How To Make Cast Iron Pizza | Dessert People

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all right david um hi [Music] wow i'm sorry i almost choked on this cheek break should i do that again wow i'm like that was my thing that's my thing i was gonna be like i'm gonna come and drink my tea okay hey everyone i'm clara sappets welcome to my home kitchen today we have another episode of dessert people and i'm very excited to welcome my friend david tamarkin he is the editorial director of king arthur baking company and we are making a delicious cheesy pan pizza and i'm very excited [Music] hi i didn't mean to like force feed you black tea but no it's no i'm drinking tea all day david's a tea drinker i can't understand i'm on my second iced coffee i want to be i want to make a coffee it's not that hard i can't just it's not that it's hard that's not why i don't do it i don't think it's hard but why it just makes me crazy kind of like how you're looking right now honestly no i feel insane we're making this cheesy what is the actual title crispy cheesy pancake cc what ccpp crispy cheesy pan pizza okay pizza making at home can be tricky but it can also be really successful and i think this like sets you up for success because you do it in cast iron so you get like a crispy bottom and it's sort of like a sicilian style it's like a little thicker a puffier yeah it makes the pan classic pant style so it's got that kind of grandma style right height but it's this particular uh dough is just super super light oh my god i feel so crazy i feel really crazy i had so much caffeine sorry i've been really on low sleep this week and so i'm like i feel like i can compensate but it doesn't like even out to zero you just like go further in that direction with all the coffee i'm so glad that this is this is happening to you on my episode [Music] so the recipe calls for like around a 10 inch skillet yeah but you can do it in a non-cast iron skillet you could do it in a cake pan in a pinch if you had to and also the idea of like not preheating it because i read ahead in the instructions when you bake it you really make use of the oven zones like you bake it on the bottom and then on the top rack so that you get browning first on the bottom crust and then on the top you know for browning on the cheese and everything so it's a really smart recipe and it's also really easy and i think super approachable for people who've never even made bread or like used yeast or anything yeah and it's also very flexible timing wise because you can this dough you'll see it rests anywhere from i think 12 to 72 hours so you can fit it into your day do you have a logo on your glasses oh my god on the lens this is so weird no it's like it's on the lens it's like it's catching the lightning you are the only person yeah isn't it wild it's so weird there's a logo on my lenses i'm and i just like i have to look through this my everyday my entire life like i should probably just go back and get that fixed but it's been about four years right all right you're the only person who's noticed that well it's you know we have this whole thing right okay let me just practice breathing a little bit and yeah we can do you know how to do that i do that everything seem to have a problem with it lately oh really i don't i can't do that i can't meditate you're just dismissing meditate you drink tea and you meditate david yeah i drink tea why are we friends i don't i don't understand okay the all-purpose flour lukewarm water which always messes me up but that's about what do you think of this i think if you touch the water and it feels like you it doesn't feel warm or hot then this body temp that's lukewarm right so about 90 something degrees 100 degrees lukewarm salt olive oil and ultra dry yeast which the pros called ady i don't know if you know i don't know other toppings besides store-bought or homemade tomato sauce i mean it's pretty classic it's this mozzarella parmesan basil yeah talk about equipment anytime you're working with anything with baking or particularly bread yeah you just want to scale it's just you're just it's so easy to mess up and like and i do think even 10 grams up or down can really can really change the feel of a dough check out our essential tools video i do this and then there's like a little thing i got it okay [Music] all right david tell me what am i doing here do you know what i just realized what i don't see my book on your shelves i don't think you have okay first of all okay rude and i'm gonna have absolutely ten books i'm gonna send you so that you have to be part of me i'm gonna go get it i don't think you have it you have to i don't this is harris's collection mine is in the bedroom first of all oh well this is actually really sweet if my book is in your bedroom you read it at night to go yes i keep it on my bedside like every night looking through my cookbook like what am i gonna make next it's okay claire i'm sorry it's really obnoxious i can't find it hold on did we get into a fight once claire and you burned it in the wood the spine is blue right it's orange what but like orange red okay hold on hold on are your cookbooks organized by color please don't tell me no they're not organized by anything okay i can't find it i have it somewhere let's start this dough before we start this for the last sorry 25 minutes i don't know why i started to start a fight with you before i know god put me on the spot i'm sorry i failed i'm gonna make this dough so wait it's too it's it's very easy i'm gonna tell you how to do it you're gonna do it it's basically um you already weighed out your flour yeah and then you're just gonna add your everything else you really are it's just gonna be three quarters of a teaspoon of salt which that is that's given a weight or no it's not giving the weight is it the scale's not really sensitive sensitive enough to like yeah like four grams or something so okay so that's just and that is kosher salt yeah this is giant i would put it a little bit more honestly because we actually use um table salt in our recipes yeah it's on our testosterone iodized i guess so yeah yeah okay a little more yeah okay so uh how much half a teaspoon half a teaspoon okay this i'm going to be precise about what i love about this recipe is it and i've this is something that i've really converted to in my baking and my recipe writing is not proofing the yeast because it's like no i think that it actually trips people up yeah because they're like oh my god it might not be alive and it's like it almost always is so it's like just add it to the recipe i like that a lot and then add the water okay and the most important things to weigh our flour and water because then you want to hit the hydration precisely so okay well 172 close enough and then a tablespoon of olive oil right yep okay 13 grams or just a tablespoon okay okay great so you can mix this in a mixer but i just do it by hand it looks like you just want to do it by hand with my favorite tool ever the flexible scraper yeah yeah okay so i'm going to start yeah so just you could do this with a spatula or wooden spoon or something you're not like needing it you don't have to work it because instead of that we do a series of folds and stretches so and that takes the place of kneading which is also just like a really easy technique okay so now we have like no flowery spots yeah it's all hydrated but it's not like smooth this is like sticky in places because it's because the hydration hasn't been totally evened out but it's not it's not dry so cover this and then all we do is let this rest for a few minutes right and then we're going to go in and start to do the folds right through the full spring instead of kneading the dough we didn't need it at all like we just put it together shaggy mass let it rest for five minutes so that it could just kind of get some calm down a little bit and hydrate and then we're just gonna do the folds so it's easy to do this with wet hands because then the dough doesn't stick to your hands and the dough fold just goes like this you just kind of reach under fold it over into the middle do it quarter turn four turns that's what we call one fold one series of folds you do that like the stretching and folding over in like the four cardinal directions like 90 degrees each time okay so then we're gonna cover and let it rest again just for a few minutes and so this is as you said it's like taking the place of kneading and it's helping to develop gluten because like if you want those big holes in your pizza and like light airiness you need gluten development that's structure um and it's such an easy process and we just repeat that three more times with a little bit of a rest in between and you're going to do those folds i'm going to do those okay so that's such a simple motion and you'll notice like it will start to pull back like give you a little resistance and that's a sign of yeah you're building strength okay and then just throw a little cover on it and that's it so we're gonna do that now two more times yeah so i have one i did make a dough last night and put it in the fridge so we're gonna do that series of folds two more times and then show you what to do after the dough is rested and go into assembly yeah okay let me just make sure that that's correct oh no it sits at room temperature for 40 minutes after you do the last series of after the last set of folds turns folds whatever they're called yeah it's four turns at five minutes between covering the rest for 40 minutes yeah [Music] you want to grab the dough that's in the fridge yup i never opened the fridge door that forcefully because everything is i saw everything started i was like okay oops i should have warned you okay so this one i made last night and after i did the four turns i let it sit at room temp for 40 minutes like the recipe says so then that like sort of jump starts the fermentation and then it rests so this has risen a little bit if you were in a really hot kitchen and you kind of saw that the dough was already starting like you could skip that wow right so we got it grew yeah and you can like literally see this the kind of strands like that you can see the gluten this is no longer shaggy mass this is like this right we're going to oil the pan right so it's a lot of oil right yeah no it's like a generous amount of oil said one and a half tablespoons i'm just going to kind of eyeball it yeah close enough i'm just so tempted always with pizza just to like go crazy on the oil but why not right well i that's how i feel because i like that i like the oily crust well it kind of you know it absorbs it and then it gets really crispy and i don't think there's anything wrong with that i put a ton oil in the focaccia that i make so and also working with cold dough is just easier in general it holds together better beautiful sea perfect [Music] sorry clean bowl club you know this is what my dad said to me yeah cpc cpc always yeah clean wine club do you want a little oil in your hands yeah that's true this is like well i like the idea of like the wet hand and the oil because then you're not adding flat we'll turn it oh turn it turn it to coat oh yeah there you go see smart see how's this yeah and this this is very kind of feels very focaccia i know i'm kind of jealous so you're like stretching it into the pan and kind of dimpling it i think the dimpling strategically deflates it in places otherwise you would get like a domed like loaf shape all right so because i'm trying to not do plastic i just do like that cool okay all right so we'll come back and watch we're so oily i'm just gonna stay here with my oily hands and provide it in rub it in it'll be like um moisturizing what should i do my head too i don't know no take the hat off no yeah you're going to rub why not make it i'm sorry i mean okay that's where you ball people that's what that's what we want that's what we want the moisture okay i do i actually do do this with oil well not with olive oil i'm regretting this a little bit [Music] i made a swap because we don't want to wait we don't have all the doors yeah i have a job and i go to bed at eight cause i eat at six i go to bed right so i have dinner i gotta go home and sleep yeah okay so this is one that i pressed into the pan and stretched this morning you can see that there's like big air bubbles it has puffed you see that it looks like it's kind of inflated and when you when you press down like it totally springs back another reason why i really like this recipe is it calls for either homemade or store-bought tomato sauce and i'm a big fan of a store-bought like marinara oh type sauce and i actually just had some so we have some of that so the recipe says so you're using six ounces and the first thing you want to do is take three quarters of it and just spread it all around right okay and you want to get it to the edges that's the key to the recipe because it's going to give you that freako effect but it's also to protect the dough from the sauce so that it doesn't sog the sauce doesn't soak the dough and that's a trick that is you can kind of use on any pizza really okay then sauce yeah then sauce and then more cheese do you spread it around or just i think i like how i like dollop in it okay now i do the rest of this yeah and that's a lot of cheese so this is really it this is all that goes on and then this stuff it can be for later and personally i would put a little chili flake on there too at the end at the end yeah all right so i think that the oven's preheated it feels like it it's hot in here yeah it's pretty heated the whole room it feels like we're in hell well you're drinking hot tea david it looks lukewarm now but yeah yeah okay so this bakes first on the bottom rack right for 18 to 20. and then so that the idea is that like it's getting all this heat rating off the bottom of the oven to crisp the bottom of the crust and then we switch to the top because we want a little bit of browning on the top as well right this is gonna go in and i will just say i have made the mistake of like grabbing the handle of the hot thing so you know i immediately me too do this when it comes out of the oven because it's just like yep don't even don't even give yourself the option yes i've done that too okay that was the worst burn i've ever had yep okay we ruined the surprise because i looked and it's done but it looks so good we were gonna try i know i'm gonna i'm gonna pretend like it i'm gonna pretend like i haven't didn't see it okay so i can't wait to see what this if it's done or not okay ready oh my god oh the best looking pizza i've ever seen in my life all right so it actually pulled away from the sides a little bit but i'm just gonna run this under to make sure it doesn't stick i feel like i should let it rest a little bit like i'm just making sure it's not sticking the recipe very helpfully says to transfer it to a cutting board or a rack just so that the bottom doesn't like absorb yeah steam and get that right right okay just like another few minutes they just missed you saying this claire just said i'm actually really good at stuff like this so we're gonna let claire get it out of the pizza look i'm i'm i say what i'm not good at you know but i'll also say that what have you said you're not good at i'm really bad at flipping this okay like if i had to flip this i'd be like david you can do it no you i think you wow bro you are really good at that so this is why it's nice to have a really well seasoned cast iron because like things don't stick let's see what's underneath yeah feel like the bottom is golden it could probably be more brown but that's golden yeah you know it's good that looks really good when you're layering the cheese and sauce you can put anything in there i would you could put anchovies in there you could like say you could with garlic you put chilies or whatever pepperoni you could crisp some italian sausage or something if you wanted to do that and then a little i ran out of red pepper flakes so we have chili oil oh yes is that too much no i think it's amazing okay okay this is the fun part cutting it yeah you want to do it you do the honors okay these are actually like lobster shears but i just use them as my all-purpose kitchen shears i love that you can just pick the whole thing up it's so good and i love the chili oil on it it has such good browning on top so you get like so many textures in the one it's like crispy bottom super soft pillowy light crumb right then like the gooey cheese plus crispy cheese like this is nice and crunchy this bottom this is a pizza for people who think they don't like the crust of the pizza this would change their mind because it's like it is all about that crust so much fun thank you for showing me yeah thank you thank you king arthur where can people find you i'm at david tamarkin and recipes on awesome thanks for coming on as a guest on dessert people and like and subscribe and i like being officially a dessert person david is my i always say my one favorite i know but like one of my top dessert people yeah ever just like i love that you say that it's amazing to me yeah yeah david it was like my my partner in crime when it comes to desserts right but which is sort of funny that we did savory time i know yeah they're so good thank you you're the best [Music] you
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 377,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cast iron, cast iron pizza, how to make pizza, cast iron skillet, cast iron cooking, lodge cast iron, claire saffitz, claire saffitz dessert person, claire makes cast iron pizza, bon appetit, claire bon appetit, claire makes pizza, cast iron pizza recipe, cast iron skillet pizza, pizza cast iron skillet, claire pizza, easy pizza recipe, pizza recipe, pizza, pan pizza, deep dish pizza, gourmet makes, king arthur, flour, pizza recipes, homemade pizza, pizza dough recipe, diy
Id: Rwn8kQTV-LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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