Shed Build

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hello so I built this Workshop the beginning of the year but it was always my intention to build a second space because I like to have a workshop that's nice inspiring creative space and not just full of junk so I need a shed for things like garden tools and paint and wood and all that kind of stuff originally I thought I'd just buy a shed and not make any videos about it so I've put a base down but plans have changed and I'm going to build one I've got some three by twos to make it out of and I've got a kind of over engineer it and that's going to give me more options in the future now the bass is obviously the size of the workshop so I'm going to use it as a template and Mark out on it how tall I want the front wall to be on the back of the base I'm going to Mark out the height of the rear wall which is going to be slightly shorter so the roof will have a pitch to it now I've got a bit of three by two that I can get onto both of those marks I've made so this will be the height of the roof and now I can work out the pitch I've got a bevel gauge so I can get that on locked off and take it over to the miter saw right I've got the angle set so now I can start chopping down some Timbers without whites all right I messed up that first one because I had the wood flat and I needed it on its side but I redid it and the Egg was fine it's now going to cut a pile of them because I've got this all set up and I need them all at the same angle yeah right so I've got my top bit of wood and my bottom of the wood that only cutting to length because it's three meters and that's what the workshop is but now I've got the angle of these I can get them in I need to work out the length I need to be for the front and the back and I'm going to get two of each cup because the front and the back are going to be exactly the same obviously I've been waiting weeks to start this project because it's rained every day and now today it's almost too hot never happy oh nearly forgot I didn't change the angle of the saw back to 90. oh that could have been a mistake [Music] okay gotta do exactly the same along the back and then repeat them for the other wall [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you with the first frame put together well the first four bits of it I can get the second frame laid out on top of it and then get that screwed together as well as the outline of these two frames were exactly the same it was easy to do them at the same time but now I would want to get this second one out the way so I can come back and get the first one finished because the first one is the more complicated of the two firstly because it's got two openings in it the first one being the door frame that I made last week the second being a window frame so I can get these two put where I want them so the door frame doesn't go against the bottom plate you'll see more about that when I come to install the door so now I can just work out how long some Timbers need to be to frame around these things and get them cut [Music] [Applause] with the uprights in place I'm now going to get some extra supports put in bath and below the window and then the same on the door God I can get rid of the door frame and the window frame now and then I just need to add in some little bits at the top of the bottom [Applause] right that's this wall all framed so let's get it out of the way and get that other one back on now this one should be much simpler to do as there's no doors no windows so all I need to do is cut well measure cut the uprights all to the same length and get them screwed into place [Music] foreign right that's the two frames done for longer walls now to get the ones done for the shorter ones now to frame the two shorter walls or the front or the back or whatever I'm calling them so I can use the marks I've drawn them here already so I've got a piece to represent the top face to represent the bottom and then I can work out how long this needs to be and get the angles cut and they're all cut to length the good thing about this is they're all going to be the same length on this and then do the same on the back wall but they're all going to be slightly shorter [Music] I have all the uprights cut now I've been using this to represent the top and the bottom but that's not where the top of the bottom goes the bottom will actually go on here so this looks like exactly right length at the moment but that doesn't take into consideration the thickness of the walls either side so and it's minus that off it and get the bit cup at the top of the bottom and that would be exactly the same with the front and the back so I can get four bits cut thank you get all these laid out where I want them to go and then let's get some screws in to lock it all together Ah that's the last frame together but instead of getting this one pulled off to put with all the others I'm going to get these ones put back on and that's because I'm stopping for the day that's taking me about half a day to get this far and I could continue and get the walls up but I'd like to have a full day at it so I've got the best chance of getting it watertight by the end of the day so I'm just gonna get these piled up and the top on them foreign it's a dry day or it's supposed to be it's looking rather gray but the weather forecast says it's going to be clear hopefully they're not lying to me so I've got the four walls one's on the floor there side one's here all in the place all in the right orientations it's time to get them up now I'd like to start by getting some screws half started in the base plate of them and they'd have to worry about it so that's the first job so I think I'm ready to start getting these walls up screws are started let's get the impact driver attached to myself uh I think I'm going to want to work from this side it's all the way around now lining up should be easy because all he's got to do is line up perfectly with the base I mean if you have friends they would be great about now but it's doable on your own okay let's get the first screw in okay let's do the same with the back wall so got the screws started all I've got to do is line one edge up with the frame I've already put up and with the edge of the base and then get the screw down these walls will always be wobbly still but I can get them locked together then they'll actually be pretty stable so and get them all lined up and clamped into place and they can dry some screws in locking them together I'm always happier once I've got two walls on and locked together and then I know they're not going to fall over at all so it's now just kind of rinse and repeat working my way around getting these on so it's pretty easy because this corner just butts up the other one and then the edge on the edge of the base there's not much to it really these frames can get locked together now exactly the same way time for last whoa hopefully this was just slide into place perfect so same as before just lock these all together there we go this part of the build amazes me every time we go from it all flat packed to having four walls up and locked together in about well under 20 minutes and that's with me talking to you and filming so yeah I love making this progress this quickly right on to the next stage I've just gone around the outside whacking a few more screws in now foreign now I want to add a top plate to this which hopefully is going to do a couple of things it's going to tie all this framework together because it's going to overlap the joints and it's going to give me more material to screw into when we come to doing the roof so I'm going to get it lined up against one Edge and then get some screws in as you can see I didn't pre-measure this and cut it to length but now I've got the pull saw and I'm just going to trim this flush now I can do exactly the same thing along the back the side piece is a little more complicated because I need to chop the angles on so I can't just put them up and measure I'm going to have to no not put them up a measure I can't just put them up and cut off the excess I'm gonna have to actually measure how long they need to be right that's all tied together I'm now going to get this all wrapped with a breathable membrane and do this technique which I tried last time and it worked amazingly well oh putting it onto a broom now starting the corner get it stapled on and just work my way around foreign [Music] overlapping it to the dotted lines foreign but before that it's easier to produce some other bits of the cladding first so I've got these wider bits of wood they're going to go around the top on all four sides and the cladding is going to screw to this at the top and then onto this in a second I'm going to put another bit of wood for the cladding to butt up against so yeah it's just getting these screwed on to the top [Applause] foreign [Applause] so this is black barn paint it's different than the stuff I used last week to do the door because I used that all up and I found this stuff uh on Amazon and it was cheaper but I've already done a bit with it and it seems just as good so I'll put a link to this down below now for the roof and I've got these panels these have been sent to me by the insulated panel store and what they are is foam insulation with metal on top and on the inside but I've got the insulation uh manual for this and the first job is to run some of this foam tape around the perimeter but before I can do that I need to get back in there so I'm gonna need to cut an opening this stuff as an adhesive side on one side of it so pretty easy to install just cut this last bit off and that is two rows of the foam on so the next job technically is to get some sealant in place but I think I'm going to get the panels moved around so they're roughly in the position I want them before I do that okay the panels have got some protective coating on the front or the top at the bottom so I definitely want to get it off the inside before installing it I've got a couple of panels kind of in place ready to be lifted on the roof so now I can go around with the sealant gun and get a bead of this run around the perimeter of a tween those two runs of foam right so these are not incredibly heavy as you can see I've moved them around on my own but I can also see this is not a good idea this is definitely two three person job really because I need to get these on without damaging that foam and silicon I've just laid on so I kind of want to push it up and then lower it down rather than drag it across the roof um yeah wish me luck okay not a complete disaster I might need a cup of tea though from inside now I can kind of get on the middle of the panel and lift it up and move it down yes so I'm not dragging it across the foam or the Silicon now it's just fine adjusting it getting the overhang the same or in the right position all the way around um okay that was not as bad to get on as I thought I've got the overhang how I want it all the way around uh and I think the first one is the hardest after that you can just line the next ones up with it so the installation pack comes if I don't drop them with these long and self-tapping screws that have sealing washers on and a driver to go in the impact driver so now I'm gonna get a few screws in just to lock this in place it doesn't move when I get the next panel on before I get those screws in I need to get this protective film off I don't think there's any advantage to leave it on while I'm getting it up there so for the next ones I can get it off on the ground because that'd be much easier the screws need to go into The Ridges but not the first one because that's where the next sheets are gonna overhang so what I'm going to do is measure from The Edge the position where the screws need to go and then I've got a center punch to mark it then I can get them driven into place all right I don't have a tool and I've stepped ladder and I don't want to lean a ladder against this while I'm doing it so I'm improvising okay one sheet secure right time for the next one so the only difference with this is now it's got a little tongue that overlaps the previous one but yeah that's uh let's get it up hopefully we know what we're doing now [Music] definitely easier doing the second one I've got a rough idea what I'm doing and I've got the first panel for the slide against which works really well so that was much quicker so this is now all in place I've got it lined up nicely the front and the back with the other one so now some more screws in to lock it all in place so that's gone through the overlap tying the two panels together now foreign screws in and that will be it watertight so I've read the instructions it didn't look very complicated but I was a bit nervous at doing on my own but actually manage that without too much difficulty uh I think we could be water tight in under two hours from starting the roof um obviously my first time doing it and doing it on my own and filming it so I think I must do it again I'll probably do it in one hour uh if you had help you'd do it in no time at all so it's a very quick system and not only are you watertight you're insulated and you've got internal cladding on the roof as well so yeah it's probably one hour compared to at least a day's work with a different system so that's good obviously there's lots more to do with trim and bits but I'm going to stop for some breakfast after this right I'm rested so now I need to continue but I've got to get on the roof for it what I need to do now is get some more screws in this time's the little short ones where the two sheets have overlapped and just get them locked together down the whole run with a 45 centimeter spacing on the screws right that's all stitched together now I've got to install these foam bits along the front to stop animals getting under it or anything like that and they go on with small this adhesive as the glue so I'm going to run a bead along and then get these stuck down in place [Music] foreign [Music] get the trim on So in theory this would just push on the end I'll tell you what this table is a great work oh yeah that's pretty easy so now these short screws go in on The Ridges again to tie this all into place all right now for the side pieces and they've gone the same way but you just add another bead of this adhesive along the sides first foreign [Music] s are longer so these strips don't fully fit so I have to go down and cut a small piece to go on the ends [Applause] right three sides the one with the same profile on each side now on the back Edge we have a different one much more of an L-shaped so just gonna need to get this on and some screws in [Music] foreign bits of trimmer on and secured from the top but now I need to go around the whole thing and get some screws put in from the underside to lock it in place right that's it all on so I've got a nice overhang at the front so I won't get wet when I'm coming in and out of the shed uh that was really easy actually so the panels got cut to length at the factory so there was no cutting of those involved went up about three hours in total all trimmed finished and I say it's not just as a roof on it's an insulated roof with a ceiling in there as well I would definitely recommend getting a friend I managed it on my own but it probably wasn't the best ideas the instructions really easy to follow the Kit's really good sometimes kits are really mean but I've got a couple of the long screws left over some of the short screws some tape some adhesive yeah they weren't mean on the bits they gave which is normally I want more and I've got bits left over so that's great I think I'm going to leave it here for now so thank you for the insulation panel store for sending me this roof thanks for watching thanks to my patrons and please subscribe to more videos next week we'll try and get it all finished [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Badger Workshop
Views: 88,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shed, build, garden shed, making shed, diy shed, workshop, garden room, ]home studeo, making, diy
Id: 52g4o9COKWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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