Cisco Unified Communications Manager Bulk Administration Tool

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hello my name is David Hopson I'm a systems engineer with Cisco Systems today I'm gonna show you how to utilize the bulk administration tool within Cisco Unified Communications Manager first thing you're gonna do is click in the right corner and click on the navigation drop down menu and go to the Cisco Unified Service abilities page once that loads up you'll hover over the tools and service activation then you'll be offering offered an option to select which server select your publisher in my case it's dot 10 click on go and I'll bring up a list of services that you can activate you'll scroll down to the database and admin services and check to see that the Cisco bulk provisioning service is checked and activated on your system if it is not just check the box next to the bulk provisioning service and then go up to the top and click Save once the page reloads it shows activated you're good to go from there next after that you'll go back up to the upper right corner for navigation and go back to the CM navigate era administration page now that we're back in the administration page you'll hover over the bulk administration and go to upload / download files if you have not done a search query you'll first leave everything blank and click fine this will search for all available files only one file should be listed there if it's a new system and that's called batt XLT we're gonna want to download that that's the template file for bulk administration so I'm going to check the box and do download selected once you've done that click click to open it now this is a macro enabled excel file so depending on your security settings within Excel you might have to make a couple tweaks so the first thing I want to do is where the security warning is Macker have been disabled click on options and go ahead and enable the content and since I'm running Microsoft Excel 2007 you can see here that the note number 3 here gives you instructions on how to how to make the macros enabled so we'll we'll save this go to file save as and when the page comes back up here we'll just save it as a new new file here macro and then the save as type is going to be an Excel macro enabled workbook just click Save now what you'll do is exit out of Excel close the template file that yet you had downloaded minimize and go to our desktop where I'd save the excel spreadsheet the - macro open that up alright now that we're back up and it has a house it open we'll go do the security warning again and to enable the macros click OK now you see a lot of tabs down along the bottom side here lots of different options all the different they kind of all correlate to the different settings within communications manager but for this demonstration I'm going to go far to the left and just demonstrate the phone's tab so the first thing you're gonna do is click on the create file format this is where you're gonna select what fields you would like to have to do configuration on within the Excel spreadsheet I'm gonna first select that I want the MAC address and description I'm also going to do a line set a line field which is going to be the directory number some of them select that and then do the right arrow and now I have the director number on the right-hand side you can also use the up and down buttons to change the order that they show up in the Excel spreadsheet and then once you're done I'm just going to keep these three three fields in there and just keep it simple click create and click yes for do you wish overwrite the existing CSV file and your screen is probably gonna flicker a couple times as it creates the fields here so now I have the MAC address field the description field and the directory number field if you want to change how many lines appear on the phone you know number of intercom fields busy lamp fields all those different settings you can click and change them in here and the spreadsheet will adjust it accordingly so I'm just going to create a couple couple sample entries for the MAC address and phones and show you how it looks like when we upload it into communications manager you as you can see now I've created two phones with just some dummy MAC addresses here gave them a description phone one and phone two and assign a directory number to each one of those now that we've done that I'm going to click on the export to bat format up here on the right-hand corner and it's going to give me an option to save the file in in the C XLS data files folder we'll just keep that there and just use the default settings click OK and click OK again great we've now exported that file to the local local directory from there we're going to come back into Communications Manager administration you should still be on the bulk administration upload and download files and if once if you're not there go ahead and navigate to that location and then click on the add new from here we're going to navigate to the folder and and directory that has that file in it I'm going to go to the C Drive and it's going to be under the XLS data files and phones once you've selected that you're going to select the target which is going to be phones and then the select transaction type this is going to be an insert phone with specific details if you've already uploaded a file with the same name as this one up here you can check the override file if it exists in this case I do not have that we'll click Save and it'll upload the file the next thing we're going to do is go back up under the bulk administration pulldown go to phones and go to phone template we're going to create a template for the the phones that we're going to be uploading d5 so scroll down here click sit 79-65 click next I'm gonna select the device protocol we're gonna you can use skinny or sip we're gonna do skinny click next and now we just give it the template name so we could just do demo template select any of the configurations that you need want to set for the phone template and so they'll be kind of the default settings for the phones that we're gonna do bulk administration for so I'm gonna let it select defund device pool which will just be the default the phone template which I'll just select this standard 79-65 skinny template I'll leave all the rest of these options just to the default default settings the last setting we're going to do is scroll down and select the device security profile which was do the standard one once you've done that click on save and it's gonna bring you to the to the phone template configuration page the next thing we're going to do is create a line template so I'm going to click on the line 1 add it - add an adn and we're going to give this a name from here we're going to leave that and leave the description alerting name all that the standard and we're but we're going to set a voicemail profile of default from here we're just going to click Save and then go to the upper right corner here to the related task and go back to the previous page here now that we've done all this we've saved it and created the device template we're going to go back up into bulk administration click on phones and then we're going to go to insert phones from this section we're gonna be able to click on the filename this will be the file name that we uploaded earlier the phone's - the date date and time that you uploaded it next thing is you're going to pick on the phone template name which is the demo template that we just created and then scroll down you can do any of the override if you want to override any of the current settings and then the last thing I'll to do is under the job information we can either run this later have it scheduled for a later time or run it immediately I'm just going to go ahead and run it immediately click on submit and the job should show is it added successfully and job requests submitted from here you can go ahead and check on that by going to bulk administration pull down and get a job scheduler and click the find I'll just search for all options and we can see that the insert phone option was completed so that task is complete if you want to click on the job ID and get pull up additional information you can see what CSV files were was used in the device template number of Records process number of Records fail to 0 and then total number of Records which is 2 which is great you can also go into the vlog file if you would like anything to see here as well that two phones were inserted successfully and 0 failed so that tells me that the phones were added we can also validate that by going up to the device pulldown menu and going to phone click on the find and you'll see that we have the MAC addresses phone 1 phone 2 in there and if we click on phone 1 you'll see that also the directory number was assigned to that that phone itself so that's the basics of the bulk administration tool there are a lot of additional features and administration capabilities with it with the tool feel free to dive deeper into the the bulk administration tool as you see fit thank you very much and have a wonderful day
Channel: Omar Fathy
Views: 21,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a52zxo6A5xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2015
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