Claire Saffitz Makes Coffee Coffee Cake | Dessert Person

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Just bought all the ingredients to make this this weekend with my new stand mixer

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hey_Whipple πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can hear a little voice in the back of my brain yelling "SCRAPE THE BOWL! SCRAPE THE PADDLE! YOU WANT A TENDER CRUMB? YOU GOTTA SCRAPE, [BARK]!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KataiKi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

LOL at her "like and subscribe... or not, whatever" at the end.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notyourtypicalKaren πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

the production and aesthetic of these is so perfectly warm and cozy and twee

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was the first recipe I tried from her book and it was delicious! Highly recommended

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chicken_fudge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any else shocked that it’s an island on wheels and not part of her counter???

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chicken_beans πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"A piece of this will be my lunch dessert because I... believe in dessert."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/strayainind πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I happened to try this ytd and if you prefer your desserts less sweet, I’d recommend you to cut down on that sugar! It’s still very sweet although Claire does use less sugar than other american recipes already!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kintsugi97 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Am I the only one that loves Claire but does not like dessert :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZenmasterRob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
that is what i say every morning when i wake up coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee hey everyone i'm claire staffitz welcome to my home kitchen today i am showing you one of my favorite recipes from dessert person because i think a lot of them are my favorite um it's for coffee coffee cake because more desserts should taste like coffee this coffee coffee cake has sort of a classic ribbon that runs in the middle of the cake a crumb topping there's coffee incorporated into each component and it is just a delicious simple but also surprisingly complexly flavored cake is complexly a word no i don't think so it is now [Music] person coffee cake is a cake you should have with coffee so i thought to myself why not just make the cake itself tastes like coffee coffee to me is one of the most delicious flavors in the entire world coffee is the best part of my day even on like the best day ever coffee is still like a major highlight and i just want everything to taste like coffee [Music] in terms of special equipment you are going to want to use a mixer i have my stand mixer out you could use a hand mixer and that is just to put together the batter and the batter like it makes a pretty large volume of cake so it's just easier to use a stand mixer that will do all the work for you um i have my baking pan this is a 13x9 this is a sour cream coffee cake so i have sour cream that's kind of the base a lot of coffee cakes are sour cream based i don't know why but it certainly makes a delicious cake and i have brown sugar granulated sugar all the usual things butter but i want to point out the coffee flavoring here i have a half cup of brewed coffee that i let cool and then i have instant coffee crystals this is a great tool for baking um they basically are like dehydrated crystals and that you can dissolve in liquid and it adds a sort of a mild coffee flavor there's ground cinnamon and cardamom if you only have one that's fine use whatever you like [Music] so there's three main components there's the ribbon the cake itself and the topping we're gonna start by making the ribbon and the topping first you just set those aside but before i do anything i always preheat the oven and prepare the pan my oven is on 350 and this time i actually remembered to move the rack we will bake this in the center of the oven all right i'm going to prepare my pan which what does it say to do oh butter it okay i need a little butter oh we can play a fun game called let's count the kinds of dairy i have in my refrigerator so just from here i can see creme fresh cream cheese farmer's cheese whole milk buttermilk butter heavy cream sour cream it's a lot of dairy now here's a thing that i use sometimes in a metal pan because this butter is cold i'll just like put it i'll just warm it over this little flame i really just feel like you can't it's hard to like overly you can't over butter a pan really all right so i'm covering the bottom and sides this can go over here here i have the ingredients for that coffee ribbon that goes in the middle of the cake this is three tablespoons light brown sugar a tablespoon of those instant coffee crystals and i think it's two teaspoons of ground cinnamon so this step is very easy just mix it okay so there's that now i want to make that crumb topping so this is more of those instant coffee granules three quarters of a teaspoon of cardamom again if you only want to use cinnamon just use cinnamon or you can leave it out and a generous pinch like a quarter teaspoon of kosher salt so then i have all-purpose flour and light brown sugar so i'm just going to mix this together now a stick of unsalted butter this is at room temperature so i'm just using my hand to work all of this butter into the dry ingredients and i want to keep doing this until no floury spots remain and there really shouldn't be any like big solid pieces of butter so you want to work it all the way in so you know that you're done when the whole mixture holds together when you squeeze it so like this looks good and then you take up any large pieces like this and just break them up so you have this kind of lovely crumb like texture [Music] i always drew this now i need bowls hold on i'm just going to leave these out because i'm going to need bowls in basically every cake recipe you're going to combine the dry ingredients so i have all-purpose flour this is three and a half cups then my remaining dry ingredients i have baking powder baking soda and kosher salt so now i am gonna mix together my wet ingredients so i'm gonna add to my brewed coffee already some additional coffee crystals one tablespoon and also some vanilla extract okay well full disclosure about the coffee in this recipe the coffee in this recipe is actually grady's cold brew which is comes from brooklyn and is the absolute most delicious cold brew coffee that there ever was and i love it so much and it's a little pricey and it's also a concentrate um but like i don't care i'll never not have gradies and now the sour cream i have all my components ready to go i'm going to start mixing the batter i have 12 tablespoons of unsalted butter room temperature and like it's kind of warm in here as usual so the butter is like a little on the soft side you could do this with a hand mixer just know that if you are using a hand mixer you are going to have to increase those mixing times because it just doesn't have the kind of power of a stand mixer but you'll still get a great result just take a little more time all right so i'm going to add my sugars light brown sugar and granulated sugar and then i'm going to add my oil so i'm going to cream this together and that is a step that basically means i'm going to beat the butter and the sugars and as that paddle action mixes everything and kind of hits it against the bowl the sugar crystals cut into the butter and make air pockets and that's why you get this really light fluffy mixture and that is just incorporating air into the cake itself and gives you a lovely light texture so this is a step where you really want to take your time and like you're not just trying to mix it you're trying to aerate it and the paddle helps with that so i'm just going to give this a scrape not only am i aerating this mixture but i'm also dissolving a little bit of the sugar and that is also crucial for cake texture um all right i'm going to add the eggs you can see this butter sugar oil mixture it's like very very pale and it started out as kind of beige definitely gained in volume i'm going to start adding my eggs so i'll decrease the speed a little bit and then increase after i incorporate each egg so add one at a time so that each one has a chance to emulsify into that butter mixture so i'm going to scrape down the sides again it's always a good idea to do this often especially when you have a high volume of batter because as effective as a stand mixer is there are dead zones so now we are going to add the wet and dry ingredients you normally alternate wet and dry but the rule of thumb is that you start and end with dry so i'm going to do three editions of dry punctuated by two additions of the liquid on the lowest speed i'm gonna add about a third of the dry ingredients and now about half of my wet and i'm adding fairly slowly because i want everything to be pretty even now another third which is half of my remaining dry mix and then my remaining wet you just get such a better texture and a much more evenly mixed batter this way i also think you end up mixing less you know you don't want to over mix because that will toughen up your cake the batter is mixed i am going to switch to my spatula and finish mixing it by hand i want an evenly mixed batter so i'm really going to fold it make sure there's no floury spots either okay i really like the assembly part of this cake it's just kind of fun so the first thing is going to be half the batter spread into the buttered pan so now again like the tool i've never without my second side kick in the kitchen because felix is the first my offset spatula i should name it it just makes me think about in buffy buffy's favorite steak is named mr pointy i should come up with a name for my favorite offset spatula so i'm just working this into a single layer an even layer and working it right up to the sides and also into those corners and then time for this coffee cinnamon mixture the idea here is just that you want like even full coverage and now the second half of batter goes on top so just to make things a little easier i go for like dollops to kind of spread the batter out on the cake and then it's just easier to work all the way to the sides and into the corners the same thing just smooth this out and now that i have it dolloped all around it's just easier to spread and that layer of ribbon isn't going anywhere and now last step is adding the crumb topping and like just super loose just scatter it on there if you see a big clump like that just break it up a little bit but like you also want different sizes okay so this is all ready to go in the oven again i have it on 350 and the rack is positioned in the center this will bake much more evenly in the middle of the oven okay but especially when i'm recipe testing or i'm like in you know development like it's very normal for me to have a ton of different things and then that's when i literally have a text thread of all my neighbors and i'm like come over with the plate and then cope it sometimes i just like leave i like leave it at their door um but yeah this is normal the cake has been in for about 40 minutes and i want to check it because i have such a large volume of batter in such a wide pan the cake is to look a little underdone because it's going to be wobbly but i want to use a cake tester and as long as the tester comes out clean the cake is done so a little wobbliness is normal it should be risen in the center yep clean so it's done so i'm gonna let this it's super hot i'm gonna let this cool off and then we're gonna cut it i love how kind of golden the crumb topping got it's gonna be super crunchy i also love seeing the little speckles from those coffee crystals so very excited about this looks delish but it definitely has to cool before we cut into it this is great timing we let the cake cool and also just finished lunch so a piece of this will be my lunch dessert because i believe in dessert okay so i'm gonna take probably a corner piece this is not an easy cake to unmold so just cut it from the pan i'm going to take a little square from right here does that look good i feel like this looks really close to the one in the book always like when the real result looks like the one in the book which should always should because i was there all of this was real food followed the recipes it smells great i'm very excited to try it even though i've had it many times what i love is the texture the cake itself is really light and silky and not dry not hard it's um just like a delightful slice of cake so highly recommend one of those eat it for breakfast lunch or dinner it's still great and um more things to taste like coffee basically so thank you for watching this is the recipe from dessert person and um stay tuned for more recipes from the book like unsubscribe or not whatever you don't have to hey everyone i'm claire staffords thank you so much for watching me make recipes from my cookbook dessert person it's so fun to be able to reach you again in your home and show you some of my favorites i also want to highlight the work of other penguin random house authors this book is called the good book of southern baking by kelly fields with kate headings and it is really the new bible of southern baking you can find classics like cornbread and biscuits but also favorites from kelly's bakery in new orleans called willa jean check out the chocolate chip cookie recipe it's a real winner this is the only book on southern baking you will ever need so find this wherever you buy books
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 1,438,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Claire Saffitz, Easiest Cake Recipe, Dessert Person, Claire Saffitz Dessert Person, Claire Saffitz Makes, Claire Makes, How To Make Cake, Easy Cake Recipes, Easy Cake, Easiest Cake, Claire, Dessert, Cake Recipe, Cake, Dessert Recipes, Cake Decorating, Bon Appetit, Gourmet Makes, Recipe, How To Make, Homemade Cake Recipe, Best Cake Recipe, Claire Bon Appetit, Claire Makes Coffee Cake, How to Make Coffee Cake, Coffee Cake, Coffee Cake Recipe, Easy Coffee Cake Recipe
Id: HE1RqKSa1z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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