Cladding and Membrane on the shed build

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[Music] welcome back to my um shed right this is the next in the series of my shed build the last one if you remember we actually put the roof on on all the joists that was all excellent hopefully you've seen that video if not check it out here now the next stage is obviously to wrap the whole thing in a brief wall membrane and then start getting some cladding on okay so i've gone out i bought a massive roll of breathable membrane is this stuff rhino vent ultra okay this actually cost me 90 something pounds uh okay but it is 50 meters long and one and a half meters wide so it's wider than i was trying to get uh so i guess we've got to try and start putting this on the outside all right so as you can see the roll is quite big and the problem is i've got to wrap it all the way around and i might have a little bit of trouble accessing this corner here so first thing i'm going to do is a little bit of a dry run see if i can actually walk all the way around the shed with this it might fit it might not i'm going to be holding in place with staples i'm going to use this stanley stapler i was going to use my nail gun with staples in it but the shortest ones i could get were too long and they'd end up going through the other side right so let's do me trial run [Music] right that may have seemed like a silly thing to do but i'm glad i did it because it's highlighted a couple of issues and now let me show you i'll give you a quick try and walk around and i'll show you the couple of the issues i come up against all right first of all this corner which i thought was going to be easy it was actually a bit tighter than i expected so i've got to get around here um i remember there's a big pile of wood down here which i've got to move then once i squeeze around here okay around the corner now this is the issue i've got the fence actually leans in at the top so this gap is just about wide enough for me to squeeze through and also down on the floor here where my electrics are going to be coming into the shed uh i need you tripped over there okay so these are a couple of things i could just about get around there it's gonna be a bit more difficult but we can do that [Music] don't travel on the flowers all right so i'm just about to start laying this thing on the on the walls uh now the best thing to do is actually go around the whole thing first and make sure you have any screws sticking out no screws coming from the inside make sure there's no sharp edges otherwise you'll just rip this stuff uh now it looks like i've got to go around the other way i was going to go around that way around the shed but it looks like i've got to go the other way and the reason is because there's an overlapped line and also the instructions say it's got to be coloured side out okay i'm assuming this with the writing on it is the out so it does mean i've got to go round the other way but that means you gotta do the awkward corner first but let's get it going and see how we get on right i've gotta get this straight to start with otherwise by the time i get all the way around the shed it's gonna be uh all over the place uh there's a center line down the center of the shed here where my two end walls join it's just falling down yeah look you can see it here okay so i'm going to use that to line up my first bit get some staples in it and then start dragging it around the corner [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] right so now got it all the way around the shed uh what i'm gonna do now is put some staples in it to hold it all in place uh trying to keep it as smooth as possible to the surface uh yeah let's get stapling [Music] oh oh [Music] all right so that's the first level uh on and now obviously i don't need another one and a half meters here even though the gay blend is quite high i think what i'm going to do because this roll is way too heavy to be welding up and down here what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut my material first to this height okay do a layer all the way around here and then do the gable ends as a third layer all right so i've got to cut this into strips this big all right so i've cut myself a a short piece to go all the way around this is a lot easier to handle uh probably haven't cut it the best but uh it'll be fine so i think i'll start this from around the front here go all the way around and join up again all right let's get some more stapling done [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so it's my next layer right now i think what i'll do is i'll quickly open up this door just going to use an old stanley knife cutting diagonally from the corners [Music] then all i'm going to do is fold it around staple it in place i won't carve the excess yet i'll save that till later right so that's the shed now covered in brief wall membrane uh the next step is to put the battening on uh i did have a plan of what i was going to do uh let me show you what that is right we're in the workshop here now i've got this big pile of old wood here that i was going to use this is some really thick cladding off of somebody give me this i was going to chop that into batons like this one here but it took me so long to chop these and obviously they're in short pieces there'd be loads of joins plus as well this is very blonde wood so i'd have to treat them all so there just chopping this lot up would take me absolutely hours uh so what i've decided to do instead is i've gone to wix uh it's a sunday morning i've spent a full tune and i've just bought some patterns right so i'm going to have to start putting some battens on ready to put the cladding on so back out in the sunshine [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right for the baton in for the top of the gable ends i'm just going to use the slot which is the offcuts from all of the uprights got to save money right so that's all the battening on the shed now uh including these bits on the gable end uh i use all the off cuts that work quite well it's all on the front it's all on the sides let me show you around the back because that was almost impossible to do all right so i managed to get it all on the back there god knows how i could just about get down here and i actually got wedged in at one point but the battens are on uh god knows how i'm gonna do the cladding but we'll sort out later right next thing is the corners right so on the corners i'm gonna try something i've never tried before um i've got a ban on either side so on the side and on the front here and the idea is i'm going to put one of these two by twos on the corner and the reason is so it blends in with the cladding uh let me show you what i'm going to try and do right so i've got a baton here and i've got a band here and the idea is i'm going to try and put this in the corner like this and then screw it from this side and from the other side that should give me a big lip there and the reason i want that is for the cladding okay so that's like that then the cladding will sit here like this okay so the cladding will finish like that i'll leave a little bit of a gap for expansion but that should give it a bit more bit of a nice look right let's start drilling some pilot holes in these bands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so it looks like the corners are going to work quite well what we've got to do now is start putting some cladding on i'm going to do the side first i've measured up and i've cut the limbs now obviously the most critical part is the first piece of cladding you put on now that's got to be dead level so what i'm going to do is i'm going to space that out put that on i want it about i know seven mil off the floor so it doesn't soak up any water and what i'm going to use for that is a pencil so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put three carpenters pencils on the floor because they are about seven and a half mil thick okay they're about 15 mil wide but i'm gonna use them flat on the floor uh i'm gonna rest my first piece of cladding on that then i'm just gonna staple it in place with brad nails okay i will be putting screws in later let's get the first one done and then see how it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so it's the first one in place so now all i've got to do is put the others on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right so i've got this far i seem to be missing some cladding on the end and across the front here because i've run out i didn't estimate it properly but it's okay because the guys from doors heath timber that's these guys they have just sent me some more so now at least i can carry on yeah excellent service uh check them out doors e timber right uh let's just show you how the membrane works so as you can see i've got my cladding on the front here and underneath you've got your membrane here and basically what it does it leaves a big air gap okay so any moisture that goes on the front it's not even going to get to here and if it does it'll just run down the bottom and then it'll come out the bottom okay so that's what a membrane does ah right let's start cutting this lot up and get some more cladding done looking good [Applause] right so that's about it the membrane's on all of the cladding's on all i've got to do now is put some screws in the cladding at the moment it's just held in with brad nails the back and the sides have been clad using the old cladding off of the old shed what we're going to do now is move on to the roof but that's gonna be for another video okay thank you very much for watching i'll see you in the next video bye [Music] it's like hot but hotter stand on your garden [Music] jesus christ [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Frank Williams
Views: 17,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: franks little workshop, diy, shed build, cladding, breathable membrane, how to, garden buildings, how to build a shed, instructional video, shed tutorial, wooden cladding, log roll cladding, toolstation, wickes
Id: 6_ooDf9jAXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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