CK3 Tips & Game Mechanics Every Beginner Should Know

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everything [Music] Crusader Kings 3 can be a very complicated game for new players with all the menu navigation events and real-time maneuvering players can go hundreds of hours without finding some of the most useful mechanics in the game in this video I will be highlighting four ways I abuse these game mechanics to give my Realms the best chance of success what if I told you you could get unlimited nights for free depending on your level of ck3 knowledge you should know that Champions are an extremely powerful component of your military if we click on our Champions or in this case Knights because we're playing as the king of France hello there you can see all the Champions you have in your Army and the number next to them is the prowess of that character which is a measure of their strength and the reason Knights are so important is because you can see right here each point of prowess gives a knight a hundred damage if we compare that to an above average men at Arms units like these armored footmen you can see they have a value of 32 for their base damage so really one night with 32 prowess is essentially the same in terms of damage output as one Regiment of a hundred armored footmen the only problem with good nights is that they can be insanely expensive so this brings us to my free night strategy if you click over here on your quarters and you go over to this tab you can see a bunch of characters who are either your guests or are already members of your court like these characters down here so all I have to do is find a female quarter who is unmarried Hi how are you and try to find her a spouse but make sure to toggle matrilineal marriage what this will do is make it so that when we set her up with a character with some of the highest prowess available to us he has to go live with her instead of the chance of her going to live with him if he has a higher position in his court not only is this good to get free nights but you can also use it to boost any of your counselors for a little lacking let's say I'm trying to play a tall game where I push hard for developing in my Capital I can do the same thing with one of my female quarters but this time sort by stewardship ability this will let me get an amazing Steward for my realm which will give me those couple extra points in terms of my development per month it is important to note if you're playing as a character with one of the less popular religions or cultures in ck3 it might be harder to find suitors for your unmarried quarters so this tip works best if you're playing as a Catholic Orthodox or a Shari ruler have you ever been mid ck3 game and thought it sure would be useful to go full US government and start printing money well with this one counselor task that is now possible all you have to do is find your spymaster counselor and click on their find Secrets task you have to select a county for them to do this and from my experience the bigger the realm the easier time they'll have finding secrets so stick them in a kingdom or Empire capital and wait just a few months while you're waiting be sure to go down a stewardship lifestyle in order to pick up the golden obligations perk which will let you demand money for the hooks you have on other characters now that the task is finished got mail oh my God you just need to Blackmail that character and boom you now have a hook on them which you can demand payment from them for a value of often 50 gold per pop depending on your counselor's ability this task will take as little to three or four months to complete so you could be getting 200 gold a year from this one tactic and whenever you get a message saying that there aren't any more secrets in that realm just move your counselor onto the next Kingdom and rinse and repeat for unlimited gold one last thing about this tip if you really wanted to crank up the gold you can spend some time in the Intrigue lifestyle in order to pick up this perk which lets you fabricate hooks on other characters with this method you can run a scheme to fabricate hooks while also finding Secrets which pretty much doubles your gold income from this method [Music] so the next couple mechanics I want to talk about deal with battles and more specifically the number you see when clicking on a battle for those who don't know this is called the advantage modifier and each point raises the damage being done by your army by two percent there are a bunch of factors that contribute to this Advantage modifier such as both Commander's martial ability various traits of your culture and religion and even RNG but two of the most important factors are as follows the terrain of the battlefield and the supplies of both the armies Helix supplies are a mechanic in ck3 which so many players Overlook even though they might be the biggest contributing factor to who wins and loses a closely contested War have you ever noticed how when you raise a rather large army the troops normally get split into two or more Stacks this is done to make sure that each Army can stand on the Barony where they're raised without losing supplies what I've seen most players do at this point is group up this rather large army and start going about their murder in business oh boy here I go killing again this is bad each Barony title has a different Supply limit if this Supply limit is lower than the number of men in the stack standing on it this Army will start losing supplies and if this Army's supplies drops below 60 it will now be under supplied which gives that Army a minus 10 in terms of the advantage modifier which remember is a damage reduction of 20 percent when you enter into a battle but we aren't done here the next level of low supplies happens when your army has less than 10 and this pretty much is a death sentence for that Army when the stack is starving they get a 50 damage reduction in battles but on top of that they start taking attrition damage every month here you can see a starving Army gets a five percent attrition rate meaning your army will lose five percent of its Manpower every month they stay below 10 supplies comparing this to a supplied Army capturing a castle you can see they only take a one percent attrition rate per month so having a starving Army loses you five times more men than an army capturing land luckily for you in order to get this Army supplies back up all you have to do is split them up so the number of men in each stack is lower than the supply limit of the Barony title they're standing in once you've done this you should see your armies start gaining a certain amount of supplies per month normally 20 if it's not winter or if there's any other conditions happening and then once it's above 60 your army can go about their business without taking any penalties at all in battles if you thought the 50 penalty for having a starving Army was bad what if I told you there were multiple sixty percent damage penalties you could rack up if you're not paying attention to the land you choose to fight a battle in the first one of these major penalties happens if your army recently came off a boat this gives the Army a recently disembarked symbol for 30 days and any battle this Army engages in during those 30 days will provide it with a 30-point penalty in the advantage modifier which again is a 60 reduction in damage one simple way of solving this is instead of charging head first into a battle right after disembarking all you have to do is plop your army down next to the tile you want wait one month and then you can engage all you want without having to worry about the disembarking penalty [Music] the next thing you need to watch out for is when your army is crossing a body of water there are three types of water Crossings armies can make in ck3 rivers large rivers and Straits which each provide 10 20 and 30 to the advantage modifier swing respectively these map features are all over the ck3 world so be sure to use them to your advantage in Wars by standing on the other side of major river Crossings or building highly defensible buildings on the other side of streets in your lands as a final point about the advantage modifier if you're going into Wars with two or three times as many troops none of these factors really matter you could run a recently disembarked starving Army across the street and probably still win but if you're in Wards which are close or you're being attacked by a larger Army that's when you need to take advantage of every last one of these factors so you can always come out on top all right guys that's everything I have for you today hopefully these tips will be helpful in terms of keeping your Realms together and letting you have some fun in ck3 I haven't done a tips video in ages so let me know if you'd like more videos like this in the future and other news we're closing in on 50 000 subscribers which is absolutely mind-boggling to me so I just wanted to take a second to thank everybody for watching my videos and subscribing to my channel it's honestly crazy I wish I had time to upload more often but I am a one-man team here at zealy and I do work a normal nine to five so it is tough for me to make more than a video every couple weeks but you can hold me to at least two videos a month I promise that much I also plan on streaming some ck3 and maybe some other stuff on Twitch at some point in the relatively near future so be sure to give me a follow there if you wanted to drop by and say hello other than that I'll be seeing you in the next video peace out
Channel: Zieley
Views: 118,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 3, Crusader Kings III, Crusader Kings, Guide, New Player, Help, how to, Tips, CK3, ck3, ck, Advanced, Secret, Expert, tips and tricks, tricks, Tutorial, win, Play Through, How I play, kingdom, Traits, Techs, Disaster, Save my Game, Save my disaster, Realm Management, Revolt, War, Populist, Claimant, Faction, Save, Viewer, Save your game, Rebellion, Independence, Kingdom, Royal Court, Unite, Subscriber, Genoa, rebellion, vasal, Succession, Game, Youtuber, Series, Playlist, Umayyad, 4 tips
Id: 5SqsGQAq3OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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