Configure a Cisco AP 1142 N

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this is going to be a basic tutorial on configuring a Cisco access point 11:42 n so we're just going to factory reset it so that way eliminates any passwords that we don't know when we get into the command line the way to program this is used to use putty and that will get us into the command line interface just like Windows has for CMD but there are three modes of the command line interface level we need to know before we can configure anything so then we will configure the Ethernet port that's on the back of it and set up default gateway so it works with your existing network and then we will configure the Wi-Fi 2.4 gigahertz frequency in the 5 and then we will plug it into your existing network all right so the first thing I read was powered on when a priestess because you know kind of easy I just take the power injector plug it in and then take an ethernet cord to AP and the other end goes into Ethernet once it's powered on the first step what we're going to do is we're going to factory reset it so press and hold that mode button and then unplug the ethernet cord that you just plugged in continue to hold that mode button for about five to ten seconds and then you can insert the Ethernet cable back in but to continue hold that mode button once is completely powered on you can then at that point go ahead and release that mode button in order to get into the command line we will need a console cable or a rollover cable it's basically it's light blue and it's got a Ethernet port on it to plug into the console port right there and the other end goes into your computer they make two different versions of it one version is the serial so you'll need a serial to USB adapter or you can just buy the all-in-one so the program that we're going to use to configure this access point it's going to be putty so you'll go to putty org to download it and then it's actually going to be you can download putty and then on the website it's going to say click here so click there on the website once you do install it it's going to look exactly like this so the default is SSH so select serial and then what we're going to do is we're going to use the command I'm sorry we're going to use the comport that it's asking for I'll show you how to find that leave the speed at the default and then just hit open once it does Oh black screen like this that's basically how you're going to know that you did it correctly so that there are three modes of the terminal or the command line so it's user exact mode povich mode and global mode user exact mode there's little things that you can do in this it's very little but in order to get into privileged mode we need to type in enable it's also known as the enable mode and then you will get into the second mode with it which is privileged mode then to get to the next mode you type in configure terminal or configure T it will get you into the configure section and that's actually where we're going to be mostly as we configure this so just hit enter soon as you get that black screen right there as soon as you get this black screen just hit enter you'll get the first mode if it's factory reset correctly which is the user exact mode see how you type in enable and then it asks for the password just go ahead and type in Cisco the capital C they'll get you into privileged mode and then type winter a privileged mode type in type in config terminal or config T and it will get you into global configuration I'm sorry global configuration mode we're going to use to configure it so just to reiterate three modes type in enable fake T and you will get there okay so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to configure the bridge interface which is a Ethernet port so the way the commands what we're going to do that is int stands for interface and then be v1 and now you're in the sub interface so you're going to type an IP address and then n I give it 10 only just goes out with an IP that was available on my network it can be anything you like as long as it's within your network and then type in the subnet mask 255 255 255 dot 0 and type in exit and then to configure the default gateway you do IP default - gateway and then you give it the default gateway of your router mine is 198 so that's why I type that in yours could be different so as soon as then we configured the interface what we need to do is actually we need to now name the network so the way to do that is to type in dot 11 SSID and then this is the name of the network and this is what we're going to use for the 2.4 frequency in order to tell this name it's going to be identified with a 2.4 we need to go into the interface and d0 is 2.4 gigahertz frequency so we're going to go D 0 and then we're going to encrypt this traffic with this type of encryption and then we are going to apply the interface I'm sorry apply the name to the interface and then just go ahead and set the password authentication open all it means that there's no restrictions on it doesn't mean that it's open because right here we're setting the password the password is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and then we need to broadcast the network so you need to type in gasps - mode and that's going to broadcast the network from the wireless Channel I'm sorry from the wireless frequency the wireless channel I put least congestion but you can put channel 1 where the question mark is and then we need to enable that D 0 by typing in no shutdown and it will enable the d0 which is the 2.4 frequency for the 5 you just do the same thing it's going to be a dot 11 as society and then of course this is going to be the 5 gigahertz Network so that's what we called it and then you do interface dot 11 radio 1 that was the same thing as before with interface d0 you can do d1 if you want I just bolted out so that way you know both ways you're going to apply again same thing the name that you just created for the 5 to the interface because the 5 gigahertz so it should reflect the name of the frequency and then set the password you can choose anything you like just for this tutorial it just did something simple one to the a four by six seven eight again we're going to broadcast it with the guest mode again it doesn't mean that you're letting guests get access to it that's just the command to enable the broadcast and then you're going to do no shutdown on it so you enable this frequency again usually interfaces on Cisco devices are disabled by defaults so you have to run the no shutdown just to say don't shut it down and that will enable the frequency and then of course again configure the channel before you unplug the access point you do need to run this command which is going to save the configuration of what you just did if you're in the sub interface you need to type in do first if it just says config on your screen you can just type in copy run to start just like this specifically and it will save the configuration for you last but not least just go ahead and plug it in now now you can actually plug it in anywhere you want and it will work what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a live tutorial on configuring it very quickly so here I have putty now I'll go ahead and double-click on that what we have to do is in order to know what comport we're going to be doing we're going to be working with we need to go to the device manager go to the ports and here it says com4 so that's what we're going to use we're gonna use comp 4 and just to make it a little bit easier for you to see let me get size 16 so you're not squinting okay so now I just hit enter and it brings us into the first mode can along with the slideshow we need to go in to enable vilasa for the password capital c cisco i typed it in correctly there it is okay and then we need to go into the configuration and what we need to do is now we're going to configure the bridge interface see how now you're in the sub mode where it says configure if now we need to give it IP properties I did 10 only because I know you know that's an IP that's available and I might not work you can do anything you like so I should know it's available and then the subnet mask exit now we've completed that now what we need to do is set the default gateway now default gateway from my router is as most Linksys are okay and now what we need to do is now we're going to configure actually so I'm sorry now we're going to name the network this is going to be the 2.4 frequency and what I'm doing right now is just setting the password what the type it's going to be for that Network we're going to broadcast it now we're going to because that's zero not and oh don't make the mistake as I just did if type in exactly what you just named it don't leave this channel one and then you have to enable the interface let it do its thing okay now let's change to up so basically if you look here there it is okay now we need to exit out of this and now we need to program the five gigahertz frequency again authentication doesn't mean anybody connect to it it just means that there's no restrictions on who means that any device can which just like with the basic router any device can and I'm just setting the password guess mode broadcast the network now we're doing the D 1 frequency which is the interface for five key arts corrupt it with AES and then exactly what you typed up there you and it's going to do its thing I forgot to set the wireless channel so we will do that after it started doing this thing after it sets up you can do that channel 36 what is what 5 gigahertz you can do actually you can hit that and what it does is it tells you what to do it with you can also select the least congestion you know select the scan frequency I'm just going to 36 just again for demonstration and then of course the do copy see I'm in the if but if I do this I can just go ahead and say copy run start see the command actually didn't work but if I wanted to config T so all I'm doing right now is just kind of backtracking you don't need to worry about right now so this is basically where we were and just sit do copy run start and I just want to backtrack a little bit just hit enter and now you're done the only thing you can actually do is you can actually you can exit out there they sit and you can type in show dot eleven and this basically shows our frequencies and if you look here you have the Sisko AP and then the Sisko AP five gigahertz so this is the 2.4 and this is the 5 I hope you found this video informative
Channel: Brendan
Views: 156,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco, Access Point, Configure a Cisco AP 1142N, Technology, Tutorial, How to, 1142N, enterprise, Recommended, console, cisco ios, ccna, configuration, CLI, command line interface, autonomous
Id: fyJPLz0x6Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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