the sugar melt so it'll go from granules to a clear liquid so i can see it's starting to melt because there's a patch that's going translucent in the center so i'm just going to wait a little longer is that normal no i normally stand there i just really like to be close to my recycling bin i'm just sprinkling another layer on top but keeping it really thin and then it goes quick like that the next layer then disappears and melts i've been recipe testing from this kitchen a lot and it's really nice to actually be in a space where i think even more than i normally would about you know getting getting a piece of equipment out or or you know making dishes or that kind of thing so i feel like it's um it's been really helpful for my process okay so now i'm stirring because it's getting a little golden so i'm going to continue to actually just stir in more sugar you can see it's liquid so you just want to avoid like big clumps because that is going to take a long time to melt so you don't want something with too much or not enough surface area because both can lead to burning provided you don't burn it a darker caramel will give you more of those bitter sweet notes and cream caramel can be really sweet and so i like taking this pretty dark because then you get a nice contrast between the caramel layer and your custard layer but this is looking good i'm going to take it off now i'm just going to pour this into my pie plate i've greased it nothing try to swirl it around so that it covers the full surface and it will immediately start to harden so you want to tilt it pretty quickly but as it bakes that caramel will dissolve again and so that i'll have a nice even layer i'm gonna use this same saucepan to heat up the milk so i don't mind that there's caramel still in it because it's just gonna give a little tiny bit of a caramel flavor to the custard and that's not that at all sometimes you'll see a um a caramel a creme caramel recipe that uses like half and half or even heavy cream i kind of think that's a lot it's a lot of richness and so i like whole milk but use like a good whole milk because again there's like four ingredients in this whole recipe so use something good quality so two cups go ahead and stir that in the pan's still hot and basically i mean the caramel is hardened but as i heat this milk up and warm it it will dissolve the caramel and that's fine with me so let me bring this over to the stove i'm going to add a little bit of salt at this stage let it dissolve i'm going to do a half teaspoon of kosher so now this goes back over to the stove and i'll bring it up slowly you don't want to like boil milk like crazy because it'll boil over and get all over your stove which has happened to me about 150 000 times while that milk comes up to a simmer i'm using four whole eggs so it might mean that the custard has a softer set but i really want to use the whole eggs so i'm just i can't believe i'm using ones right from my yard i'm gonna crack let's look at them wow first of all that yolk is huge which i'm pretty excited about i've never i've never had eggs as fresh but what i love i can tell how fresh it is because the white holds together and it's like very tall it's it really is so there's so much volume to it felix get down get down so i'm gonna keep cracking and the yolk is just huge and so orange which i like seeing you know that you don't have a good egg that if the shell is really thin and the yolk is like really yellow and that was not a happy chicken but i would like to think that these are very happy chickens well look at how orange that one is i like it's funny they're all very uniform for the most part in terms of the size of the yolk but then that guy is just a little more orange which i love by the way the caramel has totally hardened i'm gonna add the rest of the sugar to the recipe another half cup and i'll whisk it with the eggs wow look at how orange this is this is going to be it's going to be cool to see the final color of the custard because the yolks are going to really make it very very vibrant i've never seen eggs this brightly colored so whisk this really well this is a step that's called blanching where you are mixing the eggs and the sugar together so if i were making this with vanilla bean i would scrape the vanilla bean and then throw the pot into the saucepan with the milk as well and then as it's coming up it's infusing with the vanilla but since i'm not infusing anything in the milk at the moment i just need it to come up to a simmer and then i can pull it over here oh by the way my oven is preheating to 325. i should also set my kettle i'm going to boil some water to have it for my water bath so i'm going to press the button on my kettle there's already water in it [Music] this is a process called tempering where i'm going to take my hot milk mixture and my eggs blanched with sugar and slowly pour the hot liquid into the eggs and this is to prevent curdling so this is going to slowly raise the temperature of the eggs so pour slowly we're gradually raising the temperature of the eggs this is what's going to produce a very smooth creamy custard so here's my custard mixture so this is custard i mean it's not cooked yet but it's my custard base there's little cracking noises from the caramel which is sort of expanding a bit and cracking or contracting one of the above okay but that doesn't matter and that those are going to go away anyway my kettle just shut off so that's at a boil but basically this is my custard base this is eggs sugar milk and i'm gonna add a little vanilla and it has a bit of salt and that's it so we'll call that two teaspoons so i'm going to pour the custard into the pie plate gently and fill to the top i have a tiny bit left over can i fit it sure i want to place this carefully inside my skillet that's in there i am going to keep it covered not only to help me move it without spilling it but also that's going to protect the surface when i pour the water in i don't want to pour the water i don't want to get into the custard i want it to only be around oh my oh god oh god oh god it was too full oh my god [Laughter] i'm gonna have to clean egg off of the skillet all right so don't do what i did which is just spill a whole bunch of it perhaps i over filled it but now i'm gonna do my water bath ignore the scrambled eggs on the surface there all right so i'm most of the way up the sides there's got to be a better way to do this and i'm going to lift off the plate okay now this is going to bake very gently it'll probably go 35 to 40. i'm not quite sure what the set is going to be like because i'm using a whole egg so it might go it might set more slowly so i'll check it i'll show you what it looks like when it's done there will be um a wobble not a jiggle i'm going to invent some kind of a water bath setup where you don't have to like do stuff like this it feels really dangerous oh god okay all right well that worked i'm gonna let it actually sit in the water bath let it cool off and then before we turn out the creme caramel uh i'm going to chill it because you want to eat this dish cold actually a wobble is like the whole the whole thing moves of a piece is it the right phrasing and it's not i've said this before but it's not like the it doesn't ripple i'm not getting little ripples that that were a different section of the surface is moving at a different time the whole thing is moving together so that's what you want to look for if you have a jiggle not a wobble you got to cook it longer i just want to cool it until it's not hot so maybe maybe 30 minutes and then i'll stick them in the fridge and it should really chill for like i would say you want it to be cold so i would say at least an hour or two so it's chilly out now it's like 36 degrees i'm gonna leave this out here until it's cold and then we can turn it out and um i was just tapping it and the the texture is it's set but it's not rubbery so i don't think it's overcooked and i'm actually pretty excited so just maybe leave it out here in the open air or it'll cool down a lot faster than in the fridge i just don't want it to get like leaves on it or dirt so i'll probably do like this [Music] that split it you know power versus aim it's a real give and take just don't take it out oh yeah oh and like it's kind of heavy it's really happy oh my god and then this is ash because look at the ash beetle has done that's why the tree was dead because the beetle burrows and eats the membrane between the bark and the wood and then the bark just splits right off i don't know if i'm able to split this it's a little thin and cut i cut around the sides to loosen it's freely moving around so the flip sometimes the caramel runs so i might get some on the counter but a little lopsided i'm going to cut a slice it looks really good really really good i'm so excited to eat this the texture is pretty incredible it's so it's like perfectly set but it's so like tender oh my god i don't know that i've ever cooked such a perfectly set creme caramel look at the quiver all right this looks i have to say i'm quite excited and this is made with my farm eggs are they farm eggs or just fresh eggs and then i can scrape some of the um caramelly juices on top see this one dollar at the warehouse sale we'll have half a cup of coffee i probably drink 12 ounces of milk a day just in my coffee i'm gonna go outside and have my mid-afternoon well late afternoon well evening snack all right follow me guys it's very eggy and delicious it just might seem a little atypical to have an egg flavored dessert but it works and it's so good i overcooked it a little bit it's fine though it's really delicious next time i would oh dear running across the stream yeah two of them there's probably like five more there's always a bunch oh there's that that one's close hey lady sorry back to the flam next time i would watch a little closer maybe keep it covered but good news is i'll be getting four more eggs tomorrow and every day after that cannot wait to cook and bake with more of these and you know do more work on the homestead hopefully have a kitchen soon a proper kitchen with cabinets and shelves and then we'll hopefully be doing some shooting up here more dessert person videos maybe bring some guests feeling optimistic about that and this will be our um our next set i'm pretty excited about it thank you for watching and like and subscribe here's your buffet [Music]
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 782,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Caramel Custard Recipe, how to make caramel custard, caramel pudding, caramel custard, custard pudding, creme caramel, crème caramel, easy dessert recipes, flan recipe, custard recipe, caramel pudding recipe, flan, creme carmel, creme caramel recipe, creme carmel recipe, how to make flan, how to make creme carmel, how to make creme caramel, dominique ansel recipe, Claire Saffitz, Claire Makes, Dessert, Dessert Person, How To Make, Claire Saffitz Dessert Person, Easy Flan
Id: iMoBRCtSDr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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