Cities: Skylines | Let's Build a Tiered City

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allô that is gentlemen welcome back to city skylines today we have another let's build here in city skylines and today we're building something that's very different indeed this is a tiered city and while right now it may not look like much we're actually building this one from the top down which is something I discovered was completely necessary after several hours of testing this thing because as it turns out terraforming is an absolute nightmare sometimes it really is I I sort of lost track of how long I spent testing this idea but will not bother talking about that too much the whole a city in general is on three different levels each one is 50 metres apart in height and I think the bottom two levels are 40 meters in you know from the edge to the start of the next level you'll see it when we get there the whole thing's big circle so everything is based on circles and pretty much the whole thing is symmetrical in terms of road layout anyway it's I know it's it's I guess kind of futuristic I was considering using a custom building style slash theme for this entire build but I couldn't get it working I don't know apparently it doesn't work with the building themes mod that I use so I didn't bother I have way too many themes installed as it is so probably for the best I just end up using a mix of international and European which actually turns out pretty good in my opinion I like what I did with it the the residential layer and the very top layer which is mostly offices use international buildings so they end up upgrading pretty quickly because we put in all of the monuments and landmarks and you have these huge skyscrapers on those two layers and then the bottom tier which is predominantly industrial that actually has the European theme which gives you a bunch of buildings that are just old brick industrial buildings with large chimneys and stuff like that and it looks really good I think I really enjoy the contrast there because it makes the industrial space looks so much more filthy I suppose when compared to the very white very clean upper layers using the international theme and what you're seeing right now is actually me carving out that top layer as I said we're working from the top down you can see the massive amount of land we're working with and just going here and measuring out the distance that we're gonna go around and then putting in the I suppose the perimeter road that sort of marks out the circumference I think circumference diameter is and remembering circles diameter is the distance across the entire thing radius is the distance from the edge to the center and then the circumference is that distance around the holes of the earth circumference is what I'm looking for so I was measuring out the circumference of the whole thing using as some roads there and then this layer actually has I want to say eight different roads going down to it they fire remember correctly I I believe there's eight different roads the whole city is actually only connected to two parts of highway and they're sort of offset in an interesting way shall we say it's very strange it is definitely very strange but I am super happy with how the whole thing turned out some of these cinematic shots at the end of this video are just absolutely excellent the whole thing just turned out exactly the way I wanted it to I actually this is the first time I've ever built something that I draw right beforehand I sat down and just grabbed a pan in some paper and sort of sketch what I wanted this to look like and it's surprisingly accurate I what I'll do if I remember to do so I'll actually just sort of I'll write it down we'll just we'll grab a paper and be like yo what is it like 40 minutes 20 into the video put in a picture of the thing that you four minutes 24 20 of course I I've read it down so it's all good I will put in a picture of the thing that I drew which looks like the end result so there you go enjoy that it should be on screen like no so there you go it's not quite 420 but whatever but the whole thing just turned out exactly the way I wanted it to the build process took a bite I want to say three hours three hours hours whatever I prints words I have multiple ways of pronouncing the same word these days it's great absolutely wonderful but I actually I'll be honest it felt like it was a longer build process than it was and I think that's because of just how much repetition it was in the entire thing and how unlike anything else it was I've never built something like this before I've never built something that relized this heavily on symmetry because like I said it's it's a very symmetrical thing a lot of the a lot of the well pretty much everything is has a line of symmetry somewhere all of the building sizes are very specific in certain places the building's only goes three tiles or three units away from the road in other places they go four and I had to remember that going the whole way around the build because it was that way we would have I guess equally sized buildings the whole we're on for example this Avenue Road that I'm zoning on right now the built some of the buildings in some of the corners are three by two whereas other ones are three by three and some are four by three so you know it's it's it was a very specific thing and there's there is more repetition coming up when we get down to the next tier which I think we're about to do yeah we are so this that that's here we just finished is where all of our residential zoning goes the tier that we're now working on that we're not carving out is where all of the industrial zoning goes well I again all of the industrial zoning and we end up with some commercial zoning down there I don't think I actually recorded me putting in the commercial zoning I think that's something I wound up doing in this between me finishing the recording of the time-lapse and then going to record the cinematic shots afterwards because there were a lot of complaints that the industrial zones the industrial buildings had nowhere to ship their goods because at the time the only commercial we had in the entire city was the tiny bit of commercial zoning we put up on the very top so I actually take out a few sections of industrial zoning and then I add in commercial so it's sort of balances it out it is a very interesting balance of residential commercial and industrial in this city there is an absolute buttload of residential there is a reasonable a reasonable amount of office space and there's really there's not that much commercial there there really isn't there isn't as much as I would have liked but in the end I I think I did strike a balance I think the balance is just about there not in terms of like something that you'd necessarily want to play but from something that sort of just a bite works a I think I sort of struck a a reasonable balance I just want to bite and change all those bridges that you're seeing there those are actually alternating four-lane one-way roads some of them go up to the next tier some of them come down and later on you're actually gonna see me change a couple of them to accommodate the highways that come in so it it used to be a pattern that you would have one of them going up the other coming down the next one up done I've done and the whole way around it would follow that pattern later on would just destroy that pattern because the highways need better the the traffic coming off of highways needed a better way to flow about some of the tiers so some of them some in some places yet goes up up down it's like a cheat code it's up up down down left right left right no sorry it was l1 l2 what was that cheat code in GTA was it was that weapons one or was that lose the cops I think was GTA 3 was l1 l2 r1 r2 left down right up left down I think it's weird that I still remember that actually I haven't played GTA 3 in a very long time especially on a ps2 but I'm pretty sure that was weapons one and then it was like l1 l2 r1 r2 left on right up left done up Dutta's left down down down was weapons three was it left right left down right up left right left right was weapons - I don't remember it's completely irrelevant and doesn't matter but I guess it's you know a bit of filler commentary for the most repetitive part of this build which was putting in all of these roads for the industrial zones and now I'm actually done with it beautiful I wasn't looking I was sort of looking down and trying to imagine a ps2 controller in my head in my hands that's what happened there whatever the case we added in all of the industrial zoning in a little bit we're gonna go buy at some more zoning down to that bottom tier but at this point it just came time to cut off the excess terrain and then start working on bringing up a bit of a slope I didn't want to smooth this out perfectly because it needed to look basically like a wedding cake that's what this is supposed to look sort of look like I did smooth out the sides though like I do bring the terrain up but it's still quite a sharp incline there it's not straight vertical but it's it's a sharp enough incline that you can clearly say oh god this is something ridiculous and I like that I do I actually like that incline I think it works much better it does actually hide some of the ugly terrain glitches that we were seeing with the transparent or the sort of see-through there the holes in the world as it where you'll see some of those in the cinematics at the end of the video what we're doing now is possibly my favorite part of this entire build because it turned out exactly how I had pictured it and how I'd drawn it so we're gonna put a river in here there is gonna be a river that comes from nowhere it comes from the base of the is it the Cathedral of plenitude or something like that it comes with the base as a cathedral and it just flows out to the sea my mind this is sort of a sci-fi sort of looking futuristic weird kind of city that you've probably seen an anime of some sort so it's fine you'd see this in like Final Fantasy or something it's fine that the water is coming from nowhere we'll say it's a natural spring it's a natural spring that has a ridiculous amount of water pouring out of it but whatever the camera doesn't that doesn't make sense but whatever it's fine going ahead there and carving into the side of our slope we want to make sure we have a channel for the water to flow into because as you'll see in a little bit I did have some problems with getting the water to flow to begin with and we end up using I think two water sources so you make this whole thing work but there we go just sort of having the the channel for the water just filter a little bit and widen as it gets to the the mouth of the river as it were and it actually splits off in a couple of directions there that was just something I wanted to do for the sake of it to make it look a little better just a little bit more natural because rivers don't just flow in straight lines they meander and they have for example the outside banks on that river are they they can White a bit further than you might necessarily expect them to because the you know the water is flowing out that way and it's a little bit quicker and it's all our stuff so it's gonna a road the outside bank more that's gonna road going to erode the inside one so you know that's that's a fact that's I think I liked was that dubs geography I learnt that in there's a fun fight for you which is uh interestingly were interestingly relates to a lot of the comments we got in the previous let's build which were that I don't know geography I do I just spoke quickly and it sounded like I said that the UK isn't in the EU I know it is I'm fully aware of it just I know okay whatever the case you saw me there going ahead and putting in all of the sort of water pipes what we're doing here is creating a lake and this is sort of cheating what I'm doing it anyway because well to hell with it this this Lake is basically where all of the sewage is going and it will just stay there and it'll be glorious that's that that's basically so I didn't have to pump out into our rivers and sort of destroy the the look of that area as it were so that that was why we did that though here's something that annoys me I really wanted to add the Eden Project to this spot as it turns out the Eden Project is just a little bit it was gonna be off center so I didn't bother basically I just didn't bother adding it there I think I add it's right here actually and it's still off-center it still annoys the hell out of me but it has to do there's not really much I can do about it which sucks but whatever it's it's fine the Eden Project looks decent enough up the top there I think that is actually the last landmark I added in it might very well have been I'm not entirely sure but here we go adding in the highways as you can see they are ridiculous I believe the height they're going up to there is 500 450 possibly 400 or 350 meters so you know they're gone from like 12 meters to a couple of hundred not necessarily realistic but this entire build is a little bit unrealistic so you're gonna have to deal with that and in a moment you'll probably see me swapping about those one-way roads so they go different ways but the moment just adding in some office space done by the industrial zone which is basically just what I thought would be a good way to fill out some of the extra space we have done there I didn't want to add in any commercial at this point I didn't want to add in any residential so office it was going ahead here and adding in the district I was originally gonna have three districts one preached here until I figured out that the top two districts or top two tiers really only had to be one because I wanted them to have the international theme so in the end we get rid of Valley Park and just have elk Hills I didn't rename them because that a completely pointless and I used a mold there that I discovered recently which lets me force upgrade the zoning for the the buildings in his district interestingly that's same mod allows me to set the entire district and fire those are very different things it's that's that's an interesting piece of functionality from a mod that I imagine most people use to force upgrade the level of buildings within a district it's just interesting you can upgrade all of the buildings in this district or you can burn it down that was that was that was curious indeed but as you can see there are even with me force upgrading there are loads of little green arrows there which means that the stuffs all upgrading anyway that'll be because of the Eden Project and all of the partner parks all the landmarks and stuff that we have around here and I think the services in this city actually wind up being pretty good too I have all of my education up in the top tier you can also see that the traffic was a bit of a nightmare I do end up sort of fixing that but the services in the city are all up at the top tier all of the education stuff like that up there there are police stations and hospitals and fire stations at the top as well I do end up adding in if I haven't already the big Medical Center that's a landmark so that everyone can have health coverage same with the whatever land market is that gives you better education like I said all of the landmarks wind up in here so the coverage for stuff in the city is just absolutely perfect and everyone has perfect coverage adding a bunch of trees here to fill at the green space because why not I I really didn't want to get into too much detail with every green space in this city because I mean I was going on three hours at this point so what I decided to do was just fill it up with a bunch of trees because I did want us to be kind of dense I didn't want too much green space in too many spaces that makes no sense too much green space in too many places because I eat like I said I want it to be kind of dense I want the tol skyscrapers everywhere I want it to be a sort of imposing figure that you would see and look at and go wow that looks kind of interesting so what I do end up doing is the very top tier has a few parks like there's a few custom parks as I like to call them and I'm very happy with how they turned out but what I ended up doing was going about individually placing a bunch of trees because they weren't dense enough so the top tier of this entire build it has some ridiculously dense trees but I think it really saw the look plus there really liked trees the greens are lovely and saturated in the I believe the bark on these trees the trunks and branches are quite light as well so it does play nicely with the theme that we have going on everything's very bright especially surrounding the Cathedral of plenitude and the Eden Project they're keeping everything nice and bright was important because it was sort of selling the look that I wanted to go for I actually carried that look down into the residential zone as well I didn't really go as crazy with dense trees down there but we did go with the same light trees and then in the darker industrial zone we went for a darker tree because I thought it made sense it was possibly as a result of pollution or something which of course we don't have the because we have the Eden Project but you know we can we can imagine that there is maybe some kind of thing done there causing the trees to be darker or you know it's just a cosmetic thing like I said it's probably just cosmetic and I'm probably creating way too much story for a city that really serves no other purpose than to look cool but whatever the case we are coming to the end of the video after you've seen this before if you've seen all that spill before you'll know we're coming up to some cinematic shots so what I'd like to say is the usual which is if you have any ideas for a future lapse build do be sure to let me know City skylines snow fall is coming very very soon I'm super excited for that whatever the case thank you kinda for watching I've been in conflict know if you like the video like the video and I will see you next time bye bye you
Channel: ConflictNerd
Views: 4,353,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines Gameplay, Gameplay, Cities Skylines After Dark Gameplay, PC Gaming, Cities, Cities Skylines, Cities Skylines Lets Play, Building, PC Gameplay, Paradox, Lets Build, Speed Build, ConflictNerd, Paradox Interactive (Video Game Developer), Timelapse, Conflict Nerd, Skylines, Cities: Skylines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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