City Skylines 2: Optimized settings guide

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hey there welcome back Maris here and today we have City skylines 2 and optimize settings guide I'm going to show you what what and how to do so you can actually play the game so this is for your experience and I'm jumping right in the game so in the background you have my city this is the playground I will I'll I'll show you the graphics I will you the problems it still has and you can decide and I'll show show you how to remove them so there's so there's no clickbait whatsoever uh reasons behind the video and all that uh I have only 35,000 in my uh City so a lot of people are saying when you have 100 and all that yeah the game will suffer more the more it has to draw but why I'm using this uh setting is it's one starter of the square fully built everything unlocked until the point where basically everything is available for you and that's that's the moment when I reached 35,000 people that's in one first Square not buying anything else so you can approximately calculate how more people you can build and make and how long playr you have to have until you hit that frames per second problem so I am sure I'm going to show you what's the current situation you see pretty decent Graphics if if you move around it is blurry basically that's Fidelity X kicking in and once the moving stops it's basically can't handle it then the image is absolutely sharp if you move around basically well it's it is a bit blurry that's problem number one problem number two is at certain distances there is a flickering going on annoying as hell but well you see at at this distance where basically it's not even even for the building purposes it's it's totally fine when you go closer everything is drawn I'm also showing there is no work arounds or or basically I'm not making the video graphics is garbage in in terms of quality you see it's it's basically lowest possible but it's smooth no stutterings I'm playing between 60 to 90 frames per second depends on the uh distance I'm viewing and how much you uh game needs to draw basically absolutely playable game of course I have good gaming grid you will have uh different experience for every computer but hey I'm going to show you and I'll show you basically this is the only games settings optimization video you will need to see because it is basically the worst ever with the points so the game is actually bearable and not it's Pleasant for the eye let's let's put it in this way all right now you've seen how it works i' so show you two problems it will face let's start and basically rest of the game there will be rest of the video will be time stamps for every single point I'll try to so it's easier for you so for example this first part is skippable as well if you didn't notice so first things you need to do is without any optimization I just noticed and I I'm going to explain it uh with basic any Graphics if you select frame rate which sounds obvious you will have an IAD stuttering basically game tries to pull out as much frames as possible and it leads the moments when it's too much to draw it stutters and it absolutely destroys all the gameplay fun you want to throw it out instead go with simulation speed it basically makes the game fluid it's simulation don't think like a simulation so it simulates basically game fluidity that's how I see it once I changed to this setting there was no satter whatsoever yes frame weights were lower but they were stable and trust me that's what you want from your playr your gameplay uh that's out of the graphics at the moment when you will have my optimized settings I'd say there's no stuttering whatsoever if that was a problem so yes First Step go with simulation speed rest of them will go in graphics let me quickly show you uh this is the sample you can pause the video you will see and copy the settings if you wish to but don't think the simple is enough if someone you start watching video and someone says like h i just you know changed where is the Global Graphics quality to something and someone doesn't have here custom it means they don't understand what they're talking about because there's real trickery going on in Advanced and as soon as you start changing in advanced you will have a custom settings just basic proof so it's yeah it's worth watching or not watching so few things at the start I have not 10 0 uh resolution screen game developers release that tip to optimize and they basically say you know what go with lower resolution that's not the way that's not the way always go with Native and then basically Al tweak everything around never ever go with lower resolution than your native screen requires dlss will calculate and render lower if it's needed but always go with the resolution your screen requires so my screen is bigger in this case it's not better it's basically worse for this game so all the settings I am playing with uh 2K screen and I had to enable this this one checkbox to find 60 uh frames per second Herz basically doesn't matter much but well I like to limit if it's possible just just you know don't feel like it's need for that but anyways that's that's your option I went with like if you if I will have 6 it's good enough but anyways so another thing weird just from my experience I test it out whenever you save the settings basically at the end at the end when you optimize everything try to put full screen in my case I had five frames per second lower in the same setting basically nothing changes it reloads and then go back with full screen window window Ed in my case this is where 5% of your FPS can be lost many many many most of the games under full screen perform better not this one weird but go with full screen window that's that another point visn always turn it off there's no reason whatsoever in all the gaming history to go with visn there's like in on one hand fingers you can count the times when vising made game play better that's it those who have 10 and 15,000 gaming reads absolutely absolutely maxed out they will probably look at this and think why why we all normal people that have less of a budget and and and bu computers and LEL grab it's it's never good it's never never good sign to go with whing right simple as that turn that off next uh free cursor mode uh that's that's up to you if you have multi multiple monitors it's just easier if you want to switch back and forth for example from my video settings to your settings yeah it's go with free then I will start from the bottom and I have I again and repeat there's at the top select Advanced and we start from the bottom uh just way up and that's one by one I will quickly explain and show you and that's the end of the video will be there so at the bottom there's texture quality settings this is custom which means you have to custom make it go with very low in this case it basically I had to Google uh Meep BS what it means for Unity engine blah blah blah long story short the higher this number the more blurry image so now currently in the background everything now looks like I tested what you want to do you want to go with zero so the thing is if you go with default settings High it will have trillionaire fil uh filtering if you go with very low it will absolutely destroy but billionaire so my advice go with zero that means you will not have blurry Graphics it will be sharp as it can be from other settings but it has to be zero and I'm going with billionaire filtering because it has one one less filtering so it's faster simple as that as I said we are not going for pretty looks we're going for optimized settings that's that's what title said uh skinny quality two bones lowest possible quality animation quality medium again lowest then we are arrive at level of detail again custom easy as that what you do you select very low it is I don't know why they do this but what you need you want this Crossfade setting this Crossfade setting what it does where objects or Graphics change from one polygon count to another there's a popping up you you know from gaming experience from gaming industry it's well wellknown fact where uh low distance is when you arrive at the object it just pops up it's annoying it absolutely destroys everything this thing is absolutely great it basically transforms from one to another it cross Fades from one to another what it means there's no popping up it will appear or if the building is Set uh lower quality um polygons because it's further away you no need to spend that when you make move closer with camera at one point it should switch to more polygons this cross fade makes it basically like transform from one to another absolute Game Changer in uh uh for for the graphics details because you see you have the lowest 25 is good enough I I'd say even it's 30 in the background you will see some things changing so this is absolutely okay go is very low as long as you have Crossfade selected that's it another thing what I did I didn't see any performance but you see Max light count when there's lighting and Shadow that's what usually all the game engines just drop everything I went with ah lowest possible doesn't hurt as much and more more frames per second for me all right moving up water quality another weird thing where if you go with default settings low medium high the you see the bars I I tested you can test it of course you can test all these settings even without my video I tested with these Graphics like absolutely worst the water is not as good where changing these settings you see a noticeable visual difference remember this is not a SE game you will have most of your time in land when the water is the background absolutely there's there's waves there's Reflections there's everything the only thing that is missing from the the uh low settings and and turning it down enable water flow you will see where the water is flowing by the waves and all that just just for full better play through otherwise turn everything down as much as possible then qu turn teron quality settings here in the background you will see I will change the settings and this is something weird where basically one of the bar for low has to be lower and then the um Target PCH size changes um needs to be higher let me you see we have 324 and with high basically it mean it's basic basic knowledge how you can test this is uh more Graphics taxing this is the lowest possible uh this is more no this is more taxing this is the lowest possible so I go full kns for for these settings uh what it does in the background basically you see uh the landscape changes it basically now at the distance draws it uh approximation when you arrive it it will change and with this Crossfade also just to change to actual how it looks like uh the problem with this if you go with anything but this I tested this an absolute maximum there was up to 12 and 15 frames per second lost so I was like nah those Coast lines are not as important from far away distance when I arrive they will be as it is no problem whatsoever this is the worst graphic setting make it worst Shadow quality this is something uh easy as that disabled is ugly never go with disa go is next possible which is low uh I don't know why but this These Bars in most cases doesn't do nothing so you can go with low and then this I tested out no changes but uh one thing you need to make sure there is no terrain cast Shadows terrain basically is hold the land when the sun sets and Rises every bump will be calculated for Shadows a lot of no don't do that n just leave it it's a land okay only if you have absolutely hilly or or or or um ify land I don't know if there's one that's just been in this map I'd still say no but yeah you know you do you um motion BL disabled uh these U bars I have turned down doesn't change nothing but just show you that we don't want motion blur never a depth of fied quality this is really really taxing even developers release like yeah turned it off it's it's killing my game so yeah disable it was never going to enable it otherwise reflection quality remember reflection when you hear it nowadays you need to think huh are they pulling any rate racing because that basically tanks every single game in every across the globe just that like that it's not rate racing as such but just disabling does not change graphic Fidelity as it is so there's no reason to do harm for your play through frame rate and fluidity of of of your gameplay with any of that just disable that be done with that Global animation quality guess what that is in most games it actually ruins in my opinion also the graphical basically Bloom it makes things look unnatural we're talking about Graphics video games but anyways disable simple as that don't go any of these whatsoever disabled done um then ambient collusion equality this is weird I tested it out I have screenshots I sent to to my gamer chat friends tend to have some actually there's brother uh with two pictures where one was ambient a collusion high and another I disabled it and I saw how actually my frames per second dropped there are other YouTubers that say that yeah with high they see higher frame per second but currently whatever I do I try to restart the game I try to go to menu change here there back for me nothing changes not anymore I broke it for myself I don't know I leave it to high if somewhat it un it fixes itself uh but yeah go with high as far as I can tell it had higher frames per second and of course it looks better if you don't have it bugged as I do so that's that for Quality just garbage thing I don't know why the hell it is it makes everything ugly and uses your graphics disable it simple as that uh clouds clouds are up there this game is top down most of your time when you build and play this game you will see top down the only thing there are shadows Shadows when there's Shadows there's always a lot of frames lost so disable it when you will have at the end end of your city some scenery you want some clouds turn it on otherwise no one is happy to see clouds in your on your sunny day right so disabled last two points yes now this is the trickery um I will show you this is the reason for flickering anti alling TAA is the one thing for specific distance when you are not far enough to stop flicker oh damn it flickers like crazy or when you arrive closer the flickering is gone but I need to capture yet this this nightmare so look what happens when you change these settings under antalizing you select none no flickering when you select fxs FXAA no flickering no flickering no flickering you would say Maris but then let's go this no in the background I'm not going to show you you can test it for yourself every single one of these options make your game look like garbage there is more pixels on your well less pixels on your screen than in Minecraft I I'm not even kidding the only option how this game does not look like absolute trash is again with some trickery there is no TAA a you need to basically select something that allows you to select another analyzing method so if you go none there's even not that option so select something anything and then under this FAA F approximate AA you can select TAA that makes it custom uh this this quality is disabled these settings as far as I tested nothing changes basically this TAA there's a lot of broken settings what I'm trying to explain this TAA is the only thing which is guilty for these flickers but you have your houses that do not pixelate and is not cons consistently like like jig saes and you can test yourself this analyzing all every single one of them with all the settings I tested I don't know why they are there they I don't know either they don't work or someone who implemented doesn't know what they are doing but TAA is the only only savior that makes this game actually look playable you not all right back to settings I have one more I don't need to make this video longer than it needs to be one last thing we are talking about Dynamic resolution scale quality has to be constant this basically changes so if you select automatic you see it it uh makes this checkbox you don't need this checkbox you disable it you will have constant and if you disabled that's also not a thing you want you can run with that but your frame rates will be low you will suffer you will be angry you know downhill everything so select constant and here under the upsampler filter you have three options if you change anything it will go with custom they also look like garbage MD Fidelity FX super resolution is the only one and this is the first uh version if they when they update the game will be way better currently let's play what we have so this is what you want don't make this checkbox select this one and pay attention this minimum resolution uh percentage scale at this moment plays a role it by default it's 50% and this is why the game actually is blurry when you move around if you want to I'm just going to demonstrate it if you select here and put 100% it basically makes like nothing is upscaled you have 100% you draw 100% you have all the resolution so at this moment in the background this is a crystal clear absolute beautiful in the sense game but frame rates are down this is the moment this is the moment where you have to choose your poison uh as you see that's an active scale that you can change from 100 to absolute lowest this is the highest frames per second I'm pulling off uh which a little bit makes blurrier Graphics yes it's not as sharp but I have way more frames per second so that's the moment where you can choose and you see that the flickering it's annoying but these are all the settings now I showed you everything I adise you to select everything look at your city go around see how it feels if you for some unknown reason have too much frames per second and you feel like I would like better quality visuals then go and play around with let's say 75% middle ground it is higher resolution drawn it's sharper now basically the game is is I'd say more than playable but take a look for yourself if the frames per second satisfy you otherwise than that I am playing with low settings and now you have seen all my yeah that's it end of the video Dynamic yeah no no no yeah this yeah depth of field mode just to remind you nope disable it don't need it don't want it never ever not in a single game it makes everything uglier in my opinion but my opinion and it uses a lot of resources I don't see reason why it's there but make sure it's disabled also the devs released the same saying yeah by the way yeah it's not great so that's out of the way I'm ending the video optimize settings guide now you know everything go apply these settings and this is the best game can pull there is no trickery I'm not selling snake or whatever I'm basically showed you how to get lowest possible settings with not just bearable but good beautiful buildings not jigs sauvs not uh these this absolutely awful antialising things and that's it what your game uh what your gaming R can pull off that's it B uh we need to have uh developers patch D lsss dlss or or better next um Quality this AMD Fidelity x super resolution or or more optimization match all of them but until then this is 26th of October uh few days from release we have this currently the best settings I can provide you so you can actually play the game and enjoy the city building right that's what it's all about all right guys thanks for watching and we'll meet you in other videos cheers
Channel: MLMariss
Views: 2,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 performance, cities skylines, cities skylines 2 performance test, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines ii, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 fps, cities skylines 2 graphics, cities skylines 2 graphics settings, city skyline 2, cities skylines 2 lets play, cities skylines ii gameplay, cities skylines 2 beginners guide, cities skylines 2 performance issues, cities skylines beginners guide, city skylines 2 performance
Id: B5--JAJjyw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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