25 ESSENTIAL Beginner Tips for Crusader Kings 3

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today I have 25 tips that can hopefully help you go from this to this I did a similar video last year but after some updates there are many new features and some of that video is outdated but I'll leave it linked as most of it is still relevant so first is a change from one of the ones from the last video but if you are a feudal vessel the first thing to do is modify your contract picking up Council rights but instead of giving High levies give succession rights this basically gives you the ability to demand a council position fall free which does come with a wide range of bonuses also for your first playthrough I would really really recommend playing tall this means not holding a lot of land but instead focus on improving your County's development and building up eventually this will make you equally if not more powerful than entire Empires without having to deal with loads of vassels a pretty stress-free way to learn and also you know I I do have a guide on that or if you do decide to conquer a lot of land I got a few tips to deal with with the painful vassel uprisings especially after inheritance when everybody seems to hate you for existing the first way is to save a bunch of people from hostile faiths in your prisons for many many years then when you're inherit execute them all for easy dread leaving your vassals terrified and unable to do anything but if you do decide to be a bit nicer a Majesty Grand to can quickly allow you to gain the opinion of your vassals as you do need plus 80 opinion to stop them so don't make the mistake of thinking plus 50 opinion means they like you but Grand TOS make it pretty easy to get plus 100 opinion and the final tip for stopping factions this time before they even rise up is to start a war place the most powerful person in the faction to lead an army of 100 levies into battle against your enemies over and over again until eventually they die nice simple and effective also please make sure your most powerful vassel seen by this symbol are on your counter they will hate you otherwise of course unless you have befriended them as friends can't Rebel moving on though probably one of the easiest ways to take over large amounts of land is if you click on a title then click claimant if you manage to either invite any of these people to your court or pick up the abductor trait and kidnap and recruit them that way once done you can push their claims although do make sure that the title you are taking is below yours otherwise they will go independent now I did say one of the easiest as the easiest is if you reform your culture and pick up by the sword this allows unlimited Kingdom level Holy Wars instead of the current limit of one so yeah you can literally take Kingdom after Kingdom with nothing stopping you if you're feudal always put one of the elective laws on your primary duche even while being an Emperor as you will have all the vote in power to give this to your ear keeping your primary money-making titles together on inheritance now the next one is a little bit cheesy easy but it works so if you're at War and some of your children are betrothed you can call those allies break the betrothal then look for more alliances with your children and call the new allies as if an alliance breaks during a war they still can't leave it so it's an easy way to win Wars now next up we have a super simple way to take down entire Empires simply swear field D and start a dissolution faction then either get a lot of allies or fabricate strong hooks on the other vassals to force them to join you once defeated the Empire will collapse leaving behind a bunch of Dukes that are much easier to take over also don't forget if you do get 100% War score you don't have to end the war you can carry on si in for some time picking up extra gold now next up we have a way to make any faith the most powerful in the world all you need to do is take land outside your main djay title create a holy order there then grant that land away and give them Independence repeat this over and over and suddenly your faith has tens of thousands of men ready to fight also I think it is worth breaking the habit of wasting Renown on disinheriting your children Renown is just too useful and you will massively fall behind other dynasties by doing this instead simply just reconquer the land you will be way more powerful and have claims plus it can make for some pretty cool stories a similar thing happened to my Hima campaign which you can check out on my second Channel educate your vassals air as eventually they will be on your Council so making them as good as they can possibly be will massively benefit you in the future early game it's way better to focus on marrying kids for alliances rather than just trait I wouldn't bother trying for traits until you are strong enough to stand on your own as what's the point of having this air if they hit this screen a thing I struggle with is tyranny because I revoke my vassals land a lot and one thing I didn't realize for a long time all you need to do is fabricate a claim and you can take their land without any vassals hating you the new economy M mode can make targeting profitable counties so easy if the icon is yellow it's already built but if it's blue a special building can be built there the new Feast activity now allows you to attempt to befriend someone as your intent this is another easy way to stop your most powerful vassals ever rising up but focus on your younger vassals as this limits a faction for much much longer and one thing that also confused me is Defender bonus when going into a battle is for whoever owns that County not the actual Defender so think of it more like a Home Advantage not who is actually defending early game men at Arms make a massive difference so it's always worth training an Accolade that gives bigger regimens for cheap Menat arms such as archers and Max Glory this gives each regiment a plus eight size giving you a powerful Army for pretty cheap early game now if you've tried everything you can and a faction still rises up the quickest way to take them down is find the war Leader by clicking on them here raise your troops next to their capital and Siege it as fast as you can often this can push you over 30% War score allowing for an easy white piece well guess another option with factions is let's just say your air is perfect and has just come of age and of course you just want to play as them now well you can attempt to revoke a vessel's title and when they refuse just surrender the war this passes the throne straight to your air now if you CAU Bishop has less than 10 learning please find a high-rise tower for them to fall out of as it just makes it impossible to get duy claims as well as making the claims you do get cost more so just hope your next Bishop isn't also useless and finally holding Grand tournament with Splendid prizes selected is a really really easy way to farm artifacts that can give you a range of bonuses some straight up domain limit increases yeah hopefully you learned something new but thank you all so much for watching I'm going to end the video with a massive thank you to all my channel members such as zamas but yeah thank you all so much for watching and hopefully I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Snap Strategy
Views: 182,106
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Keywords: Crusader Kings 3, ck3, Crusader Kings, crusader kings 3 tips, crusader kings 3 tips and tricks, ck3 trips, ck3 how to, crusader kings 3 guide, crusader kings 3 guide for beginners, ck3 guide, ck3 guide for beginners, ck3 beginners guide, crusader kings 3 beginner's, ck3 how to play, snap strategy, snapstrategy, crusader kings 3 gameplay
Id: Ma31IGdIvyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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