Cinematic Prompting Just Got EASIER in Midjourney V6!

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so welcome to another stream in today's stream we are going to be looking at cinematic prompting again but the way in which we do cinematic prompting now has radically changed so now mid Journey have released a recent feature as of today you know this was 4:50 in the morning so I wasn't able to do it back then but anyways it's basically a style reference feature which allows you emulate styles of anything that you have in mind so if you upload an image you'll be able to replicate the style of that image so case in point when we go to this particular site here called film grab there is a lot of visual inspiration that we can take from notable films that we like and we'd like to emulate okay I have done that already um of course oppenheim is a very notable film that was recent recently released and we are going to we we try to emulate that essentially and the way you do it is you upload an image by clicking this plus icon here clicking upload a file then you pick that image you open it you click enter and once you click enter you simply copy the link address and then you do your prompt as normal so like a close-up shot of Brad Pit wearing a cowboy hat and then this is the syntax this is the grammar that you need to pay close attention to D- SRE and then you copy that image link and you paste it in there and you're able to get what you want created as per the of course style of Oppenheimer there that we had created earlier so that's that and then yeah I did it again 7x3 just changing the aspects ra show which is the equivalent of 21 by9 and then yeah it just did it again there as well so that's great now we're going to try and do a few more of that a few more of those types of styles but with different cinematic Stills so we've got one there that's a that's an anime one that I did yesterday but yeah let's try this one so this is like turtles so once you do that you just click enter Then you have that and then the way you do it is you click that copy image address if that's not possible you just open it up and then you can copy it from here copy image address go back into here and then like imagine a group of turtles uh having a l in a park during dusk let's say aspect ratio 7 by3 and then of course before that you want to do the newly uh created thing of srf and then we just pull that image in like that into there and it will come up really long make sure you include the space there but yeah it'll be very long and this should actually be there as well before the SRE and then you just click enter and it should give me the option now of saying yes to it also like because of this particular feature we no longer have to worry in my frame guide about specifying the camera type and lens anymore to mimic a certain type of visual aesthetic that we'd be going for setting the scenes location and time that still applies mood and pallet not so much but extras of course apply as well so like specifying what the specific subject is wearing is still really important and then if of course if you want to create some kind of title like a movie title then like specifying that in capitals there as I've alluded to whatever that is that you want to do is really equally important as well so now it's actually done it it's replicated the style really well you literally the same style so before I did it it asked whether I wanted to do it it said like yes but this time it just did it and I think that's really really funny so that was the initial image that I tried to replicate there and it was taken from this site here which is an excellent film grab um where did I find that I think it was in the last page um yeah there there you go so I taken that just saved it uploaded the image prompting as per normal and then Dash AR 7x3 7 yeah 7 to3 which is basically 21 by9 and then srf dragged that image in and then of course just pressed enter and it came back so that's a really really disruptive way if you will of how to go about streaming now um yeah let me know what you guys think I'm on the chat right now but yeah we're going to try a few more Styles and see what it comes back with now so let's try this so Oppenheimer I did before but yeah we're going to try this one it's kind of a black and white type of aesthetic and it's got a nice kind of green to it as well so yeah again what you do is you click on it click open in browser and then you just copy the image address go over into Discord and then do your prompt as per normal and let's try to do a prompt that's similar to the image that you're using as a reference that's what I usually find to be really good in terms of generating the best quality possible so uh imagine prompts a a woman in an opera in an empty Opera about [Music] to um witness a spectacular uh I guess musical event and then uh yeah we do dash dash AR whatever aspect ratio that seems more to be like a square type of aspect ratio so 4x3 I'll do 4x3 and then D- sref and then we just left click this drag it in after hitting space drag that in there that'll be like that and then just press enter and it should come back in likness to this image hopefully as it did here um yeah that's that so yeah we are going to to add more to this as well so like in the next example I'll try to set the scene's location and time and then I'll try to do this as well but I'm not sure if I do mood and pet that it will actually take away from the actual image that we're trying to reference so this is my frame guide by the way I will post a link uh in the chat if you guys are interested and I'll also pin it as well so I can do that now thank you e eost Historia for commenting I'm glad you found it helpful um yeah here is the link so just go to that link and you'll be able to get this guide all you have to do is just enter your email and you'll have access to it it's 23 pages long and what's great about this particular feature that has come back and it's done a tremendous job what's great about this particular feature srf is that you no longer need to focus on the resolution portion of this particular acronym which is the camera type and the lens to mimic film quality you can skip that out you can skip out the mood and pet as well a little bit and just only focus on the extras and the focus and shot and then yeah the ambience as well if you'd like to um but yeah that's that's basically what came back and it's added color to it I didn't I guess specify black and white but I think in terms of likeness to the that image to the reference image I think it did a really good job yeah the frame pi I will make uh I'll make an updated version E histor Yeah but for now it's um yeah just bear in mind that you can get rid of the resolution portion you don't need that anymore to get like results that are very very good so we're going to try a few more here and this is the site by the way that I'm using so film grab it's really good for finding some visual inspiration if you're like a visual artist concept artist Etc you just go here and let's say you like the look of a certain film that seems quite uh noticeable that's really nice so I'll go here save this and then do the same thing again all right I think in there should be fine okay didn't pick it up H okay seems as though it's not picking it up when I try to do it all right yeah there we go took a bit of time but yeah you just press enter comes up then you open it opening bar browser copy image address go back into it do a prompt and try and keep it in likeness to the style to the particular reference image for best results so let's say um a let's let's try to actually put in some like a focus and shot this time so let's put in like an ultra wide angle angle shot of a couple in the middle of I know it's not necessarily like a they're not surrounded by like skyscrapers there's actually a circus in the background but let's try to change up the scenery a little bit and let's see if it let's see if it actually emulates the type of color grade that we can see there within that image an ultra wide angle shot of a couple uh in the middle of Manhattan um yeah now we don't need the uh camera type and the lens type to mimic that particular visual style so we can just do this and let's go with a 21 by9 9 aspect ratio or 7x3 and then s ref and just drag it in press enter and it should do its thing in time okay I'm glad you found it valuable Echo still a historial it's good let me know what your kind of struggling with as well like anything that you would like to learn in the future I'd be open to of course like helping you learn that would be good um but yeah going back to film grab let's see if there's anything else notable that stands out that's really unique the rat catcher seems good but let's see what happens here [Music] first okay so it seems to be hit and miss a little bit with this because it didn't quite do it there but it did it super good with this Turtles one here so yeah I'm not sure and then with the opp as the main image so it's not like 100% of the time that it will work similar to my frame gadge if you followed that then you'll find that 70 to 80% of the time you'll get the results you're looking for but sometimes it just doesn't work so that's a shame um I mean it is fairly good it's it's quite cinematic I have to say what's your favorite out of these I I think it's like for me personally I'd say the fourth one looks good the fourth one looks good but the second one's really nice as well really nice homely feel you know it's good okay so that's that okay this will be the last one here the right Catra is quite unique yeah same place this is more of a 4x3 aspect this is quite actually unique so I think with this one we should hopefully have some good luck this image here okay so click on it again open and browser then right click copy image address and then start prompting um let say a full body shot of a man stood in a desolate partt of town outside of a gas station in contemplate for the man has a disheveled disheveled is that how you spell it sheveled nope yeah disheveled appearance he has gray hair yeah that's it and then you just do the SRE thing so aspect ratio so it's more like a 5x4 4x3 I'm going to go with 5x4 why not and then uh yeah s ref and drag that in and let's see what happens this time I've tried to emulate what the subject's doing and how they look as well as close as I can so let's see if that actually makes a difference not that that was needed in my earlier example I mean this was fairly close kind of close actually to this but not exactly that was the best and then of course that was on the money there [Music] Perfect all I find out is the short and prompt it shows you okay what are important [Music] for that is a good point yeah e history the uh shorten shorten prompts in mid JY is really good the describe one is good and they're going to overhaul that shortly as well so that's going to be really interesting to see what happens with that okay wow it's actually done a very good job damn I'm impressed so what one do you think guys is the best in likeness to the reference image that we had so this was the reference image there and it was taken from this site film grab the right catcher so this film grab has so many different visual Styles there so it's taken from that that was the reference image and these are the four images that was returned as a result of the style ref feature so yeah let me know one two three or four which one is your favorite there you like that'll be good or you can let me know after the fact it's fine you don't have to let me now know now no pressure um yeah so I think that's it for today we've done a few styles and I hope that you know using style ref helps you and enables you to generate the styles that you're looking for much easier than you know following my guide bit by bit cuz there's a lot to it of course and I will be updating this guide it is outdated now because of this new feature it does affect the way that we prompt but if you found this video valuable I'd really appreciate a like And subscribe as well if you want to do that but yeah I've been very thanks for watching and until next time [Music] peace
Channel: AI Evolved
Views: 2,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney v6, midjourney, cinematic prompting
Id: QUKjZ3mt3EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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