BEST Cities: Skylines 2 Optimization Guide | Max FPS | Best Settings | Beta

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what's up I'm trouble shoot welcome back to another video in this one I'll be showing you how to optimize City's skylines 2 for the best performance on PC though before we begin this video is a super simple breakdown of the settings you should be changing and focusing on the most rather than an in-depth guide as in the description down below you'll find a Gamers Nexus video where they covered optimization in extreme detail over the course of half an hour this game has left a lot on the table for performance and of course it'll slowly improve as time goes on but for now at least close to launch it's a bit painful to play on most Hardware anyways if you have the game and you'd like to play it at playable frame rates that's hopefully what I'll get you to in this video now without further Ado let's begin this video is not going to cover Windows optimization at all as usual in the description down below you'll find a Windows 10 11 and Nvidia optimization guides to get more out of your PC well let's then hop straight into the game all right so starting from the very top simply head into options followed by General and make sure the performance preference is set to frame rate for the best most stable performance you can set simulation speed instead if you find that that's something your game struggles with you'll notice severe drop drops in performance the bigger your city gets with more going on at a time frame rate is a good choice for the very start but if you find that for some reason the simulation speed messes up a bit later change it back to balanced here if you're only really going to run smaller cities frame rate is a good option I'd also recommend enabling autosave but this is a user preference in the graphics tab we can start customizing here we have SIMPLE and advanced views Advanced just adds more options here and for the most part changing your settings on simple should be good enough for a great performance increase starting at the very top screen resolution this game and their devs recommend running at whatever you need to to get a solid 30 frames per second that's a hilariously low number for PC games but that's what we're going for here I suppose more playable than not playable anyways this is obviously going to improve over time and the things that they recommend the most the develop ERS themselves is to set your screen resolution to 1080p so 1920x 1080 instead of playing it 2K or 4K if you have these options as it'll free up a ton of graphics card unlike City skylines 1 where it was mostly CPU intensive this game is not only CPU intensive but GPU intensive as well it needs a lot of power to get going for now though I'll be playing at 2K and a frame rates get a little bit unplayable I'll be dropping it later on I'd much rather take higher visual Fidelity over improved f PS and I'll only really drop this as a last resort that being said usually you'll mess around with upscales in a situation like this but for now we can head across to Advanced instead scroll down a little bit and you'll find this section here where we can change the dynamic resolution scale leave adaptive Dynamic resolution scale instead you'll see upsampling filter you can leave this at the default or rather change it to something like AMD fsr1 they do plan on adding more so hopefully dlss FSR 2 xss Etc but for now fsr1 is all we have to go off of then change the dynamic resolution to constant and set the minimum resolution Target here to maybe 75ish per and we can always move this further to the left for more performance so 75 maybe 80% upscaler for now then heading back to simple mode vsync should be turned off unless you're getting screen tearing with a top and bottom half break apart and depth of field they highly recommend changing to disabled for a great performance increase scrolling down you'll see Dynamic resolution scale quality is set to custom this we set in advanced and we only have these options here anti-aliasing I'd recommend changing to none as we're using an upscaler it should smooth out Jagged edges but if you're playing without an upscaler set this to low smaa scrolling down volumetrics quality has a huge impact set this to disabled down further depth of field quality disabled and motion blur disabled motion blur can smooth that weird frame stutters and things like that when you're flying around the city but I really wouldn't rely on this set this to disable and if you find that your game is too micro stuttery motion blow is something that can help hide the effects the rest of these options here you can pretty much leave as is but for the most part head up to the very top and set your graphics quality to Lad to start with and move your way up so for example ning none as we have a custom upscaler volumetrics disabled depth of field disabled motion blue disabled and on the advanc tab we'll make sure it's still fsr1 at maybe 75 or 80% with this we should see a Improvement performance I'll head into game on any old map and of course this won't be super representative of what you'll get but enabling an overlay you can see we're sitting at a solid 100ish FPS at 2K the game doesn't look the best but this is probably as good as you'll be able to play with a playable frame rate when you have a working City going on you'll definitely drop from 100 fps to much lower but this is the game at low settings on a 3080 TI at 2K if you find that you have your City built out and you're really struggling setting it to 1080p you can see we're now at around 115 20ish FPS but we're starting to notice some weird artifacts things like that this is where we can reenable anti-aliasing to try and improve these weird pixel objects and things like that I'll enable anti-aliasing on low and they should be good enough to fix a lot of it obviously not perfect though if we were instead to try and crank up to 2K again there's a great Improvement in qualtity and just for the fun of it changing the graphics quality to medium a slight Improvement in the game looks but not much to be honest and we pretty much hared our FPS which is actually hilarious if we head back to options change it to high instead you'll see yet again a huge FPS drop we're Now setting at around 50ish FPS and keep in mind I haven't even got to building a city yet this is definitely not good to say the absolute least and not to mention things still look really alist and pixelly there's a huge amount on the table that still needs to be optimized further for the most part you'll likely be playing on low low settings where you'll get a decent FPS and in the advanced tab you'll want to change to FSR at around 75% to get a much better looking game as the low setting instead drops FSR to just 50% resolution so at 1080p you're only actually rendering 720p anyways it's very disappointing to say the least that really is about it for this optimization guide you now know which options are the most important to change and of course unfortunately for now we're pretty much stuck on the lowest possible settings this game has already had a few updates to try and improve performance but there's still a ton more work to be done this game doesn't look very good on Lower settings but for most people this is what you'll need it on to have it playable at all if you find that the game isn't worth 60 or however many dollars it is currently I'd highly recommend checking out Xbox game pass instead you can get that on PC for only a few dollars or even a free child you'll be able to download this game for free if you have that subscription or a free trial and you can try it out yourself pretty much no strings attached this isn't an ad for Xbox game pass or anything it's just a recommendation that if you don't know how this game is going to perform on your system instead of diving in and having to refund it later on try it out on the Xbox game pass see how it works for you and then possibly buy it or leave it in the oven a bit longer until the developers fix up some well-needed performance patches other than that there's a huge amount of customization if only we were able to use this to its fullest extent and make our game look really good while still keeping some really good FPS but for now that's just not an option as sad as it is that's just where we're at so anyways hopefully you found this video somewhat interesting I can only really recommend waiting a bit for this game to improve and if you really want to get stuck into it now you'll need to drop pretty much all of your settings to get a playable frame rate sorry I couldn't offer you much more but in the future when this game does improve I should return here to show you just how far it's come hopefully I'm looking forward to that day but for now my name is been troubleshoot thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time ciao
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 4,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines 2, Cities Skylines 2 optimization, Cities Skylines 2 best settings, Cities Skylines 2 settings, cod Cities Skylines 2, best Cities Skylines 2 settings, Cities Skylines 2 pc settings, Cities Skylines 2 fps, best Cities Skylines 2 settings pc, windows 11 gaming optimization, Cities Skylines 2 campaign, settings Cities Skylines 2, Cities Skylines 2 pc setting, Cities Skylines 2 improve fps, Cities Skylines 2 pc, best settings Cities Skylines 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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