Claire Makes Best-Ever Barbecued Ribs | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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Great video! Probably shouldn't have watched it after missing dinner. I'm about to eat my keyboard right now.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/UnboxingWithoutABox 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

She didn't even take off the membrane.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/level32 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Is there any suitable alternative to grilling/barbecue if you live in an apartment?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LazyProspector 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
this chart oh thanks Carla I wouldn't have pegged you as a griller Claire but well I'm having these right now I realize there is literally nothing you can't do hi everyone I'm Claire we're in the Test Kitchen and today we are making bas best barbecued ribs today I'm using st. louis-style ribs I'm from st. Louis so I requested these specially and you can use baby back there are a couple differences the st. louis-style ribs tend to be a little bit bigger they come from the the belly section of the ribs so there's a little bit more fat on them I love sort of a little bit of cartilage that you get the baby backs come from closer to the spine and they're always a little bit smaller so the term barbecue can be a little bit confusing for people if you're from certain parts of the south barbecue means you know smoked long cooked in this context we're using a little bit of more of a Yankee definition and we're gonna go from the oven to the grill so these ribs are dry rubbed first baked until tender and then finished on the grill with some barbecue sauce first I'm gonna put together the dry rub I have kosher salt and the Test Kitchen we like to use Diamond kosher for it's sort of fineness and the the sort of flakiness I'm just combining all of these together I have paprika dry mustard some freshly ground black pepper and for heat some cayenne and all I want to do is mix these up and distribute them evenly I also padded the ribs dry with some paper towels there's still plenty of moisture so that the dry rub sticks I'll liberally sprinkle the dry rub all over the ribs on both sides and then press lightly to help it here and then I like to use my hands to sort of massage that spice mix into all of the crevices to Pat it into all the surfaces okay so they've already kind of started to absorb some of that spice rub and now I will wash my hands and then wrap each rack in two layers of foil to bake them so I have my foil lined baking sheets I'm going to individually wrap each rack in a double layer of foil that keeps contains all of the juices and then I'll put them back on the foil lined sheets just in case there's any kind of leaking during baking and I like to sort of create a seam at the top so that there's less of a chance of the juices leaking out during baking so I sort of crimp all the way across and then once I get to the end kind of like I'm wrapping a present okay so here I have my five very tightly sealed neat packets and these are gonna go into a 350 degree oven until they're tender but not falling off the bone so I'll show you in a couple hours what that looks like and how to test so for the st. louis-style I'll take a little bit longer than the baby back we're thinking maybe around three hours two and a half to three so we have some ribs that we cooked this morning actually brought in as a swap so I have four slightly larger racks of the st. louis-style I'll show you a trick for testing them while they're baking because you go through the trouble of crimping them into these tight foil packets you don't want to have to unwrap them too and have all the hot juices splashing around to test them so I like to use a cake tester you could also use like a skewer or even a fork and just poke through the foil and your aim is to kind of get between the the bones of the ribs to test the meat so you can see this once you get through the foil it slides through the meat pretty easily what I like to do actually is instead of unwrapping them completely is just to stand them up in the end and then poke a hole in the foil and let the juices drain into a measuring cup there's so much flavor in there we're not going to throw them out we're gonna use them to fortify some store bought barbecue sauce okay so now that these are well drained I can go ahead and unwrap them fully so you can see that they are nicely encrusted with that spice rub and the meat has pulled away from the bones a bit so that's how you know that they are done so I have KC masterpiece today by one of my favorite store-bought sauces and I'm going to as I said fortify store bought barbecue sauce with all the juices from the ribs so I'll pour this into about a cup and a half and then I have a cup and a half of barbecue sauce and with like a thicker style of barbecue sauce like KC masterpiece it's nice to thin it out a little bit you can get you can kind of apply multiple coats and get sort of like multiple layers of kinesha Lac on the ribs here in the Test Kitchen we have our gas grill on medium high it's been preheating for a while and I just oiled the grill grates so I'm gonna take everything over there and we're gonna get these on the grill now before I get the the ribs on I'm going to just face some lightly in a coat of this sort of thinned out sauce and as I'm grilling them I'm not really cooking the ribs further I'm really just trying to caramelize and char that sauce so that it sticks to the ribs and adds that layer of flavor and I'll continue to base them as I turn so I'm gonna get the first ones on and this is much easier if the ribs are cold when they're cold they hold together really well if they're hot they might want to sort of break apart so I'm just laying them on the on the grill sauce side down and when they go on I can also paint the back sides with a little more of the sauce I have just a regular pastry brush here with natural bristles you can use the silicone kind as well and if you're like me and your arm is burning off because the grill is really hot but your brushes has a short handle you can use your tongs to help you so I'll turn these frequently just until I see the first side starting to caramelize but I'm gonna get the second drafts on as well so I have a generous amount of sauce here there's nothing that's uncooked in the sauce so I can save any remaining sauce for serving the first ones I put down might be ready to turn and it can also help to have a flat flexible spatula when you're grilling so I'm gonna grab I have a sip spat right here just to help you get underneath so you can see that this first side has a nice caramelization I'm gonna turn the heat down a little bit so that it doesn't caramelize too quickly and now every time I turn I'm going to add another layer of sauce so I'm building up a sort of a lacquered finish on the ribs now if you're finding that it's a little bit difficult to manage racks that are the full sides you can always cut them in half and then grill sort of more pieces that are a little bit smaller and easier to turn and that wouldn't be a bad idea for you can see some of the racks the st. louis-style have that tapered end so that thinner end is going to cook a little bit faster and caramelize so it's not a bad idea to cut the larger racks in half so I pulled them off the grill the girl was really really hot so they didn't go the full 10 minutes and probably on there for maybe four or five but you can see I have nice caramelization sort of an even char across them and a pretty nice layer of sauce also so I'm gonna bring them back over to the cutting board where we're gonna cut them I'm just gonna do a track by rack sometimes with Saint Louis ribs it's a little bit hard to find that area between the bones to cut through sometimes you end up cutting through cartilage that's fine you can just use a sharp knife with baby backs it's a little bit easier and then when you get to the end you can leave the two bones together so you get a little bit bit of a bigger piece and then I'll just arrange them on this platter and at this stage you could add a little bit more sauce or you can put something off to the side for people to add their own during eating as a kid I loved dinners where we had pork ribs and one of the reasons is because you have to eat of them with your hands and I love eating with my hands so fun why don't you with your hands you want a little more sauce we've sauce on the side all right well thanks you got a whole eight pounds of them these are such a great recipe for summer barbecues cookouts you can make them ahead so the prep is really really simple kind of foolproof right
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,868,712
Rating: 4.8994679 out of 5
Keywords: barbecue, barbecue ribs, grill, grill techniques, grilled, ribs, st. louis, test kitchen, from the test kitchen, claire, claire saffitz, bon appetit claire, claire bon appetit, claire makes ribs, bbq ribs, bbq, st louis ribs, how to grill ribs, how to make ribs, how to bbq ribs, how to barbecue ribs, rib recipe, bbq rib recipe, barbecue ribs recipe, dry rub ribs, how to bbq, oven bbq ribs, bbq pork ribs, pork ribs, ribs on bbq, food, bon appetit
Id: Mjz2aZ350vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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