The Best BBQ Ribs Without Using A Smoker

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so from a traditionalist perspective this is not exactly the recipe that I would want to do because I prefer to smoke them but if you think you can't have great ribs without a smoker but I think we need to redress that I think copies just for drinking but also it can be used in many other ways that's why today's video sponsored by trade coffee you see trade coffee has a massive selection of some of the greatest roasted to order coffee in the world but look I'm a little bit I'm a little bit I'm a little bit indecisive [Music] that's why I love their coffee matchmaker function that will set you up with the perfect coffee for you and if you click the link below you'll get 30% off your first bag of coffee with tree coffee so for me in trade coffee to you is you okay so we are making rig whether you have a smoker or not but hopefully you have a grill but also you can do without a grill the point is I want people to be able to make delicious barbecue smoky ish glazed lacquered kissed loved snuggle ribs that melt in your mouth I mean let me tell you something if that rib bone doesn't slide on out real nice and smooth then you need help so with all that said let's make this shall we okay so to get things started we need to make our rib rub sort of with two tablespoons or 20 grams of kosher salt one tablespoon or 12 grams of brown sugar and 1 tablespoon or 9 grams of smoked paprika 1 tablespoon or 10 grams of garlic powder and obviously since we're talking about coffee two tablespoons or 10 grams of fresh finely ground coffee make sure this is the good stuff I'm not talking any cheapo stuff all right you know where to go for this give it some whiskey business until everything is thoroughly combined and would you look at that it's a gosh-darn rib rib now before you get to rub in your ribs you don't want to make sure that you remove this layer of tissue that runs along the top of the ribs now lots of places will remove this but you can always tell it's there there's like a shiny sort of hard film you can't really cut through it that stuff is not gonna get cooked off so just kind of work your finger under there look no no inappropriate jokes all right and it should peel off relatively easily once that peels off you got this nice little revealed rib piece and the whole thing is edible it's great - the bone obviously this is enough rub for two to four racks of seat Lois or baby back ribs depending on their size season each rack of ribs very generously with your ear rub and well obviously you're gonna rub it all over because it's a rib rub and you should be rubbing your ribs now once all your racks are rubbed got them saying this a lot place each individual rack in an envelope of foil give a little splash of vinegar of your choice actually use this yuzu rice vinegar it's not Bradley only using it he's a homey so I had to do it then just take the foil and fold it up and around the ribs sort of creating a nice crease at the top you want to do this in a way so it can't leak out the bottom that's very very important you're closing the envelope at the very top on all edges there are no edges that lead to leakage and need wear so you lit nice and tight and place it in of incepted for two and a half to three hours or until extreme tender my tender I mean you should be able to pull the rib bones out real easy well that's cooking let's make our Barbie sauce so in a pot you're gonna combine 1 cup or 285 grams of ketchup 1/4 cup of 50 grams of brown sugar 2 teaspoons or seven grams of kosher salt 2 tablespoons or 24 grams of white vinegar look there's a lot of ingredients obviously we're almost there 2 tablespoons are 24 grams of yuzu rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar have a couple hundred 20 grams of water 1 tablespoon or 10 grams of garlic powder and 1 tablespoon or 10 grams of smoked it of smoking of smoked paprika yeah you can also add a little bit your coffee season and a splash your dashi if you're feeling extra fancy then just mix it together place it over medium heat and simmer that sauce for 30 minutes or until nice and reduced and thickie like this now hold up a minute so this is a tasty barbecue sauce it's great sure cool you can use it for lots of stuff it's gonna work just fine as it is but why not take it just an extra step further by also cold smoking it if you have any sort of a cold smoking gun you should absolutely use it at this point I'd recommend filling the bowl up with smoke let it sit covered for 10 minutes and repeat that two to three times or until it's nice and smoky tasting it's not required but tasty okay so once your ribs are done take him out of the oven open them up bathe in their glorious beauty now look at this point you could do a couple different things I personally like to grill mine and glaze them but before you do that you really want to let this cool down a little bit cuz they will fall apart on the grill I actually like to chill mine overnight but hey if you don't want to go that far then you can absolutely just glaze them embroil them whatever method you choose just make sure that your charring them while also constantly glazing them until they get a nice thick lacquer so you can see me grilling him here and brushing them then that's pretty much it once they're nice and lacquered hot and they got a little bit of crispy going on then I would say that the little piggy went home and by home I mean you got a nice glazed rack of ribs and it's time to eat okay so it's whippy you see that's how you know they're tenders when this when this happens ah yes queasy we got st. Louis we also got baby back yeah st. louis-style ribs I mean look have a look have a little bite all right you know what I personally think this recipe is better for st. Louis ribs instead of the baby back ribs buzz baby back ribs are kind of bad Nate and therefore the glaze doesn't penetrate as much so unless you're smoking them st. Louis ribs glaze really well with this recipe a solid 10 out of 10 if you don't have a smoker but you want to have solid ribs this is the only way that you should be going but you want to know what else is the only way you should be going b-roll alright guys and that is it so we made ribs without a smoker and you know what they turned out really really really I would just say the biggest thing that makes these ribs so great is making sure they get a nice thick lacquer and making sure that you add plenty of salt salty salty salty and also letting them rest overnight with that seasoning lady really quick thank you to trade coffee so much for sponsoring this video guys don't forget to take advantage of the 30% off deal the link is in the description be sure to click that you love these guys you know I drink their coffee all the time and and they genuinely have all of my favorite coffees and I really mean that it's not just like cuz it's a sponsorship but that's like a real it's like a real thing a lot of a lot of really cool things that we started doing that is involving some major players in the game and I can't quite tell you I know I've said this the last few times but man y'all better get ready because as soon as this whole like you got stayin you're got bang home be like chillin in here with your lasso soon as that's gone whoa um if there's anything that you guys want to see in the meantime I'm really curious what everybody's thinking about you know life and food and what and what they see with their life what do you want to see during this time before social distancing is lifted what do you want to see food wise cook boys hit me in the comments DM me on Instagram you know that all that's in the link in the description that's a classic you to be thing to say but anyway if you enjoy this video or learn something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,353,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq ribs, homemade bbq, homemade ribs, homemade bbq rib recipe, rib recipes, making ribs without a smoker, how to make ribs without a smoker, making ribs at home, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, smoked ribs, ribs no smoker, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, BBQ, smoker, best BBQ, homemade BBQ, BBQ at home, ribs recipe, ribs
Id: RZE67tUcT7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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